121 resultados para ISOTOPIC ECOLOGY

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Investigating the ontogeny of niche differentiation enables to determine at which life-stages sexual segregation arises, providing insights into the main factors driving resource partitioning. We investigated the ontogeny of foraging ecology in Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella), a highly dimorphic species with contrasting breeding strategies between sexes. Sequential δ(13)C and δ(15)N values of whiskers provided a longitudinal proxy of the foraging niche throughout the whole life of seals, from weaning, when size dimorphism is minimal to the age of 5. Females exhibited an early-life ontogenetic shift, from a total segregation during their first year at-sea, to a similar isotopic niche as breeding females as early as age 2. In contrast, males showed a progressive change in isotopic niche throughout their development such that 5-year-old males did not share the same niche as territorial bulls. Interestingly, males and females segregated straight after weaning with males appearing to feed in more southerly habitats than females. This spatial segregation was of similar amplitude as observed in breeding adults and was maintained throughout development. Such early-life niche differentiation is an unusual pattern and indicates size dimorphism and breeding constraints do not directly drive sexual segregation contrary to what has been assumed in otariid seals.


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Historically, the Powerful Owl (Ninox strenua) has been seen as a southeastern Australian species restricted to, or most numerous in, dense gullies of tall open forests in hilly or mountainous areas of the coast and Great Divide. However, recent research has revealed that Powerful Owls may breed numerously and successfully in a wider range of habitats than previously believed, including the forests and woodlands within the metropolitan areas of some major cities.Here we report on the breeding of a number of pairs of Powerful Owls in the Yarra Valley, Victoria. Study sites ranged from relatively undisturbed, wet sclerophyll forest 80 km from central Melbourne, through dry sclerophyll, eucalypt-dominated open forest with some disturbance, to a highly disturbed urban parkland only 18 km from central Melbourne. We found that Powerful Owls breed successfully in some urban areas, but are limited in the amount of human disturbance they can tolerate near their nesting hollow. In the most heavily utilized section of the urban parkland, all breeding attempts were unsuccessful and in one year the young were apparently eaten by one of the parents. This followed construction of a timber boardwalk under the nest tree during the breeding season. The Powerful Owls subsequently moved to a more secluded nesting hollow and raised two young. Recommendations for management of Powerful Owls in urban areas are discussed in the context
of these results.


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This study investigated the distribution, habitat and population dynamics of the swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) in the eastern Otway Ranges. The species has a restricted, disjunct distribution and has been recorded at 25 sites between 1969 and 1999. All sites were located within 7 km of the coast, occurred at altitudes up to 80 m above sea level and within 10 m of a gully. Analysis of landscape site variables identified sun index as being significant in determination of the probability of occurrence of A. minimus. The presence of A. minimus is negatively associated with sun index, occuring at sites that have a southerly aspect and gentle slope. A. minimus was located in a range of structural vegetation including Open Forest, Low Woodland, Shrubland and Hummock Grassland and a number of floristic groups, some characterised by high frequencies of sclerophyll shrubs, others by high frequencies of Pteridium esculentum, hummock grasses and herbaceous species. A. minimus occurs in fragmented, small populations with maximum population densities of 1.1–18 ha–1. Populations at inland sites became extinct after the 1983 wildfire which burnt 41 000 ha. These sites have not been recolonised since, while on the coast the species did not re-establish until 1993–97. One population that is restricted to a narrow coastal strip of habitat is characterised by high levels of transient animals. The species is subject to extinction in the region due to habitat fragmentation, coastal developments and fire. Management actions to secure the present populations and ensure long-term survival of the species in the area are required and include implementation of appropriate fire regimes, prevention of habitat fragmentation, revegetation of habitat, and establishment of corridor habitat.


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A study to assess distribution, numbers and habitat of the Rufous Bristlebird was conducted during 1997 and 1998 along the coast at Aireys Inlet, Victoria. Monthly surveys were conducted along selected pathways for 1 h at sunrise, noon and late afternoon. Birds were recorded on the basis of sightings and calls; 75% of records were from calls. The number of records of birds for April–June was significantly lower than for January–March, July–September and October–December. There was no difference in frequency of records due to weather conditions (clear, overcast or rain), presence of wind or difference in temperature. The Rufous Bristlebird inhabited remnant coastal vegetation, but also utilised nearby house gardens and road verges. Birds appeared to occupy distinct territories, with each separate territory occuring along a narrow strip of land on the coastal cliffs. The number of territories identified ranged from 14 to 33. Territories were occupied predominantly by pairs of birds. The minimum number of birds present was estimated for each survey session and ranged from 2 to 34. A conservative estimate of the bristlebird population in the area, based on the assumption that a territory was occupied by a pair, was thus between 28 and 66. A number of threats to the Rufous Bristlebird were identified in the study area including loss and fragmentation of habitat from housing developments and walking tracks. Introduced predators including foxes, cats and rats have been recorded, but their impact is unknown. The effect of people walking along the tracks and the presence of dogs is unclear.


