25 resultados para FERROELECTRIC DOMAINS

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The purpose of this paper is to describe a process for sampling specific domain name zones on the World Wide Web. Because of the size of the Web, sampling strategies must be employed in order to effectively model and study the Web business environment.  This paper discusses Various efforts employed to sample the Web, which ranged from random generation of Internet Protocol Addresses and domain names, to the process finally
employed to create descriptive models of the dot-com domain name zones. The paper suggests that sampling the Web Top Level Domains offers a reasonable alternative for business researchers because it requires only familiarity with the use of the simple Web utilities such as File Transfer
Protocols to obtain initial domain name listings.


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The objective is to measure utility of real-time commercial decision making. It is important due to a higher possibility of mistakes in real-time decisions, problems with recording actual occurrences, and significant costs associated with predictions produced by algorithms. The first contribution is to use overall utility and represent individual utility with a monetary value instead of a prediction. The second is to calculate the benefit from predictions using the utility-based decision threshold. The third is to incorporate cost of predictions. For experiments, overall utility is used to evaluate communal and spike detection, and their adaptive versions. The overall utility results show that with fewer alerts, communal detection is better than spike detection. With more alerts, adaptive communal and spike detection are better than their static versions. To maximise overall utility with all algorithms, only 1% to 4% in the highest predictions should be alerts.


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The study reported in this paper involves a comparison of Resnik & Stern’s (e.g., 1977) information cue usage in websites registered in two commercial domains of the World Wide Web (Web)—.com (global domain managed by VeriSign) and .com.au (a country domain, auDomain, managed by the Australian Domain Name Administrator—AUDA). The hypothesised higher use of information cues by digital marketers with .com registered domain names relative to .com.au registered domain names is not supported. Examination of the audited websites in the two-domain comparison confirms that the Web provides a richer marketing communication medium than other media analysed in a meta-analysis of 117 datasets by Abernethy & Franke (1996). The study is important given the acknowledged influence of advertising information on consumer responses to ads and the brands they relate, to both in traditional and new media (Aaker & Stayman, 1990; Brown & Stayman, 1992; Bruner & Kumar, 2000).


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We employed a highly specific photoaffinity labeling procedure, using 14C-labeled S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to define the chemical structure of the AdoMet binding centers on cyclosporin synthetase (CySyn). Tryptic digestion of CySyn photolabeled with either [methyl-14C]AdoMet or [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet yielded the sequence H2N-Asn-Asp-Gly-Leu-Glu-Ser-Tyr-Val-Gly-Ile-Glu-Pro-Ser-Arg-COOH (residues 10644-10657), situated within the N-methyltransferase domain of module 8 of CySyn. Radiosequencing detected Glu10654 and Pro10655 as the major sites of derivatization. [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet in addition labeled Tyr10650. Chymotryptic digestion generated the radiolabeled peptide H2N-Ile-Gly-Leu-Glu-Pro-Ser-Gln-Ser-Ala-Val-Gln-Phe-COOH, corresponding to amino acids 2125-2136 of the N-methyltransferase domain of module 2. The radiolabeled amino acids were identified as Glu2128 and Pro2129, which are equivalent in position and function to the modified residues identified with tryptic digestions in module 8. Homology modeling of the N-methyltransferase domains indicates that these regions conserve the consensus topology of the AdoMet binding fold and consensus cofactor interactions seen in structurally characterized AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The modified sequence regions correspond to the motif II consensus sequence element, which is involved in directly complexing the adenine and ribose components of AdoMet. We conclude that the AdoMet binding to nonribosomal peptide synthetase N-methyltransferase domains obeys the consensus cofactor interactions seen among most structurally characterized low molecular weight AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases.


