69 resultados para Heuristic

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This paper draws on empirical evidence to demonstrate that a heuristic framework signals collapse with significantly higher accuracy than the traditional static approach. Using a sample of 494 US publicly listed companies comprising 247 collapsed matched with 247 financially healthy ones, a heuristic framework is decisively superior the closer one gets to the event of collapse, culminating in 12.5% more overall accuracy than a static approach during
the year of collapse. An even more dramatic improvement occurs in relation to reduction of Type I error, with a heuristic framework delivering an improvement of 66.7% over its static counterpart.


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This paper presents an algorithm used to solve a carton to pallet packing problem in a drink manufacturing firm. The aim was to determine the cartons loading sequence and the number pallets required, prior to dispatch by truck. The algorithm consists of a series of nine parts to solve this industrial application problem. The pallet loading solution relatively computationally efficient and reduces the number pallets required, compared to other 'trail and error' or manual spreadsheet calculation methods.


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This paper re-examines the relationship between affect and effect, discussing them as research values that have emerged from the life sciences, the arts and philosophy and, more importantly, considering them as systems of relations underpinning experiential orientation by which to initiate change and hold the world in place. The notion of æffect may be defined as the continuous measure performed upon the systems of affect/effect and reapplied to events and things. Æffect is a coordinated system of cognition where concurrent measures impact on each other. In doing so, they specify perception and action on multiple registers and scales of events. It is important to recognise that the functioning of affective and effective systems in the body allows, and even requires, paradoxical logics to coexist and be deployed as processes that shape the organism-person-environment. Discussion of selected works from Arakawa and Gins will supply examples of tactics that combine built environments with discursive constraints to guide embodied attention. The practice of embodied cognition dilates the thresholds separating the organism from person and the person from environment, and moves towards an atmospheric intricateness (Arakawa and Gins 2003a:25) that may become the blocs of a new materialism for heuristic life.


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The problem of "model selection" for expressing a wide range of constitutive behaviour adequately using hot torsion test data was considered here using a heuristic approach. A model library including several nested parametric linear and non-linear models was considered and applied to a set of hot torsion test data for API-X 70 micro-alloyed steel with a range of strain rates and temperatures. A cost function comprising the modelled hot strength data and that of the measured data were utilized in a heuristic model selection scheme to identify the optimum models. It was shown that a non-linear rational model including ten parameters is an optimum model that can accurately express the multiple regimes of hardening and softening for the entire range of the experiment. The parameters for the optimum model were estimated and used for determining variations of hot strength of the samples with deformation.


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Optimising energy consumption in wireless sensor networks is of dominant importance. Sink mobility is introduced to deal with this problem by approaching the sensor nodes and collecting their data buffers using the less energy demanding single-hop communication. The sink route is very crucial for the data collection operation performed in the network especially when the collection requests generated by the sensors are revealed dynamically to the sink and not known ahead. This paper presents a practical motion heuristic for constructing the sink route based on the dynamic arrival of the collection requests. Three control schemes are proposed for coordinating the interaction of multiple mobile sinks collectively performing the data collection in the network. The main objective is maximising the data collected by each mobile sink while minimising the sleeping time of each sensor awaiting the collection service. Simulation results show the performance of the mobile sinks under the proposed control schemes and the impact of the motion heuristic on the sensors' sleeping time in the network.


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The article offers information about hedge funds, which refers to pooled investments that are privately organized and professionally managed by investment managers. It examines the statistical properties of the 70 Asian hedge funds and shows the inappropriateness of the traditional mean-variance optimizer to form optimal hedge fund portfolios. The article also introduces a practical heuristic approach using the senti-variance as a measure for downside risk, and describes the risk measures and the methodology to generate optimal hedge fund portfolio.


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Coal handling is a complex process involving different correlated and highly dependent operations such as selecting appropriate product types, planning stockpiles, scheduling stacking and reclaiming activities and managing train loads. Planning these operations manually is time consuming and can result in non-optimized schedules as future impact of decisions may not be appropriately considered. This paper addresses the operational scheduling of the continuous coal handling problem with multiple conflicting objectives. As the problem is NP-hard in nature, an effective heuristic is presented for planning stockpiles and scheduling resources to minimize delays in production and the coal age in the stockyard. A model of stockyard operations within a coal mine is described and the problem is formulated as a Bi- Objective Optimization Problem (BOOP). The algorithm efficacy is demonstrated on different real-life data scenarios. Computational results show that the solution algorithm is effective and the coal throughput is substantially impacted by the conflicting objectives. Together, the model and the proposed heuristic, can act as a decision support system for the stockyard planner to explore the effects of alternative decisions, such as balancing age and volume of stockpiles, and minimizing conflicts due to stacker and reclaimer movements.


