13 resultados para Field Diffraction Contrast

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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X-ray diffraction line profile analysis has been used to study the microstructure of (Ill) oriented gold and platinum thin films deposited by thermal evaporation and DC magnetron sputtering. In addition to crystallite size broadening, the profiles from these films displayed broadening arising from dislocations. A parallel investigation, using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was undertaken to study the nature of dislocations formed, and to provide information on the dimensions of the crystallite columns in the films. X-ray data were collected at room temperature to determine the anisotropy of the broadening with (hkl), using a Siemens D5000 powder diffractometer (CuKa radiation) and two high-resolution synchrotron instruments (BM 16 at the ESRF [A=0.35A] and station 2.3 at the Daresbury laboratory. Two approaches to instrument deconvolution were investigated; Fourier deconvolution and fundamental parameters profile fitting, using Lab6 as a reference material to determine the instrument profile function. After removal of the crystallite size broadening contribution from the measured integral breadths, the residual microstrain broadening was modelled assuming dislocations based on a FCC a/2<110>{ Ill} slip system. The results of the X-ray analysis agreed with dark field TEM micrographs, which showed that many of the crystallites contained dislocations of mixed character (screw- edge).


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Field-scale remediation of oil-contaminated soils from the Liaohe Oil Fields in China was examined using composting biopiles in windrow technology. Micronutrient-enriched chicken excrement and rice husk were applied as nutrition and a bulking agent. The lipase activities of indigenous micro-organisms were analyzed, and three indigenous fungi with high lipase activities was identified. An inoculum consisting of the three indigenous fungi and one introduced (exotic) fungus was applied to four different types of oil-contaminated soils. The results showed that the inoculum of indigenous fungi increased both the total colony-forming units (TCFU) and increased the rate of degradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in all contaminated soils but at different rates. In sharp contrast to other studies, the introduction of exotic micro-organisms did not improve the remediation, and suggests that inoculation of oil-contaminated sites with nonindigenous species is likely to fail. On the other hand, indigenous genera of microbes were found to be very effective in increasing the rate of degradation of TPH. The degradation of TPH was mainly controlled by the compositions of aromatic hydrocarbons and asphaltene and resin. Between 38 to 57% degradation of crude oils (with densities ranging from 25,800 to 77,200 mg/kg dry weight) in contaminated soils was achieved after 53 days of operation. The degradation patterns followed typical first-order reactions. We demonstrate that the construction and operation of field-scale composting biopiles in windrows with passive aeration is a cost-effective bioremediation technology.


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Pulsed field gradient NMR is a powerful method for the measurement of diffusion coefficients in liquids and solids and has begun to attract much attention in the ionic liquids field. However, aspects of the methodology as traditionally applied to solutions may not be uniformly applicable in these more viscous and chemically complex systems. In this paper we present data which shows that the Pulsed Gradient Spin Echo (PGSE) method in particular suffers from intrinsic internal gradients and can produce apparent diffusion coefficients which vary by as much as 20% for different 1H nuclei within a given moleculean obvious anomaly. In contrast, we show that the Pulsed Gradient Stimulated Echo method does not suffer from this problem to the same extent and produces self-consistent data to a high degree of accuracy (better than 1%). This level of significance has allowed the detection, in this work, of subtle mixing effects in [C3mpyr][NTf2] and [C4mpyr][NTf2] mixtures.


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In this work we compare and contrast the stability of retained austenite during tensile testing of Nb-Mo-Al transformation-induced plasticity steel subjected to different thermomechanical processing schedules. The obtained microstructures were characterised using optical metallography, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The transformation of retained austenite to martensite under tensile loading was observed by in-situ high energy X-ray diffraction at 1ID / APS. It has been shown that the variations in the microstructure of the steel, such as volume fractions of present phases, their morphology and dimensions, play a critical role in the strain-induced transition of retained austenite to martensite.


