16 resultados para Inbred line production

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The femoral region ('groin') appears to be increasingly commonly used by injecting drug users in the UK. With the advent of Britain's first supervised prescribed injectable opioid treatment clinic, unprecedented decisions and judgements were required about the safe supervision of this practice, or whether to permit this behaviour on site at all. This paper reports the reasons for, and outcome of, development of a clinical policy on injecting into the deep femoral vein (groin injecting)


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A decision support tool for production planning was developed to perform the difficult and time consuming task of allocating resources within the industrial partner's machining line, consisting of identical Computerized Numerically Controlled machines. The production-planning tool identified significant labour savings in a number of the industrial partner's production plans.


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Juvenile Cherax destructor (commonly called theyabby) were cultured in earthen-based ponds and tanks for 70–105d, and were fed pellets and/or a forage crop of the perennialwhiteclover, Trifolium repens. Three supplementary feedingstrategies were evaluated. Yabby growth on pellets consistently exceeded (by67–159%) that obtained on clover. Base-line yields for extensiveproduction systems are around 400 kg ha–1. Thesupplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of 635kg ha–1 (in ponds) to 1086 kgha–1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-cloverto tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets.Yabbies stocked into ponds at 17 m–2 and fed 33%protein pellets for 100 d, resulted in a yield of 1117 kgha–1.Pellet inputs at a rate of 129–249 g m–2(dry matter) and 38–83 g m–2 (protein) over70–100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisationindices. Clover inputs of 534–682 g m–2 (asdry matter) or 84–177 g m–2 (as protein)produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Aconsiderable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of clover waseitherinefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. In tanks,clover inputs from 113–296 g m–2 (drymatter) and 24–54 g m–2 (protein) weresufficient to maintain high growth rates for 4 weeks, while in ponds, inputs of21 g m–2 (dry matter) and 4.3 gm–2 (protein) were sufficient for 3 weeks. During theearly weeks of production no growth advantage was gained by providing pelletstoanimals cultured in forage-based systems. Forage depletion occurred after3–4 weeks and was probably a major growth limiting factor.


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A quality analysis trial was undertaken at Ford Geelong Stamping Plant on a press line that was fitted with standard press sensors to measure press and binder force over the stamping cycle for each panel. The quality of randomly sampled panels was measured by obtaining the panel thicknesses at five points, for 135 panels in total. These points were chosen such that they exhibited different forming modes. This paper analyses the input force data and the output quality data from the trial to determine any potential relationships. The analysis of the production data was performed using statistical correlation techniques to determine initial potential relationships between input and output variables. An Active Shape Model was used to extract features when identifying the major sources of variation within the input data. However, the initial analysis of the data elicited no direct relationship between the input variables measured and the panel thicknesses. This result is significant as the data collected is from a standard sensor configuration found in many press lines through-out the world. The reason for the lack of a direct relationship is believed to come from the lack of sensitivity in the force measurements which are not able to identify small changes in the process, whereas gross geometric variations have in previous studies shown an obvious relationship with changes in the force press profile. This means that existing force sensors require augmentation by additional sensors if a detailed automatic quality control system for the press lines based on input sensors alone.


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Cold bulk metal forming has made large-scale production of small complex solid parts economically feasible. Tooling used in metal forming poses many uncertainties in the preliminary cost estimation and production process and continual tool replacement and maintenance dramatically reduces productivity and raises manufacturing cost. In order to tackle this, an on-line tool condition monitoring system using artificial neural network (ANN) to integrate information from multiple sensors for forging process has been developed. Together with the force, acoustic emission signals and process conditions, information developed from theoretical models is integrated into the ANN tool monitoring system to predict tool life and provide the maintenance schedule.


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A discrete event model was used to examine the effect of machine downtime and operating policy on the long-run average cost of an automotive stamping line. Operating policy refers to the selection of a target batch size and the circumstances under which a line stoppage will lead to the current batch being abandoned. It is assumed that the abandon/resume decision is based solely on the severity of the problem (i.e., repair cost) and the fraction of the batch completed. A method of identifying low-cost operating policies is presented using data obtained from a real stamping plant. It is found that, within a single part framework, this approach results in significantly lower average costs than are currently achieved. It is also demonstrated that by varying the model parameters it is possible to measure the potential benefits arising from process modifications (e.g., decreased die-set times). This can be used to identify the areas where improvements will have the greatest impact on cost and is particularly useful when assessing the expected return on a potential investment. A multiple-part extension to the model is suggested and the potential benefits discussed.


