45 resultados para First-line

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Current legislation does not permit the administration of first line resuscitation medications by suitably qualified Division 1 registered nurses (RNs) in the absence of a medical officer. This omission by the Drugs,  Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and The Controlled Substances Regulations 1995 (Vic) leaves many critical care nurses in a vulnerable legal position.

The primary aim of this study was to gauge the view of critical care nurses with respect to lobbying for change to the current legislation. In addition, the study aimed to explore and describe the educational preparation, practice perceptions and experiences of RNs working in critical care regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the administration of first line advanced life support (ALS) medications in the absence of a medical officer. It was anticipated that data collected would demonstrate some of the dilemmas associated with the initiation and administration of ALS medications for practising critical care nurses and could be used to inform controlling bodies in order for them to gain an appreciation of the issues facing critical care nurses during resuscitation.

A mailout survey was sent to all members of the Victorian Branch of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN). The results showed that the majority of nurses underwent an annual ALS assessment and had current ALS accreditation. Nurses indicated that they felt educationally prepared and were confident to manage cardiopulmonary resuscitation without a medical officer; indeed, the majority had done so. The differences in practice issues for metropolitan, regional and rural nurses were highlighted. There is therefore clear evidence to suggest that legislative amendments are appropriate and necessary, given the time critical nature of cardiopulmonary arrest. There was overwhelming support for ACCCN Vic. Ltd to lobby the Victorian government for changes to the law.


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To assess from a health sector perspective the incremental cost-effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in children and adolescents, compared to ‘current practice’.
The health benefit is measured as a reduction in disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), based on effect size calculations from meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. An assessment on second stage filter criteria (‘equity’; ‘strength of evidence’, ‘feasibility’ and ‘acceptability to stakeholders’) is also undertaken to incorporate additional factors that impact on resource allocation decisions. Costs and benefits are tracked for the duration of a new episode of MDD arising in eligible children (age 6–17 years) in the Australian population in the year 2000. Simulation-modelling techniques are used to present a 95% uncertainty interval (UI) around the cost-effectiveness ratios.
Compared to current practice, CBT by public psychologists is the most costeffective intervention for MDD in children and adolescents at A$9000 per DALY saved (95% UI A$3900 to A$24 000). SSRIs and CBT by other providers are less cost-effective but likely to be less than A$50 000 per DALY saved (> 80% chance). CBT is more effective than SSRIs in children and adolescents, resulting in a greater total health benefit (DALYs saved) than could be achieved with SSRIs. Issues that require attention for the CBT intervention include equity concerns, ensuring an adequate workforce, funding arrangements and acceptability to various stakeholders.
Cognitive behavioural therapy provided by a public psychologist is the most
effective and cost-effective option for the first-line treatment of MDD in children and adolescents. However, this option is not currently accessible by all patients and will require change in policy to allow more widespread uptake. It will also require ‘start-up’ costs and attention to ensuring an adequate workforce.


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The production of alumina involves the use of a process known as the Bayer process. This method involves the digestion of raw bauxite in sodium hydroxide at temperatures around 250°C. The resultant pregnant liquor then goes through a number of filtering and precipitation processes to obtain the aluminium oxide crystals which are then calcined to obtain the final product. The plant is situated in a sub tropical climate in Northern Australia and this combined with the hot nature of the process results in a potential for heat related illnesses to develop. When assessing a work environment for heat stress a heat stress index is often employed as a guideline and to date the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) has been the recommended index. There have been concerns over the past that the WBGT is not suited to the Northern Australian climate and in fact studies in other countries have suggested this is the case. This study was undertaken in the alumina plant situated in Gladstone Queensland to assess if WBGT was in fact the most suitable index for use or if another was more applicable. To this end three indices, Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT), Heat Stress Index (HSI) and Required Sweat Rate (SWreq) were compared and assessed using physiological monitoring of heart rate and surrogate core temperature. A number of different jobs and locations around the plant were investigated utilising personal and environmental monitoring equipment. These results were then collated and analysed using a computer program written as part of the study for the manipulation of the environmental data . Physiological assessment was carried out using methods approved by international bodies such as National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) and International Standards Organisation (ISO) and incorporated the use of a ‘Physiological Factor’ developed to enable the comparison of predicted allowable exposure times and strain on the individual. Results indicated that of the three indices tested, Required Sweat Rate was found to be the most suitable for the climate and in the environment of interest. The WBGT system was suitable in areas in the moderate temperature range (ie 28 to 32°C) but had some deficiencies above this temperature or where the relative humidity exceeded approximately 80%. It was however suitable as a first estimate or first line indicator. HSI over-estimated the physiological strain in situations of high temperatures, low air flows and exaggerated the benefit of artificial air flows on the worker in certain environments ie. fans.


