44 resultados para Incentives in industry

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper is the result of a "Rip Van Winkle" experience I had concerning the teaching of Business Communication. The paper focuses on the remarkable expansion in the curriculum of the traditional "Business Communication" or "Business Writing" course offered by many tertiary institutions around the world. Based on 25 years of personal observation and experience in a number of educational settings, the paper will trace the increasing sophistication and complexity of the study of business communication from one that covered little more than lessons in the design of hardcopy memos, letters, and reports to one that now covers a broad spectrum of topics such as "emotional intelligence," "intercultural communication," "effective public speaking," as well as the effects of purpose and audience on the design of a wide variety of business communications.

An example of an effective task that involves a number of on the job activities is provided in the form of a ready to use assignment that is applicable in a number of contexts.


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This thesis examines the learning preferences and learning strategies of apprentices, and the contexts within which they learn in their workplaces. Since the end of the 1980s Australian vocational education and training (VET) structures and processes have undergone radical change in attempts to develop skills in the workforce that will ensure enterprise, national, and international competitiveness. A major strategy in the national reforms has been the encouragement of flexible delivery as a means through which workplace-based learning can be accessed by a larger number of workers in ways that are cost-efficient, and that reduce the amount of time that workers spend away from their jobs. Although flexible delivery has been championed by governments and industry alike, there has been little attempt to identify the preparedness of either learners or their workplaces for the demands of flexible learning. The thesis examines the economic context for these changes to VET, and also examines the literature available on workplace learning. Additionally, the thesis examines the conceptualisations of flexible delivery that are available in the literature, pointing to the possibility that the wide range of meanings associated with the term ‘flexible delivery’ may result in quite different practices and expectations. The thesis also examines the literature on independent learning and self-directed learning, and explores the concept of ‘client-focused’ flexible delivery. The study of learner preferences uses data collected from apprentices over a period of some years, in the four occupational areas commanding the highest number of apprentices in Australia. These occupational areas are Metals and Machining, Building, Electrical, and Hairdressing. These data on learning preferences are collected using the commercially available Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI). The data from the sample of 389 apprentices are analysed statistically through analyses of variance, and indicate that variables such as age, gender, and occupational area are related to learning preferences. Apprentices are shown by this analysis to prefer structured programs of instruction that are instructor-led, and to not have a high preference for independent learning or the development of their own learning goals. Additionally, they are shown to have very low preferences for learning through reading, preferring instead to learn through direct hands-on experience. While these characteristics are largely common among the four occupational groups, the Hairdressing apprentices are shown to have a slightly higher preference for independent learning and goal setting. Females are shown to have a higher preference than males for learning qualitative material through reading. Interestingly, the younger apprentices are shown to have a higher preference than the older ones for self-directed learning. Some possibilities for that finding are discussed. The research also shows that the learning preferences displayed by different groups of apprentices in any one program are much the same over time, providing some confidence that data generated from one group of apprentices can be used to make instructional decisions for future groups in the same program. The data are also factor analysed to indicate three major factors underlying apprentice learning preferences. The first factor indicates a Verbal–Non-verbal preference factor, with apprentices clearly preferring to learn through non-verbal means. A second factor is described as Structure–Content, with apprentices showing a preference for learning from structured programs in a structured environment. A third factor, Self-directed–Social preference, indicates apprentices preferring to learn through socially mediated presentations and contexts rather than through more independent forms of learning. Qualitative data are also generated through interviewing eight apprentices, and focusing on the learning strategies they employ while constructing knowledge in the workplace. That component of the research uses a modification of the Marland, Patching and Putt (1992a, 1992b) stimulated recall technique, and a set of learning strategies derived from the work of O’Malley and Chamot (1990) and Billett (1996a). The eight apprentices are drawn from the Metals and Machining, Electrical, and Hairdressing trades. The findings indicate that the learning strategies most often used by apprentices in the workplace are those associated with the construction of knowledge that is structured and provided by the instructor or learning program, and those that include social mediation of learning. Additionally, the strategies associated with demonstration and hands-on practice are most favoured. The qualitative data are confirmatory of the quantitative data. The research also indicates, through the apprentice interviews, that support for apprentice’s learning in their workplace is typically unplanned and haphazard. Their experience was sometimes characterised by a reluctance on the part of the workplace to acknowledge learning needs such as trialling and practice of new knowledge, or pro-actively seeking understanding from other more skilled workers. The learning preferences and learning strategies findings for apprentices, coupled with the findings of typically poor or unplanned support in the workplace, indicate that effective flexible delivery of training to apprentices in the workplace provides a number of challenges. These challenges, it is argued, demand strategies to be developed and implemented to prepare both learners and workplaces for effective engagement with flexible delivery. Using as a theoretical framework Kember’s (1995) two-dimensional model of open learning for adults, the thesis integrates the findings into a proposed two-dimensional model of learner and workplace preparedness for flexible delivery. The model provides for a Learner Development Space, a Workplace Development Space, and a Strategy Space. Within the Learner Development Space, focuses for the development of learner preparedness are identified in terms of self-directed learning, skills developments, and effective participation in a community of practice. Focuses for workplace development identified in the Workplace Development Space are those associated with development of training policies, training structures, and trainer skills and abilities. The Strategy Space then provides detail of seventy-nine specific strategies developed to enhance learner and workplace preparedness within each of the focuses identified.


