27 resultados para Hi-def

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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High-pressure methods were applied to investigate the structural stability and hydrogen bonding of polar molecules of iodoform by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and Raman spectra measurements, respectively. Up to a pressure of 40 GPa, no phase transitions were observed. The discontinuous frequency shift of the C−H stretching band is believed to be related to the enhancement of the C−H···I weak hydrogen bonds under high pressures. Ab initio calculations were performed, and the results predict the frequency shift of the C−H stretching vibration as C−H···I interacts via hydrogen bonding. The bulk modulus is 17.3 ± 0.8 GPa, with a pressure derivative of 5.2.


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The main objective of this study is to test the value relevance of financial and non-financial information in high-tech industries in Australia. Ninety-one companies were selected from the sectors of Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Life Sciences; Technology, Hardware and Equipment; and Telecommunication Services of ASX for the analysis. Both financial and non-financial sections of annual reports were scrutinized in order to obtain data for the analysis. The unaudited sections of annual reports were particularly analysed using NVivo to obtain the word-count of intangible assets. Ohlson’s (1995) Equity Valuation Model (modified for the intangible assets disclosures) was explicitly applied to examine the value relevance of financial and non-financial information. The overall results provide evidence that book value is the most significant factor and earnings are the least significant factor in deciding share prices in high-tech industries in Australia. This finding supports the previous studies that showed value relevance declined in earnings but increased in book value. This research proved that voluntary disclosures of intangible assets are value relevant, providing support for the previous US and Australian studies and the conclusion that investors probably increasingly rely upon alternative information sources.


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Detailed electrochemical studies have been undertaken on molecular aggregation of the organic semiconductor 7,14-bis((triisopropylsilyl)-ethynyl) dibenzo[b,def]chrysene (TIPS-DBC), which is used as an electron donor material in organic solar cells. Intermolecular association of neutral TIPS-DBC molecules was established by using 1H NMR spectroscopy as well as by the pronounced dependence of the color of TIPS-DBC solutions on concentration. Diffusion limited current data provided by near steady-state voltammetry also reveal aggregation. Furthermore, variation of concentration produces large changes in shapes of transient DC and Fourier transformed AC (FTAC) voltammograms for oxidation of TIPS-DBC in dichloromethane. Subtle effects of molecular aggregation on the reduction of TIPS-DBC are also revealed by the highly sensitive FTAC voltammetric method. Simulations of FTAC voltammetric data provide estimates of the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters associated with oxidation and reduction of TIPS-DBC. Significantly, aggregation of TIPS-DBC facilitates both one-electron oxidation and reduction by shifting the reversible potentials to less and more positive values, respectively. EPR spectroscopy is used to establish the identity of one-electron oxidized and reduced forms of TIPS-DBC. Implications of molecular aggregation on the HOMO energy level in solution are considered with respect to efficiency of organic photovoltaic devices utilizing TIPS-DBC as an electron donor material. © 2014 American Chemical Society.


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To examine the influence of exercise intensity on the increases in vastus lateralis GLUT4 mRNA and protein after exercise, six untrained men exercised for 60 min at 39 ± 3% peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak) (Lo) or 27 ± 2 min at 83 ± 2% VO2 peak (Hi) in counterbalanced order. Preexercise muscle glycogen levels were not different between trials (Lo: 408 ± 35 mmol/kg dry mass; Hi: 420 ± 43 mmol/kg dry mass); however, postexercise levels were lower (P < 0.05) in Hi (169 ± 18 mmol/kg dry mass) compared with Lo (262 ± 35 mmol/kg dry mass). Thus calculated muscle glycogen utilization was greater (P < 0.05) in Hi (251 ± 24 mmol/kg) than in Lo (146 ± 34). Exercise resulted in similar increases in GLUT4 gene expression in both trials. GLUT4 mRNA was increased immediately at the end of exercise (~2-fold; P < 0.05) and remained elevated after 3 h of postexercise recovery. When measured 3 h after exercise, total crude membrane GLUT4 protein levels were 106% higher in Lo (3.3 ± 0.7 vs. 1.6 ± 0.3 arbitrary units) and 61% higher in Hi (2.9 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.5 arbitrary units) relative to preexercise levels. A main effect for exercise was observed, with no significant differences between trials. In conclusion, exercise at ~40 and ~80% VO2 peak, with total work equal, increased GLUT4 mRNA and GLUT4 protein in human skeletal muscle to a similar extent, despite differences in exercise intensity and duration.