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Lactoferrin (Lf) is a multifunctional protein and an essential element of innate immunity. Cancer is a major killer in today's world accounting for around 13% of all deaths according to the World Health Organisation (W.H.O.). The five most common forms of cancer include lung, colorectal, stomach, liver and breast cancer. Lactoferrin is a natural forming iron-binding glycoprotein with antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects. It is produced in exocrine glands and is secreted in many external fluids as a first line of defence. Lactoferrin also has the capacity to induce apoptosis and inhibit proliferation in cancer cells as well as restore white and red blood cell levels after chemotherapy. This review focuses on the therapeutic effect bovine sourced lactoferrin has on various forms of cancer in various models. It also focuses on the benefits of 3D in vitro cell culture. 3D cell culture has vast advantages over 2D models including demonstration of realistic therapeutic results and heightened resistance that 2D models fail to display.


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The association of antidepressants with suicidal thought in people aged up to 25 year is a thorny issue. Balancing risk with benefit must always be at the core of any decision to treat and when the risk is an increased risk of suicide then a balanced decision can be difficult to make. Some clinicians who have been successfully treating patients using antidepressants have felt skepticism with these studies, finding them to be not reflective of their personal clinical experience. It may be wondered by some whether highlighting the link between suicidal thoughts and antidepressants may paradoxically lead to an increase in suicide by reducing the number of cases treated, however there is no evidence that this has occurred.

The association between antidepressants and suicidal thought may be unpalatable, but as with all new research the only way it can be judged is by the evidence to support it. The weight of evidence to demonstrate the association between antidepressants and suicidal thought in young people is convincing although the risk is low, estimated at one case of emerging suicidal ideation or suicide attempt for every 143 pediatric patients treated [1]. This risk is too low to displace antidepressants as the first line of treatment for depression but is too high a risk to be ignored. The risk is also too low to be recognized based on clinical experience alone as it is low enough to be imperceptible amongst suicides which occur due to depressive illness independent of antidepressant treatment. Only large studies are sufficiently powered to detect suicidal thought associated with antidepressant treatment. Clearly further studies would be helpful, especially if they can help characterize those at greatest risk. This is why the study by Lucy Goldsmith and Joanna Moncrieff in this issue of Current Drug Safety is an important step towards improving our understanding of antidepressant safety. These researchers find a link between increased suicidal impulses and emotional blunting and emotional instability.

Treating clinicians are urged to monitor for risk of suicide after initiation of antidepressant treatment, typically more frequently for the first four weeks of treatment and as indicated thereafter. However, if there is no history of suicidal thought or attempt and the patient does not admit to suicidal thought, suicidality may be missed by the treating clinician, ending in tragedy. Studies that provide new insights into this serious problem may lead to improvements in the effectiveness of monitoring patients for suicide risk, ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients.


