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Objective: To determine the effect of adding chickpea flour or extruded chickpea flour to white bread on palatability and postprandial glycaemia, insulinaemia and satiety.

Design: A randomised, single-blind, cross-over study of four 50 g available carbohydrate breakfasts.

Setting: School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, Deakin University.

Subjects: In all, 12 healthy subjects were recruited through posted notices. Totally, 11 (nine male, two female) completed the study (meanplusminuss.e.m.; age 32±2 y; body mass index, 24.7±0.8 kg/m2).

Intervention: After overnight fasting, subjects consumed a control (white) bread (WB) breakfast twice, a chickpea bread (CHB) breakfast once and an extruded chickpea bread (EXB) breakfast once. Palatability and postprandial blood glucose, insulin and satiety responses were determined. Following this, food intakes from an ad libitum buffet and for the remainder of the day were assessed.

Results: A trend towards a lower incremental area under the curve (IAUC) of glucose for the CHB breakfast compared to the WB breakfast was observed (P=0.087). The IAUC of insulin and insulinaemic index (II) of the CHB breakfast were higher (P<0.05) than for the WB breakfast. No differences in glycaemic index (GI), satiety response, food intake or palatability were observed.

Conclusions: CHB and EXB demonstrated acceptable palatability. CHB demonstrated some hypoglycaemic effect compared to WB, but neither CHB nor EXB demonstrated effects on satiety or food intake. The hyperinsulinaemic effect of CHB observed in this study requires further investigation.


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Background: Low glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates have been linked to increased satiety. The drive to eat may be mediated by postprandial changes in glucose, insulin and gut peptides.
: To investigate the effect of a low and a high GI diet on day-long (10 h) blood concentrations of glucose, insulin, cholecystokinin (CCK) and ghrelin (GHR).
Design: Subjects (n¼12) consumed a high and a low GI diet in a randomized, crossover design, consisting of four meals that were matched for macronutrients and fibre, and differed only in carbohydrate quality (GI). Blood was sampled every 30–60 min and assayed for glucose, insulin, CCK and GHR.
Results: The high GI diet resulted in significantly higher glucose and insulin mean incremental areas under the curve (IAUC, P¼0.027 and P¼0.001 respectively). CCK concentration was 59% higher during the first 7 h of the low GI diet (394±95 pmol/l min) vs the high GI diet (163±38 pmol/l min, P¼0.046), but there was no difference over 10 h (P¼0.224). GHR concentration was inversely correlated with insulin concentration (Pearson correlation 0.48, P¼0.007), but did not differ significantly between the low and high GI diets.
Conclusions: Mixed meals of lower GI are associated with lower day-long concentrations of glucose and insulin, and higher CCK after breakfast, morning tea and lunch. This metabolic profile could mediate differences in satiety and hunger seen in some, but not all, studies.


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Type 2 diabetes is characterized by islet dysfunction resulting in hyperglycemia, which can then lead to further deterioration in islet function. A possible mechanism for hyperglycemia-induced islet dysfunction is the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE). The DBA/2 mouse develops pancreatic islet dysfunction when exposed to a high glucose environment and/or obesity-induced insulin resistance. To determine the biochemical cause of dysfunction, DBA/2 and C57BL/6 control islets were incubated in 11.1 mM or 40 mM glucose in the absence or presence of the AGE inhibitor aminoguanidine (AG) for 10 days. Basal (2.8 mM glucose) insulin release was increased in both DBA/2 and C57BL/6 islets incubated with 40 mM vs 11.1 mM glucose for 10 days. Chronic exposure to hyperglycemia decreased glucose (20 mM)-stimulated insulin secretion in DBA/2 but not in C57BL/6 islets. AG significantly increased fold-induced insulin release in high glucose cultured DBA/2 mouse islets, but did not affect C57BL/6 islet function. DBA/2 islet glucokinase was significantly reduced following 40 mM glucose culture, compared with 11.1 mM glucose cultured DBA/2 islets and 40 mM glucose cultured C57BL/6 islets. Incubation of islets with AG resulted in a normalization of DBA/2 islet glucokinase levels. In conclusion, chronic high glucose-induced increases in AGE can result in islet dysfunction and this is associated with reduced glucokinase levels in a mouse model with susceptibility to islet failure.