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In this study the nutrition, growth and production of C. destructor was examined. Selected nutritional requirements of juvenile animals were determined under controlled conditions with the aim of developing a pelleted diet for use in hatcheries, nurseries and growout situations. The best developed diet was assessed for its potential as a supplementary feed for animals cultured in earthen environments. The protein requirements were first determined simultaneously with an evaluation of the effect of replacing animal protein (fishmeal) by soybean meal. Juveniles were reared communally for 59 d on isoenergetic diets containing 15-30% protein and graded levels of soybean meal (0-60%, of protein). When soybean meal was included at a level of 40-60%, growth was reduced relative to that achieved with control diets containing 15% and 20% protein, but this was not the case at a 20% soybean meal substitution level. A two-way interaction occurred between dietary protein and soybean meal content. Higher protein feeds enabled higher soybean meal inclusion levels without significantly affecting growth. Protein increases of 5% produced better growth at the 40% and 60% soybean meal substitution levels. This effect was less pronounced in the control and the 20% soybean meal diets. Carcass %protein increased and %lipid decreased as dietary protein increased. A similar effect occurred by increasing the soybean meal level to 60%. No obvious trend in carcass moisture, energy, and ash occurred. A protein requirement of 30% was apparent when fish meal and soybean meal were included in diets at levels of 20% and 24% (dry matter) respectively. Alternative protein sources to soybean meal were subsequently identified. Juveniles were maintained for 12 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 30% protein and differing in the primary source of protein used, with meat, snail, soybean, yabby, and zooplankton meals comprising the major protein ingredient. No significant difference occurred in mean weight (MW), percentage weight gain (%WG), SGR or survival among diets. Food conversion ratios (FCR) were low, with a minimum value of 0.95 for the snail-based diet. The apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) varied from 29.6% (zooplankton-based diet) to 41.2% (snail-based diet). Carcass composition varied with diet, with the greatest difference occurring in carapace colour. Animals fed the zooplankton-based diet developed the strongest, most natural pigmentation. A new combination of previously used protein-based ingredients was subsequently tested with reference to two yabby species, Cherax albidus and Cherax destructor, that were grown simultaneously in identical conditions. Juvenile male animals were reared individually for 20 weeks on isoenergetic diets containing 15% or 30% protein with fish meal, soybean meal, yabby meal and wheat products forming the basis of the diets. C albidus grew the fastest and utilised the food the most effectively. Carcass composition was influenced by diet with the 30% protein diet resulting in an increase in carcass protein and ash and a decrease in carcass lipid and energy relative to the low protein diet. Carcass moisture and calcium were not affected by diet. The intermoult period (IP) was highly dependent on the premoult weight (W) but the mean moult increment (WI, as weight) was independent of the PM. The orbital carapace length (OCL) and the abdominal length (ABL) %moult increments generally declined with an increase in PM whereas the propus length (PL) %moult increment generally increased. The IP, WI, %OCL, %ABL, and %PL moult increments varied according to diet and to species. Elevated dietary protein caused a reduction to the IP (for similar sized animals) by 11 d and 7 d and an increase to the WI by 85% and 81% in C. albidus and C destructor respectively. Dietary induced morphological changes also occurred. Animals of a standard OCL (both species) had significantly larger abdomens when fed the higher protein diet. Growth on the best developed diet was compared to the growth obtained on a natural diet of freshwater zooplankton. Juveniles were reared individually for 12 weeks on the two diets. The MW, %WG and SGR were higher for the zooplankton diet. Carcass composition was influenced by diet and the zooplankton fed animals had a higher carcass %protein, %lipid, %ash and %fibre content and were more richly pigmented than animals fed pellets. The IP and the WI were highly dependent on the PM and varied according to diet; feeding with zooplankton reduced the IP by 1.2 days and increased the WI by 13.7% compared to pellets. Nutrient digestibility was determined for the pelleted diets evaluated in the growth trials. Protein digestibility (PD) and dry matter digestibility (DMD), using chromic oxide (Cr2O3) as an exogenous marker, were high for all diets, at around 93% and 83% respectively. Ash digestibility varied considerably from 17% to 73% for the snail and yabby meal diets respectively. Crude fibre digestibility was around 50% and probably indicates cellulase activity. Alternative markers to Cr2O3 were evaluated. Ash was considered to be the most suitable alternative to Cr2O3, providing a reasonable, albeit lower, estimate of nutrient digestibility. Cr2O3 and ash were preferentially excreted whereas fibre was retained in the digestive system for a longer period, consequently, the collection of a particular fraction of the deposited faeces (late or early) substantially affected the digestibility coefficients. In earthen-based environments, animals fed the best developed diet were compared to animals cultured using a forage crop of clover (Trifolium repens). Three supplementary feeding strategies representing varying levels of management intensity were evaluated in a series of trials conducted in ponds and pond microcosms. Growth on pellets consistently exceeded that obtained with the forage crop, with final MW being 67-159% higher than that using clover and appeared to be the result of direct pellet consumption and from a pellet fertiliser effect (on the sediment). Within-pond DMD and PD were high and similar for each treatment (DMD = 51-58%; PD = 