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This study focuses on non-formal education provision for women workers in industry in Thailand. It consists of a dissertation and four elective studies. The dissertation explored the possibilities to improve women workers' quality of life. The experience gained from the research formed the Participatory Approach Model called "PAM".


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In the state of Victoria, the state government has taken a leadership position on the potential benefit of introducing voluntary continuing professional development (CPD) for registered building practitioners (RBPs) in the construction industry. Benefits are believed to accrue to the Victorian community through a more highly skilled and managed SME construction sector, improved quality buildings with fewer defects and greater efficiencies gained by a reduction in industry internal and external operating costs. This research has identified appropriate industry and community benchmarks to enable a quantification of the costs and benefits that result from this policy. These benchmarks will enable the policymaking body of Victoria, the Building Commission (BC) to evaluate the effects of the implementation of its policy and contribute to informing the debate about the merits and possible drawbacks of such a policy in the construction industry in Victoria.

The proposed Victorian CPD policy will affect a whole industry sector. This pioneering policy approach is already being viewed as a touchstone for other jurisdictions in Australia and abroad. Consequently, this research project is considered by our industry partner to be pivotal in the leadership position that they are taking in Victoria. This investigation is being conducted by the research team under the auspices, guidance and with the cooperation of the Building Commission (BC) and the Building Practitioners Board (BPB) of Victoria. This policy research evaluation is necessary to assess the proposed implementation of CPD in the Victorian construction industry. The identification and creation of agreed and significant industry benchmarks are crucial to evaluating this policy initiative. These benchmarks will serve as independent yardsticks for assessing the impact of the new policy and are described and discussed in this paper.


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The university-learning environment in engineering is not sufficient for students to become engineers. The practical role of engineering is working on real world problems in an industry environment. Industry-university collaboration seems to be actively increasing in the development of engineering education in various parts of the globe. The close relationship between industry and university is a vital component of engineering pedagogy in Australia. This research paper is focuses on analyzing staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering. The staff and students are playing vital role in industry-university collaboration. It is always worth analyzing staff and students’ views about their experience on industry-university collaboration. This research inclined to conduct a paper based survey with a cohort of students in second year undergraduate engineering course and also conduct face-to-face interview with staff members in the School of Engineering at Deakin University.


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In the present study we examined the perceived role of work in the lives of younger and older adults in three different occupations: teaching, nursing, and small business. On the basis of lifespan developmental theory of changes in work-related values across the lifespan we expected that (1) older adults would rate their job satisfaction and organisational commitment more highly than younger adults, and (2) younger adults would rate the importance of work more highly than older workers. Based on utility theory we expected that nurses and teachers would view early retirement more positively than small business employees because of early retirement incentives in these two careers. One-hundred-sixty-two participants completed a 118-item survey. Overall few age differences were found between older and younger workers. On average, all participants rated work as moderately important and their job satisfaction as moderately high. Nonetheless, older participants rated their job satisfaction higher than younger participants. On average, all groups believed they would retire before 65 years of age. The latter finding is important for workability theory and raises issues about how to change attitudes, perceptions and values about working past traditional retirement ages.


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A camera based machine vision system for the automatic inspection of surface defects in aluminum die casting is presented. The system uses a hybrid image processing algorithm based on mathematic morphology to detect defects with different sizes and shapes. The defect inspection algorithm consists of two parts. One is a parameter learning algorithm, in which a genetic algorithm is used to extract optimal structuring element parameters, and segmentation and noise removal thresholds. The second part is a defect detection algorithm, in which the parameters obtained by a genetic algorithm are used for morphological operations. The machine vision system has been applied in an industrial setting to detect two types of casting defects: parts mix-up and any defects on the surface of castings. The system performs with a 99% or higher accuracy for both part mix-up and defect detection and is currently used in industry as part of normal production.


