21 resultados para First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Although multiliteracies have been well theorised in recent years, few studies have researched the practical aspects of developing a curriculum of multiliteracies. This article examines multiliteracies as a crossdisciplinary curriculum practice, drawing on data from a 3-year study in an urban middle school. The data show possibilities for students to engage in critique and to move toward designing multimodal texts. Using Bourdieusian concepts of social capital and academic field, we explore the struggles around learning to inhabit certain school discourses.


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The City of Casey is the fourth fastest growing region in Australia. Thus far its success is population driven. This paper reviews the recent trend in regional development policies in Australia with particular reference to Casey. A new model based on the Regional Innovation System framework for the analysis of development in the region is constructed. Questions are raised about whether this region can have economically sustainable and innovation driven development in the future


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The City of Whittlesea is one of the most ethnically diverse urban areas in Melbourne that attracts settlers, often humanitarian migrants from countries in the Horn of Africa and the Middle East. With settlers arriving from a broader range of countries than ever before, increasing ethnic as well as ethno-religious diversity presents opportunities for local government to address intercultural harmony and understanding but also significant challenges. This paper reports the findings of fieldwork conducted in 2009 among residents focusing on attitudes towards ethnic diversity and evaluations of the capacity of local government to promote intercultural harmony and understanding. The results suggest that if local government is to be inclusive and gain the confidence and trust of residents necessary to foster empowering partnerships, political spaces that facilitate interactions between long-term residents, new residents, elected leaders and council officers must be facilitated. Such initiatives will contribute to strengthening programs and policies being developed by local government that aim to address discrimination experienced by ethnic minorities and encourage greater acceptance of cultural diversity among the broader community in ways that move beyond measurable outcomes.


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It is known that the consumption of fast food is associated with obesity (Binkley 2000). Relative ease of access to fast foods compared with healthy foods may contribute to the increasing prevalence of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine and compare the access by car to fast foods and a healthy diet. The study was located in the City of Casey, a municipality in South East Melbourne with a population of 220,000. We have previously shown that ease of access to a large chain supermarket ensures access to a basket of healthy foods adequate to meet the nutritional needs of a family of 6 (Burns 2004). The City of Casey council provided location details for major fast food outlets and supermarkets. Fast food was defined as food sourced from an outlet without table service. We included only those major fast food chain outlets which had more than 10 franchises within Australia. We included the 3 major supermarket chains that account for 87% total food retailing in Victoria. Geographic details from the City of Casey were used to map the location of these outlets. Then using these locations and road network a basic cost distance model was created for either the supermarket chains or fast food chains outlets. The cost unit is (time), it was to calculate by giving the roads in the network an average travel speed depending in the type of road (minor, major or highway) and then calculating how long it would take to reach the closest outlet. Access to supermarket and fast food outlets were determined relative to population density.
Our results indicate that in the City of Casey most (> 80%) people live within an 8-10 minute car journey of a major supermarket and a fast food outlet. Fifty percent of the fast food outlets are co-located with a supermarket. We conclude that access to both healthy food and fast food in the City of Casey is good if you own a car. The increasing demand for fast food is easily met in this municipality. Obesity prevention strategies in Casey should concentrate on the food choices available at fast food outlets and town planning to ensure a mix of food outlets to maximize the likelihood of healthy food choices.


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This study aimed to examine cost disparity and nutritional choices within the
City of Yarra (Yarra), targeting three suburbs that have low- and high-rise
estates: Richmond, Fitzroy, and Collingwood. The healthy food basket
(HFB) was modeled on the Queensland Healthy Food Access Basket for a
six-person family for a fortnight and was constructed to include food items
that are common to ethnic groups living in Yarra. The HFB food item costs
were sampled across 29 food outlets in Yarra. The average cost of HFB per fortnight
for a family of six was significantly lower in Richmond (Mean = $419.26)
than in Collingwood (Mean = $519.28) and in Fitzroy (Mean = $433.98). While
costs for cereal groups, dairy, meats and alternatives, and non-core were
comparable across the suburbs, significant differences were noticed for fruit,
legumes and vegetables. Geographic location alone explained 54% of the
variance in HFB price (F2,26 = 15.23, p < 0.001) and 32.7% in the variance of
fruit, vegetable and legumes (F2,26 = 7.72, p < 0.001). The effect of geographic
location remained consistent after controlling for the type of food
outlets. The type of food outlets had a non-significant effect on the variance
of prices. Richmond had a greater number variety of fruit, vegetables, and
legumes (F2, 26 = 5.7, p < 0.01) and an overall lower number of missing items
(F2, 26 = 3.9, p < 0.05) than Collingwood and Fitzroy. The diversity of food
available in the three suburbs was more likely to reflect the Vietnamese,
Chinese and East-Timorese shopping pattern than the rest of other ethnic