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Aims: The effect of chronic treatment with acarbose on fasting plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride, cholesterol and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations, as well as on the glucose and insulin excursions during oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), in obese diabetic Wistar (WDF) rats was investigated. Methods: Forty-five mature male WDF rats were randomly distributed to one of the three treatment groups (no acarbose, 20 mg and 40 mg of acarbose/100 g of chow, respectively). After 3.5, 7.5 and 11.5 months, animals were tested for glucose tolerance by means of an OGTT, and their respective metabolic profiles were determined. Control determinations were done in obese and age-matched lean animals before the start of the trial. Results: The WDF rats exhibit higher body weight and fasting blood glucose, insulin, triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations compared to lean animals. Moreover, they show marked glucose intolerance as indicated by the glucose and insulin excursions during OGTT. Interestingly, in both treated and untreated animals, a reversion of the hyperglycaemic state as well as an improvement of the glucose tolerance is observed. However, whereas in the group receiving no acarbose this is accounted for by dramatic increases in fasting plasma insulin concentrations and insulin secretion during OGTT (as indicated by the ΔInsulin area), in rats treated with acarbose the reversion of the diabetic state takes place without increments in hormone concentration. In addition, rats treated with acarbose for 3.5 and 7.5 months show lower plasma triglyceride and FFA concentrations, and the same was observed for cholesterol at the highest dosage of the drug. Conclusions: Chronic treatment with acarbose of WDF rats improves the glycaemic and lipidic control as well as the glucose tolerance, with a lower demand of pancreatic insulin than in untreated rats. This data suggests that the long-term modulation of glucose and insulin excursions after meals improves the insulin sensitivity in this rat strain.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the metabolic and structural consequences of a decrease in glucose transporter-4 (GLUT4) levels on the heart. The CreLoxP system was utilised to delete GLUT4 in muscle tIssue including heart. The presence of the PGK-neoR cassette in the GLUT4-Lox mice resulted in reduced expression in all tIssues to levels 15-30% of wild-type control mice. In mice expressing Cre recombinase, there was a further reduction of GLUT4 in cardiac tIssue to almost undetectable levels. Cardiac glucose uptake was measured basally and during a uglycaemic/hyperinsulinaemic clamp using 2-deoxy-[1-(14)C]glucose. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was normal in hearts expressing 15% of normal GLUT4 levels but markedly reduced in mice with more profound reduction in GLUT4. Cardiac enlargement occurred only when GLUT4 levels were less than 5% of normal values. In heart there is a threshold level of GLUT4 above which insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is maintained. As little as 5% of normal GLUT4 levels expressed in heart is sufficient to prevent the development of cardiac hypertrophy. 2-deoxy-[1-14C]glucose. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was normal in hearts expressing 15% of normal GLUT4 levels but markedly reduced in mice with more profound reduction in GLUT4. Cardiac enlargement occurred only when GLUT4 levels were less than 5% of normal values. In heart there is a threshold level of GLUT4 above which insulin-stimulated glucose uptake is maintained. As little as 5% of normal GLUT4 levels expressed in heart is sufficient to prevent the development of cardiac hypertrophy.


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An experiment was conducted to measure the effect of diet on circulating concentrations of metabolic hormones and metabolites in cows undergoing extended lactations. Two groups of 6 Holstein-Friesian cows managed for lactations of 670 d were used in the experiment. One group was fully fed on a total mixed ration (TMR), whereas the other group grazed fresh pasture supplemented with grain (P+G). On 7 occasions between 332 and 612 d in milk, concentrations of metabolic hormones and glucose were measured in the blood plasma of each cow. Cows fed TMR gained more weight and body condition than P+G cows, but did not produce more milk during the study period. Only 3 of the TMR cows continued to lactate until 612 d in milk compared with all 6 of the P+G cows. Blood plasma from cows fed TMR had higher concentrations of glucose, insulin, glucagon, insulin-like growth factor 1, and leptin, but lower concentrations of growth hormone, than that from P+G cows. These changes were consistent with the preferential deposition of energy into adipose tissue at the expense of milk production and presumably were induced by a diet that provided precursors for gluconeogenesis that were in excess of the requirements for maintenance and prevailing milk production. The mechanism responsible for some TMR cows putting on excess weight and reducing or ceasing milk production is uncertain, but this observation has important implications for the nutritional management of cows in extended lactation programs.


