69 resultados para IT order list

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Heritage came into force in April 2006, signalling a major expansion of the global system of heritage protection from the tangible to the intangible. It is an expansion that some heritage professionals see as opening up a Pandora's box of confusions and complexities. The conservation of inanimate objects tangible sites and monuments and artefacts - is difficult enough; but the protection of heritage embodied in people raises new sets of ethical and practical issues. The paper canvasses these concerns and focuses on how the notion of human rights must be used as a way of limiting and shaping the Intangible List. In particular it outlines the ways in which the protection and preservation of cultural heritage is linked to 'cultural rights' as a form of human rights. This linkage is not clearly recognised by cultural heritage practitioners in many countries, who view their work merely as technical, or even by human rights workers, despite the abundance of opportunities around the world to witness people struggling to assert their cultural rights in order to protect their heritage and identity.


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In this paper we propose a new technique of email classification based on grey list (GL) analysis of user emails. This technique is based on the analysis of output emails of an integrated model which uses multiple classifiers of statistical learning algorithms. The GL is a list of classifier/(s) output which is/are not considered as true positive (TP) and true negative (TN) but in the middle of them. Many works have been done to filter spam from legitimate emails using classification algorithm and substantial performance has been achieved with some amount of false positive (FP) tradeoffs. In the case of spam detection the FP problem is unacceptable, sometimes. The proposed technique will provide a list of output emails, called "grey list (GL)", to the analyser for making decisions about the status of these emails. It has been shown that the performance of our proposed technique for email classification is much better compare to existing systems, in order to reducing FP problems and accuracy.


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This article considers the stabilization by output feedback controllers for discrete-time systems. The controller can place all of the closed-loop poles within a specified disk D(-α, 1/β), centred at (-α,0) with radius 1/β, where | - α|  + 1/β < 1. The design method involves the decomposition of the system into two portions. The first portion comprises of all of the poles that are lying outside of the specified disk. A reduced-order model is constructed for this portion. The second portion comprises of all of the remaining poles of the system and is characterized by an H-norm bound. The controller design is then accomplished by using H-control theory. It is shown that, subject to the solvability of an algebraic Riccati equation, output feedback controllers can be systematically derived. The order of the controller is low, and can be as low as the number of the open-loop poles that are lying outside of the specified disk. A step-by-step design algorithm is provided. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the attractiveness of the design method.


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In the final decades of the 20th century, issues such as identity, Otherness and the role of social and cultural boundaries have been prominent in social theory, sociology and cultural studies. In this context, an analysis of Bauman's work is important because it raises pertinent questions pertaining to the nature of social and cultural boundaries and the nature of boundary construction under modernity. The metaphors of inside and outside and the idea of the boundary are significant in Bauman's critique of modernity's search for a meta-order and in his examination of strangerhood. The article illustrates how this ordering process manifests itself at the individual and societal levels of modernity. Bauman's contention is that modernity's search for a meta-order leads to the construction of boundaries and to exclusionary practices. It is the presence of the Third, for Bauman, which threatens the certainty of order. Different images of the stranger in Bauman's work are identified and the ways in which Bauman's conception of freedom and `community' is intrinsically linked to his work on the ambivalent stranger are demonstrated.


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The paper presents a simple approach to the problem of designing low-order output feedback controllers for linear continuous systems. The controller can place all of the closed-loop poles within a circle, C(- , 1/ β) , with centre at - and radius of 1/ β in the left half s-plane. The design method is based on transformation of the original system and then applying the bounded-real-lemma to the transformed system. It is shown that subjected to the solvability of an algebraic Riccati equation (ARE), output feedback controllers can then be systematically derived. Furthermore, the order of the controller is low and equals only the number of the open-loop poles lying outside the circle. A step-by-step design algorithm is given. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the design method.


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The use of computers and information technology is becoming more widespread in chemical education and in the wider community and workforce. Universities are increasing the use of computers and information technology in their teaching and learning programs. The Australian situation, reported here, can be viewed as a microcosm, reflecting a world-wide trend.