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The multifunctional polypeptide cyclosporin synthetase (CySyn) remains one of the most complex nonribosomal peptide synthetase described. In this study we used a highly specific photoaffinity labeling procedure with the natural cofactor S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet), 14C-isotopically labeled at the Sδ methyl group to probe the concerted AdoMet-binding interaction of the N-methyltransferase (N-MTase) centers of CySyn. The binding stoichiometry for the enzyme–AdoMet complex was determined to be 1:7, which is in agreement with inferences made from analysis of the complementary DNA sequence of the simA gene encoding the CySyn polypeptide. The photolabeling of the AdoMet-binding sites displayed homotropic negative cooperativity, characterized by a curvilinear Scatchard plot with upward concavity. Although, the process of N-methyl transfer is not a critical event for peptide elongation, the destabilizing homotropic interactions between N-MTase centers that were observed may represent a mechanism whereby the enzyme preserves the proficiency of the substrate-channeling process of cyclosporin peptide assembly over a broad range of cofactor concentrations. Furthermore, we demonstrated the utility of the photolabeling procedure for tracking the enzyme during purification.


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Australia has one of the best health care systems in the world. Despite this, the health of Indigenous Australians remains poor in comparison to non-Indigenous Australians and in comparison to other Indigenous peoples in other developed countries, such as Canada, the USA and New Zealand. Although the disparities in Indigenous health are the result of a complex array of interacting social and political processes, the historical failings of the nation's research endeavours to directly benefit the health status of Indigenous peoples are bring increasingly implicated in the status quo. Because of their shared memories of past bad experiences, Indigenous communities are profoundly distrustful of non-Indigenous health researchers. As a result of this distrust, opportunities to improve the performance, accountability and benefits of health research in Indigenous health domains are being lost—to the further detriment of the health of Indigenous peoples. In an attempt to redress this distrust and strengthen the research relationship in Indigenous health domains, various national research ethics guidelines and frameworks have been developed. It is evident, however, that if the research relationship in Indigenous health domains is to be improved, researchers need to do much more than merely uphold prescribed rules and guidelines. This article contends that if the research relationship in Indigenous health is to be strengthened, health researchers must also engage in the distinctive political processes of ‘recognition’ and ‘reconciliation’. In support of this contention, the processes of recognition and reconciliation are described, and their importance to improving the overall performance, accountability and benefits of Indigenous health research explained.


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Definitions of family and disclosure of family configuration are important themes for understanding the experiences of contemporary lesbian-parented families. Drawing on multi-generational family interviews with 20 lesbian-parented families in Victoria, Australia, we explore how participants describe and present their families in public contexts. We found a marked difference in experience between lesbian-parented stepfamilies and lesbian-parented de novo families where children are conceived and raised by lesbian parents from birth. Family members adopted a variety of strategies when disclosing parents’ sexual orientation in mainstream social institutions such as health care settings and schools. Some chose a proud, open strategy; while others were more private; yet others chose a passive strategy, particularly when dealing with health care providers, and a selective strategy when dealing with schools. These strategies demonstrate
the fine balance that families must strike between being publicly authentic and creating safety by protecting themselves from negative attitudes.


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Antibodies from malaria-exposed individuals can agglutinate merozoites released from Plasmodium schizonts, thereby preventing them from invading new erythrocytes. Merozoite coat proteins attached to the plasma membrane are major targets for host antibodies and are therefore considered important malaria vaccine candidates. Prominent among these is the abundant glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) and particularly its C-terminal fragment (MSP1(19)) comprised of two epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like modules. In this paper, we revisit the role of agglutination and immunity using transgenic fluorescent marker proteins. We describe expression of heterologous MSP1(19)'miniproteins' on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum merozoites. To correctly express these proteins, we determined that GPI-anchoring and the presence of a signal sequence do not allow default export of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to merozoite surface and that extra sequence elements are required. The EGFs are insufficient for correct trafficking unless they are fused to additional residues that normally reside upstream of this fragment. Antibodies specifically targeting the surface-expressed miniprotein can inhibit erythrocyte invasion in vitro despite the presence of endogenous MSP1. Using a line expressing a green fluorescent protein-MSP1 fusion protein, we demonstrate that one mode of inhibition by antibodies targeting the MSP1(19) domain is the rapid agglutinating of merozoites prior to erythrocyte attachment.