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The increasing production of genetically-modified mouse models has necessitated studies to determine the inherent physiological characteristics of commonly used mouse strains. In this study we examined insulin secretory function in response to an intravenous bolus of glucose or glucose plus arginine in anesthetized C57BL/6, DBA/2 and 129T2 mice fed either a control or high fat diet for 6 weeks. The results show that 129T2 mice had higher fasting plasma glucose levels and lower fasting plasma insulin levels compared with C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice regardless of diet. Furthermore, 129T2 mice were glucose intolerant and secreted significantly less insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine irrespective of diet compared with the other two strains of mice. DBA/2 mice hypersecreted insulin in response to glucose and glucose plus arginine compared with C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice. Moreover while first phase insulin secretion was appropriately increased in response to the high fat diet in C57BL/6 and 129T2 mice, this was not the case for DBA/2 mice. Mean islet area was decreased in response to a high fat diet in DBA/2 mice, while there was no dietary effect on the other two strains. This study highlights the inherent genetic differences that exist among seemingly normal strains of mice that are commonly used to make transgenic and knockout mice. Understanding these differences will provide researchers with the information to choose the appropriate genetic background on which to express their particular genetic alteration.


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Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the effect of orlistat vs. placebo on the predicted 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk in obese people with one or more cardiovascular risk factors treated for 12 months, in conjunction with a fat-reduced, but otherwise ad libitum, diet.

Methods: A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel study was performed in conjunction with a fat-reduced diet and physical activity advice for 1 year. Participants (n = 339) from eight centres in Australia and New Zealand were randomized to either orlistat (120 mg) three times daily (n = 104 women, 66 men; mean ± s.d. age = 52.0 ± 7.5 years, body mass index (BMI) = 37.6 ± 5.1 kg/m2) or placebo three times daily (n = 89 women, 80 men; age = 52.5 ± 7.4 years, BMI = 38.0 ± 4.9 kg/m2). The primary efficacy criterion was the 10-year risk of developing CVD calculated from the Framingham equation. Secondary efficacy criteria were body weight, waist circumference, blood pressure and serum concentrations of triglycerides, cholesterol (total, LDL and HDL), glucose, insulin and glycated haemoglobin and quality of life.

Results: There was no difference in the change in 10-year CVD risk between orlistat and placebo groups over 1 year. The orlistat group, however, had significant favourable changes in many of the individual CVD risk factors (total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, glucose, glycated haemoglobin, insulin, body weight and waist circumference) and one of the domains of quality of life measured by means of the SF-36 questionnaire (vitality), compared to the placebo group. Significant reductions in medication use for hypertension and diabetes were observed in the orlistat group, compared to those in placebo, but there were no significant differences in medication use for blood lipids.

Conclusions: Orlistat may have reduced CVD risk, as judged by the favourable changes in individual risk factors and reductions in medication use, but the method used in order to measure absolute CVD risk in this study (Framingham CVD equation) was not sensitive enough to detect the changes in this relatively low-risk group (approximately 10% of risk of a CVD event over 10 years).


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The addition of some legume ingredients to bread has been associated with effects on glycaemic, insulinaemic and satiety responses that may be beneficial in controlling type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. However, the effect of Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius) flour (ASLF) is unknown. This investigation examined the effect of adding ASLF to standard white bread on post-meal glycaemic, insulinaemic and satiety responses and palatability in healthy subjects. Using a randomised, single-blind, cross-over design, 11 subjects consumed one breakfast of ASLF bread and two of standard white bread ≥ 7 days apart after fasting overnight. Each breakfast also included margarine, jam, and tea with milk and contained 50g available carbohydrate. On each test day, blood samples were taken after fasting, then several times over 2 hours post-prandially, and analysed for plasma glucose and serum insulin. Subjects rated breakfast palatability and perception of satiety, in the fasting state and over 3 hours post-prandially, after which food intake from an ad libitum buffet and for the rest of the day was recorded. Incremental areas under the curves for glucose, insulin and satiety, glycaemic index, insulinaemic index and satiety index were calculated. ASLF addition to the breakfast reduced its glycaemic index (mean ± SEM; ASLF bread breakfast = 74.0 ± 9.6. Standard white bread breakfast = 100, P=0.022), raised its insulinaemic index (ASLF bread breakfast = 127.7 ± 12.0. Standard white bread breakfast = 100, P=0.046), but did not affect palatability, satiety or food intake. ASLF addition resulted in a palatable breakfast; however, the potential benefits of the lowered glycaemic index may be eclipsed by the increased insulinaemic index.


