17 resultados para INDOLE ACETIC-ACID

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The promise of cancer immunotherapy is that it will not only eradicate primary tumors but will generate systemic antitumor immunity capable of destroying distant metastases. A major problem that must first be surmounted relates to the immune resistance of large tumors. Here we reveal that immune resistance can be overcome by combining immunotherapy with a concerted attack on the tumor vasculature. The functionally related antitumor drugs 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA) and flavone acetic acid (FAA), which cause tumor vasculature collapse and tumor necrosis, were used to attack the tumor vasculature, whereas the T-cell costimulator B7.1 (CD80), which costimulates T-cell proliferation via the CD28 pathway, was used to stimulate antitumor immunity. The injection of cDNA (60–180 µg) encoding B7.1 into large EL-4 tumors (0.8 cm in diameter) established in C57BL/6 mice, followed 24 h later by i.p. administration of either DMXAA (25 mg/kg) or FAA (300 mg/kg), resulted in complete tumor eradication within 2–6 weeks. In contrast, monotherapies were ineffective. Both vascular attack and B7.1 immunotherapy led to up-regulation of heat shock protein 70 on stressed and dying tumor cells, potentially augmenting immunotherapy. Remarkably, large tumors took on the appearance of a wound that rapidly ameliorated, leaving perfectly healed skin. Combined therapy was mediated by CD8+ T cells and natural killer cells, accompanied by heightened and prolonged antitumor cytolytic activity (P < 0.001), and by a marked increase in tumor cell apoptosis. Cured animals completely rejected a challenge of 1 x 107 parental EL-4 tumor cells but not a challenge of 1 x 104 Lewis lung carcinoma cells, demonstrating that antitumor immunity was tumor specific. Adoptive transfer of 2 x 108 splenocytes from treated mice into recipients bearing established (0.8 cm in diameter) tumors resulted in rapid and complete tumor rejection within 3 weeks. Although DMXAA and B7.1 monotherapies are complicated by a narrow range of effective doses, combined therapy was less dosage dependent. Thus, a broad range of amounts of B7.1 cDNA were effective in combination with 25 mg/kg DMXAA. In contrast, DMXAA, which has a very narrow range of high active doses, was effective at a low dose (18 mg/kg) when administered with a large amount (180 µg) of B7.1 cDNA. Importantly, combinational therapy generated heightened antitumor immunity, such that gene transfer of B7.1 into one tumor, followed by systemic DMXAA treatment, led to the complete rejection of multiple untreated tumor nodules established in the opposing flank. These findings have important implications for the future direction and utility of cancer immunotherapies aimed at harnessing patients’ immune responses to their own tumors.


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Optimal plant growth is the result of the interaction of a complex network of plant hormones and environmental signals. Ascorbic acid (AsA) is a crucial antioxidant in plants and is involved in the regulation of cell division, cell expansion, photosynthesis and hormone biosynthesis. Quantitative analysis of AsA in Arabidopsis thaliana organs was conducted using HPLC with d -isoascorbic acid (Iso-AsA) as an internal standard. Analysis revealed Àuctuations in the levels of AsA in different organs and growth phases when plants were grown under standard conditions. AsA concentrations increased in leaves in direct proportion to leaf size and age. Young siliques (seed set stage) and Àowering buds (open and unopened) showed the highest levels of AsA. A relationship was found between the level of AsA and indole acetic acid (IAA) in leaves, stems, Àowers, and siliques and the highest level of IAA and AsAwere found in the Àowers. In contrast, the lowest level of the plant hormone, salicylic acid, was found in the Àowers and the highest quantity measured in the leaves. Consequently, AsA has been found to be a multifunctional molecule that is involved as a key regulator of plant growth and development.


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Bio-inoculants have potential role in plant growth promotion. The present study evaluated the potential of Pseudomonas strains as bio-inoculants in wheat on the basis of plant growth promotion and physiological characterization. The 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis revealed that four isolated strains belonged to genus Pseudomonas. These strains were positive for phosphorus solubilization and indole acetic acid production, whereas only two strains were positive candidate for their nitrogen fixing ability as determined by presence or absence of nifH gene through amplification from polymerase chain reaction. The pot experiment showed that the integrated use of Pseudomonas strains as co-inoculant and 50% applied mineral fertilizers enhanced the maximum wheat growth and development from 58 to 140% for different shoot and root growth parameters. The strain NCCP-45 and NCCP-237 were closely related to Pseudomonas beteli and Pseudomonas lini, respectively. These isolated strains can be used to increase crop productivity by using as a bio-fertilizer inoculum.


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The oxidation of selected clinically important neurotransmitter metabolites with acidic potassium permanganate in the presence of polyphosphates evokes chemiluminescence of sufficient intensity to enable the sensitive determination of these species. Limits of detection for 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5-HIAA), vanilmandelic acid (VMA; α,4-dihydroxy-3-methoxybenzeneacetic acid), 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylglycol (MHPG), homovanillic acid (HVA, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylacetic acid) and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) were between 5 × 10−9 and 4 × 10−8 M, using flow-injection analysis methodology. In addition, we demonstrate the rapid determination of homovanillic acid and 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid in human urine – without the need for extraction procedures – using monolithic column chromatography with chemiluminescence detection.