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Antidepressant monotherapy is a first-line treatment for depression; however, not all sufferers will adequately respond to treatment. When treating a patient with treatment-resistant depression, the clinician needs to consider all factors which may contribute to an inadequate response to an antidepressant. These include accuracy of diagnosis and medication adherence, as well as the patient’s personality, lifestyle, life events and social circumstances. If it is determined that treatment resistance is due to failure of efficacy of antidepressant monotherapy, then an augmentation strategy using an atypical antipsychotic may be considered. Treatment using olanzapine/fluoxetine combination (OFC) is one of many options. Four randomized, acute-phase trials have suggested OFC is useful for reducing Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale scores after inadequate response to antidepressant monotherapy. OFC has been useful at doses of olanzapine/fluoxetine 6/25, 6/50, 12/25 and 12/50 mg/day, with 1/5 mg/day suggested to be an ineffective dose. Treatment with OFC has been associated with some side effects, including weight gain and the metabolic syndrome, somnolence, dry mouth, increased appetite and headache. Treatment decisions therefore need to be made to balance the risks and benefits.


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It is estimated that between 60 and 80% of those with major depressive disorder do not achieve full symptomatic remission from first-line antidepressant monotherapy. Residual depressive symptoms substantially impair quality of life and add to the risk of recurrence. It is now clear that depression would benefit from more vigorous treatment, in order to ameliorate its disease burden. While there are established algorithms in situations of treatment resistance, the use of combination pharmacotherapy in unipolar depression is a relatively under-investigated area of treatment and may be an effective and tolerable strategy that maximizes the available resources. This paper reviews the current evidence for combination pharmacotherapy in unipolar depression and discusses its clinical applications.


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Introduction: This article identifies trends in the evolving practice of rural paramedics and describes key characteristics, roles and expected outcomes for a Rural Expanded Scope of Practice (RESP) model.

Methods: A multiple case study methodology was employed to examine the evolution of rural paramedic practice. Paramedics, volunteer ambulance officers and other health professionals were interviewed in four rural regions of south-eastern Australia where innovative models of rural paramedic practice were claimed to exist. The research team collected and thematically analysed the data using the filter of a sociological framework throughout 2005 and 2006.

Results: The study found that paramedics are increasingly becoming first line primary healthcare providers in small rural communities and developing additional professional responsibilities throughout the cycle of care.

Conclusions: Adoption of the RESP model would mean that paramedics undertake four broad activities as core components of their new role: (1) rural community engagement; (2) emergency response; (3) situated practice; and (4) primary health care. The model’s key feature is a capacity to integrate existing paramedic models with other health agencies and health professionals to ensure that paramedic care is part of a seamless system that provides patients with well-organized and high quality care. This expansion of paramedics’ scope of practice offers the potential to improve patient care and the general health of rural communities.


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Introduction: Despite more that 60 years of clinical experience, the effective use of lithium for the treatment of mood disorder, in particular bipolarity, is in danger of becoming obsolete. In part, this is because of exaggerated fears surrounding lithium toxicity, acute and long-term tolerability and the encumbrance of life-long plasma monitoring. Recent research has once again positioned lithium centre stage and amplified the importance of understanding its science and how this translates to clinical practice.

Objective: The aim of this paper is to provide a sound knowledge base as regards the science and practice of lithium therapy.

Method: A comprehensive literature search using electronic databases was conducted along with a detailed review of articles known to the authors pertaining to the use of lithium. Studies were limited to English publications and those dealing with the management of psychiatric disorders in humans. The literature was synthesized and organized according to relevance to clinical practice and understanding.

Results: Lithium has simple pharmacokinetics that require regular dosing and monitoring. Its mechanisms of action are complex and its effects are multi-faceted, extending beyond mood stability to neuroprotective and anti-suicidal properties. Its use in bipolar disorder is under-appreciated, particularly as it has the best evidence for prophylaxis, qualifying it perhaps as the only true mood stabilizer currently available. In practice, its risks and tolerability are exaggerated and can be readily minimized with knowledge of its clinical profile and judicious application.