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Dietary ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) influences the expression of a number of genes in the brain. Zinc transporter (ZnT) 3 has been identified as a putative transporter of zinc into synaptic vesicles of neurons and is found in brain areas such as hippocampus and cortex. Neuronal zinc is involved in the formation of amyloid plaques, a major characteristic of Alzheimer's disease. The present study evaluated the influence of dietary ω-3 PUFA on the expression of the ZnT3 gene in the brains of adult male Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were raised and/or maintained on a control (CON) diet that contained ω-3 PUFA or a diet deficient (DEF) in ω-3 PUFA. ZnT3 gene expression was analyzed by using real-time PCR, free zinc in brain tissue was determined by zinquin staining, and total zinc concentrations in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Compared with CON-raised animals, DEF-raised animals had increased expression of ZnT3 in the brain that was associated with an increased level of free zinc in the hippocampus. In addition, compared with CON-raised animals, DEF-raised animals had decreased plasma zinc level. No difference in cerebrospinal fluid zinc level was observed. The results suggest that overexpression of ZnT3 due to a perinatal ω-3 PUFA deficiency caused abnormal zinc metabolism in the brain. Conceivably, the influence of dietary ω-3 PUFA on brain zinc metabolism could explain the observation made in population studies that the consumption of fish is associated with a reduced risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


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Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease. Previous work in both animals and humans with high blood pressure has demonstrated the antihypertensive effects of n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), although it is not known whether these nutrients are effective in preventing hypertension. The predominant n−3 PUFA in the mammalian nervous system, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is deposited into synaptic membranes at a high rate during the perinatal period, and recent observations indicate that the perinatal environment is important for the normal development of blood pressure control. This study investigated the importance of perinatal n−3 PUFA supply in the control of blood pressure in adult Sprague-Dawley rats. Pregnant rat dams were fed semisynthetic diets that were either deficient in (DEF) or supplemented with (CON) n−3 PUFA. Offspring were fed the same diets as their mothers until 9 wk; then, half of the rats from each group were crossed over to the opposite diet, creating four groups, i.e., CON-CON; CON-DEF; DEF-DEF, DEF-CON. Mean arterial blood pressures (MAP) were measured directly, at 33 wk of age, by cannulation of the femoral artery. The phospholipid fatty acid profile of the hypothalamic region was determined by capillary gas-liquid chromatography. The tissue phospholipid fatty acid profile reflected the diet that the rats were consuming at the time of testing. Both groups receiving DEF after 9 wk of age (i.e., DEF-DEF and CON-DEF) had similar profiles with a reduction in DHA levels of 30%, compared with rats receiving CON (i.e., CON-CON and DEF-CON). DEF-DEF rats had significantly raised MAP compared with all other groups, with differences as great as 17 mm Hg. DEF-CON rats had raised MAP compared with CON-CON rats, and DEF-DEF rats had higher MAP than CON-DEF rats, despite the fact that their respective fatty acid profiles were not different. These findings indicate that inadequate levels of DHA in the perinatal period are associated with altered blood pressure control in later life. The way in which these long-term effects are produced remains to be elucidated.


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Objective: To investigate the effect of maternal dietary ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficiency and repletion on food appetite signaling.
Research Methods and Procedures: Sprague-Dawley rat dams were maintained on diets either supplemented with (CON) or deficient in (DEF) ω-3 PUFA. All offspring were raised on the maternal diet until weaning. After weaning, two groups remained on the respective maternal diet (CON and DEF groups), whereas a third group, born of dams fed the DEF diet, were switched to the CON diet (REC). Experiments on food intake began when the male rats reached 16 weeks of age. Food intake was stimulated either by a period of food restriction, by blocking glucose utilization (by 2-deoxyglucose injection), or by blocking β-oxidation of fatty acids (by β-mercaptoacetate injection).
Results: DEF animals consumed more than CON animals in response to all stimuli, with the greatest difference (1.9-fold) demonstrated following administration of 2-deoxyglucose. REC animals also consumed more than CON animals in response to food restriction and 2-deoxyglucose but not to β-mercaptoacetate.
Discussion: These findings indicate that supply of ω-3 PUFA, particularly during the perinatal period, plays a role in the normal development of mechanisms controlling food intake, especially glucoprivic (i.e. reduced glucose availability) appetite signaling. Dietary repletion of ω-3 PUFA from 3 weeks of age restored intake responses to fatty acid metabolite signaling but did not reverse those in response to food restriction or glucoprivic stimuli.


