104 resultados para Erectile dysfunction

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Background: Sildenafil (Viagra®), a new oral drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, was licensed for use across Europe in 1998. Aim: To examine the effectiveness and safety of sildenafil as an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction. Design of study: Systematic review and meta-analysis.
Setting: All published or unpublished randomised controlled trials comparing sildenafil with a placebo or alternative therapies. Method: Published studies were sought by computerised searches of electronic databases using the keywords ‘sildenafil’ and ‘Viagra’. A hand search was also done of the British Medical Journal, Lancet, Journal of the American
Medical Association, New England Journal of Medicine, British Journal of General Practice, Drug, Inpharma and Scrip. An assessment of quality of all identified studies and data extraction was undertaken independently by two researchers. Results were combined in a meta-analysis where appropriate, using RevMan version 3. Results: Twenty-one trials were identified. All trials showed a statistically significant improvement in erectile or sexual function in patients using sildenafil compared with a placebo. A meta-analysis of 16 trials reporting a global efficacy response showed that men were 3.57 (95% CI = 2.93–4.43) times as likely to have improved erections on sildenafil compared with those on a placebo. The number needed to treat to have one man with improved erections was two. The drug has a relatively safe side-effect profile. Conclusions: Available research shows that sildenafil is an effective treatment for male erectile dysfunction. Many trial participants had some baseline erectile function and it is probable that in clinical practice, where the erectile function tends to be more impaired, the number needed to treat may be higher.


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Aim To estimate the prevalence of erectile dysfunction (ED) in Chinese diabetic men and to identify its risk factors, we carried out a cross-sectional survey of 500 Chinese diabetic men attending a community hospital diabetic clinic in Hong Kong.
Methods Patients were interviewed and asked to report on their experience of ED as defined in the National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference 1993. Diabetic complications and patient clinical data were obtained from patients' medical records.
Results Of the 486 patients studied, the prevalence of ED was 63.6% (95% confidence interval 59.3–67.9%). The prevalence of ED increased with age, from 33.3% to 73.8% for diabetic men aged between 21 and 80 years (P = 0.001). Severity of ED also increased with age. Among diabetic men with ED, there was no report of complete ED for diabetic men aged 40 years and below, whereas the proportion of patients with complete ED increased from 7.4% to 71.1% between the ages of 41 and 80 years. ED occurred early in the course of the disease, with a prevalence increasing from 56.0% in men with diabetes mellitus (DM) for < 5 years to 72.0% in those with DM for > 20 years (P = 0.038). Duration of DM was also associated with severity; the proportion of patients with complete ED increased from 30.8% for those with DM for < 5 years to 72.2% for those with DM for ≥ 20 years (P < 0.001). Using logistic regression analysis, DM duration, diabetic complications including retinopathy, abnormal albuminuria and sensory neuropathy, and higher level of education were associated with a higher risk of ED. By polychotomous logistic regression, age was the only factor found to be associated with the severity of ED, after adjusting for other variables.
Conclusions Chinese diabetic patients have a prevalence of self-reported ED that appears to be higher than that of Western populations. This may be due to cultural differences and the association of abnormal albuminuria and hypertension.


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Objectives: This cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate whether the duration of erectile dysfunction (ED) influenced treatment seeking and satisfaction with treatment using PDE5 inhibitors.
Methods: Participants were 409 men with ED who were primarily recruited over the internet via men's health web sites. Participants completed a questionnaire to assess the duration and perceived severity of ED, information and help-seeking behaviors for ED, and treatment usage and satisfaction with PDE5 inhibitor medication.
Results: The results demonstrated that men with ED of longer duration were more likely to have discussed their ED with their partner and doctor and to have sought information and treatment for their ED problem. No differences were found in reported satisfaction with ED medication usage or expected future medication use across the varying levels of ED duration, once variance attributable to age was accounted for.
Conclusions: These results suggest that men are more likely to accept that they have ED and seek treatment for their ED with increasing duration of the condition, although these men are not more satisfied with PDE5 inhibitors as a treatment option.


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There has been limited previous research that has examined the views of both men with erectile dysfunction (ED) and their partners on the impact of ED on their sexuality, relationship and general functioning. The current study was designed to evaluate the above variables among men with ED and their partners. Participants for the current study were 40 heterosexual men with ED and their partners. All participants completed a questionnaire that evaluated their reaction to ED, their past and current sexual activity, their sexual and relationship satisfaction as well as their levels of self-esteem and quality of life (QOL). The results demonstrated that both men with ED and their partners reported a reduction in their levels of sexual activity since the development of ED and that they wanted to seek a solution to the problem. Men with ED demonstrated lower levels of self-esteem, QOL and sexual satisfaction than their partners but there were no differences between the partners in their level of relationship satisfaction. These findings demonstrate that ED has an impact on both the man and his partner. They also indicate the importance of including the man's partner in the assessment and treatment of ED.


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Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition estimated to affect more than 150 million men worldwide. ED should be regarded as a shared sexual problem which has significant detrimental effects both on the men who experience this condition and on their partners.
Evidence to support partner involvement in ED therapy: Evidence shows that the partner plays a key supportive role in the man's ED treatment and in successful long-term ED therapy. Including the partner in consultations may highlight discordant attitudes and communication problems between couple members which may indicate treatment acceptance or rejection, or realistic or unrealistic treatment expectations.
Options for partner involvement in ED therapy: Most patients with ED consult their physician in the absence of their partner. Therefore, involving the partner in therapy can be challenging. Two options which physicians should consider are: encouraging the patient to bring the partner into the office and, often more realistically, seeking information about, and providing information to, the partner, via the patient.
The objective of these recommendations is to provide practical guidance on treating couples affected by ED, and suggest techniques that may be helpful in integrating the partner into the process of ED treatment.


