129 resultados para Health practices

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Knowledge in the field of environmental health is growing rapidly. Within the context of external factors that define its boundaries, environmental health has evolved over time into a complex, multidisciplinary and ill-defined field with uncertain solutions. Many of the key determinants and solutions to environmental health lie outside the direct realm of health and are strongly dependent on environmental changes, water and sanitation, industrial development, education, employment, trade, tourism, agriculture, urbanization, energy, housing and national security. Environmental risks, vulnerability and variability manifest themselves in different ways and at different time scales. While there are shared global and transnational problems, each community, country or region faces its own unique environmental health problems, the solution of which depends on circumstances surrounding the resources, customs, institutions, values and environmental vulnerability. This work will contain critical reviews and assessments of environmental health practices and research that have worked in places and thus can guide programs and economic development in other countries or regions.


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This paper will report on the progress of a large three year Australian Research Council (ARC) grant awarded to a multidisciplinary team of researchers in Victoria, Australia. The research, A multi-disciplinary investigation of how trauma and chronic illness impact on schooling, identity and social connectivity commenced in 2007 and is known as Keeping Connected (2007). The research is a collaborative grant in partnership with the Royal Children’s Hospital Education Institute, in association with the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne and the Centre for Adolescent Health, Royal Children’s Hospital. The research aims to investigate qualitatively, longitudinally and through multiple perspectives how young people construct/reconstruct identity and relationships with schooling following disruption associated with chronic illness. Using a mixed methodology, but with a central focus on longitudinal qualitative studies from the perspective of the young people, the study aims to identify key elements of disruption or continued connection, and will illuminate identity issues of people facing this disruption at different age and schooling points. The research outcomes will support education and health practices and provide a differently focused empirical contribution to the literature on education and social connection. The paper works at mixing methods qualitatively, rather than focusing on the overall mixed method design of the study. Assemblages of social capital theory and sociomateriality may be a useful standpoint for the development of our empirical contribution.


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Objective : Our purpose was to determine if babies breastfed at 6 months of age were more likely to wake at night and less likely to sleep alone than formula-fed babies.

Patients and Methods :
Data were drawn from the first wave of The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, an ongoing, nationally representative study of the growth and development of Australia's children. The 4507 participants met the criteria for this study. The measures examined infant sleep problems as the outcome and breastfeeding at 6 months of age as the exposure in addition to the demographic data, maternal mental health, infant birthweight and gestational age at delivery.

Results :
After adjustment for covariates, reports by mothers of infants that breastfed at 6 months of age suggested infants were 66% more likely to wake during the night and 72% more likely to report difficulty sleeping alone. However, breastfeeding had a strongly protective effect on wheezing, coughing, snoring and breathing problems, and it was not associated with restless sleep or problems getting to sleep for the infant.

Conclusions :
Breastfeeding was found to be associated with increased night waking and this is consistent with other studies. There are biological reasons why this might be required to ensure breastfeeding continues to 6 months and beyond. The current low rates of sustained breastfeeding in many Western countries needs to be reconsidered in relation to parental and public health practices promoting prolonged nocturnal infant sleep patterns.


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This study emerged in response to a previous report that used a strength-based approach to identify best-practice good-health behaviours in a number of farming and fishing communities, titled Staying Healthy: Behaviours and services used by farmers and fishers. This earlier report found there was a need for specific attention to the physical and particularly the mental health of those in the Australian commercial fishing industry. This included a better understanding of the issues, logistical and social barriers to good-health practices, and avenues of health communication and treatment. The 2013 Staying Healthy study echoed the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) research and development Plan for 2008-2012, Collaborative Partnership for Farming and Fishing Health and Safety, which advocated research into health, well-being and resilience in rural primary industries. These reports are coupled with widespread anecdotal accounts describing very poor physical and mental health within the fishing industry, including accounts of suicide and attempted suicide. As a contributor to a body of scholarly research, this study is supported by other literature, which is addressed, below. In this short section we introduce research that is most relevant to appreciating the findings of this study on fisher health and well-being.