Conclusion: Lithium is a safe and effective agent that should, whenever indicated, be used first-line for the treatment of bipolar disorder. A better understanding of its science alongside strategic management of its plasma levels will ensure both wider utility and improved outcomes.


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Background: The World Health Organization currently recommends combined streptomycin and rifampicin antibiotic treatment as first-line therapy for Mycobacterium ulcerans infections. Alternatives are needed when these are not tolerated or accepted by patients, contraindicated, or neither accessible nor affordable. Despite in vitro effectiveness, clinical evidence for fluoroquinolone antibiotic use against Mycobacterium ulcerans is lacking. We describe outcomes and tolerability of
fluoroquinolone-containing antibiotic regimens for Mycobacterium ulcerans in south-eastern Australia.

Methodology/Principal Findings:
Analysis was performed of prospectively collected data including all primary Mycobacterium ulcerans infections treated at Barwon Health between 1998 and 2010. Medical treatment involved antibiotic use for more than 7 days; surgical treatment involved surgical excision of a lesion. Treatment success was defined as complete lesion healing without recurrence at 12 months follow-up. A complication was defined as an adverse event attributed to an antibiotic that required its cessation. A total of 133 patients with 137 lesions were studied. Median age was
62 years (range 3–94 years). 47 (34%) had surgical treatment alone, and 90 (66%) had combined surgical and medical treatment. Rifampicin and ciprofloxacin comprised 61% and rifampicin and clarithromycin 23% of first-line antibiotic
regimens. 13/47 (30%) treated with surgery alone failed treatment compared to 0/90 (0%) of those treated with combination medical and surgical treatment (p,0.0001). There was no difference in treatment success rate for antibiotic combinations containing a fluoroquinolone (61/61 cases; 100%) compared with those not containing a fluoroquinolone (29/29 cases; 100%). Complication rates were similar between ciprofloxacin and rifampicin (31%) and rifampicin and clarithromycin (33%) regimens (OR 0.89, 95% CI 0.27–2.99). Paradoxical reactions during treatment were observed in 8 (9%) of antibiotic treated cases.

Antibiotics combined with surgery may significantly increase treatment success for Mycobacterium ulcerans infections, and fluoroquinolone combined with rifampicin-containing antibiotic regimens can provide an effective and safe oral treatment option.


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Background: Anxiety is a normal physiological response to a threat. Anxiety disorders occur when this normal physiological response is associated with high levels of autonomic arousal, erroneous cognitions and dysfunctional coping strategies. Anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and present commonly to general practice. Anxiety disorders are often comorbid with other psychiatric and medical disorders and may be associated with significant morbidity.

This article describes the diagnosis, assessment and management of anxiety disorders in the general practice setting.

Assessment in patients presenting with anxiety symptoms involves excluding a medical cause, identifying features of specific anxiety disorders as well as other coexisting psychiatric disorders, and assessing the degree of distress. Management options include psychoeducation, psychological treatments (particularly cognitive behaviour therapy) and pharmacological treatments. Patients with a diagnosis of an anxiety disorder can access Medicare funded psychological care under a number of Australian government initiatives. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are the first line pharmacological agents used to treat anxiety disorders. Regular review is vital to monitor for clinical improvement and more complex presentations may require specialist psychological or psychiatric referral.


