13 resultados para Inductively coupled plasma etchings

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Arsenic contaminated water from tube wells has become the major health problem threatening millions of people in Bangladesh. However, the arsenic (As) contaminated water is not just used for drinking, it is used to irrigate crops, and to wash and prepare food. Contamination of agricultural soils by long-term irrigation with As contaminated water can lead to contamination and phyto-accumulation of the food crops with As and other toxic metals. As a consequence, dietary exposure to As and other toxic metals may contribute substantially to the adverse health effects caused by the contaminated tube wells in Bangladesh. Various vegetables, rice, pulses and the grass pea were sampled in Samta village in the Jessore district of Bangladesh and screened for As, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. These local food crops provide the majority of the nutritional intake of the people in this area and are of great importance to their overall health. In general, our data show the potential for some vegetables to accumulate heavy metals with concentrations of Pb greater than Cd. The concentrations of As and Cd were higher in vegetables than in rice and pulses. The concentration of Pb was generally higher in rice than in pulses and vegetables. However, some vegetables such as bottle ground leaf, ghotkol, taro, eddoe and elephant foot had much higher concentrations of Pb. Other leafy and root vegetables contained higher concentrations oJ2n and Cu. Rice grown at Samta had increased Pb and As, but, considering an average daily intake of only 260 g rice per person per day, only the Pb is at concentrations which would be a health hazard/or human consumption.


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Samples of the muscle and liver of tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) obtained from the five reservoirs in four catchments in southern Sri Lanka in 1998 were analyzed for 16 elements: As, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sr, and Zn by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometry, and Hg by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The concentrations of Cr, Ni, and Pb were below the detection limits of the instrumental techniques employed in all samples. The elements As, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Hg, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Sr, and Zn were detected in the muscle and liver tissue, with Cd detected in some liver samples. There were no statistically significant differences between the individual concentrations of any of the metals and the site from which the tilapia were collected (P>0.05). Furthermore, no statistically significant correlations were found between total length of fish and metal concentration. No elements were found at concentrations of toxicological concern. However, a principal component analysis suggests that the populations of tilapia in the reservoirs may be exposed to different regimes of metals, possibly associated with different catchment land-use patterns.


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Drinking of arsenic (As) contaminated well water has become a serious threat to the health of many millions in Bangladesh. However, the implications of contamination of agricultural soils from long-term irrigation with As-contaminated groundwater for phyto-accumulation in food crops, and thence dietary exposure to As, and other metals, has not been assessed previously in Bangladesh. Various vegetables were sampled in Samta village in the Jessore district of Bangladesh, and screened for As, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). These local food products are the basis of human nutrition in this region and of great relevance to human health. The results revealed that the individual vegetables containing the highest mean As concentrations (μg g−1) are snake gourd (0.489), ghotkol (0.446), taro (0.440), green papaya (0.389), elephant foot (0.338) and Bottle ground leaf (0.306), respectively. The As concentration in fleshy vegetable material is low. In general, the data show the potential for some vegetables to accumulate heavy metals with concentrations of Pb greater than Cd. Some vegetables such as bottle ground leaf, ghotkol, taro, eddoe and elephant foot had much higher concentrations of Pb. Other leafy and root vegetables, contained higher concentrations of Zn and Cu. Bioconcentration factors (BCF) values, based on dry weight, were below 1 for all metals. In most cases, BCF values decreased with increasing metal concentrations in the soil. From the heavily As-contaminated village in Samta, BCF values for As in ladies finger, potato, ash gourd, brinjal, green papaya, ghotkol and snake gourd were 0.001, 0.006, 0.006, 0.014, 0.030, 0.034 and 0.038, respectively. Considering the average daily intake of fresh vegetables per person per day is only 130 g, all the vegetables grown at Samta had Pb concentrations that would be a health hazard for human consumption. Although the total As in the vegetables was less than the recommended maximum intake of As, it still provides a significant additional source of As in the diet.