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A simple and rapid method for the analysis of heroin seizures by micellar electrokinetic chromatography with short-end injection is described. Separations were performed using an uncoated fused silica capillary, 50 cm×50 mm I.D.×360 mm O.D. with an effective separation length of 8 cm. The system was run at 25°C with an applied negative voltage of –25 kilovolts. Injection of each sample was for 2 s at –50 mbar. UV detection was employed with the wavelength set at 210 nm. The background electrolyte consisted of 85:15 (water:acetonitrile, v/v) containing final concentrations of 25 mM SDS and 15 mM sodium borate, pH 9.5. Samples and standards were prepared in 0.1% v/v acetic acid and diluted in the run buffer containing 1 mg/ml of N,N-dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine as an internal standard. Under these conditions a text mixture containing caffeine, paracetamol, morphine, codeine, heroin, and acetylcodeine was resolved within 1.5 min. The method was used to determine the concentration of heroin in heroin seizure samples, and the results were in good agreement with those obtained by a validated gas chromatographic method.


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Proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) has shown the potential for being a valuable tool in monitoring a commercial fermentation. In this preliminary study, a suite of organic analytes including ethanol, fructose, glucose, methanol, glycerol, malic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid and lactic acid were simultaneously determined during the fermentation. Data collection and analysis using chemometric algorithms aided the understanding of key processes including the effects of seeding a wine with bacteria for malo-lactic fermentation.


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We have combined the generation of solvent gradients using milliGAT pumps, chromatographic separations with monolithic columns and chemiluminescence detection in an instrument manifold that approaches the automation and separation efficiency of HPLC, whilst maintaining the positive attributes of flow injection analysis (FIA), such as manifold versatility, speed of analysis and portability. As preliminary demonstrations of this hybrid FIA/HPLC system, we have determined six opiate alkaloids (morphine, pseudomorphine, codeine, oripavine, ethylmorphine and thebaine) and four biogenic amines (vanilmandelic acid, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid and homovanillic acid) in human urine, using tris(2,2′-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) and acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence detection.


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This study examines the resistance change in conductive polypyrrole-coated PET fabrics under the AS 2001.4.15 – 1994 laundering test conditions. The effects of individual detergent components of a standard detergent, including auxiliary chemicals, at four different temperatures were studied. When the coated fabric was washed under the AS 2001.4.15-1994 conditions, the ECE reference detergent and pure soap flakes (sodium sterate) both decreased the conductivity of the coating at a rate exponentially proportional to the laundering temperature. Detergent types had an influence over the rate of degradation; pH conditions had a large influence on the rate of polymer deterioration with the acidic nonionic detergent giving rise to significantly improved laundering conditions. The auxiliary chemicals, sodium carbonate and sodium perborate were seen to cause large degradation of polymers during laundering. Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid was seen to have only a slight influence on the reduction of conductivity of polymers.


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Intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a cell-surface glycoprotein capable of eliciting bidirectional signals that activate signalling pathways in leukocytes, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Gene transfer of xenogeneic ICAM-1 into EL-4 lymphomas causes complete tumor rejection; however, it is unknown whether the mechanism responsible involves the "foreignness" of the ICAM-1 transgene, bidirectional signalling events, ICAM-1-receptor interaction, or a combination of the latter. To begin to address this question, we constructed four different therapeutic expression vectors encoding full-length ICAM-1, and forms in which the N-terminal ligand-binding domains and cytoplasmic tail had been deleted. Mouse EL-4 tumors (0.5 cm in diameter), which actively suppress the immune response, were significantly inhibited in their growth following injection of expression plasmids encoding either full-length xenogenic (human) ICAM-1, or a functional cytoplasmic domain-deficient form that retains ligand-binding activity. Efficacy of ICAM-1-mediated antitumor immunity was significantly augmented by administration of the antivascular drug 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA), which suppressed blood supply to the tumor, leading to enhanced leukocyte infiltration, and complete tumor eradication in a gene dosage and CD8(+) T cell and NK cell-dependent fashion. Generation of potent cytotoxic T cell (CTL)-mediated antitumor immunity was reflected by ICAM-1-facilitated apoptosis of tumor cells in situ. In contrast, nonfunctional ICAM-1 lacking the N-terminal ligand-binding Ig domain failed to generate antitumor immunity, even in the presence of DMXAA. These studies demonstrate that ICAM-1-stimulated antitumor immunity can overcome tumor-mediated immunosuppression, particularly when employed in combination with an attack on the tumor vasculature. The ligand-binding domain of ICAM-1 is essential for generating antitumor immunity, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and bidirectional activation of tumor signalling pathways are not essential.


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Purpose: Goblet cell appendiceal carcinoids represent rare tumors that exhibit histologic features of both adenocarcinomas and neuroendocrine tumors. We present the long-term results of a series of 15 patients, focusing on clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and management.

Methods: Eight male and seven female patients (median age, 52.8 years) were included. Final diagnosis was confirmed by histology. Patients were evaluated clinically, biochemically, and radiologically every four months. Median follow-up was 30 months.