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Multidisciplinary investigations at Kuk Swamp in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea show that agriculture arose independently in New Guinea by at least 6950 to 6440 calibrated years before the present (cal yr B.P.). Plant exploitation and some cultivation occurred on the wetland margin at 10,220 to 9910 cal yr B.P. (phase 1), mounding cultivation began by 6950 to 6440 cal yr B.P. (phase 2), and ditched cultivation began by 4350 to 3980 cal yr B.P. (phase 3). Clearance of lower montane rainforests began in the early Holocene, with modification to grassland at 6950 to 6440 cal yr B.P. Taro (Colocasia esculenta) was utilized in the early Holocene, and bananas (Musa spp.) were intensively cultivated by at least 6950 to 6440 cal yr B.P.


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Introduction Improving infrastructure to support walking and cycling is often regarded as fundamental to encouraging their widespread uptake. However, there is little evidence that specific provision of this kind has led to a significant increase in walking or cycling in practice, let alone wider impacts such as changes in overall physical activity or carbon emissions. Connect2 is a major new project that aims to promote walking and cycling in the UK by improving local pedestrian and cycle routes. It therefore provides a useful opportunity to contribute new evidence in this field by means of a natural experimental study.

Methods and analysis iConnect is an independent study that aims to integrate the perspectives of public health and transport research on the measurement and evaluation of the travel, physical activity and carbon impacts of the Connect2 programme. In this paper, the authors report the study design and methods for the iConnect core module. This comprised a cohort study of residents living within 5 km of three case study Connect2 projects in Cardiff, Kenilworth and Southampton, supported by a programme of qualitative interviews with key informants about the projects. Participants were asked to complete postal questionnaires, repeated before and after the opening of the new infrastructure, which collected data on demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, travel, car fuel purchasing and physical activity, and potential psychosocial and environmental correlates and mediators of those behaviours. In the absence of suitable no-intervention control groups, the study design drew on heterogeneity in exposure both within and between case study samples to provide for a counterfactual.

Ethics and dissemination The study was approved by the University of Southampton Research Ethics Committee. The findings will be disseminated through academic presentations, peer-reviewed publications and the study website (http://www.iconnect.ac.uk) and by means of a national seminar at the end of the study.


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During the past few decades Belfast has witnessed a growing interest in festivals celebrating local cultural and historical traditions. In order to understand the context of festival development in Belfast an understanding of the city's history is essential. Belfast has around half a million inhabitants of two ethnic backgrounds, Irish nationalist (predominately Catholic) and British Unionist (predominately Protestant) (Russell 2005). Ethnicity in Northern Ireland mainly refers to the Catholic and Protestant populations. The people of Northern Ireland are predominantly white, with only o.8s per cent of them having non-Irish backgrounds. This percentage increases slightly to 1.3 per cent in Belfast, with 29 per cent of these being of Chinese origins.


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 Research Report commissioned by the City of Sydney


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This chapter focus on the question of literacy education itself-on how this is to be understood in the current and emerging age, how it is changing, and what it is for. It also engages the other key question here, that of what constitutes 'new media,' or rather, as Levinson puts it, 'new new media'-media forms emerging on the scene more or less constantly, and each time ever newer. Increasingly, literacy guidelines in many parts of the world call on teachers to incorporate attention to multimodal and electronic texts into their classrooms and curriculum. Curriculum guidelines addressing the 'new literacies' are structured around an expanded view of literacy that recognizes the changing and dynamic nature of text and textual forms, and call on research into the textual, communicative and cultural practices of young people as they engage with online popular culture and the digital world.


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This study of inner suburban residents' associations in Melbourne in the 1960s and 1970s examines the role of social activism in shaping Australia's urban dynamics. It argues that the focus on gentrification as an all-embracing explanatory concept in urban studies in Australia and elsewhere has detracted attention from the importance of structural change especially the de-industrialisation of the inner suburbs and the influence of urban activists and residents' associations in this period. The article concludes that insufficient analysis of social and economic change and the limited recognition of the importance of diverse communities continue to limit inclusive policy responses to urban reconstruction in Australia.