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Background : Dietary ω-3 fatty acid deficiency can lead to hypertension in later life; however, hypertension is affected by numerous other dietary factors. We examined the effect of altering the dietary protein level on blood pressure in animals deficient or sufficient in ω-3 fatty acids.

Methods : Female rats were placed on one of four experimental diets 1 week prior to mating. Diets were either deficient (10% safflower oil; DEF) or sufficient (7% safflower oil, 3% flaxseed oil; SUF) in ω-3 fatty acids and contained 20 or 30% casein (DEF20, SUF20, DEF30, SUF30). Offspring were maintained on the maternal diet for the duration of the experiment. At 12, 18, 24, and 30 weeks, blood pressure was assessed by tail cuff plethysmography.

Results : At both 12 and 18 weeks of age, no differences in blood pressure were observed based on diet, however, by 24 weeks hypertension was evident in DEF30 animals; there were no blood pressure differences between the other groups. This hypertension in DEF30 group was increased at 30 weeks, with systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressure all elevated.

Conclusions : These results indicate that the hypertension previously attributed to ω-3 fatty acid deficiency is dependent on additional dietary factors, including protein content. Furthermore, this study is the first to plot the establishment of ω-3 fatty acid deficiency hypertension over time.


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The White-browed Treecreeper Climacteris affinis is one of many woodland-dependent birds that are at risk from the encroachment of human-dominated land-uses into natural landscapes. The White-browed Treecreeper inhabits semi-arid woodlands in north-west Victoria, Australia, a vegetation community that has undergone extreme modification in the last century due to the expansion of agriculture in the region. Extant woodlands represent only 10% of the original woodland cover in the region, and are highly fragmented and disturbed in many districts. Thus, the survival of the White-browed Treecreeper may depend on active management. However, current knowledge of the ecology and biology of this species is virtually non-existent, and inadequate for informed and effective conservation actions. The aim of this thesis is to redress this situation and provide the ecological basis for sound conservation management of the species. The thesis consists of two parts: an investigation of habitat use at three spatial scales and a study of the social organization, nesting requirements, breeding behaviour and reproductive success of a population of White-browed Treecreepers. Fifty-six patches of remnant woodland in north-west Victoria were surveyed to determine the factors affecting the occurrence of the White-browed Treecreeper at the regional scale. It was detected in 16 patches, and was largely confined to two core districts - Yarrara and, Wyperfeld (Pine Plains). The floristic composition of the dominant tree species was an important determinant of patch occupancy, with the results providing quantitative support for the previously suspected affinity for Belah Casuarina pauper and Slender Cypress-pine Callitris gracilis — Buloke Allocasuarina luehmannii woodlands. However, the absence of the White-browed Treecreeper from several districts was due to factors other than a lack of appropriate habitat. Demographic isolation - the distance from the focal patch to the nearest population of the White-browed Treecreeper - was the most important variable in explaining variation in patch occupancy. Patches isolated from other treecreeper populations by more than 8.3 km in landscapes of non-preferred native vegetation, and 3 km in agricultural landscapes, were unlikely to support the White-browed Treecreeper. The impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on the capacity of individuals to move through the landscape (i.e. functional connectivity) is considered in relation to disruption to dispersal and migration, and the potential collapse of local metapopulations. Habitat use was then examined in a network of patches and linear strips of Belah woodland embedded in a predominantly cultivated landscape. A minimum area of 18.5 ha of Belah woodland was identified as the most important criterion for patch occupancy at the local scale. This landscape appeared to be permeable to movement by the White-browed Treecreeper, facilitated by the extensive network of linear habitat, and clusters of small to medium fragments. The third scale of habitat use investigated the frequency of use of 1-ha plots within tracts of occupied woodland. It is important to discriminate between habitat traits that operate at the population level, and those that act as proximate cues for habitat selection by individuals. Woodlands that have high tree density, extensive cover of low-stature shrubs, abundant lichen, a complex vertical structure, and relatively low cover of grass and herbs are likely to support larger populations of the White-browed Treecreeper. However, individuals appeared to be using tree dominance (positive) and tall shrub cover (negative) as proximate environmental stimuli for habitat selectivity. A relatively high cover of ground lichen, which probably reflects a ground layer with low disturbance and high structural complexity, was also a reliable indicator of habitat use. Predictive models were developed which could be used to plan vegetation management to enhance habitat for the White-browed Treecreeper. The results of the regional, landscape and patch-scale investigations emphasise that factors operating at multiple spatial scales influence the suitability of remnant vegetation as habitat for