16 resultados para Fournier

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how customers with different relational bonds respond to the same service failure. In particular, the framework to service failure and recovery devised by Fournier and Mick is applied.
Design/methodology/approach – To uncover rich emotional and cognitive responses to service failure, in-depth interviews with eight former and current patrons of an Australian opera were used.
Findings – Three types of relationship were identified: satisfaction-as-love (SaL), satisfaction-as-trust (SaT) and satisfaction-as-control (SaC). Each responded to the same failure in different ways. SaL customers had emotional bonds with the product category and thus reaffiremed their loyalty following the failure. SaT customers saw the service failure and inadequate recovery as a breach of the brand's implied promise and thus excited the relationship. SaC customers took charge of the situation, using their status to improve their situation and then defended the brand.
Practical implications – The findings indicate the importance of customizing service recovery strategies, in this case to those customers with the strongest emotional bonds to the brand, not the product class.
Originality/value – This is the first paper to examine how relational customers respond to service failure and identify how different customer-brand relationships result in different post-failure reactions and expectations of service recovery.


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In organizational analysis it can be argued that 'radical separatism'—in the guise of the original 'agenda' for Radical Organization Theory (see Benson, 1977a; Burrell and Morgan, 1979; Clegg and Dunkerley, 1980) or more recently that for Critical Management Studies (see Alvesson and Willmott, 1992; Fournier and Grey, 2000; Casey, 2002; Grey, 2004)—has failed to breach the hegemony of functionalist orthodoxy, and notably so when it comes to practice. Given this failure, we speculate, upon the potential for a different emancipatory approach, one based theoretically on the fluid process of 'undecidability'. Unusually our approach attempts to undermine the conventions of functionalist organization theory from within. In brief, we speculate upon the adoption and enactment of Luce Irigaray's (1985, 1991) strategy of mimicry as a means to illuminate the notion of 'excess' in organization theory. To liberate the feminine, Irigaray mimics the symbolic representation of the female body to excess so as to expose the contradictions of phallocentric discourse. When applied to organization theory, this sees a deliberate mimicking of critiques of radical separatism so as to make explicit the latter's imprisonment within functionalism. Through excessive mimicking of the functionalists' critique, the radical/critical organization theorist may become cognizant of, but perhaps not so subjugated by, the hegemony of functionalist discourse.


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Fournier and Grey (2000) suggest that those inhabiting the contested terrain of Critical Management Studies (CMS) share a commitment to identifying inequality and subordination in organizations and to the associated possibility of emancipation, however this is conceived. Despite their additional claim that one crucial distinction between critical and non-critical management studies is the ‘philosophical and methodological reflexivity’ of the former (Fournier and Grey 2000: 19), our review indicates limits to this reflexivity in CMS’s empirical practices – indeed, we argue these may even be counter-productive with regard to its political allegiances. To encourage wider discussion of these issues, we provide a tripartite framework of understandings of research ethics drawn from within and outside the management academy, and interrogate the opportunities and limitations of each for enriching CMS research.


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The arena of ethics and business is a colossus: thousands of books, multiple dedicated journals, de rigueur organizational ethics policies and CSR initiatives - most of which we can be fairly confident would receive poor reviews by the editors and authors of Ethics and organizational practice: Questioning the moral foundations of management. This edited collection is a self-identified ‘critical’ take on business ethics, one that according to the editors’ introduction wishes to ‘expose business ethics to its crises’ and ‘critically investigate(s) what ethics means’. The ‘critical’ which Muhr, Sørensen and Vallentin invoke is one that would be familiar to authors and readers of Critical Management Studies – that is, to use Fournier and Grey’s (2000) oft-referenced depiction, the study of management and organization that is non-performative with regards to managerialist concerns of efficiency and profitability, that seeks to denaturalize taken-for-granted legitimations, and the normalization of current organizational practices and ideologies, and one which demonstrates significant reflexivity with regard to the philosophies and methodologies it deploys. To the above, we may also add pluralism, and indeed some playfulness, with a wide diversity of conceptual, theoretical, historical and popular sources mined for their potential to help us reconsider the organizational present.


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It has recently been shown that food intake is not essential for the resynthesis of the stores of muscle glycogen in fasted animals recovering from high-intensity exercise. Because the effect of diabetes on this process has never been examined before, we undertook to explore this issue. To this end, groups of rats were treated with streptozotocin (60 mg/kg body mass ip) to induce mild diabetes. After 11 days, each animal was fasted for 24 h before swimming with a lead weight equivalent to 9% body mass attached to the tail. After exercise, the rate and the extent of glycogen repletion in muscles were not affected by diabetes, irrespective of muscle fiber composition. Consistent with these findings, the effect of exercise on the phosphorylation state of glycogen synthase in muscles was only minimally affected by diabetes. In contrast to its effects on nondiabetic animals, exercise in fasted diabetic rats was accompanied by a marked fall in hepatic glycogen levels, which, surprisingly, increased to preexercise levels during recovery despite the absence of food intake.