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Si may play an important role in bone formation and connective tissue metabolism. Although biological interest in this element has recently increased, limited literature exists on the Si content of foods. To further our knowledge and understanding of the relationship between dietary Si and human health, a reliable food composition database, relevant for the UK population, is required. A total of 207 foods and beverages, commonly consumed in the UK, were analysed for Si content. Composite samples were analysed using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry following microwave-assisted digestion with nitric acid and H2O2. The highest concentrations of Si were found in cereals and cereal products, especially less refined cereals and oat-based products. Fruit and vegetables were highly variable sources of Si with substantial amounts present in Kenyan beans, French beans, runner beans, spinach, dried fruit, bananas and red lentils, but undetectable amounts in tomatoes, oranges and onions. Of the beverages, beer, a macerated whole-grain cereal product, contained the greatest level of Si, whilst drinking water was a variable source with some mineral waters relatively high in Si. The present study provides a provisional database for the Si content of UK foods, which will allow the estimation of dietary intakes of Si in the UK population and investigation into the role of dietary Si in human health.


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At present, all data on Cu uptake and metabolism have been derived from radioactive uptake experiments. These experiments are limited by the availability of the radioactive isotopes 64Cu or 67Cu, and their short half-life (12.5 and 62 h, respectively). In this paper, we investigate an alternative method to study the uptake of Cu with natural isotopes in HepG2 cells, a liver cell line used extensively to study Cu metabolism. In nature, Cu occurs as two stable isotopes, 63Cu and 65Cu (63Cu/65Cu = 2.23). This ratio can be measured accurately using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). In initial experiments, we attempted to measure the time course of Cu uptake using 65Cu. The change in the 63Cu/65Cu ratio, however, was too small to allow measurement of Cu uptake by the cells. To overcome this difficulty, the natural 63Cu/65Cu ratio in HepG2 cells was altered using long-term incubation with 63Cu. This had a significant effect on Cu concentration in HepG2 cells, changing it from 81.9 ± 9.46 pmol μg DNA−1 (week 1) to 155 ± 8.63 pmol μg DNA−1 (week 2) and stabilising at 171 ± 4.82 pmol μg DNA−1 (week 3). After three weeks of culture with 2 μM 63Cu the 63Cu/65Cu changed from 2.18 ± 0.05 to 15.3 ± 1.01. Cu uptake was then investigated as before using 65Cu. Uptake was linear over 60 min, temperature dependent and consistent with previous kinetics data. These observations suggest that stable isotope ICP-MS provides an alternative technique for the study of Cu uptake by HepG2 cells.


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Arsenic is a proven carcinogen that is found in the soil in gold mining regions at concentrations that can be thousands of times greater than gold. During mining arsenic is released into the environment, easily entering surrounding water bodies.
The yabby (Cherax destructor) is a common freshwater crustacean native to Australia's central and eastern regions. Increasing aquaculture and export of these animals has led us to question the effects of mine contamination on the yabbies themselves and to assess any potential risks to consumers. This study determined the species of arsenic present in a number of organs from the yabby. Several arsenic contaminated dam sites in the goldfields of western Victoria were sampled for yabby populations. Yabbies from these sites were collected and analysed for arsenic speciation using high performance liquid chromatography–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (HPLC–ICP-MS). Results showed that type of exposure influenced which arsenic species was present in each organ, and that as arsenic exposure increased the prevalence of inorganic arsenic species, mostly As(V), within the tissues increased. The bioaccessibility of the arsenic present in the abdominal muscle (the edible portion for humans) of the yabbies was assessed. It was found that the majority of the bioaccessible arsenic was present as inorganic As (III) and As(V).


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Disturbances in brain copper result in rare and severe neurological disorders and may play a role in the pathogenesis and progression of multiple neurodegenerative diseases. Our current understanding of mammalian brain copper transport is based on model systems outside the central nervous system and no data are available regarding copper transport systems in the human brain. To address this deficit, we quantified regional copper concentrations and examined the distribution and cellular localization of the copper transport proteins Copper transporter 1, Atox1, ATP7A, and ATP7B in multiple regions of the human brain using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, Western blot and immunohistochemistry. We identified significant relationships between copper transporter levels and brain copper concentrations, supporting a role for these proteins in copper transport in the human brain. Interestingly, the substantia nigra contained twice as much copper than that in other brain regions, suggesting an important role for copper in this brain region. Furthermore, ATP7A levels were significantly greater in the cerebellum, compared with other brain regions, supporting an important role for ATP7A in cerebellar neuronal health. This study provides novel data regarding copper regulation in the human brain, critical to understand the mechanisms by which brain copper levels can be altered, leading to neurological disease.