89-92%). In the control pond, DMD and PD increased with each successive flood. The faecal egestion rate (PER) decreased with each successive flood in all ponds, and is negatively related to animal weight and to foregut fullness (FF) according to power curves. FF was consistently lowest in the control pond. Mean FF was 48.5%, 62.3%, and 26.7% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. FF increased to the third flood in each pond. The foregut protein content was high in all samples and the mean values were 33.9%, 32.7% and 35.6% for the pellet, crop and control ponds respectively. Foregut ash was highly variable within each pond and is inversely related to the foregut protein content. In the control and pellet ponds the highest foregut ash content occurred during flood 1. The culture system (aquaria or pond) strongly influenced the composition of the foregut content. The foregut of animals fed the manufactured diet (B2) in ponds contained approximately 176% more ash and 5% more protein than the foregut of animals fed in bare-bottom tanks. The FF of the tank fed animals was approximately 45% higher than the FF of pond fed animals after a similar feeding period. Base-line yields for extensive production systems appeared to be around 400kg ha-1. The supplementary addition of T. repens produced yields of approximately 635kg ha-1 (in ponds) to around 1086kg ha-1 (in tanks). The sequential addition of cut-clover to tanks stimulated growth to levels approaching those achieved on pellets. Yabbies stocked into ponds at 15-20 m-2 with a mean weight of 2.67g and fed a 30% protein pelleted diet for 100 d, resulted in a yield of approximately 1117kg ha-1, but only 2% of the population were above a marketable size of 50g. The feed utilisation indices were better for animals reared on pellets in bare-bottom tanks than in earthen environments, indicating some degree of pellet wastage when natural feeds are simultaneously present. High apparent food conversion ratios and low protein efficiency ratios occurred when the forage crop was provided. A considerable quantity of the dry matter and protein content of the forage crop was either inefficiently utilised or directed into other production pathways. Sowing a forage crop into pond microcosms to which a pelleted diet was also provided, did not enhance growth performance. Pelleted feed inputs at a rate of approximately 129g m-2 to 198g m-2 (dry matter) and 38g -2 to 64g m-2 (protein) over 70-100 d resulted in acceptable growth and feed utilisation indices for animals reared in ponds and pond microcosms. Forage crop inputs of approximately 533g m-2 to 680g m-2 (as dry matter) or 84g m-2 to 177g m-2 (as protein) over a 70-100 d period produced reasonable growth rates but poor feed utilisation indices. Low inputs of dry matter (from 113-296g m-2) and protein (from 24-54g m-2) from clover were sufficient to maintain high growth rates in pond microcosms for around 28 d. In ponds, a very low level of 21g m-2 (dry matter) and 4.3g m-2 (protein) was sufficient for around 3 weeks. Forage depletion appeared to occur beyond week 3-4 and was probably a major growth limiting factor. The mean hepatosomatic index (HSI) was 9.44, 7.68, and 6.79 for the pellet, crop, and control ponds respectively. The relationship between hepatopancreas weight and overall animal weight was significantly different between treatments. The hepatopancreas of pellet-fed animals had the highest %lipid and lowest %ash, %protein, %carbohydrate and %moisture content. In terms of absolute quantities, the only major difference in hepatopancreas composition between treatments occurred for lipid and dry matter content. The hepatopancreas of the pellet-fed animals was a cream/cream-yellow colour and was very fragile, whereas in the other ponds it was a more ‘natural’ bright yellow colour and was structurally more robust. C. destructor has a capacious foregut, being approximately 5 times the volume of similar sized Penaeids. The foregut volume (V, ml) of the yabby is related to animal weight (W, g) according to V = 0.048 W0.9543. Animals that were starved for 96 h and then fed diet B2 were almost completely foil after 30 min. The ‘apparent enzymatic response’ of animals fed various natural and artificial diets in tanks was evaluated. Nutrient processing time and the enzymatic response following ingestion appeared to be regulated by the chemical and physical properties of the diet. For the natural feeds, foregut protein was 1.2% higher (for zooplankton) and up to 300% higher (for detritus) than dietary protein, whereas ash was 7.5% higher (zooplankton) and 46-63% lower (detritus) than dietary ash. For animals fed diet B2 after 48 h without food, FF was approximately half that of 96 h starved animals after a similar feeding period but foregut protein and ash contents were similar. Finally, the physiological and morphological attributes elucidated in this study are discussed with reference to the ecology of the yabby. High growth rates, excellent feed utilisation indices and high digestibility coefficients for a wide range of diet-types illustrate nutritional flexibility. A capacious foregut, a large hepatopancreas with a high energy storage capacity, the ability to partition and preferentially excrete the low nutrient value inorganic component of the diet, the capacity to alter body form, nutrient processing time and enzymatic secretions in relation to diet-type, and modified behaviour according to feed availability also demonstrate plasticity/adaptability/flexibility. The combined effect of these important characteristics ensures survival in environments that may be adverse and highly variable in terms of nutrient availability. Collectively the morphological and digestive traits elucidated in this study reflect the generalist-type nature of C destructor and indicate that a polytrophic classification still seems appropriate. Several priority areas for further nutrition research are identified and recommendations are made regarding the best-practices to use in the commercial culture of the yabby. Of paramount importance is the further clarification of the nutritional requirements and feeding preferences of animals in various phases of development.