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The current study evaluated the dropout rate from an internet-based treatment program for erectile dysfunction (ED), and determined reasons for attrition from this program. Only 12 of 40 treatment group men and 19 of 20 control group men completed the post-test measures. Reasons for the men being excluded or dropping out of the study are discussed. These reasons included medical conditions that contributed to their ED, the man's partner not being interested in participating in the program, a lack of motivation from the man, or the time commitment being too demanding.


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Sexual dysfunction research has primarily focused on understanding and treating problems of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. Research has paid little attention to the impact of ED on women. The current study reports on an investigation of women's perception of their partners' ED, what they had tried to do about the problem and the impact of ED on them and their relationship. In-depth interviews were conducted with 51 women who were currently in a heterosexual relationship with a man with ED. The findings provide detailed information on women's experience of their partners' ED. They also demonstrate the need for educational resources on sexual difficulties for both the lay public and their medical practitioners. In the clinical situation, the study demonstrated the value of involving the female partner in the treatment process in improving a couple's sexual satisfaction.


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Introduction: Several preference studies comparing a short-acting with a longer-acting phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor have been conducted in men. Most men in those studies preferred tadalafil rather than sildenafil, and recent post hoc analysis of one study described several factors associated with men’s treatment preference. No prospective studies have investigated the woman partners’ preferences.

Aim: To investigate the treatment preference of women who were partners of men using oral medications for erectile dysfunction (ED) in a single-center open-label crossover study.

Methods: One hundred heterosexual couples in stable relationships, with male partners having ED based on the erectile function subscale of the International Index of Erectile Function, were randomly assigned to receive sildenafil or  tadalafil for a 12-week phase, followed by another 12-week period using the alternate drug. Male and female participants completed sexual event diaries during both study phases, and the female participants were interviewed at  baseline, midpoint, and end of study.

Main Outcome Measures
: Primary outcome data were the women’s final  interviews during which they were asked which drug they preferred and their reasons for that preference.

Results: A total of 79.2% of the women preferred their partners’ use of tadalafil, while 15.6% preferred sildenafil. Preference was not affected by age or treatment order randomization. Women preferring tadalafil reported feeling more relaxed, experiencing less pressure, and enjoying a more natural or spontaneous sexual experience as reasons for their choice. Mean number of tablets used, events recorded, events per week, and days between events were not significantly different during each study phase.

Conclusion: Women’s preferences were similar to men when using these two drugs. While the women’s reasons for preferring tadalafil emphasized relaxed, satisfying, longer-lasting sexual experiences, those preferring sildenafil focused on satisfaction and drug effectiveness for their partner.


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There is sparse information on how treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) affects couples. This study investigated the effects of ED treatments on 100 heterosexual couples' sexual functioning and whether function achieved using a short-acting versus a long-acting ED medication differed significantly. Couples were randomized to use tadalafil or sildenafil for each of two 12-week study phases; they completed questionnaires (International Index of Sexual Function and Female Sexual Function Index) and kept sexual event diaries. All participants experienced significant improvements over baseline sexual functioning, while the men used short- or long-acting ED medications with no significant differences related to the duration of drug action recorded for either the men or women. Despite this lack of difference in efficacy there was a strong preference by women (79%) and their partners (16%) for the longer-acting medication. The reasons for this warrant further investigation. Understanding the effects on couples of the use of ED medications is a necessary aspect of ensuring ongoing sexual satisfaction in couples treated for ED.


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This thesis demonstrated that Australian men with erectile dysfunction (ED) experience poorer levels of masculinity, self-esteem, quality of life, sexual satisfaction and relationship satisfaction than do men without ED. The implications of these findings for the current medical approach to treating this sexual dysfunction were discussed. The portfolio explores grief following elective abortion and reflects on how grief responses may present in post-abortion counselling. The potential utility of grief therapy to this counselling is demonstrated in four case studies.


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This thesis involved the development and evaluation of "Rekindle", an internet-based cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for erectile dysfunction (ED). For highly motivated couples, "Rekindle" was more effective than no treatment for improving sexual function and relationships. Most men who completed "Rekindle" had maintained treatment gains at 3-month follow-up. The professional portfolio presented 4 case studies which demonstrate that barriers to recovery from early psychosis are often complex and challenging issues, and that effective strategies need to be implemented to overcome these issues during treatment. When insufficient intervention is provided to address these barriers, the likelihood of successful outcome following early psychosis is significantly reduced.


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This article presents findings from a recent cross-sectional study that was designed to evaluate both the impact of erectile dysfunction (ED) on the lives of Australian men, and explore whether the use of PDE5 inhibitors was able to alter this impact. The sample comprised 410 men with ED, and 242 men who did not have ED. All men were primarily recruited over the internet via men's health web sites. Participants completed a questionnaire to assess their self-esteem, masculinity, quality of life, sexual satisfaction, relationship satisfaction and usage of oral ED medication. The results demonstrated that men with ED experienced deficits on all of the psychosocial areas when compared to men without ED. Moreover, treatment with ED medication did not alleviate this deficit. Implications of these findings for the treatment of men with ED are discussed in the context of the biopsychosocial model of health and the need for a multidisciplinary approach to ED management is highlighted.


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Recent research on the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) has focused on medical interventions, in particular oral medications. The current study examined the effectiveness of an internet-based psychological intervention for this condition. In total, 31 men (12 in treatment group, 19 in control group) completed the program. The results demonstrated that men who completed the program reported improved erectile functioning and sexual relationship satisfaction and quality. The implications of these findings for the treatment of ED are discussed.