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Objective : Supplementing pregnant women at high risk of developing pre-eclampsia with calcium may reduce the incidence of the disease. This study examines differences in serum and hair concentrations of calcium and magnesium between women with pre-eclamptic and normotensive pregnancies.Design : Observational case–control study.Setting : Two teaching hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa.PopulationWomen with pre-eclamptic (N = 96) or normotensive (N = 96) pregnancies, who delivered a single, live infant.MethodsDemographic and current pregnancy details were retrieved from clinical notes. Each participant completed a dietary questionnaire. Venous blood samples were taken from each participant to assess serum calcium and magnesium concentrations. Hair samples were obtained from all participants and calcium and magnesium levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICPOES).Main outcome measureHair and serum calcium and magnesium concentrations were compared between women with pre-eclamptic and normotensive pregnancies.ResultsDiet and socio-economic status in the two groups were similar. There was no significant difference in the hair calcium level between women with pre-eclamptic [1241 parts per million (ppm); range, 331–4654 ppm] and normotensive (1146 ppm; range, 480–4136 ppm) pregnancies (P = 0.5). Hair calcium levels in both groups were not affected by HIV infection.ConclusionWoman with pre-eclampsia showed no difference in chronic calcium status relative to normotensive women. This finding does not support the current belief that the mechanism by which calcium supplementation reduces the risk of developing pre-eclampsia is by correcting a nutritional deficiency.


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BackgroundApproximately 1% of all couples trying to conceive will suffer from recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Nutritional deficiencies have been postulated as a possible cause of RPL and in particular, selenium deficiency has been associated with reproductive failure in animal studies and more recently, in some human studies. This study was undertaken to assess the maternal hair selenium levels in women with RPL without an identified cause and to compare these results with those of women with successful reproductive histories.MethodsTwenty four patients with RPL and twenty four control subjects with at least one successful pregnancy and no pregnancy failures, who were matched for age and ethnicity, were recruited. A questionnaire was completed, which included demographic and social information and a dietary history. Hair samples were collected and analyzed for selenium content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.ResultsThe control subjects had a higher mean income and had completed more years of education compared with the RPL patients. There was no significant difference in the intake of selenium rich foods between the 2 groups. The patients, however, consumed significantly more fruit, cheese, potatoes and chocolate than the controls. The median (range) selenium content was 0.80 ppm (0.19-4.15) and 0.68 ppm (0.43-3.76) in patients and controls respectively (Mann Whitney U test 209.5 p = 0.74).ConclusionsWhile there were significant differences in the 2 groups with regard to resources, education and diet our results show that hair selenium concentrations and dietary selenium intake, were similar in the two groups. Both groups had low levels of this important element.


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Over 7500 oil and gas structures (e.g. oil platforms) are installed in offshore waters worldwide and many will require decommissioning within the next two decades. The decision to remove such structures or turn them into reefs (i.e. 'rigs-to-reefs') hinges on the habitat value they provide, yet this can rarely be determined because the residency of mobile species is difficult to establish. Here, we test a novel solution to this problem for reef fishes; the use of otolith (earstone) properties to identify oil structures of residence. We compare the otolith microchemistry and otolith shape of a site-attached coral reef fish (Pseudanthias rubrizonatus) among four oil structures (depth 82-135 m, separated by 9.7-84.2 km) on Australia's North West Shelf to determine if populations developed distinct otolith properties during their residency. Microchemical signatures obtained from the otolith edge using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) differed among oil structures, driven by elements Sr, Ba and Mn, and to a lesser extent Mg and Fe. A combination of microchemical data from the otolith edge and elliptical Fourier (shape) descriptors allowed allocation of individuals to their 'home' structure with moderate accuracy (overall allocation accuracy: 63.3%, range: 45.5-78.1%), despite lower allocation accuracies for each otolith property in isolation (microchemistry: 47.5%, otolith shape: 45%). Site-specific microchemical signatures were also stable enough through time to distinguish populations during 3 separate time periods, suggesting that residence histories could be recreated by targeting previous growth zones in the otolith. Our results indicate that reef fish can develop unique otolith properties during their residency on oil structures which may be useful for assessing the habitat value of individual structures. The approach outlined here may also be useful for determining the residency of reef fish on artificial reefs, which would assist productivity assessments of these habitats.