Results: The majority of patients (7/15) presented with symptoms compatible with acute appendicitis. Right hemicolectomy was performed in all except one, who subsequently developed metastases. Three patients had metastases at previous diagnosis. Plasma chromogranin-A was slightly elevated in two of them, while urinary 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid was normal. 111Indium-labeled octreotide scintigraphy was positive only in two of the four patients with metastases. Ki67 index was greater than 20 percent in all of them, while in only one with local tumor. Combination chemotherapy with either cisplatin plus etoposide or with 5-fluorouracil, cisplatin, and streptozotocin was administered to all patients with metastases resulting in temporary stabilization of disease. Twelve patients are alive, while three died of their disease 9, 13, and 14 months after diagnosis.

Conclusions: The diagnostic value of chromogranin-A, urinary 5-hydroxy-indol-acetic acid, and 111Indium-labeled octreotide scintigraphy seems to be limited in these tumors. Ki67 index appears to predict tumor behavior. Right hemicolectomy may reduce the risk of developing metastases. Chemotherapy may have efficacy in metastatic disease, however, more data are required to determine this and the optimal regimen.


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Esterification of acetic acid with 1-octanol was studied using a series of alkylammonium salts as Brønsted acidic ionic liquids. The following
ionic liquids were prepared and used as catalysts and mediums in the esterification reaction; [Et3NH][HSO4], [Et3NH][H2PO4], [Et3NH][BF4],
[Et3NH][p-CH3C6H4SO3], [Et2(PhCH2)NH][HSO4], [n-Bu3NH][HSO4], [n-Oct3NH][HSO4], [Et2NH2][HSO4], [Et2NH2][H2PO4], [Et2NH2]
[BF4], [i-Pr2NH2][HSO4], [EtNH3][HSO4], [EtNH3][H2PO4], and [EtNH3][BF4]. Higher acidity of the anion in the ionic liquid resulted in high yield of the ester. Yield of the ester decreased with increase in the size of the cation. There was no phase separation in the reactions where size of anion and/or cation was bigger


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We describe a fluidity and conductivity study as a function of composition in N-methylpyrrolidine–acetic acid mixtures. The simple 1:1 acid–base mixture appears to form an ionic liquid, but its degree of ionicity is quite low and such liquids are better thought of as poorly dissociated mixtures of acid and base. The composition consisting of 3 moles acetic acid and 1 mole N-methylpyrrolidine is shown to form the highest ionicity mixture in this binary due to the presence of oligomeric anionic species [(AcO)xHx−1]− stabilised by hydrogen bonds. These oligomeric species, being weaker bases than the acetate anion, shift the proton transfer equilibrium towards formation of ionic species, thus generating a higher degree of ionicity than is present at the 1:1 composition. A Walden plot analysis, thermogravimetric behaviour and proton NMR data, as well as ab initio calculations of the oligomeric species, all support this conclusion.


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Doping of lithium salts and acids into the plastic crystal phase of succinonitrile has shown for the first time of the possibility of creating solid state electrolytes based on plastic crystalline solvents where the matrix itself is neutral and hence not intrinsically conductive. These materials illustrate the concept of a solid state electrolyte solvent. Room temperature conductivities up to 3.4×10−4 S cm−1 were obtained with 5 wt.% lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonylamide) in succinonitrile. Pulsed field gradient NMR measurements indicate that both cation and anion are mobile in this lattice. Proton conductivity was also observed when methane sulfonic acid or glacial acetic acid was used as dopants, however, the conductivity in these systems is limited by the poor dissociating ability of these acids.


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To evaluate calcium chloride coagulation technology, two kinds of raw natural rubber samples were produced by calcium chloride and acetic acid respectively. Plasticity retention index (PRI), thermal degradation process, thermal degradation kinetics and differential thermal analysis of two samples studied. Furthermore, thermal degradation activation energy, pre-exponential factor and rate constant were calculated. The results show that natural rubber produced by calcium chloride possesses good mechanical property and poor thermo-stability in comparison to natural rubber produced by acetic acid.


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Selective production of fragrance fatty acid ester from isopropanol and acetic acid has been achieved using silica-immobilizedlipase of Bacillus cereus MTCC 8372. A purified thermoalkalophilic extracellular lipase was immobilized by adsorption onto the silica. The effects of various parameters like molar ratio of substrates (isopropanol and acetic acid; 25 to 100 mM), concentration ofbiocatalyst (25–125 mg/mL), reaction time, reaction temperature, organic solvents,molecular sieves, and initial water activity werestudied for optimal ester synthesis. Under optimized conditions, 66.0mM of isopropyl acetate was produced when isopropanol and acetic acid were used at 100mM: 75mM in 9h at 55◦C in n-heptane under continuous shaking (160 rpm) using bound lipase(25mg). Addition of molecular sieves (3 °A ×1.5mm) resulted in a marked increase in ester synthesis (73.0mM). Ester synthesiswas enhanced by water activity associated with pre-equilibrated saturated salt solution of LiCl. The immobilized lipase retained more than 50% of its activity after the 6th cycle of reuse.