87 resultados para HETEROGENEOUS PANELS

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Testing the integrational properties of visitor arrivals has important implications for policy, for if visitor arrivals are integrated of order one (nonstationary) then it implies that shocks to visitor arrivals are permanent. However, if visitor arrivals are found to be integrated or order zero (stationary) then this implies that shocks to visitor arrivals are temporary. In this paper we examine whether visitor arrivals to Australia are stationary or nonstationary, using the recently developed univariate and panel Lagrange multiplier tests, and the Im, Pesaran and Shin [Im, K.S., Pesaran, M.H., Shin, Y., 1997. Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels. Manuscript, Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge; Im, K.S., Pesaran, M.H., Shin, Y., 2003. Testing for Unit Roots in Heterogeneous Panels. Journal of Econometrics, 115, 53–74] panel t-test. Our exercise involves Australia’s 28 tourist source markets. Our main findings are: (1) that visitor arrivals to Australia from 28 tourist source markets are stationary, implying that any shock will have only a temporary effect and (2) the second structural break, which mainly coincides with the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Asian financial crisis, has slowed down the growth rate in visitor arrivals to Australia from 22 out of 28 (79%) of the tourism source markets.


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In an influential paper, Pesaran [Pesaran, M.H. (2006). Estimation and inference in large heterogeneous panels with a multifactor error structure. Econometrica 74, 967–1012] proposes a very simple estimator of factor-augmented regressions that has since then become very popular. In this note we demonstrate how the presence of correlated factor loadings can render this estimator inconsistent.


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The goal of this paper is to undertake a panel data investigation of long-run Granger causality between electricity consumption and real GDP for seven panels, which together consist of 93 countries. We use a new panel causality test and find that in the long-run both electricity consumption and real GDP have a bidirectional Granger causality relationship except for the Middle East where causality runs only from GDP to electricity consumption. Finally, for the G6 panel the estimates reveal a negative sign effect, implying that increasing electricity consumption in the six most industrialised nations will reduce GDP. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper proposes new error correction-based cointegration tests for panel data. The limiting distributions of the tests are derived and critical values provided. Our simulation results suggest that the tests have good small-sample properties with small size distortions and high power relative to other popular residual-based panel cointegration tests. In our empirical application, we present evidence suggesting that international healthcare expenditures and GDP are cointegrated once the possibility of an invalid common factor restriction has been accounted for. © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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In this paper, we study the effect that different serial correlation adjustment methods can have on panel cointegration testing. As an example, we consider the very popular tests developed by Pedroni [Pedroni, P. (1999). Critical values for cointegration tests in heterogeneous panels with multiple regressors. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 61, 653670., Pedroni, P. (2004). Panel cointegration: asymptotic and finite sample properties of pooled time series tests with an application to the PPP hypothesis. Econometric Theory 20, 597-625.]. Results based on both simulated and real data suggest that different adjustment methods can lead to significant variations in test outcome, and thus also in the conclusions. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article investigates the impact of sectoral production allocation, energy usage patterns and trade openness on pollutant emissions in a panel consisting of high-, medium- and low-income countries. Extended STIRPAT (Stochastic Impact by Regression on Population, Affluence and Technology) and EKC (Environmental Kuznets Curve) models are conducted to systematically identify these factors driving CO2 emissions in these countries during the period 1980–2010. To this end, the studyemploys three different heterogeneous, dynamic mean group-type linear panel modelsand one nonlinear panel data estimation procedure that allows for cross-sectionaldependence. While affluence, nonrenewable energy consumption and energy intensity variables are found to drive pollutant emissions in linear models, population is also found to be a significant driver in the nonlinear model. Both service sector and agricultural value-added levels play a significant role in reducing pollution levels, whereas industrialisation increases pollution levels. Although the linear model fails totrack any significant impact of trade openness, the nonlinear model finds trade liberalisation to significantly affect emission reduction levels. All of these results suggest that economic development, and especially industrialisation strategies and environmental policies, need to be coordinated to play a greater role in emission reduction due to trade liberalisation.


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One of the policy puzzles faced in India during the last two and half decades has been the weak association between output and labor markets, particularly in the manufacturing sector. In this research, we investigate the long-run relationship between output, labor productivity and real wages in the case of organized manufacturing. We adjust the measure of labor productivity incorporating bottlenecks, such as lack of infrastructure, access to external finance, and labor regulations, which all may influence labor market outcomes. Using panel data from seventeen manufacturing industries, we establish long-run dynamics for the output-labor productivity-real wages series over a period of nearly three decades. We employ recently developed panel unit root and cointegration tests for cross-sectional dependence to incorporate heterogeneity across industries. Long-run elasticities are generally found to be low for labor productivity compared to real wages due to the changes in manufacturing output. There are variations across industries within the manufacturing sector for the effects of the labor market on manufacturing output. In some industries, lower wages are associated with higher output, and the reason for the positive relationship in other industries could be due to workers' bargaining power.


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The CADF test of Pesaran (J Appl Econ 22:265–312, 2007) are among the most popular univariate tests for cross-section correlated panels around. Yet, the existing asymptotic analysis of this test statistic is limited to a model in which the errors are assumed to follow a simple AR(1) structure with homogenous autoregressive coefficients. One reason for this is that the model involves an intricate identification issue, as both the serial and cross-section correlation structures of the errors are unobserved. The purpose of the current paper is to tackle this issue and in so doing extend the existing analysis to the case of AR((Formula presented.)) errors with possibly heterogeneous coefficients.