the White-browed Treecreeper. The White-browed Treecreeper is typical of many small Australian passerines in that it has high annual survival, small clutches, a long breeding season, multiple broods and relatively low reproductive rates. Reproductive effort is adjusted through the number of clutches laid rather than clutch size. They occupy relatively large, all-purpose territories throughout the year. However, unlike many group territorial birds, territory size was not related to the number of occupants. The White-browed Treecreeper nests in tree hollows. They select hollows with a southerly orientation where possible, and prefer hollows that were higher from the ground. At Yarrara, there was considerable spatial variation in hollow abundance that, in concert with territorial constraints, restricted the actual availability of hollows to less than the absolute abundance of hollows. Thus, the availability of suitable hollows may limit reproductive productivity in some territories, although the magnitude of this constraint on overall population growth is predicted to be small. However, lack of recruitment of hollow-bearing trees would increase the potential for hollow availability to limit population growth. This prospect is particularly relevant in grazed remnants and those outside the reserve system. Facultative cooperative breeding was confirmed, with groups formed through male philopatry. Consequently, natal dispersal is female-biased, although there was no skew in the sex ratio of the fledglings or the general adult population. Helpers were observed performing all activities associated with parenting except copulation and brooding. Cooperatively breeding groups enjoyed higher fledgling productivity than simple pairs, after statistically accounting for territory and parental quality. However, the difference reflected increased productivity in the 1999-breeding season only, when climatic conditions were more favourable than in 1998. Breeding commenced earlier in 1999, and all breeding units were more likely to attempt a second brood. However, only breeders with helpers were successful in fledging second brood young, and it was this difference that accounted for the overall discrepancy in productivity. The key mechanism for increased success in cooperative groups was a reduction hi the interval between first and second broods, facilitated by compensatory reductions in the level of care to the first brood. Thus, females with helpers probably achieved significant energetic savings during this period, which enabled them to re-lay sooner. Furthermore, they were able to recommence nesting when the fledglings from the first brood were younger because there were more adults to feed the dependent juveniles. The current utility, and possible evolutionary pathways, of cooperative breeding is examined from the perspective of both breeders and helpers. Breeders benefit through enhanced fledgling productivity in good breeding conditions and a reduction in the burden of parental care, which may impart significant energetic savings. Further, breeders may facilitate philopatry as a means for ensuring a minimum level of reproductive success. Helpers benefit through an increase in their inclusive fitness in the absence of opportunities for independent breeding (i.e. ecological constraints) and access to breeding vacancies in the natal or adjacent territories (i.e. benefits of philopatry). However, the majority of breeding unit-years comprised unassisted breeders, which suggests that pairs are selectively favoured under certain environmental or demographic conditions.


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This research investigates the relationship between principalship and policy in small New Zealand primary schools. A distinctive feature of small primary schools is that their principals typically have to teach as well as manage. Overseas research indicates that in times of educational reform, teaching principals face particular difficulty and may need special support. Following the watershed educational reforms of 1989 and a decade of ‘hands-off’ policy in education (1989-1999), central policy towards school support in New Zealand is now more ‘hands-on’. The impact of this policy change on small schools has not been researched hi New Zealand, where such schools make up over fifty percent of all primary schools. The aims of this study are to analyse the impact of current support policy in New Zealand on small primary school principalship, and to evaluate the extent to which policy adjustment might be needed in the future. Using multiple methods and a case study approach to gather data, the study focuses on small school principalship in one New Zealand region - the Central Districts region. It also considers the recent policy initiatives, their rationale and the extent to which they appear to be meeting the support needs reported by the principals whose work has been researched in the study. Broadly, the study has found that within small schools, the role-balance within a teaching principal’s work is a critical factor, as the ratio within the principal’s role-balance between the teaching role and the management role creates variation in work-demands, work-strategies and types of support needed. Teaching principals in New Zealand generally feel better supported now than they did in the 1990s and the study identifies factors associated with this change. However the analysis in this study suggests that the current policy aim to both rationalise and strengthen the small school network as a whole is rather problematic. Without better targeted support policy in this area, old style parochial and competitive attitudes between schools are unlikely to change in the future.


