275 resultados para Gait Disorders, Neurologic

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Background and Purpose. Obstacle crossing is compromised following stroke. The purpose of this study was to quantify modifications during obstacle clearance following stroke.

Subjects. Twelve subjects with stroke and 12 subjects without stroke participated in the study.

Methods. Kinematic variables were measured while participants crossed a 4-cm-high obstacle. Subjects with stroke walked at a self-selected speed; subjects without stroke walked at a comparable speed and at a self-selected speed.

Results. Several modifications were observed following stroke with both groups walking at self-selected speeds. The affected lead limb was positioned closer to the obstacle before crossing. Affected trail-limb clearance over the obstacle was reduced. Both affected and unaffected lead and trail limbs landed closer to the obstacle after clearance. Swing time was increased in the affected lead limb after obstacle clearance. Fewer modifications were detected at matched walking speed; the trail limb still landed closer to the obstacle.

Discussion and Conclusion. Modifications during obstacle crossing following stroke may be partly related to walking speed. The findings raise issues of safety because people with stroke demonstrated reduced clearance of a 4-cm obstacle and limb placement closer to the obstacle after clearance.


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Community locomotion is threatened when older individuals are required to negotiate obstacles, which place considerable stress on the musculoskeletal system. The vulnerability of older adults during challenging locomotor tasks is further compromised by age-related strength decline and muscle atrophy. The first study in this investigation determined the relationship between the major muscle groups of the lower body and challenging locomotor tasks commonly found in the community environment of older adults. Twenty-nine females and sixteen males aged between 62 and 88 years old (68.2 ±6.5) were tested for the maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) strength of the knee extensors and 1-RM for the hip extensors, flexors, adductors, abductors, knee extensors and flexors and ankle plantar flexors. Temporal measurements of an obstacle course comprising four gait tasks set at three challenging levels were taken. The relationship between strength and the obstacle course dependent measures was explored using linear regression models. Significant associations (p≤0.05) between all the strength measures and the gait performances were found. The correlation values between strength and obstructed gait (r = 0.356-0.554) and the percentage of the variance explained by strength (R2 = 13%-31%), increased as a function of the challenging levels, especially for the stepping over and on and off conditions. While the difficulty of community older adults to negotiate obstacles cannot be attributed to a single causal pathway, the findings of the first study showed that strength is a critical requirement. That the magnitude of the association increased as a function of the challenging levels, suggests that interventions aimed at improving strength would potentially be effective in helping community older adults to negotiate environmental gait challenges. In view of the findings of the first study, a second investigation determined the effectiveness of a progressive resistance-training program on obstructed gait tasks measured under specific laboratory conditions and on an obstacle course mimicking a number of environmental challenges. The time courses of strength gains and neuromuscular mechanisms underpinning the exercise-induced strength improvements in community-dwelling older adults were also investigated. The obstructed gait conditions included stepping over an obstacle, on and off a raised surface, across an obstacle and foot targeting. Forty-three community-living adults with a mean age of 68 years (control =14 and experimental=29) completed a 24-week progressive resistance training program designed to improve strength and induce hypertrophy in the major muscles of the lower body. Specific laboratory gait kinetics and kinematics and temporal measures taken on the obstacle course were measured. Lean tissue mass and muscle activation of the lower body muscle groups were assessed. The MVC strength of the knee extensors and 1-RM of the hip extension, hip flexion, knee extension, knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion were measured. A 25% increase on the MVC of the knee extensors (p≤0.05) was reported in the training group. Gains ranging between 197% and 285% were recorded for the 1-RM exercises in the trained subjects with significant improvements found throughout the study (p≤0.05). The exercise-induced strength gains were mediated by hypertrophic and neural factors as shown by 8.7% and 27.7% increases (p≤0.05) in lean tissue mass and integrated electromyographic activity, respectively. Strength gains were accompanied by increases in crossing velocity, stride length and reductions in stride duration, stance and swing time for all gait tasks except for the foot targeting condition. Specific kinematic variables associated with safe obstacle traverse such as vertical obstacle heel clearance, limb flexion, horizontal foot placements prior to and at post obstacle crossing and landing velocities resulted in an improved crossing strategy in the experimental subjects. Significant increases in the vertical and anterior-posterior ground reaction forces accompanied the changes in the gait variables. While further long-term prospective studies of falls rates would be needed to confirm the benefits of lower limb enhanced strength, the findings of the present study provide conclusive evidence of significant improvements to gait efficiency associated with a systematic resistance-training program. It appears, however, that enhanced lower body strength has limited effects on gait tasks involving a dynamic balance component. In addition, due to the larger strength-induced increases in voluntary activation of the leg muscle compared to relatively smaller gains in lean tissue mass, neural adaptations appear to play a greater contributing role in explaining strength gains during the current resistance training protocol.