The penetration of general IT literacy and ability amongst Australian undergraduate students is rising rapidly. This paper reports surveys of the detailed IT skills of Australian undergraduate students. To the best of our knowledge, apart from our own work, there have been no other published surveys of specific IT skills. Most students have some reasonable computer skills at the start of their university studies, but the level of skill is not uniformly high. In fact, many IT literate students lack a sufficient level of skill to use the new technologies, including full use of web-based flexible learning. There is an urgent need for IT training for university students in order to achieve successful learning outcomes using IT and to satisfy the needs of future employers.

This article, which is the second in a series (1) of investigations on the computer skills of undergraduate students at the start of university, is an expanded version of a paper presented at the World Chemistry Congress held in Brisbane (Australia) during 1-6 July 2001.


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Every social revolution has elicited some form of counter-revolutionary response from the international system. The impulse to reverse revolutionary transformation has much to tell us about the dynamics of social revolution as well as the nature of international order. The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between counter-revolution and international order. First it establishes a basic conceptual framework of international counter-revolution and argues that counter-revolution should be understood as more than just an active opposition to revolution and also examines the motives of counter-revolutionaries. Second, using two interpretations of the international system – those of Henry Kissinger and Raymond Aron – the article draws several conclusions about the international tendency to attempt to overturn revolution and concludes that there exist international systemic pressures, of a non-neorealist kind, which provide the basis for international order. These pressures not only produce order but, at certain times, impel states to counter radical transformations in parts of the world which seem, at first glance, to have little consequence for the functioning of international order.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence was determined for the Australian freshwater crayfish Cherax destructor (Crustacea: Decapoda: Parastacidae). The 15,895-bp genome is circular with the same gene composition as that found in other metazoans. However, we report a novel gene arrangement with respect to the putative arthropod ancestral gene order and all other arthropod mitochondrial genomes sequenced to date. It is apparent that 11 genes have been translocated (ND1, ND4, ND4L, Cyt b, srRNA, and tRNAs Ser(UGA), Leu(CUN), Ile, Cys, Pro, and Val), two of which have also undergone inversions (tRNAs Pro and Val). The ‘duplication/random loss’ mechanism is a plausible model for the observed translocations, while ‘intramitochondrial recombination’ may account for the gene inversions. In addition, the arrangement of rRNA genes is incompatible with current mitochondrial transcription models, and suggests that a different transcription mechanism may operate in C. destructor.


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This paper will draw on Richard Dawkin's idea of the 'meme' to discuss how the creative arts exegesis can operate as valorisation and validation of creative arts research. According to Dawkins, the rate and fecundity of replication permits an artefact to achieve recognition and stability as a meme within a culture. The value and application of traditional forms of research is underpinned by a secondary order of production, publication, that establishes visibility of the work and articulates its empirical processes and findings as sources of social benefit and cultural enhancement.

In the arts, conventional modes of valorisation such as the gallery system, reviews and criticism focus on the artistic product and hence, lack sustained engagement with the creative processes as models of research. Such engagement is necessary to articulate and validate studio practices as modes of enquiry.

A crucial question to initiate this engagement is: 'What did the studio process reveal that could not have been revealed by any other mode of enquiry?'

Re-versioning of the studio process and its significant moments through the exegesis locates the work within the broader field of practice and theory. It is also part of the replication process that establishes the creative arts as a stable research discipline, able to withstand peer and wider assessment. The exegesis is a primary means of realising creative arts research as 'meme'.