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The recently completed Australian Screen Producer Survey provides the most current and detailed picture of the culture, motivations and aspirations of a highly influential sector of the content production industries. Drawing upon the results of the survey, this article reflects on the historical and theoretical difficulties entailed in defining the producer as a professional category, before outlining some of the survey’s key findings. In particular, it examines producers’ demographic and sectoral profile, analyses their attitudes towards the relative importance of education and experience, and explores their underlying motivations. Amongst other findings, the survey reveals a tendency towards idealism among Australian producers that would appear to be at odds with the financial realities of the business. It therefore offers a variety of stakeholders (including government and educational institutions, as well as producers themselves) with the opportunity to reflect upon the future shape and direction of the Australian media industry.


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We have demonstrated that polystyrene (PS) nanofibers having an ordered surface line texture can be produced on a large scale from a PS solution of acetone and N,N′-dimethylformamide (2/1, vol/vol) by a needleless electrospinning technique using a disc as fiber generator. The formation of the unusual surface feature was investigated and attributed to the voids formed on the surface of jets due to the fast evaporation of acetone at the early stage of electrospinning, and subsequent elongation and solidification turning the voids into ordered lines on fiber surface. In comparison with the nanofibers electrospun by a conventional needle electrospinning using the same solution, the disc electrospun fibers were finer with similar diameter distribution. The fiber production rate for the disc electrospinning was 62 times higher than that of the conventional electrospinning. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction measurements indicated that the PS nanofibers produced from the two electrospinning techniques showed no significant difference in chemical component, albeit slightly higher crystallinity in the disc spun nanofibers.