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The majority of falls occur during routine ambulation and transfer tasks required for basic mobility such as rapid stopping. The study found that in comparison with young adults older adults more frequently used two steps to terminate walking. This is due to increased onset times in the rear leg muscles and a lower frequency of ankle and hip extensor recruitment in the front leg.


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BACKGROUND: Psychotropic agents known to cause sedation are associated with an increased risk of falls, but the role of psychiatric illness as an independent risk factor for falls is not clear. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association between psychiatric disorders, psychotropic medication use and falls risk. METHODS: This study examined data collected from 1062 women aged 20-93 yr (median 50 yr) participating in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study, a large, ongoing, population-based study. Depressive and anxiety disorders for the preceding 12-month period were ascertained by clinical interview. Current medication use and falls history were self-reported. Participants were classified as fallers if they had fallen to the ground at least twice during the same 12-month period. Anthropometry, demographic, medical and lifestyle factors were determined. Logistic regression was used to test the associations, after adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Fifty-six women (5.3%) were classified as fallers. Those meeting criteria for depression within the past 12 months had a 2.4-fold increased odds of falling (unadjusted OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.5). Adjustment for age and mobility strengthened the relationship (adjusted OR = 2.7, 95% CI 1.4-5.2) between depression and falling, with results remaining unchanged following further adjustment for psychotropic medication use (adjusted OR = 2.7, 95% CI 1.3-5.6). In contrast, past (prior to 12-month) depression were not associated with falls. No association was observed between anxiety and falls risk. Falling was associated with psychotropic medication use (unadjusted OR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.5-5.2), as well as antidepressant (unadjusted OR = 2.4, 95% CI 1.2-4.8) and benzodiazepine use (unadjusted OR = 3.4, 95% CI 1.6-7.3); associations remained unchanged following adjustment for potential confounders. CONCLUSION: The likelihood of falls was increased among those with depression within the past 12 months, independent of psychotropic medication use and other recognised confounders, suggesting an independent effect of depression on falls risk. Psychotropic drug use was also confirmed as an independent risk factor for falls, but anxiety disorders were not. Further research into the underlying mechanisms is warranted.


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Copper is an essential element for the activity of a number of physiologically important enzymes. Enzyme-related malfunctions may contribute to severe neurological symptoms and neurological diseases: copper is a component of cytochrome c oxidase, which catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water, the essential step in cellular respiration. Copper is a cofactor of Cu/Zn-superoxide-dismutase which plays a key role in the cellular response to oxidative stress by scavenging reactive oxygen species. Furthermore, copper is a constituent of dopamine-β-hydroxylase, a critical enzyme in the catecholamine biosynthetic pathway. A detailed exploration of the biological importance and functional properties of proteins associated with neurological symptoms will have an important impact on understanding disease mechanisms and may accelerate development and testing of new therapeutic approaches. Copper binding proteins play important roles in the establishment and maintenance of metal-ion homeostasis, in deficiency disorders with neurological symptoms (Menkes disease, Wilson disease) and in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s disease). The Menkes and Wilson proteins have been characterized as copper transporters and the amyloid precursor protein (APP) of Alzheimer’s disease has been proposed to work as a Cu(II) and/or Zn(II) transporter. Experimental, clinical and epidemiological observations in neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease and in the genetically inherited copper-dependent disorders Menkes and Wilson disease are summarized. This could provide a rationale for a link between severely dysregulated metal-ion homeostasis and the selective neuronal pathology.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the relationship between lower body strength of community-dwelling older adults and the time to negotiate obstructed gait tasks.