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Issue addressed: Health programs have been part of the responsibility of Victorian school education for 90 years. Yet rarely have there been studies to identify what is happening in school health promotion, or what the differences between schools might be, particularly in relation to the socioeconomic status of the school community and whether the school is in a metropolitan or regional area. Methods: In 1997 all Victorian schools (primary and secondary) in the State, Catholic and Independent systems were sent questionnaires in order to promote broader awareness about health promotion, and to identify what health programs, policies and activities the schools believed existed within their school community. A response rate of 43% was achieved, and results were collated under the six domains of the Health Promoting School model as outlined by the Western Pacific Regional Office of the World Health Organisation. Data analysed in this paper compared highest versus lowest quartiles for socioeconomic status (SES), and schools in metropolitan Melbourne versus regional areas. Results: Most differences between schools based on socioeconomic status occurred in secondary schools and were related mainly to environmental policies and practices, use of back packs, the presence of safety policies, involvement of parents in school activities and the provision of services for mental and social health needs. All differences were in favour of the highest SES quartile schools. Environmental policies and procedures, and school-based health and welfare services were present more often in metropolitan schools than in regional and rural schools. Conclusion: Although there were notable differences between schools, the audit results pointed to more similarities than differences between schools in the highest and lowest SES quartiles for health-related policies and practices; there were even fewer differences between metropolitan and non-metropolitan schools. So what: Regardless of the actual advantages and disadvantages schools experience with respect to location or socioeconomic status, it is important to understand that school staff perceive that they can and do have reasonably comprehensive health policies, procedures and practices to address health issues. Nevertheless, clear differences between schools did emerge in certain health areas and findings will assist policy making and the allocation of limited resources.


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Fruit and vegetable intake may reduce the risk of some chronic diseases. However, many children consume less-than-recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables. Because health professionals and dietetics practitioners often work with parents to increase children's fruit and vegetable intake, assessing their opinions about the effectiveness of parenting practices is an important step in understanding how to promote fruit and vegetable intake among preschool-aged children. Using a cross-sectional design, collaborators from six countries distributed an Internet survey to health and nutrition organization members. A self-selected sample reported their perceptions of the effectiveness of 39 parenting practices intended to promote fruit and vegetable consumption in preschool-aged children from May 18, 2008, to September 16, 2008. A total of 889 participants (55% United States, 22.6% Mexico, 10.9% Australia, 4.4% Spain, 3.3% Chile, 2.2% United Kingdom, and 1.6% other countries) completed the survey. The fruit and vegetable intake–related parenting practices items were categorized into three dimensions (structure, responsiveness, and control) based on a parenting theory conceptual framework and dichotomized as effective/ineffective based on professional perceptions. The theoretically derived factor structures for effective and ineffective parenting practices were evaluated using separate confirmatory factor analyses and demonstrated acceptable fit. Fruit and vegetable intake–related parenting practices that provide external control were perceived as ineffective or counterproductive, whereas fruit and vegetable intake–related parenting practices that provided structure, nondirective control, and were responsive were perceived as effective in getting preschool-aged children to consume fruit and vegetables. Future research needs to develop and validate a parent-reported measure of these fruit and vegetable intake–related parenting practices and to empirically evaluate the effect of parental use of the parenting practices on child fruit and vegetable consumption.


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Issue addressed: Climate changes and environmental degradation caused by anthropogenic activities are having an irrefutable impact on human health. The critical role played by health promotion in addressing environmental challenges has a history in seminal charters − such as the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion − that explicitly link human well-being with the natural environment. The lack of documented practice in this field prompted an investigation of health promotion practice that addresses climate change issues within health care settings.

Methods: This qualitative study involved five case studies of Victorian health care agencies that explicitly identified climate change as a priority. Individual and group interviews with ten health promotion funded practitioners as well as document analysis techniques were used to explore diverse practices across these rural, regional and urban health care agencies.

Results: Health promotion practice in these agencies was oriented toward: active and sustainable transport; healthy and sustainable food supply; mental health and community resilience; engaging vulnerable population groups such as women; and organisational development.

Conclusion: Despite differences in approach, target population and context, the core finding was that health promotion strategies, competencies and frameworks were transferable to action on climate change in these health care settings.


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This study investigated the association between sexual practices and duration of a sexual encounter. Using data from a population-based computer-assisted telephone survey of 8,656 Australians aged 16 to 64 years, four distinct patterns of sexual practices among respondents were found: “basic sexual encounter” (involving mainly kissing, cuddling, stroking one's partner and being stroked, and vaginal intercourse), “basic sexual encounter plus oral sex,” “all assessed sexual practices” (all sexual behaviors included in the survey), and “mainly vaginal intercourse” (characterized by lower levels of kissing, cuddling, and stroking). For both men and women, respondents classified in the basic sexual encounter plus oral sex, and all assessed sexual practices clusters reported significantly longer durations than those in the basic sexual encounter group, whereas respondents in the mainly vaginal intercourse cluster reported shorter durations. These differences were found even after allowing for demographic differences in sexual duration—specifically, age and partner type of the most recent opposite-sex partner. These findings add to the understanding of what typically happens in a sexual encounter. Overall, longer sexual encounters appear to be associated with the inclusion of the least common sexual practices—namely, oral sex and self-stimulation.


