20 resultados para Estuary management

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Stakeholder involvement in the management of estuaries is a necessary element of good environmental governance. In Victoria, Australia, a key challenge for estuary managers is whether or not estuaries should be artificially opened since many river mouths close ‘naturally’ from time to time. Estuary closure resulting in raised estuarine water levels leads to economic and social impacts on local communities. In the past these effects have been addressed by artificial river mouth openings, often without reference to associated environmental impacts. This article discusses the development and features of an Estuary Entrance Management Support System and considers its performance against principles of effective environmental management. It concludes that, in bringing together technical information with stakeholder input through a structured process, such a system makes a useful contribution to improving estuary entrance management.


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Estuaries are a transition zone for fresh and saline water and sediments, providing a range of ecosystem services for the local population, infrastructure and industries located in their environs. They are also governance transition zones where jurisdictions often overlap and focused attention is often lacking. As Australia’s population continues to expand, particularly in the south, estuaries are increasingly becoming popular locations for settlement due to their picturesque surrounds and accessibility for water-based activities. This results in expanding human and industry activities and pressures along estuaries and adjacent coastal settings impacting ecosystem service delivery. The absence of dedicated national and state estuary legislation in addition to decades of poor land and waterway management decisions paints a ‘doom and gloom’ picture for temperate southern Australian estuaries. Against this backdrop, there are number of estuary ‘bright spots’ where natural resource management bodies in strong partnership with local actors are moving forward in overcoming challenges to estuary conservation. Using case studies, this paper describes the key elements for effective estuary management that can lead to improved estuary health.


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This study investigates the benefits of using oral history as a tool for the sustainable management of estuaries. Twenty-two semi-structured interviews were conducted to generate oral history records for the Balcombe Estuary Reserve, a small estuary in a periurban zone on the Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. These interviews establish a more complete picture of changes in land use and ecological change to the estuary since European settlement of the area, and document community values. The interviews were followed with a survey to further explore management issues in the area. Use of oral history was found to be an effective approach to assist holistic estuarine management, especially when complemented by other sources of information.


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The management of social, economic, and ecological assets in coastal zones is fundamental to the maintenance and sustainability of coastal resources. A significant issue in this discussion is the role of governance structures. In Australia the governance of the coastal zone includes a range of institutional authorities, processes, and procedures that set the context for decision making about coastal management. As well as the formal institutional arrangements there is also a maze of other interests such as development commissions, NGOs, Indigenous Native Title holders and other stakeholders including recreational interests. A major issue for governance arrangements is the considerable gap that often exists between how those interests interpret and develop their positions especially when the knowledge is derived from different systems – scientific, managerial, lay and indigenous. This paper will explore the development of an Estuary Entrance Management Support System (EEMSS) in south west Victoria Australia. The EEMSS is a decision support tool to assist estuary managers in determining whether to artificially open a river mouth. A significant part of the process adopted was community participation which involved a ‘steps’ approach to engage local community groups and landholders. It is the process of engaging different knowledge systems in a meaningful conversation that has led to a system that now gains support from all of the stakeholders in the management of different estuaries. The paper will discuss the processes that surround the EEMSS and outline some lessons that arise in context of the ‘project state’.


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Participation and integration are core elements of coastal management. A key argument is that involving stakeholders from the broader community in collaborative coastal management allows for a more reflexive approach to consideration of ecological science outputs. However the role of stakeholder participation is still problematic especially when the involvement is short term and limited in its knowledge co-production. We argue for the development of a participatory logic that includes five key elements: the institutionalization of the processes that derive from stakeholder co-production and co-management; the ability and capacity to make meaningful decisions about issues of importance in an on-going way; the inclusion of all stakeholders in the process; the flexibility of central policies that enable participation by stakeholders at local level; the allowance for pathways for the uptake of all knowledge systems. Using this approach we report in this paper on the Estuary Entrance Management Support System (EEMSS) and ask whether this is a model system for answering the following questions as part of participatory logic: What types of collaborative activities can be used to improve the management of coastal zones? Are these activities a sufficient pathway for integrating different knowledge forms including science into coastal management? How important is stakeholder participation to science uptake? How can stakeholder participation be institutionalized in coastal management?


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Introduction. Along the south coast of Australia, wetlands on the floodplains of lowland rivers and estuaries have been severely altered by agriculture and urbanization. Efforts to restore or rehabilitate these wetlands are hampered by insufficient knowledge of the original condition of these wetlands, or their variability in time and space. This research describes the macroinvertebrate community of wetlands on the floodplain of the Gellibrand River and estuary, which has suffered comparatively few human impacts. The aim of the research was to describe the variability of macroinvertebrate communities as a baseline for the future management of these wetlands, and to contribute to the general understanding of estuary-floodplain wetlands, thereby improving the basis for their management.

The Gellibrand River has a catchment area of approximately 1200 km2 draining the western slopes of the Otway Ranges, and entering the Southern Ocean at Princetown. From a mean annual flow of 315 000 mL, 25 000 mL are removed per annum for agricultural and domestic use (O'May & Wallace 2001), and flows are closer to natural regimes than most other Western Victorian rivers. The estuary is a bar-built, salt-wedge estuary that becomes completely blocked by the sand bar in most years, during summer and autumn. Over past decades, the estuary mouth has been opened artificially in most years. to prevent flooding of agricultural land and roads adjacent to the wetlands. At its maximum, the salt-wedge penetrates approximately 10 km upstream from the river mouth, but the estuary may also be completely fresh during high winter discharge
(Mckay 2000).

The wetlands surrounding Princetown cover 119 ha and are listed as nationally important (Environment Australia 2001). This listing regards the wetlands as an important habitat for animals at vulnerable stages of their life cycle and a refuge from adverse conditions, such as drought. They are a good example of coastal brackish and freshwater marshes, with an important ecological and hydrological role as part of a large wetland


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Deakin University was engaged by the Department of Sustainability and Environment to develop an Index of Estuary Condition (IEC) for evaluating the environmental condition of Victorian estuaries. The Index will ultimately complement the existing Index of Stream Condition (ISC) by providing a consistent statewide assessment of the environmental condition of estuaries. This will better enable:

• Estuarine condition to be reported at regional, state and national levels.

• Prioritisation of resource allocation.

• Strategic evaluation of management interventions in estuaries.

Workshops involving participants with expertise in a variety of disciplines were convened to integrate learnings from assessment programs currently being developed interstate and overseas. This report synthesises and builds on the output from those workshops which:

• Identified key components (themes) of estuaries that contribute to estuarine condition.

• Contributed to development of a broad conceptual model for Victorian estuaries

• Identified possible measures of each theme

In keeping with the sub-indices of the ISC, six themes were identified for use in the IEC: Physical form, Hydrology, Water quality, Sediment, Flora and Fauna. Several measures within each theme are recommended to assess estuary condition.

Implementation of particular measures in the IEC partly depends on the investment required to both collect and interpret the required data. With regard to data collection, each measure was assessed according to whether there is an established sampling procedure, how frequently data need to be collected and the level of expertise required for collection and processing. For interpreting the data, measures were scored on whether baseline condition is established and whether descriptions and scores are developed which reflect the extent of deviation from that condition. These scores were used to indicate which measures are feasible to implement immediately and which require further investigation.

A trial of the recommended IEC measures in a selection of estuaries is recommended as it would provide an opportunity to test the measures and their suitability for application statewide. It is suggested that the trial is conducted in estuaries subject to various levels of threats within each of the four estuary classes described by Barton et al. (2008)