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Water sensitive design on our urban threshold is increasingly becoming topical. In Adelaide it is being driven by stormwater management strategies and economic efficiencies in a city that is beginning to embrace its Mediterranean environment, low water sustainability, and whether our showpiece public domains in Adelaide can afford large expanses of manicured lawns.

This paper reviews four projects in progress along the North Terrace in Adelaide. The first involves a major redesign of First Creek as it traverses Adelaide Botanic Garden to address stormwater management issues. The redesign includes strategies to control flash flooding, to cleanse stream water from pollutants, and to carefully incorporate a wetland system as an integral botanical and horticultural feature of a botanic garden. Further down North Terrace, the University of Adelaide is evaluating a scenario that will totally redesign Goodman Crescent, its picture-postcard promenade lawn. The scenario is to host an integrated water retention and water purification and cleansing system that will service independently of mains water an irrigation system and a waterfall. The proposal draws upon a similar strategy recently adopted by the South Australian Museum to capture and cleanse surface and roof water but place the installation and process on display as part of its overall biodiversity museum display that will unfold over the next five years under director Tim Flannery. The fourth example, in process at present, is to devise an integrated water system that may enable the Government House grounds to remove itself from dependence upon costly mains water to totally sustain its extensive gardens and lawns.

Importantly each project has similar threads: creative water maximization and purification use, and a desire to place these ‘installations’ on display as public statements of their commitment to water sustainability in Adelaide. But radically, here are four prominent cultural institutions readily willing to redefine the notion and traditional visual imagery of a ‘wetland’ on what is the main cultural boulevard of a capital city.


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For many teachers the term ‘professional standards’ conjures up notions of benchmarks against which to measure their performance. This is to locate standards in a public domain that is external to individual teachers, defining their professional role largely in terms of their accountability to other stakeholders in education. The following article argues an alternative view of standards as mediating between public and personal domains. Those domains should remain distinct – indeed, sometimes they may exist in a productive tension – but for standards to have any purchase with the profession they must be personally meaningful. The author draws on both his experience in teaching graduate English students in the pre-service Diploma in Education course at Monash University and his research in a national project to develop subject specific standards for primary and secondary teachers of English. The project, Standards for Teachers of English Language and Literacy in Australia (STELLA), is federally funded and involves a consortium of universities, state government bodies and the two English teaching associations, whose members constitute the panels of teachers at the heart of the project.


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EGF domains are extracellular protein modules cross-linked by three intradomain disulfides. Past studies suggest the existence of two types of EGF domain with three-disulfides, human EGF-like (hEGF) domains and complement C1r-like (cEGF) domains, but to date no functional information has been related to the two different types, and they are not differentiated in sequence or structure databases. We have developed new sequence patterns based on the different C-termini to search specifically for the two types of EGF domains in sequence databases. The exhibited sensitivity and specificity of the new pattern-based method represents a significant advancement over the currently available sequence detection techniques. We re-annotated EGF sequences in the latest release of Swiss-Prot looking for functional relationships that might correlate with EGF type. We show that important post-translational modifications of three-disulfide EGFs, including unusual forms of glycosylation and post-translational proteolytic processing, are dependent on EGF subtype. For example, EGF domains that are shed from the cell surface and mediate intercellular signaling are all hEGFs, as are all human EGF receptor family ligands. Additional experimental data suggest that functional specialization has accompanied subtype divergence. Based on our structural analysis of EGF domains with three-disulfide bonds and comparison to laminin and integrin-like EGF domains with an additional interdomain disulfide, we propose that these hEGF and cEGF domains may have arisen from a four-disulfide ancestor by selective loss of different cysteine residues.


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We present a model of an environment to evaluate the behavior of an agent trying to hide from a pursuer is presented. The model computes the direction and the amount of protection provided by the environment. The computational complexity of this problem is improved by using a parallel implementation of this algorithm.