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With information access becoming more and more ubiquitous, there is a need for providingQoSsupport for communication that spans wired and wireless networks. For the wired side, RSVP/SBM has been widely accepted as a flow reservation scheme in IEEE 802 style LANs. Thus, it would be desirable to investigate the integration of RSVP and a flow reservation scheme in wireless LANs, as an end-to-end solution for QoS guarantee in wired-cum-wireless networks. For this purpose, we propose WRESV, a lightweight RSVPlike flow reservation and admission control scheme for IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. Using WRESV, wired/wireless integration can be easily implemented by cross-layer interaction at the Access Point. Main components of the integration are RSVP-WRESV parameter mapping and the initiation of new reservation messages, depending on where senders/receivers are located. In addition, to support smooth roaming of mobile users among different basic service sets (BSS), we devise an efficient handoff scheme that considers both the flow rate demand and network resource availability for continuous QoS support. Furthermore, various optimizations for supporting multicast session and QoS re-negotiation are proposed for better performance improvement. Extensive simulation results showthat the proposed scheme is promising in enriching the QoS support of multimedia applications in heterogeneous wired-cum-wireless networks.


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The photochemical degradation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from the leaves of River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) was examined, with a particular focus on the photochemical generation of CO2, consumption of O2, and the effect of particulate iron minerals on these photochemical reactions. Solutions of leaf leachate were irradiated with ultraviolet and visible light in the presence and absence of amorphous iron oxides. Addition of fresh iron oxide was found to increase the rate of photodegradation of the organic matter by up to an order of magnitude compared to the reactions without added iron oxide. The ratio of CO2 produced to O2 consumed was ~1:1 in both the presence and absence of iron oxyhydroxide. The reactivity of the iron oxides was dependent on the preparation method and decreased with increased storage time. These results suggest that photochemical reactions on particle surfaces should be considered when examining carbon transformation in aquatic ecosystems, especially at sites with potential for the production of iron oxyhydroxides.


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Accurate assessment of the fate of salts, nutrients, and pollutants in natural, heterogeneous soils requires a proper quantification of both spatial and temporal solute spreading during solute movement. The number of experiments with multisampler devices that measure solute leaching as a function of space and time is increasing. The breakthrough curve (BTC) can characterize the temporal aspect of solute leaching, and recently the spatial solute distribution curve (SSDC) was introduced to describe the spatial solute distribution. We combined and extended both concepts to develop a tool for the comprehensive analysis of the full spatio-temporal behavior of solute leaching. The sampling locations are ranked in order of descending amount of total leaching (defined as the cumulative leaching from an individual compartment at the end of the experiment), thus collapsing both spatial axes of the sampling plane into one. The leaching process can then be described by a curved surface that is a function of the single spatial coordinate and time. This leaching surface is scaled to integrate to unity, and termed S can efficiently represent data from multisampler solute transport experiments or simulation results from multidimensional solute transport models. The mathematical relationships between the scaled leaching surface S, the BTC, and the SSDC are established. Any desired characteristic of the leaching process can be derived from S. The analysis was applied to a chloride leaching experiment on a lysimeter with 300 drainage compartments of 25 cm2 each. The sandy soil monolith in the lysimeter exhibited fingered flow in the water-repellent top layer. The observed S demonstrated the absence of a sharp separation between fingers and dry areas, owing to diverging flow in the wettable soil below the fingers. Times-to-peak, maximum solute fluxes, and total leaching varied more in high-leaching than in low-leaching compartments. This suggests a stochastic–convective transport process in the high-flow streamtubes, while convection–dispersion is predominant in the low-flow areas. S can be viewed as a bivariate probability density function. Its marginal distributions are the BTC of all sampling locations combined, and the SSDC of cumulative solute leaching at the end of the experiment. The observed S cannot be represented by assuming complete independence between its marginal distributions, indicating that S contains information about the leaching process that cannot be derived from the combination of the BTC and the SSDC.


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Stringer-stiffened plate-like structure is a typical engineering structure and its structural integrity is critical. A guided Lamb wave-based damage identification scheme and an online structural health monitoring (SHM) system with an integrated PZT-sensor network were developed. In the previous studies, the specimens were relatively simple. In this paper, the above mentioned method was extended to the stiffened plate-like structure—a flat plate reinforced by stringer. FE dynamic simulation was applied to investigate the Lamb wave propagation characteristics due to the existence of stringer with the consideration of its material and geometric configurations.


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In data-intensive distributed systems, replication is the most widely used approach to offer high data availability, low bandwidth consumption, increased fault-tolerance and improved scalability of the overall system. Replication-based systems implement replica control protocols that enforce a specified semantics of accessing the data. Also, the performance depends on a number of factors, the chief of which is the protocol used to maintain consistency among object replica. In this paper, we propose a new low-cost and high data availability protocol called the box-shaped grid structure for maintaining consistency of replicated data on networked distributed computing systems. We show that the proposed protocol provides high data availability, low communication costs, and increased fault-tolerance as compared to the baseline replica control protocols.