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Recovery after prolonged or high-intensity exercise is characterised by a substantial increase in adipose tissue lipolysis, resulting in elevated rates of plasma-derived fat oxidation. Despite the large increase in circulating fatty acids (FAs) after exercise, only a small fraction of this is taken up by exercised muscle in the lower extremities. Indeed, the predominant fate of non-oxidised FAs derived from post-exercise lipolysis is reesteriflcation hi the liver. During recovery from endurance exercise, a number of changes also occur hi skeletal muscle that allow for a high metabolic priority towards glycogen resynthesis. Reducing muscle glycogen during exercise potentiates these effects, however the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating substrate oxidation following exercise remain poorly defined. The broad arm of this thesis was to examine the regulation of fat metabolism during recovery from glycogen-lowering exercise hi the presence of altered fat and glucose availability. In study I, eight endurance-trained males completed a bout of exhaustive exercise followed by ingestion of carbohydrate (CHO)-rich meals (64-70% of energy from CHO) at 1, 4, and 7 h of recovery. Duplicate muscle biopsies were obtained at exhaustion and 3, 6 and 18 h of recovery. Despite the large intake of CHO during recovery (491 ± 28 g or 6.8 + 0.3 g • kg-1), respiratory exchange ratio values of 0.77 to 0.84 indicated a greater reliance on fat as an oxidative fuel. Intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG) content remained unchanged in the presence of elevated glucose and insulin levels during recovery , suggesting IMTG has a negligible role in contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation after exhaustive exercise. It appears that the partitioning of exogenous glucose towards glycogen resynthesis is of high metabolic priority during immediate post-exercise recovery, supported by the trend towards reduced pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) activity and increased fat oxidation. The effect of altering plasma FA availability during post-exercise recovery was examined in study II. Eight endurance-trained males performed three trials consisting of glycogen-lowering exercise, followed by infusion of either saline (CON), saline + nicotinic acid (NA) (LFA) or Intralipid and heparin (HFA). Muscle biopsies were obtained at the end of exercise (0 h) and at 3 and 6 h in recovery. Altering the availability of plasma FAs during recovery induced changes in whole-body fat oxidation that were unrelated to differences in skeletal muscle malonyl-CoA. Furthermore, fat oxidation and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) phosphorylation appear to be dissociated after exercise, suggesting mechanisms other than phosphorylation-mediated changes in ACC activity have an important role in regulating malonyl-CoA and fat metabolism in human skeletal muscle after exercise. Alternative mechanisms include citrate and long-chain fatty acyl-CoA mediated changes in ACC activity, or differences in malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD) activity. Reducing plasma FA concentrations with NA attenuated the post-exercise increase in MCD and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 4 (PDK4) gene expression, suggesting that FAs and/or other factors induced by NA are involved hi the regulation of these genes. Despite marked changes hi plasma FA availability, no significant changes in IMTG concentration were detected, providing further evidence that plasma-derived FAs are the preferential fuel source contributing to the enhanced fat oxidation post-exercise during recovery. To further examine the effect of substrate availability after exercise, Study III investigated the regulation of fat metabolism during a 6 h recovery period with or without glucose infusion. Enhanced glucose availability significantly increased CHO oxidation compared with the fasted state, although no differences in whole-body fat oxidation were apparent. Consistent with the similar rates of fat metabolism, no difference hi AMPK or ACCβ phosphorylation were observed between trials. In addition, no significant treatment or time effects for IMTG concentration were detected during recovery. The large exercise-induced PDK4 gene expression was attenuated when plasma FAs were reduced during glucose infusion, supporting the hypothesis that PDK4 is responsive to sustained changes in lipid availability and/or changes in plasma insulin. Furthermore, the possibility exists that the suppression of PDK4 mRNA also reduced PDK activity and thus maintained PDH activity to account for the higher rates of CHO oxidation observed during glucose infusion compared with the control trial.