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A new genus and species, Linshuichonetes elfinis, belonging to the Rugosochonetidae, is described from the Early Permian (Late Artinskian or early Kungurian) Liangshan Formation of the Yangtze block. The new genus is defined externally by the presence of fine, but delayed, capillation and a weak or absent median sulcus and fold and by the presence of a distinct posteromedian sinus on the ventral umbo; and internally by a lack of median, lateral and accessory septa in the dorsal interior; absence of vascular trunks in the ventral interior and the presence of distinct radiating rows of papillae in the interior of both valves, particularly an unusual clustered arrangement of papillae on the posteromedian portion of the dorsal interior. The local environment during the deposition of the Liangshan Formation appears to have been a restricted tidal flat or lagoon which experienced frequent sealevel fluctuations associated with the onset of the Yanghsingian transgression. The new species, L. elfinis, appears to have several morphological adaptations enabling successful exploitation of this environment. It was typically a very small and thin-valved species with a high surface area to volume ratio, an advantage in an oxygen restricted environment. The small size and numerous body spinules would have aided individuals to remain suspended at the top of the fine, soft substrate. It also dominated the brachiopod assemblage in the Liangshan Formation, comprising up to 94%of specimens within a bed. These factors indicate that the new species appears to be an opportunistic species.


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The swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) is a small insectivorous marsupial inhabiting closed heath and tussock grassland in south-eastern Australia. The species is considered 'Near Threatened' on the
Australian mainland. Populations persist on coastal islands off Wilsons Promontory, but their current status is unknown. This study investigated the density, diet and reproduction of the swamp antechinus on Kanowna Island.
Data were collected by live trapping in different vegetation types during four trips between August 2003 and January 2004. Higher animal densities (47-129 ha-1) were found for Kanowna Island than for previously studied mainland populations (1-18 ha-1). Examination ofscats showed that this species eats a wide variety ofprey types, with moth larvae a major dietary component, particularly during the breeding season. Births were estimated to have occurred between 28 June and 8 August, which is a longer period than reported for other populations of this species. Factors including reduced predation, restricted dispersal and increased food availability may be responsible for supporting this dense population.


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Ground-foraging birds of temperate woodlands of southern Australia are prominent among bird species considered to be susceptible to population decline. We examined the foraging ecology, including foraging substrates, actions and heights, of 13 ground-foraging species at four woodland sites in northern Victoria. Nine species are regarded as declining in southern Australia and four are considered common. Ten foraging substrates were identified, of which leaf-litter (54% of observations) and bare ground (17%) were most frequently used. In all woodland sites, litter was used more frequently than expected from its proportional cover. Bare ground was frequently used as a substrate by individual species, and fallen timber and grass were important for some species. Most species were generalists in their use of substrates. Six foraging actions were observed, of which gleaning and pouncing were most frequently recorded. All species foraged close to the ground and four foraged almost entirely at ground level. For pouncing birds, dead branches and fallen timber were the most important launch substrates from which pouncing actions were initiated. Eight of the 13 species differed in some aspect of their foraging ecology between woodland sites, especially in relation to the use of substrates (seven species). Fewer species (four) displayed differences in foraging ecology between seasons, with the greatest seasonal variation being in use of foraging substrates (three species). Overall, no significant differences were evident in the foraging ecologies of common and declining species. Species in both groups encompassed a wide range of foraging behaviours. Owing to this range in foraging ecology, the conservation of diverse assemblages of ground-foraging birds requires the maintenance of heterogeneous ground layers and careful management of disturbance processes.


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The power of isotopic substitution for the elucidation of a reaction mechanism is illustrated with reactions named after Hofmann and Favorskii. These reactions have important roles in synthetic chemistry; therefore, a wide range of experiments involving isotopic labeling or kinetic isotope effects were employed to establish their mechanistic pathways. The concepts introduced by these investigations are drawn together with an isotopic labeling study of the oxidation of urea with hypohalites. The two mechanisms proposed for this reaction have been described as a Hofmann rearrangement and a nitrogen analogue of the Favorskii rearrangement.


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Salt in a salt lake accumulated as a result of perfect evaporation of inflow water during the dry season. Water in a salt lake had a high salinity and its isotope indicated a little evaporation in the wet season because precipitation replenished the salt lake and there was no residual water during evaporation process in salt lake. In a marsh, both perfect and partial disappearance of water by repeated evaporation and water supply from upstream contributed to high salinity and high isotopic ratios because residual water had high isotopic ratios and dried areas accumulated salt. On the other hand, salinity and isotopic ratios depended on ratio of evaporation and water supply during evaporation excluding perfect disappearance of water.


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This is the first ecological text that deals comprehensively with ecological principles and practice in an Australian context, with wholly Australian examples. There are four sections, dealing with the basics of climate soils and energy flows, major communities, the discipline itself, and major issues.