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This paper reports on a qualitative case study that investigated how the professional identities of trainers in the adult sector in Australia are shaped by intersecting relations of social class, ethnicity, gender and the discourses of vocational adult education. Interviews with two trainers as well as observations of them at work are analysed and presented here to illustrate how social class, considered in relation to gender and race, is played out through the trainers' identity investments in discourses of nurturance and care and economic rationalism. Such identity investments shape the relationships the trainers develop with their students and the training strategies and practices they privilege. The paper argues the need for trainers to develop critical reflective practices and to interrogate how their investments in particular classed identities shape their views about learning for work and training for work. It also argues the need for more research around social class and trainer identity within the adult sector.


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Unrealistic optimism is often assessed using a single question asking for an estimate of comparative risk. However, it has been proposed that individuals treat such a question essentially as though it were only about their own risk. This proposal leads to the prediction that, when the questions about own risk and comparative risk are asked in sequence, the correlation between the resulting estimates should be lower if the question about own risk comes first than if the question about comparative risk comes first. This prediction was tested using a student sample (N=68). Participants answered the two types of question in sequence, with order of presentation being counterbalanced. Results were in accord with the prediction. Possible reasons are advanced for individuals' answering questions about comparative risk as if the questions concerned their own risk.


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In the emergence of the evidence based practice movement, critical care nurses have struggled to identify scientific evidence on which to base their clinical practice. While the lack of critical care nursing research is a major concern, other important issues have significantly stalled the implementation of evidence even when it is available. A descriptive study of 274 critical care nurses was undertaken to examine nursing research activity in Victorian critical care units. The study aimed to identify critical care nurses' research skills, the barriers encountered in participation and implementation and the current availability of resources.

Results revealed that 42 per cent of the nurses who participated in the study believed that they were not prepared adequately to evaluate research, and less than a third believed they were sufficiently skilled to conduct valid scientific studies. An association was found between nurses' ability to confidently perform research activities and higher academic qualifications. The study found that there is a lack of organisational support and management commitment for the development of evidence based nursing.

In order to facilitate the implementation of evidence based practice, clinicians must be made aware of the available resources, be educated and mentored when carrying out and using clinical research, and be supported in professional initiatives that promote evidence based practice. It is argued that this will have positive implications for patient outcomes in the critical care environment.


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In the existing literature, the existence conditions and design procedures for scalar functional observers are available for the cases where the observers’ order p is either p=1 or p=(v-1), where v is the observability index of the matrix pair (C,A). Therefore, if an observer with an order p=1 does not exist, the other option is to use a high-order observer with p=(v-1). This paper provides the existence conditions and a design procedure for scalar functional observers of order 0≤p≤2, and demonstrates the presented results with a numerical example. where K, M, E, H and G are constant matrices to be designed. The problem of observing a scalar functional or multi functionals (z(t)∈Rk , k>1) of the state vector has been the subject of numerous papers, and different algorithms have been proposed (see, [1]-[13] and references therein). There are also papers that deal with the order reduction of multi-dimensional functional observers [9,10,12,13]. For scalar functional observers, a well-known Luenberger’s classic result [1] provides an upper bound on the order with p=(v-1). It is interesting to note here that, except for a recent result of Darouach [12,13], little results have been reported on the order reduction for scalar functional observers.


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The concept of a construction accident is extending from the traditional construction operation accident to contain all non-construction operation accidents in personnel's safety and health, global and local environment, and the insufficient facility planning for security and emergency. Construction accidents may cause human, social and sustainable tragedies directly, and indirectly delay construction progresses and adversely affect the reputation of construction industry. In order to reduce all possible construction accidents, lots of non-construction operation regulations are constituted according to the authoritative regulations and previous construction experiences. However, these non-construction operation regulations are not integrated with the construction production or process planning. This may cause that some of these non-construction operation regulations ,are disregarded in the practical construction progress. The aim of this research is to explore the possibility, methodology and techniques in practice in order to identify and specify the non-construction operation regulations for every individual construction production and process. Therefore, the construction planning does not only represent the time and resources of each construction product or process, but also its non-construction operation regulations. The main outcomes of this research are a systematic identification of non-construction operation regulations, and the potential techniques for integrating them with the construction planning.