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© 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Background Therapeutics that target copper for the treatment of prostate cancer are being evaluated in human clinical trials. Elevated intracellular copper is considered to sensitize prostate cancer cells to certain copper-coordination compounds, especially those with ionophoric properties. While there is compelling in vitro evidence that prostate cancer cells accumulate intracellular copper, a corresponding status for copper in patient tissues has not been corroborated. We therefore established whether copper concentrations increase in cancerous prostate tissues, and in sera, in patients throughout disease progression. Methods Human prostate tissue samples were obtained from patient prostatectomies (n=28), and together with patient-matched sera, were analyzed for copper content by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Results When grouped together, cancerous prostate tissues exhibiting moderate disease severity (Gleason Score 7) (n=10) had 1.6-fold more copper than age-matched normal tissues (n=10) (P<0.05). Those with more aggressive disease (Gleason Score 9) (n=8) had 1.8-fold more copper (P<0.05). In both disease stages however, the copper concentrations between individual samples were rather variable (0.55-3.02μg/g), with many clearly within the normal range (0.52-1.28μg/g). Additionally, we found that there was no change in serum copper concentrations in patients with either moderate or aggressive prostate cancer (Gleason Score 7 or 9), compared with reference intervals and to age-matched controls. Conclusions The heterogeneous nature of copper concentrations in cancerous prostate tissues, suggest that a small subset of patients may respond to treatments that target elevated intratumoral copper. Therefore, such approaches would likely require personalized treatment strategies. Prostate 75:1510-1517, 2015.


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Elemental imaging using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was performed on whole leaves of the hyperaccumulating plant Noccaea caerulescens after treatments with either Ni, Zn or Cd. These detailed elemental images reveal differences in the spatial distribution of these three elements across the leaf and provide new insights in the metal ion homeostasis within hyperaccumulating plants. In the Zn treated plants, Zn accumulated in the leaf tip while Mn was co-localised with Zn suggesting similar storage mechanisms for these two metals. These data show a Zn concentration difference of up to 13-fold higher in the distal part of the leaf. Also, there was no correlation between the S and Zn concentrations providing further evidence against S-binding ligands. In contrast, Ni was more evenly distributed while a more heterogeneous distribution of Cd was present with some high levels on leaf edges, suggesting that different storage and transport mechanisms are used for the hyperaccumulation of these two metals. These results show the importance of correct sampling when carrying out subcellular localisation studies as the hyperaccumulated elements are not necessarily homogenously distributed over the entire leaf area. The results also have great implications for biotechnological applications of N. caerulescens showing that it may be possible to use the mechanisms employed by N. caerulescens to increase the Zn concentration in nutrient poor crops without increasing the risk of accumulating other toxic elements such as Ni and Cd.


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Leaf material from nine Ni hyperaccumulating species was collected in New Caledonia: Homalium kanaliense (Vieill.) Briq., Casearia silvana Schltr, Geissois hirsuta Brongn. & Gris, Hybanthus austrocaledonicusSeem, Psychotria douarrei (G. Beauvis.) Däniker, Pycnandra acuminata (Pierre ex Baill.) Swenson & Munzinger (syn Sebertia acuminata Pierre ex Baill.), Geissois pruinosa Brongn. & Gris, Homalium deplanchei (Viell) Warb. and Geissois bradfordii (H.C. Hopkins). The elemental concentration was determined by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) and from these results it was foundthat the species contained Ni concentrations from to 250–28,000 mg/kg dry mass. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC–MS)-based metabolite profiling was then used to analyse leaves of each species.The aim of this study was to target Ni-binding ligands through correlation analysis of the metabolite levels and leaf Ni concentration. Approximately 258 compounds were detected in each sample. As has been observed before, a correlation was found between the citric acid and Ni concentrations in the leaves for all species collected. However, the strongest Ni accumulator, P. douarrei, has been found to contain particularly high concentrations of malonic acid, suggesting an additional storage mechanism for Ni. A size exclusion chromatography separation protocol for the separation of Ni-complexes in P. acuminata sap was also applied to aqueous leaf extracts of each species. A number of metabolites were identified in complexes with Ni including Ni-malonate from P. douarrei. Furthermore, the levels for some metabolites were found to correlate with the leaf Ni concentration. These data show that Ni ions can be bound by a range of small molecules in Ni hyperaccumulation in plants.