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A grid computing system consists of a group of programs and resources that are spread across machines in the grid. A grid system has a dynamic environment and decentralized distributed resources, so it is important to provide efficient scheduling for applications. Task scheduling is an NP-hard problem and deterministic algorithms are inadequate and heuristic algorithms such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are needed to solve the problem. PSO is a simple parallel algorithm that can be applied in different ways to resolve optimization problems. PSO searches the problem space globally and needs to be combined with other methods to search locally as well. In this paper, we propose a hybrid-scheduling algorithm to solve the independent task- scheduling problem in grid computing. We have combined PSO with the gravitational emulation local search (GELS) algorithm to form a new method, PSO–GELS. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of PSO–GELS compared to other algorithms.


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The Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP) is an optimisation problem that was first discussed in Rapaport (1986) but has only more recently been the subject of much work by combinatorial optimisation re-searchers. This has been in parallel with its increased prevalence in the medical community. In the basic formulation of a KEP, each instance of the problem features a directed graph D = (V,A) . Each node i ∈ V represents an incompatible pair wherein the patient needs to trade kidneys with the patient of another incompatible pair. The goal is to find an optimal set of cycles such that as many patients as possible receive a transplant. The problem is further complicated by the imposition of a cycle-size constraint, usually considered to be 3 or 4. Kidney exchange programs around the world implement different algorithms to solve the allocation problem by matching up kidneys from potential donors to patients. In some systems all transplants are considered equally desirable, whereas in others, ranking criteria such as the age of the patient or distance they will need to travel are applied, hence the multi-criteria nature of the KEP. To address the multi-criteria aspect of the KEP, in this paper we propose a two-stage approach for the kidney exchange optimisation problem. In the first stage the goal is to find the optimal number of exchanges, and in the second stage the goal is to maximise the weighted sum of the kidney matches, subject to the added constraint that the number of exchanges must remain optimal. The idea can potentially be extended to multiple-objectives, by repeating the process in multiple runs. In our preliminary numerical experiments, we first find the maximum number of kidney matches by using an existing open source exact algorithm of Anderson et al. (2015). The solution will then be used as an initial solution for the stage two optimisation problem, wherein two heuristic methods, steepest ascent and random ascent, are implemented in obtaining good quality solutions to the objective of maximizing total weight of exchanges. The neighbourhood is obtained by two-swaps. It is our intention in the future to implement a varying neighbourhood scheme within the same two heuristic framework, or within other meta-heuristic framework.


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In 3 studies we recorded gay men's estimates of the likelihood that HIV would be transmitted in various sexual behaviours. In Study 1 (data collected 1993, n=92), the men were found to believe that transmissibility is very much greater than it actually is; that insertive unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) by an HIV-infected partner is made safer by withdrawal before ejaculation, and very much safer by withdrawal before either ejaculation or pre-ejaculation; that UAI is very much safer when an infected partner is receptive rather than insertive; that insertive oral sex by an infected partner is much less risky than even the safest variant of UAI; that HIV is less transmissible very early after infection than later on; and that risk accumulates over repeated acts of UAI less than it actually does. In Study 2 (data collected 1997/8, n=200), it was found that younger and older uninfected men generally gave similar estimates of transmissibility, but that infected men gave somewhat lower estimates than uninfected men; and that estimates were unaffected by asking the men to imagine that they themselves, rather than a hypothetical other gay man, were engaging in the behaviours. Comparison of the 1993 and 1997/8 results suggested that there had been some effect of an educational campaign warning of the dangers of withdrawal; however, there had been no effect either of a campaign warning of the dangers of receptive UAI by an infected partner, or of publicity given to the greater transmissibility of HIV shortly after infection. In Study 3 (data collected 1999, n=59), men induced into a positive mood were found to give lower estimates of transmissibility than either men induced into a neutral mood or men induced into a negative mood. It is argued that the results reveal the important contribution made to gay men's transmissibility estimates by cognitive strategies (such as the 'availability heuristic' and 'anchoring and adjustment') known to be general characteristics of human information-processing. Implications of the findings for AIDS education are discussed.