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Data from 4727 invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae submitted to the Scottish Haemophilus, Legionella, Meningococcus and Pneumococcus Reference Laboratory between 1999 and 2007 were analysed to establish susceptibility profiles to penicillin, erythromycin and cefotaxime. Pneumococcal resistance to penicillin over the study period remained low, with only 0.2 % (n=7/4727) of isolates falling into this category (MIC ≥2 mg l−1). These isolates have been sporadic, and have mainly represented serogroup 14 (ST9) and 9 (ST156). In comparison, the ‘intermediate sensitivity’ group (MIC 0.12–1 mg l−1) ranged between 2 and 6 % per year, the majority from serogroup 9 (ST156). Over the study period, we found that 12 % (n=585/4727) of isolates were erythromycin-resistant (MIC >0.5 mg l−1), with the majority (n=467; 80 %) of these isolates identified as serogroup 14 (ST9). Cephalosporin resistance (cefotaxime MIC >1 mg l−1) was found in only 0.06 % (n=2/3135) of isolates. Internationally recognized clones (Pneumococcal Molecular Epidemiology Network) accounted for 35 % (n=28/81) of the penicillin non-susceptible isolates and 75 % (n=248/330) of the macrolide-resistant isolates, with ST9 and ST306 predominating. Between 1999 and 2007 we found that 11.6 % (n=18/155) of the penicillin non-susceptible isolates and 4.8 % (n=28/585) of the macrolide-resistant isolates were from serogroups not covered by the 7-valent conjugate pneumococcal vaccine in use in the UK since 2006. Susceptibility to first-line antimicrobial agents for invasive pneumococcal disease in Scotland remained high over the period 1999–2007.


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A 34-year-old Indian student who immigrated to Australia five years ago presented with a four-week history of neck pain. Physical examination revealed two firm fixed cervical lymph nodes in the anterior triangle and midline region which were tender on palpation and erythematous on inspection. Cording phenomenon was found on ZN staining of FNA sample and mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) PCR confirmed the diagnosis with incomplete resistance to isoniazid. Patient was treated with other three first line antituberculosis medications for nine months with an excellent outcome. Prednisolone was also used as adjunctive therapy and tapered during the course of treatment.


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Class II and III obesity (BMI >35 kg·m2) have increased dramatically in recent years. Current clinical guidelines suggest diet and exercise as first line treatment for adults throughout the spectrum of overweight and obesity. However, to date there is no systematic review that examines the effects of diet and exercise on this high risk population. This systematic review will examine the combined effects of diet versus diet and exercise on body composition in severe obesity. Medline and Cinahl were searched for randomised controlled trials comparing diet and exercise to diet alone. Studies published until July 2013 were included if they used reliable methods for analysing body composition in adults with BMI ≥ 35 kg·m2. Five of 459 studies met the inclusion criteria. Two studies, both in older adults, reported that exercise reduced lean mass loss during weight loss. Two studies showed that exercise facilitated (greater) fat mass loss. The remaining study reported no differences in body composition when exercise is added to energy restriction. Exercise training during energy restriction for individuals with BMI ≥35 kg.m2 may influence body composition outcomes but the evidence is limited. Further studies should focus on the efficacy of different exercise protocols during energy restriction for this population in order to better inform decision making for the treatment of severe obesity in respect to favourable body composition outcomes.


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Within the mammalian immune system, natural killer (NK) cells contribute to the first line of defence against infectious agents and tumours. Their activity is regulated, in part, by cell surface NK cell receptors. NK receptors can be divided into two unrelated, but functionally analogous superfamilies based on the structure of their extracellular ligand-binding domains. Receptors belonging to the C-type lectin superfamily are predominantly encoded in the natural killer complex (NKC), while receptors belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily are predominantly encoded in the leukocyte receptor complex (LRC). Natural killer cell receptors are emerging as a rapidly evolving gene family which can display significant intra- and interspecific variation. To date, most studies have focused on eutherian mammals, with significantly less known about the evolution of these receptors in marsupials. Here, we describe the identification of 43 immunoglobulin domain-containing LRC genes in the genome of the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), the largest remaining marsupial carnivore and only the second marsupial species to be studied. We also identify orthologs of NKC genesKLRK1, CD69, CLEC4E, CLEC1B, CLEC1A and an ortholog of an opossum NKC receptor. Characterisation of these regions in a second, distantly related marsupial provides new insights into the dynamic evolutionary histories of these receptors in mammals. Understanding the functional role of these genes is also important for the development of therapeutic agents against Devil Facial Tumour Disease, a contagious cancer that threatens the Tasmanian devil with extinction.