DESIGN: A correlational study.

SETTING: The Biomechanics Laboratory, Deakin University, Australia.

PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-nine women and 16 men aged 62 to 88 were recruited using advertisements placed in local newspapers. The participants were independent community dwellers, healthy and functionally mobile.

MEASUREMENTS: Maximal isometric strength of the knee extensors and dynamic strength of the hip extensors, hip flexors, hip adductors, hip abductors, knee extensors, knee flexors, and ankle plantar flexors were assessed. The times to negotiate four obstructed gait tasks at three progressively challenging levels on an obstacle course and to complete the course were recorded. The relationship between strength and the crossing times was explored using linear regression models.

RESULTS: Significant associations between the seven strength measures and the times to negotiate each gait task and to walk the entire course at each level were obtained (r = -0.38 to -0.55; P < .05). In addition, the percentage of the variance explained by strength (R2), consistently increased as a function of the progressively challenging level. This increase was particularly marked for the stepping over task (R2 = 19.3%,25.0%, and 27.2%, for levels 1, 2, and 3, respectively) and the raised surface condition (R2 = 17.1%,21.1%, and 30.8%, for levels 1,2, and 3, respectively) .

The findings of the study showed that strength is a critical requirement for obstructed locomotion. That the magnitude of the association increased as a function of the challenging levels suggests that intervention programs aimed at improving strength would potentially be effective in helping community-dwelling older adults negotiate environmental gait challenges.


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Copper is an essential trace element that can be extremely toxic in excess due to the pro-oxidant activity of copper ions. Inherited disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency), and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis) are caused by mutations of two closely related Cu transporting-ATPases, and demonstrate the essentiality and potential toxicity of copper. Other copper toxicosis conditions in humans and animals have been described, but are not well understood at a molecular level. Copper homeostatic mechanisms are being discovered. One such mechanism is copper-induced trafficking of the Cu-ATPases, which allows cells to provide copper to secreted cupro-proteins but also to efflux excess copper. Oxidative damage induced by copper may be involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and prion diseases.


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This study examined the effects of improved strength on an obstacle course (OC) simulating gait tasks commonly encountered by community-living older adults. Forty-five adults (mean age 68.2 +/- 1.5 years) were randomly assigned to a control (10 women, 5 men) or an experimental group (EXP; 19 women, 10 men) and trained 3 days/week for 12 weeks.


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Sixteen young (25±2.6 years) and 16 older individuals (69±4.4 years) walked normally then terminated walking rapidly. A visual stopping stimulus was presented 10 ms following ground contact (short delay) and in another condition, at 450 ms prior to toe-off (long delay). Stimulus probability was either high (80% of trials) or low (10%). The younger group stopped faster (463 vs. 574 ms) despite also walking faster (1.29 vs. 1.17 m s−1). Longer delay decreased one-step responses but older participants used significantly more (slower) two-step stopping, which increased stopping time and distance. The additional step may have been pre-planned to maintain medial–lateral stability.