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OBJECTIVE -- To examine the effect of high-intensity progressive resistance training combined with moderate weight loss on glycemic control and body composition in older patients with type 2 diabetes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS -- Sedentary, overweight men and women with type 2 diabetes, aged 60-80 years (n = 36), were randomized to high-intensity progressive resistance training plus moderate weight loss (RT & WL group) or moderate weight loss plus a control program (WL group). Clinical and laboratory measurements were assessed at 0, 3, and 6 months.

RESULTS -- HbA.1c fell significantly more in RT & WL than WL at 3 months (0.6 ± or -] 0.7 vs. 0.07 ± 0.8%, P < 0.05) and 6 months (1.2 ±1.0 vs. 0.4 ±0.8, P < 0.05). Similar reductions in body weight (RT & WL 2.5 ±2.9 vs. WL 3.1±2.1 kg) and fat mass (RT & WL 2.4 ± 2.7 vs. WL 2.7±2.5 kg) were observed after 6 months. In contrast, lean body mass (LBM) increased in the RT & WL group (0.5 ±1.1 kg) and decreased in the WL group (0.4±1.0) after 6 months (P < 0.05). There were no between-group differences for fasting glucose, insulin, serum lipids and lipoproteins, or resting blood pressure.

CONCLUSIONS -- High-intensity progressive resistance training, in combination with moderate weight loss, was effective in improving glycemic control in older patients with type 2 diabetes. Additional benefits of improved muscular strength and LBM identify high-intensity resistance training as a feasible and effective component in the management program for older patients with type 2 diabetes.


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Objective: To explore the hypothesis that sustained weight loss in severely obese patients may have benefits that are independent of their attained BMI. Research Methods and Procedures: We conducted a comparison of two weight-stable groups with BMI in the 30 to 35 kg/m2 range. Subjects (n = 79) were selected obese patients 3 years after laparoscopic adjustable gastric band surgery, and controls (n = 79) were obese patients seeking weight loss therapy. Subjects were selected in a de-identified manner from our database to best match the control group. A range of clinical, biochemical, and questionnaire measures were obtained to assess obesity-related health status Results: Subjects maintained a mean weight loss of 32.8 plusminus 18 kg after surgery. The weight loss subjects had significantly lower fasting plasma glucose, insulin, and triglyceride concentrations, along with higher high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol levels and better indirect measures of insulin sensitivity when compared with controls (p < 0.05 for all). In addition, aminotransferase levels, neutrophil counts, and globulin levels were also significantly lower in weight loss subjects. All differences in laboratory variables remained significant after controlling for BMI. The subjects also reported better health-related quality of life, fewer symptoms of depression, and greater satisfaction with their appearance than controls. Discussion: These findings suggest that the post-weight loss state conveys benefits that are greater than predicted by the attained BMI. These findings may have important implications regarding the expectations of weight loss therapy, and mechanisms for this effect should be carefully sought.


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Changes in dietary macronutrient intake alter muscle and blood substrate availability and are important for regulating gene expression. However, few studies have examined the effects of diet manipulation on gene expression in human skeletal muscle. The aim of this study was to quantify the extent to which altering substrate availability impacts on subsequent mRNA abundance of a subset of carbohydrate (CHO)- and fat-related genes. Seven subjects consumed either a low- (LOW; 0.7 g/kg body mass CHO) or high- (HIGH; 10 g/kg body mass CHO) CHO diet for 48 h after performing an exhaustive exercise bout to deplete muscle glycogen stores. After intervention, resting muscle and blood samples were taken. Muscle was analyzed for the gene abundances of GLUT4, glycogenin, pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (PDK-4), fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36), carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL), β-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (΄β-HAD), and uncoupling binding protein-3 (UCP3), and blood samples for glucose, insulin, and free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations. Glycogen-depleting exercise and HIGH-CHO resulted in a 300% increase in muscle glycogen content (P < 0.001) relative to the LOW-CHO condition. FFA concentrations were twofold higher after LOW- vs. HIGH-CHO (P < 0.05). The exercise-diet manipulation exerted a significant effect on transcription of all carbohydrate-related genes, with an increase in GLUT4 and glycogenin mRNA abundance and a reduction in PDK-4 transcription after HIGH-CHO (all P < 0.05). FAT/CD36 (P < 0.05) and UCP3 (P < 0.01) gene transcriptions were increased following LOW-CHO. We conclude that 1) there was a rapid capacity for a short-term exercise and diet intervention to exert coordinated changes in the mRNA transcription of metabolic related genes, and 2) genes involved in glucose regulation are increased following a high-carbohydrate diet.