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This paper addresses the questions of why failure in industry-based networks has been so persistent and whether it is possible to avoid failure and achieve success in internet based markets [iMarketplaces]. A better explanation of implementation failures is important for both improved empirical outcomes and theory building. We construct a theoretical framework based on Bijker’s technology frame (1995) and a contextualization typology developed by Nowotny, Scott and Gibbons (2001). The framework helps us understand how industry-based networks function, why they fail and how we can apply the framework to assist better empirical outcomes. In this paper we apply our framework to Food Connect Australia, a vertically integrated marketplace, representative of the first wave of B2B markets. Sponsors of these iMarketplaces were quick to see and exploit the opportunities online access offered to bring together large numbers of buyers and sellers in new ways. However a lack of understanding of firstly, what represented true value in these networks and secondly, how to achieve buy-in at sustainable levels, meant that many of these first wave sites failed. Application of our framework reveals why there has been a radical shift from the trading role originally envisioned for these sites to the information hub model of the iMarketplace that industry is now being urged to adopt (Berryman and Heck, 2001).


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In industry, the workload and utilization of shop floor operators is often misunderstood. In this paper, we will present several real case studies, using Discrete Event Simulation (DES) models, which allow us to better understand operators in a batch manufacturing environment. The first study investigates labour in a machining plant consisting of multiple identical CNC machines that batch produce parts. The second study investigates labour in an eight station, gravity die casting rotary table. The results from these studies have shown that there can be potential improvements made by the production planners in the current labour configuration. In the first case study, a matrix is produced that estimates what the operator's utilization levels will be for various configurations. From this, the preferred operator to machine ratio over a range of cycle times is presented. In the second study, the results have shown that by reducing the casting cycle time, the operator would be overloaded. A discrete event simulation of these two cases highlighted areas that were misunderstood by plant management, and provided them with a useful decision support tool for production planning.


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A machine vision system is presented for the automatic inspection of surface defects in aluminium die casting. The system uses a hybrid image processing algorithm based on mathematic morphology to detect defects with different sizes and shapes. The defect inspection algorithm consists of two parts. One is a parameter learning algorithm, in which a genetic algorithm is used to extract optimal structuring element parameters, and segmentation and noise removal thresholds. The second part is a defect detection algorithm, in which the parameters obtained by a genetic algorithm are used for morphological operations. The machine vision system has been applied in an industrial setting to detect two types of casting defects: parts mix-up and any defects on the surface of castings. The system performs with a 99% or higher accuracy for both part mix-up and defect detection and is currently used in industry as part of normal production.


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This thesis explores the elastic behaviour of the mechanical double action press and draw die system commonly used to draw sheet metal components in the automotive industry. High process variability in production and excessive time spent in die try-out are significant problems in automotive stamping. It has previously been suggested that the elastic behaviour of the system may contribute to these problems. However, the mechanical principles that cause the press system to affect the forming process have not been documented in detail. Due to a poor understanding of these problems in industry, the elasticity of the press and tools is currently not considered during the die design. The aim of this work was to explore the physical principles of press system elasticity and determine the extent to which it contributes to problems in try-out and production. On the basis of this analysis methods were developed for controlling or accounting for problems during the design process. The application of frictional restraining force to the edges of the blank during forming depends on the distribution and magnitude of the clamping force between the binders surfaces of the draw die. This is an important control parameter for the deep drawing process. It has been demonstrated in this work that the elasticity of the press and draw die can affect clamping force in two ways. The response of the press system, to the forces produced in the press during forming, causes the magnitude of clamping force to change during the stroke. This was demonstrated using measured data from a production press. A simple linear elastic model of the press system was developed to illustrate a definite link between the measured force variation and the elasticity of the press and tools. The simple model was extended into a finite element model of the complete press system, which was used to control a forming simulation. It was demonstrated that stiffness variation within the system could influence the final strains in a drawn part. At the conclusion of this investigation a method is proposed for assessing the sensitivity of a part to clamping force variation in the press during die design. A means of reducing variation in the press through the addition of a simple linear spring element is also discussed. The second part of the work assessed the influence of tool structure on the distribution of frictional restraining forces to the blank. A forming simulation showed that tool stiffness affects the distribution of clamping pressure between the binders. This was also shown to affect the final strains in a drawn part. However, the most significant influence on restraining force was the tendency of the blank to increase in thickness between the binders during forming. Using a finite element approximation of the try-out process it was shown that the structure of the tool would also contribute to the problems currently experienced in try-out where uneven contact pressure distributions are addressed by manually adjusting the tool surfaces. Finally a generalised approach to designing draw die structures was developed. Simple analysis methods were combined with finite element based topology optimisation techniques to develop a set of basic design guidelines. The aim of the guidelines was to produce a structure with uniform stiffness response to a pressure applied at the binder surface. The work concludes with a recommendation for introducing the methods developed in this thesis into the standard production process.