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Background: The 45 year old health check (MBS item 717) for patients aged 45-49 years was introduced in 2006. This study evaluated its impact on preventive care and patient reported risk factors. Methods: A quantitative and qualitative study was conducted in eight general practices in Sydney, New South Wales. It involved follow up surveys of 118 patients taken both before the check and 3 months after. Practice staff were trained and supported to conduct the health checks and appropriate interventions. Results: There was ambivalence among some of the general practitioners toward the health check, but most found it feasible. The reported frequency of GP advice relating to each of the SNAP (smoking, nutrition, alcohol, and physical activity) risk factors increased; patient referrals, however, were infrequent. Patients' readiness to change their diet and exercise habits improved as a result of the check, with respondents showing an increase in both the consumption of vegetables and the frequency of physical activity. There was no change in body mass index, smoking or alcohol consumption. Discussion: The health check was associated with a short term improvement in diet and physical activity behaviours. Mechanisms to enhance referral need to be developed.


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BACKGROUND: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy has the potential to cause significant harm to the foetus and the current Australian guidelines state that it is safest not to drink alcohol while pregnant. However, conflicting messages often appear in the media and it is unclear if the message to avoid alcohol is being effectively conveyed to pregnant women. AIMS: This research aims to explore the advice that health professionals provide to pregnant women about alcohol consumption; the knowledge of health professionals regarding the effects of alcohol consumption; and their consistency with following the Australian guidelines. METHODS: Ten semi-structured face to face interviews were conducted with health professionals who regularly provide antenatal care. These include midwives, obstetricians, and shared care general practitioners. A six-stage thematic analysis framework was used to analyse the interview data in a systematic way to ensure rigour and transparency. The analysis involved coding data extracts, followed by identifying the major themes. FINDINGS: Health professionals displayed adequate knowledge that alcohol can cause physical and mental difficulties that are lifelong; however, knowledge of the term FASD and the broad spectrum of difficulties associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy was limited. Although health professionals were willing to discuss alcohol with pregnant women, many did not make this a routine part of practice, and several concerning judgements were noted. CONCLUSION: Communication between health professionals and pregnant women needs to be improved to ensure that accurate information about alcohol use in pregnancy is being provided. Further, it is important to ensure that the national guidelines are being supported by health professionals.


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This research explores the health beliefs of three generations of Greek Australian women in Melbourne. It describes their experience of illness and wellbeing in the context of a culture-specific understanding of health with strong cultural, religious, and linguistic bases that derive from the community’s Greek heritage.


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Health literacy is a concept that can be widely embraced by schools. Schools throughout the world contribute to the achievement of public health goals in conjunction with their educational commitments. In this paper, the interface between a school's core business of education and public health goals is identified, and examples provided in the area of nutrition demonstrating how these links can operate at school level. The structure and function of the health promoting school is described and the author proposes that there is a very close connection between the health promoting school and the enabling factors necessary in achieving health literacy. Major findings in the literature that provide evidence of good practices in school health education and promotion initiatives are described. Also, those factors that make schools effective and which facilitate learning for students are identified. There is a substantial overlap between the successful components of a health promoting school and effective schools. This enables schools to potentially achieve all three levels of health literacy, including level 3—critical health literacy. However, there are three challenges that must be addressed to enable schools to achieve this level: the traditional structure and function of schools, teachers practices and skills, and time and resources. Strategies are proposed to address all three areas and to reduce the impediments to achieving the goals of health literacy and public health using the school as a setting.


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As governments attempt to focus more intently on how to deal with alarming measures of health disadvantage and inequities, a reformist gaze seems to have settled on the primary care sector. Simultaneously, in literature about this area, whether intended or not, primary health care and primary care are terms that are increasingly interchanged. This article argues that the slippage in language is counter-productive, first because it disguises the transformative potential of strategies and approaches that can make the fundamental changes necessary to improve health status, and second because the structures and practices of the primary care sector are not necessarily compatible with notions of comprehensive primary health care. There is much to be lost if primary health care and health promotion are disguised as primary care, and not understood for their capacity to make a difference to health inequities although of course in some circumstances, comprehensive primary health care is interdependent with services provided by primary care. In this article, characteristics of primary care and primary health care are juxtaposed to show that if the strengths and limitations of each model are understood, they can be mobilised in collaborative partnerships to deal more effectively with health inequities, than our system has so far been able to do.


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Nursing practice is significantly influenced by the type and use of space in which nursing is practised. While investigating current patterns of service delivery for the management of pressure ulcers from the perspective of people with spinal cord injuries and their families, the space in which care was delivered was identified as a central determinant of care. Qualitative methods were used to investigate consumer perspectives among patients residing in both metropolitan and rural communities who had been hospitalized for the management of pressure ulcers. Issues related to the spatial practices of the hospital are discussed, demonstrating a link between well-being and the creation of an appropriate caring milieu. It is concluded that service could be improved markedly if health-care professionals placed more consideration on the impact of space on their service delivery.