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To compare the ability of alternative measures of physical activity and fitness to quantify associations with health outcomes.

Associations between a range of subjective and objective physical activity and fitness measures and cardiometabolic risk factors were examined using data from 1,631 Australians aged 26–36 years. Anthropometry, fitness, blood pressure, and fasting blood glucose, insulin, and lipids were measured at study clinics. Participants completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and 7-day pedometer diaries; they also reported sedentary behavior (sitting, television viewing).

In men and women, associations were strongest for fitness, with those in the highest (vs. lowest) fitness quarter having a 75% to 80% lower prevalence of two or more primary risk factors (waist circumference, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and insulin resistance). In men, a 60% to 70% reduced prevalence of two or more risk factors was observed across extreme quarters of IPAQ leisure, IPAQ vigorous, sitting duration, and pedometer measures. Similar reductions in prevalence were observed only across extreme quarters of pedometer activity and television viewing in women.

Associations between alternative measures and cardiometabolic risk were relatively independent, suggesting that a range of physical activity and fitness measures may be needed to most accurately quantify associations between physical activity and health.


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Obesity, strongly associated with the risk for coronary heart disease (CHD), is becoming increasingly prevalent. This study was designed to establish first whether systemic arterial compliance (SAC), an index of arterial function, is improved with weight loss and second, whether cardiovascular risk factors that improve with weight loss are reduced equally with lean meat or with an equivalent amount of plant protein in the diet. Thirty-six women, mostly overweight or obess, aged 40 ± 9 years, were allocated nonrandomly to a 16-week parallel-design trial of two equienergetic diets designed to lead to weight loss, with one arm of the study emphasizing red meat and the other soybeans as the major protein source. Body weight, waist and hip circumference, and plasma lipids, glucose, insulin, and leptin levels were measured, and SAC was calculated from ultrasound measurement of aortic flow velocity and aortic root driving pressure. Subjects lost weight (9% of body weight in 16 weeks) and showed decreased plasma total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (12% and 14%, P < .0001, respectively), triacylglycerol (17%, P < .05), and leptin (24%, P < .01) concentrations. However, lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] levels did not change significantly. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) decreased 7% and SAC increased 28% (P < .001 for both). However, only the decrease in arterial pressure correlated significantly with the reduction in the waist to hip ratio (WHR), and the improvement in SAC correlated inversely with the blood pressure reduction (P < .001 for both). Further, weight loss and the metabolic benefits of weight loss occurred equally with the meat-based and plant-based diets. We conclude that moderate weight loss in women leads to a substantial reduction in the cardiovascular risk, including SAC.


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Background: The long-term effects of skipping breakfast on cardiometabolic health are not well understood.

Objective: The objective was to examine longitudinal associations of breakfast skipping in childhood and adulthood with cardiometabolic risk factors in adulthood.

In 1985, a national sample of 9–15-y-old Australian children reported whether they usually ate breakfast before school. During follow-up in 2004–2006, 2184 participants (26–36 y of age) completed a meal-frequency chart for the previous day. Skipping breakfast was defined as not eating between 0600 and 0900. Participants were classified into 4 groups: skipped breakfast in neither childhood nor adulthood (n = 1359), skipped breakfast only in childhood (n = 224), skipped breakfast only in adulthood (n = 515), and skipped breakfast in both childhood and adulthood (n = 86). Diet quality was assessed, waist circumference was measured, and blood samples were taken after a 12-h fast (n = 1730). Differences in mean waist circumference and blood glucose, insulin, and lipid concentrations were calculated by linear regression.

Results: After adjustment for age, sex, and sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, participants who skipped breakfast in both childhood and adulthood had a larger waist circumference (mean difference: 4.63 cm; 95% CI: 1.72, 7.53 cm) and higher fasting insulin (mean difference: 2.02 mU/L; 95% CI: 0.75, 3.29 mU/L), total cholesterol (mean difference: 0.40 mmol/L; 95% CI: 0.13, 0.68 mmol/L), and LDL cholesterol (mean difference: 0.40 mmol/L; 95% CI: 0.16, 0.64 mmol/L) concentrations than did those who ate breakfast at both time points. Additional adjustments for diet quality and waist circumference attenuated the associations with cardiometabolic variables, but the differences remained significant.

Conclusions: Skipping breakfast over a long period may have detrimental effects on cardiometabolic health. Promoting the benefits of eating breakfast could be a simple and important public health message.