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Mild physical activity performed immediately after a bout of intense exercise in fasting humans results in net glycogen breakdown in their slow oxidative (SO) muscle fibers and glycogen repletion in their fast twitch (FT) fibers. Because several animal species carry a low proportion of SO fibers, it is unclear whether they can also replenish glycogen in their FT fibers under these conditions. Given that most skeletal muscles in rats are poor in SO fibers (<5%), this issue was examined using groups of 24-h fasted Wistar rats (n = 10) that swam for 3 min at high intensity with a 10% weight followed by either a 60-min rest (passive recovery, PR) or a 30-min swim with a 0.5% weight (active recovery, AR) preceding a 30-min rest. The 3-min sprint caused 61–79% glycogen fall across the muscles examined, but not in the soleus (SOL). Glycogen repletion during AR without food was similar to PR in the white gastrocnemius (WG), where glycogen increased by 71%, and less than PR in both the red and mixed gastrocnemius (RG, MG). Glycogen fell by 26% during AR in the SOL. Following AR, glycogen increased by 36%, 87%, and 37% in the SOL, RG, and MG, respectively, and this was accompanied by the sustained activation of glycogen synthase and inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase in the RG and MG. These results suggest that mammals with a low proportion of SO fibers can also replenish the glycogen stores of their FT fibers under extreme conditions combining physical activity and fasting.


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The aim of this study was to determine the role of the phosphorylation state of glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase in the regulation of muscle glycogen repletion in fasted animals recovering from high-intensity exercise. Groups of rats were swum to exhaustion and allowed to recover for up to 120 min without access to food. Swimming to exhaustion caused substantial glycogen breakdown and lactate accumulation in the red, white and mixed gastrocnemius muscles, whereas the glycogen content in the soleus muscle remained stable. During the first 40 min of recovery, significant repletion of glycogen occurred in all muscles examined except the soleus muscle. At the onset of recovery, the activity ratios and fractional velocities of glycogen synthase in the red, white and mixed gastrocnemius muscles were higher than basal, but returned to pre-exercise levels within 20 min after exercise. In contrast, after exercise the activity ratios of glycogen phosphorylase in the same muscles were lower than basal, and increased to pre-exercise levels within 20 min. This pattern of changes in glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activities, never reported before, suggests that the integrated regulation of the phosphorylation state of both glycogen synthase and phosphorylase might be involved in the control of glycogen deposition after high-intensity exercise.


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Even in the absence of food intake, several animal species recovering from physical activity of high intensity can replenish completely their muscle glycogen stores. In some species of mammals, such as in rats and humans, glycogen repletion is only partial, thus suggesting that a few consecutive bouts of high-intensity exercise might eventually lead to the sustained depletion of their muscle glycogen. In order to test this prediction, groups of rats with a lead weight of 10% body mass attached to their tails were subjected to either one, two or three bouts of high-intensity swimming, each bout being separated from the next by a 1 h recovery period. Although glycogen repletion after the first bout of exercise was only partial, all the glycogen mobilised in subsequent bouts was completely replenished during the corresponding recovery periods and irrespective of muscle fibre compositions. The impact of repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise on plasma levels of fatty acids, acetoacetate and β-hydroxybutyrate suggests that the metabolic state of the rat prior to the second and third bouts of exercise was different from that before the first bout. In conclusion, rats resemble other vertebrate species in that without food intake there are conditions under which they can replenish completely their muscle glycogen stores from endogenous carbon sources when recovering from high-intensity exercise. It remains to be established, however, whether this capacity is typical of mammals in general.


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Glycogen plays a major role in supporting the energy demands of skeletal muscles during high intensity exercise. Despite its importance, the amount of glycogen stored in skeletal muscles is so small that a large fraction of it can be depleted in response to a single bout of high intensity exercise. For this reason, it is generally recommended to ingest food after exercise to replenish rapidly muscle glycogen stores, otherwise one's ability to engage in high intensity activity might be compromised. But what if food is not available? It is now well established that, even in the absence of food intake, skeletal muscles have the capacity to replenish some of their glycogen at the expense of endogenous carbon sources such as lactate. This is facilitated, in part, by the transient dephosphorylation-mediated activation of glycogen synthase and inhibition of glycogen phosphorylase. There is also evidence that muscle glycogen synthesis occurs even under conditions conducive to an increased oxidation of lactate post-exercise, such as during active recovery from high intensity exercise. Indeed, although during active recovery glycogen resynthesis is impaired in skeletal muscle as a whole because of increased lactate oxidation, muscle glycogen stores are replenished in Type IIa and IIb fibers while being broken down in Type I fibers of active muscles. This unique ability of Type II fibers to replenish their glycogen stores during exercise should not come as a surprise given the advantages in maintaining adequate muscle glycogen stores in those fibers that play a major role in fight or flight responses.


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Two common approaches to identify subgroups of patients with bipolar disorder are clustering methodology (mixture analysis) based on the age of onset, and a birth cohort analysis. This study investigates if a birth cohort effect will influence the results of clustering on the age of onset, using a large, international database.


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BACKGROUND: Environmental conditions early in life may imprint the circadian system and influence response to environmental signals later in life. We previously determined that a large springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location was associated with a younger age of onset of bipolar disorder, especially with a family history of mood disorders. This study investigated whether the hours of daylight at the birth location affected this association. METHODS: Data collected previously at 36 collection sites from 23 countries were available for 3896 patients with bipolar I disorder, born between latitudes of 1.4 N and 70.7 N, and 1.2 S and 41.3 S. Hours of daylight variables for the birth location were added to a base model to assess the relation between the age of onset and solar insolation. RESULTS: More hours of daylight at the birth location during early life was associated with an older age of onset, suggesting reduced vulnerability to the future circadian challenge of the springtime increase in solar insolation at the onset location. Addition of the minimum of the average monthly hours of daylight during the first 3 months of life improved the base model, with a significant positive relationship to age of onset. Coefficients for all other variables remained stable, significant and consistent with the base model. CONCLUSIONS: Light exposure during early life may have important consequences for those who are susceptible to bipolar disorder, especially at latitudes with little natural light in winter. This study indirectly supports the concept that early life exposure to light may affect the long term adaptability to respond to a circadian challenge later in life.