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This thesis sought to advance understanding of the politics of workplace reform, explaining the respective roles of management and employees and how they relate. The literature on workplace reform usually argues that reform is predicated on greater workforce participation in managerial decisions. More specifically, different approaches to workplace reform can be aligned to different forms of participation. Thus quality management can be associated with direct forms of participation, institutional workplace reform may depend on representative forms, and best practice may require a combination of both. This thesis uses empirical evidence to explore this alignment between the different approaches to workplace reform and forms of participation. The period chosen for empirical study is approximately 1985-1992 - an era of rapid innovation in workplace reform for Australian manufacturing. Three workplaces were chosen for intensive study from automotive component manufacturers because that industry was itself a laboratory for workplace reform and also because these firms exemplified different approaches to competitiveness and reform. Three approaches to workplace reform - quality management, institutional workplace reform, and best practice - were distinguished to capture the range of Australian practice at that time. Similarly two approaches to workplace participation were distinguished - direct and representative - to reflect the range of observable practices at that time and to represent competing philosophies. Direct participation illustrated an approach founded in managerial context of the political status quo, whilst representative forms were considered to permit a pluralist shift of power to enable employees to manage in place of management. The three case studies depict companies sharing the competitive crisis of their industry. From this stems the impetus for workplace reform. At this point the firms diverged in their choice of competitive strategies for workplace reform. The case studies reveal, at the superficial level, a match between the chosen approaches to workplace reform and forms of participation. Basically, quality management is associated with direct employee participation, institutional workplace reform with collective bargaining and representative consultative committees, and best practice with both. However when the implementation of reform and participation are examined this match becomes less significant. One firm, Auto Air, achieved highly effective outcomes in both reform and participation. Another firm, Auto Electrical, failed in both. The thesis concluded that the relationship between forms of participation and reform is less significant than the effective implementation of policy. Unitarist or pluralist approaches to power distribution count less than managerial capacity to integrate successive reform initiatives and their commitment to workforce participation hi change.


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This research was designed to examine two broad issues in relation to the investigative interviewing of children (aged 9 to 13 years) with mild and moderate intellectual disabilities. First, how do children with intellectual disabilities perform (relative to children matched for chronological and mental age) when recalling an event in response to various questions? Second, what question types and interview strategies do police officers and caregivers use to elicit accurate and detailed accounts about an event from children with intellectual disabilities? The rationale for exploring each of these issues was to determine possible ways of improving the elicitation of evidence from children with intellectual disabilities. While children with intellectual disabilities constitute a high proportion of all child victims of abuse (Conway, 1994; Goldman, 1994; Morse, et ah, 1970), they rarely provide formal reports of abuse and of those incidents that are reported, few cases progress to court (Henry & Gudjonsson, 1999). Study 1 used a standard interview protocol containing a variety of questions and an interview structure commonly used in investigative interviews. Specifically, the memory and suggestibility of eighty children with either a mild and moderate intellectual disability (M age = 10.85 years) was examined when recalling an innocuous event that was staged at their school. The children's performance was compared with that of two control groups; a group of mainstream children matched for mental age and a group of mainstream children matched for chronological age. Overall, this study showed that children with both mild and moderate intellectual disabilities can provide accurate and highly specific event-related information hi response to questions recommended in best-practice guidelines. However, their recall was less complete and less clear in response to free-narrative prompts and less accurate in response to specific questions when compared to both mainstream age-matched groups. Study 2 provided an in-depth analysis of the types of questions and strategies used by twenty-eight police officers and caregivers when interviewing children with either mild or moderate intellectual disabilities (M age = 11.13 years) about a repeated event that was staged at their school. The results revealed that while the approach used by the police officers was generally consistent with best-practice recommendations (i.e., their interviews contained few leading, coercive or negative strategies), there were many ways in which their approach could be improved. This study also showed that the caregivers used a high proportion of direct and negative strategies to elicit information from their children. Even when caregivers used open-ended questions, their children provided less event-related information than they did to police interviewers. The results of both studies were discussed in relation to current 'best-practice' guidelines for interviewing children and recommendations were offered for improving the quality of field interviews with children who have intellectual disabilities.