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The increasing production of genetically-modified mouse models has necessitated studies to determine the inherent physiological characteristics of commonly used mouse strains. In this study we examined insulin secretory function in response to an intravenous bolus of glucose or glucose plus arginine in anesthetized C57BL/6, DBA/2 and 129T2 mice fed either a control or high fat diet for 6 weeks. The results show that 129T2 mice had higher fasting plasma glucose levels and lower fasting plasma insulin levels compared with C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice regardless of diet. Furthermore, 129T2 mice were glucose intolerant and secreted significantly less insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine irrespective of diet compared with the other two strains of mice. DBA/2 mice hypersecreted insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine compared with C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice. Moreover while first phase insulin secretion was appropriately increased in response to the high fat diet in C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice, this was not the case for DBA/2 mice. Mean islet area was decreased in response to a high fat diet in DBA/2 mice, while there was no dietary effect on the other two strains. This study highlights the inherent genetic differences that exist among seemingly normal strains of mice that are commonly used to make transgenic and knockout mice. Understanding these differences will provide researchers with the information to choose the appropriate genetic background on which to express their particular genetic alteration.


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The paper examines the manner in which to review an undergraduate degree in construction management using a top-down approach known as “Constructive Alignment”. The research addresses not only the perceived teaching problems, but it also discusses the methods used to rejuvenate the course in a manner that aligns with the graduate outcomes. However, it was also clear that teaching staff were not especially aware of the need to address the course learning outcomes. This highlighted the need for teaching staff to be involved in a process of constructive alignment to embed the course learning outcomes within their subjects, while also addressing the teaching issues involved with assessment. This process provided an opportunity to determine the incremental skill and knowledge development, both within the subjects, as well as between subjects across the course. The paper concludes with the production of a conceptual framework, which can be used to assist with the alignment of professional standards, course outcomes and graduate attributes into a discipline-specific degree program.


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In recent times, allergy has become a financial, physical andpsychological burden to the society as a whole. Allergic reactions can result in life-threatening situations causing morbidity and high economic cost. Therefore, more effective reagents are needed for allergy treatment. Literature suggests that a causal relationship exists between the intake of Omega-3/6 fatty acids such as DHA, EPA, DPA and AA and atopic individuals suffering from allergies. In an allergic cascade, cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 bind to IL-4 receptor (IL-4R), which activates the STAT6 phosphorylation pathway leading to gene activation of allergen-specific IgE production by B cells. The overall aim of this study is to characterise Omega-3/6 fatty acids and their effects on IgE production.


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In recent times, allergy has become a financial, physical and psychological burden to the society as a whole. Allergic reactions can result in life-threatening situations causing morbidity and high economic cost. Therefore, more effective reagents are needed for allergy treatment. Omega-6 fatty acids have gained attention in allergic studies mainly due to their inflammatory properties. Literature suggests that a causal relationship exists between the intake of omega-6 fatty acids such as DPA and AA and atopic individuals suffering from allergies. In an allergic cascade, cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 bind to IL-4 receptor (IL-4R), which activates the STAT6 phosphorylation pathway leading to gene activation of allergen-specific IgE production by B cells. Consequently, IgE production leads to clinical symptoms of allergy. The overall aim of this study is to characterise DPA and AA and their effects on IgE production.


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Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association formed between plant roots and soil borne fungi that alter and at times improve the production of secondary metabolites. Detailed information is available on mycorrhizal development and its influence on plants grown under various edapho-climatic conditions, however, very little is known about their influence on transformed roots that are rich reserves of secondary metabolites. This raises the question of how mycorrhizal colonization progresses in transformed roots grown in vitro and whether the mycorrhizal fungus presence influences the production of secondary metabolites. To fully understand mycorrhizal ontogenesis and its effect on root morphology, root biomass, total phenolics, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production under in vitro conditions, a co-culture was developed between three Agrobacterium rhizogenes-derived, elite-transformed root lines of Ocimum basilicum and Rhizophagus irregularis. We found that mycorrhizal ontogenesis in transformed roots was similar to mycorrhizal roots obtained from an in planta system. Mycorrhizal establishment was also found to be transformed root line-specific. Colonization of transformed roots increased the concentration of rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production while no effect was observed on root morphological traits and biomass. Enhancement of total phenolics and rosmarinic acid in the three mycorrhizal transformed root lines was found to be transformed root line-specific and age dependent. We reveal the potential of R. irregularis as a biotic elicitor in vitro and propose its incorporation into commercial in vitro secondary metabolite production via transformed roots.