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To assess the costs and benefits of young fish adopting different behavioural tactics, field studies of juvenile salmonines have assumed that (but did not test whether) the rate of foraging attempts predicts ingestion rate. We tested this assumption by quantifying capture, ingestion, and rejection rates of potential prey items for individual young-of-the-year brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in a lake. Overall, capture rate (a conservative estimate of the rate of foraging attempts) was only a fair predictor of overall ingestion rate (Kendall's 1 = 0.54) and only 46% of captured items (number/minute) were ingested. Surface capture rate was a poor predictor of surface ingestion rate (T = 0.27) and only 1% of captured items were ingested. In contrast, subsurface capture rate was an excellent predictor of subsurface ingestion rate (T = 0.75) and 93% of captured items were ingested. No benthic prey captures were observed. Fish that ingested a low proportion of captured items spent a greater proportion of time moving, moved faster, and pursued prey further than fish that ingested a higher proportion of captured items. Rejection of captured items can represent a significant and little appreciated component of the foraging cycle for young salmonid fishes.


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Voluntary wheel running and open-field behavior are probably the two most widely used measures of locomotion in laboratory rodents. We tested whether these two behaviors are correlated in mice using two approaches: the phylogenetic comparative method using inbred strains of mice and an ongoing artificial selection experiment on voluntary wheel running. After taking into account the measurement error and phylogenetic relationships among inbred strains, we obtained a significant positive correlation between distance run on wheels and distance moved in the open-field for both sexes. Thigmotaxis was negatively correlated with distance run on wheels in females but not in males. By contrast, mice from four replicate lines bred for high wheel running did not differ in either distance covered or thigmotaxis in the open field as compared with mice from four non-selected control lines. Overall, results obtained in the selection experiment were generally opposite to those observed among inbred strains. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.


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The data is from an electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) study of the microstructure of high carbon ‘Wootz’ steel. The objective of the study is to infer an unknown thermomechanical history from observation and analysis of the final microstructure in various ancient artefacts (swords and tools), and then compare the findings with heat treatments of the ancient artefacts and modern attempts at duplication of the structure. Electron backscatter data reveals the orientation relationships between various phases in the material, particularly cementite and ferrite. The dataset is randomly structured and organised. The data is automatically generated by an electron backscattered diffraction system attached to a field emission scanning electron microscope. The dataset uses proprietary software (cannot be copied or distributed without complying with licensing agreements): Oxford HKL Channel 5. As the native formats are binary they cannot be read with standard software.


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Some people who experience migraine demonstrate reduced visual contrast sensitivity that is measurable between migraines. Contrast sensitivity loss to low spatial frequency gratings has been previously attributed to possible impairment of magnocellular pathway function. This study measured contrast sensitivity using low spatial frequency targets (0.25–4 c/deg) where the adaptation aspects of the stimuli were designed to preferentially assess either magnocellular or parvocellular pathway function (steady and pulsed pedestal technique). Twelve people with migraine with measured visual field abnormalities and 17 controls participated. Subjects were tested foveally and at 10° eccentricity. Foveally, there was no significant difference in group mean contrast sensitivity. At 10°, the migraine group demonstrated reduced contrast sensitivity for both the stimuli designed to assess magnocellular and parvocellular function (P < 0.05). The functional deficits measured in this study infer that abnormalities of the low spatial frequency sensitive channels of both pathways contribute to contrast sensitivity deficits in people with migraine.


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Transmission electron microscopy and in situ synchrotron high-energy X-ray diffraction were used to investigate the martensitic transformation and lattice strains under uniaxial tensile loading of Fe-Mn-Si-C-Nb-Mo-Al Transformation Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steel subjected to different thermo-mechanical processing schedules. In contrast with most of the diffraction analysis of TRIP steels reported previously, the diffraction peaks from the martensite phase were separated from the peaks of the ferrite-bainite α-matrix. The volume fraction of retained γ-austenite, as well as the lattice strain, were determined from the diffraction patterns recorded during tensile deformation. Although significant austenite to martensite transformation starts around the macroscopic yield stress, some austenite grains had already experienced martensitic transformation. Hooke's Law was used to calculate the phase stress of each phase from their lattice strain. The ferrite-bainite α-matrix was observed to yield earlier than austenite and martensite. The discrepancy between integrated phase stresses and experimental macroscopic stress is about 300 MPa. A small increase in carbon concentration in retained austenite at the early stage of deformation was detected, but with further straining a continuous slight decrease in carbon content occurred, indicating that mechanical stability factors, such as grain size, morphology and orientation of the retained austenite, played an important role during the retained austenite to martensite transformation.