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The study of human gait has expanded and diversified to the extent that it is now possible to identify a substantive literature concerning a variety of gait tasks, such as gait initiation [Halliday SE, Winter DA, Frank JS, Patla AE, Prince F. The initiation of gait in young, elderly, and Parkinson's disease subjects. Gait Posture 1998;8:8–14; Mickelborough J, van der Linden ML, Tallis RC, Ennos AR. Muscle activity during gait initiation in normal elderly people. Gait Posture 2004;19:50–57], stepping over and across obstacles [Patla AE, Prentice SD, Robinson C, Newfold J. Visual control of locomotion: strategies for changing direction and for going over obstacles. J Exp Psych 1991;17:603–34; Chen, HC, Ashton-Miller JA, Alexander NB, Schultz AB. Effect of age and available response time on ability to step over an obstacle. J Gerontol 1994;49:227–33; Sparrow WA, Shinkfield AJ, Chow S, Begg RK. Gait characteristics in stepping over obstacles. Hum Mov Sci 1996;15:605–22; Begg RK, Sparrow WA, Lythgo ND. Time-domain analysis of foot–ground reaction forces in negotiating obstacles. Gait Posture 1998;7:99–109; Patla AE, Rietdyk S. Visual control of limb trajectory over obstacles during locomotion: effect of obstacle height and width. Gait Posture 1993;1:45–60] negotiating raised surfaces such as curbs and stairs [Begg RK, Sparrow WA. Gait characteristics of young and older individuals negotiating a raised surface: implications for the prevention of falls. J Gerontol Med Sci 2000;55A:147–54; Mcfayden BJ, Winter DA. An integrated biomechanical analysis of normal stair ascent and descent. J Biomech 1988;21:733–44]. In addition, increasing research interest in age-related declines in gait that might predispose individuals to falls has engendered a very extensive literature concerning ageing effects on gait. While rapid locomotor adjustments are common in the course of daily activities there has been no previous review of the findings concerning gait adaptations when walking is terminated both rapidly and unexpectedly. The aims of this review were first, to summarise the key research findings and methodological considerations from studies of termination. The second aim was to demonstrate the effects of ageing and gait pathologies on termination with respect to the regulation of step characteristics, lower-limb muscle activation patterns and foot–ground reaction forces.


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Zinc is an essential trace element required by all living organisms because of its critical roles both as a structural component of proteins and as a cofactor in enzyme catalysis. The importance of zinc in human metabolism is illustrated by the effects of zinc deficiency, which include a diminished immune response, reduced healing and neurological disorders. Furthermore, nutritional zinc deficiency can be fatal in newborn or growing animals. While zinc deficiency is commonly caused by dietary factors, several inherited defects of zinc deficiency have been identified. Acrodermatitis enteropathica is the most commonly described inherited condition found in humans. In several of the few cases that have been reported, this disorder is associated with mutations in the hZIP4 gene, a member of the SLC39 family, whose members encode membranebound putative zinc transporters. Mutations in other members of this family or in different genes may account for other cases of acrodermatitis in which defects in hZIP4 have not been detected. Another inherited form of zinc deficiency occurs in the lethal milk mouse, where a mutation in ZnT4 gene, a member of the SLC30 family of transmembrane proteins results in impaired secretion of zinc into milk from the mammary gland. A similar disorder to the lethal milk mouse occurs in humans. In the few cases studied, no changes in ZnT4 orthologue, hZnT4, were detected. This, and the presence of several minor phenotypic differences between the zinc deficiency in humans and mice, suggests that the human condition is caused by defects in genes that are yet to be identified. Taking into account the fact that there are no definitive tests for zinc deficiency and that this disorder can go undiagnosed, plus the recent identification of multiple members of the SCL30 and SLC39, it is likely that mutations in other genes may underlie additional inherited disorders of zinc deficiency.


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Gait and face are two important biometrics for human identification. Complementary properties of these two biometrics suggest fusion of them. The relationship between gait and face in the fusion is affected by the subject-to-camera distance. On the one hand, gait is a suitable biometric trait for human recognition at a distance. On the other hand, face recognition is more reliable when the subject is close to the camera. This paper proposes an adaptive fusion method called distance-driven fusion to combine gait and face for human identification in video. Rather than predefined fixed fusion rules, distance-driven fusion dynamically adjusts its rule according to the subject-to-camera distance in real time. Experimental results show that distance-driven fusion performs better than not only single biometric, but also the conventional
static fusion rules including MEAN, PRODUCT, MIN, and MAX.


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OBJECTIVE: To Investigate Australian general practitioners' experiences of accessing education about depression and their preferences for future education on depression and related disorders.
METHOD: Six hundred and eight anonymous surveys were distributed to GPs through 52 rural and urban divisions of general practice; 420 were retumed.
RESULTS: Educational formats involving direct contact with people having mental health expertise were highly valued. Distance education and web based technologies were least used. In the previous year, women and older GPs had spent more time on education about depression. Most intended to undertake more such education in the future and said that education in psychosocial strategies would be very useful. General practitioners' attitudes to further education about depression were influenced by their gender, practice location, and their previous mental health training.
DISCUSSION: More face-to-face training may be desirable to take advantage of GPs' willingness to spend more time on education about depression and related disorders.