48 resultados para Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The induction of a cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response following influenza infection can lead to the formation of immunity capable of recognizing viruses of a different antigenicity. Our ability to exploit such broadly reactive responses in vaccination strategies is hampered by a lack of understanding on the regulation of CTL responses. In this report, we describe the utilization of reverse genetics to produce a range of recombinant viruses lacking immunodominant murine CTL epitopes. Recombinant viruses lacking the epitopes had indistinguishable growth properties in vitro and in vivo compared with the wild-type virus. Analysis of a primary immune response to these viruses showed that mutation of the anchor-binding residue leads to a loss of a response to that epitope, but no compensating increase in responses to other immunodominant epitopes. The utilization of reverse genetics and the murine model of influenza infection hold great promise for elucidating the factors regulating the CTL response.


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There is an urgent need for a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine that induces robust mucosal immunity. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) apply substantial antiviral pressure, but CTLs to individual epitopes select for immune escape variants in both HIV in humans and SIV in macaques. Inducing multiple simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific CTLs may assist in controlling viremia. We vaccinated 10 Mane-A1*08401+ female pigtail macaques with recombinant influenza viruses expressing three Mane-A1*08401-restricted SIV-specific CTL epitopes and subsequently challenged the animals, along with five controls, intravaginally with SIVmac251. Seroconversion to the influenza virus vector resulted and small, but detectable, SIV-specific CTL responses were induced. There was a boost in CTL responses after challenge but no protection from high-level viremia or CD4 depletion was observed. All three CTL epitopes underwent a coordinated pattern of immune escape during early SIV infection. CTL escape was more rapid in the vaccinees than in the controls at the more dominant CTL epitopes. Although CTL escape can incur a "fitness" cost to the virus, a putative compensatory mutation 20 amino acids upstream from an immunodominant Gag CTL epitope also evolved soon after the primary CTL escape mutation. We conclude that vaccines based only on CTL epitopes will likely be undermined by rapid evolution of both CTL escape and compensatory mutations. More potent and possibly broader immune responses may be required to protect pigtail macaques from SIV.


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Hev b 6.01 is a major allergen of natural rubber latex with sensitization of 70–86% of latex glove-allergic subjects. Recently, we mapped the immunodominant T cell sites of Hev b 6.01 to the highly IgE-reactive hevein (Hev b 6.02) domain. Hev b 6.01 contains 14 cysteine residues with multiple disulphide bridges stabilizing tertiary conformation. With the goal of a standardized specific immunotherapy we developed hypoallergenic Hev b 6.01 mutants by site-directed mutagenesis of selected cysteine residues (3, 12, 17, and 41) within the Hev b 6.02 domain. Peptides corresponding to the Hev b 6.02 domain of two of the mutants were also synthesized. These mutants and peptide variants showed markedly decreased or ablated latex-allergic patient serum IgE binding by immunoblotting and ELISA. Basophil activation testing confirmed markedly decreased activation with successive cysteine substitutions of the mutants and complete abrogation with the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide. Retention of T cell reactivity is crucial for effective specific immunotherapy and all mutants and peptide variants maintained their latex-specific T cell reactivity. The ablated allergenicity but retained T cell reactivity of the Hev b 6.02 (Cys 3, 12, 17, 41 Ala) peptide suggests this peptide is a suitable candidate for inclusion in a latex immunotherapy preparation.


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Extracellular adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) is an agonist for the P2Z receptor of human leukaemic lymphocytes and opens a Ca 2+-selective ion channel, which also conducts Ba2+, Sr2+ and the small fluorescent dye, ethidium+. A wide range of receptor agonists, many of which raise cytosolic [Ca2+] activate phospholipase D (PLD). In the present study, it was shown that both ATP and 3′-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP (BzATP) stimulated PLD activity in a concentration-dependent manner, and the inhibitory effects of suramin, oxidised ATP, extracellular Na+ and Mg2+ suggested that the effect of these agonists is mediated by P2Z receptors. The role of divalent cations in ATP-stimulated PLD activity was investigated. Several agonists (eg ATP, thapsigargin, ionomycin) stimulated a rise in cytosolic [Ca2+] in human lymphocytes, but only ATP and ionomycin stimulated PLD activity. When Ca2+ influx was prevented by EGTA, the majority of ATP-stimulated and all of ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity was inhibited. Preloading cells with the Ca2+ chelator, BAPTA, reduced cytosolic [Ca2+] and, paradoxically, ATP-stimulated PLD activity was potentiated. ATP-stimulated PLD activity was supported by both Ba2+ and Sr2+ when they were substituted for extracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, both ATP-stimulated PLD activity and ATP-stimulated 133Ba2+ influx showed a linear dependence on extracellular [Ba2+]. Thus it was concluded that ATP stimulated PLD activity in direct proportion to the influx of divalent cations through the P2Z ion channel and this PLD activity was insensitive to changes in bulk cytosolic [Ca2+]. The calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) inhibitor, trifluoperazine (TFP) inhibited ionomycin- and ATP-stimulated PLD activity and ATP-stimulated apoptosis, but had no effect on PLD activity already activated by ATP. However, TFP inhibited ATP-stimulated Ca2+, Ba2+ and ethidium+ fluxes, at concentrations below those which inhibit Ca2+/CaM, suggesting that TFP inhibits the P2Z receptor. Similarly, the isoquinolinesulphonamide, KN-62, a selective inhibitor of Ca2+/CaM-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), also prevented ATP-stimulated apoptosis, but had no effect on pre-activated PLD. In addition, KN-62, and an analogue, KN-04, which has no effect on CaMKII, potently inhibited ATP-stimulated Ba2+ influx (IC50 12.7 ± 1.5 and 17.3 ± 2.7 nM, respectively), ATP-stimulated ethidium+ uptake (IC50 13.1 ± 2.6 and 37.2 ± 8.9 nM, respectively), ATP-stimulated phospholipase D activity (50% inhibition 5.9 ± 1.2 and 9.7 ± 2.8 nM, respectively) and ATP-induced shedding of the surface adhesion molecule, L-selectin (IC50 31.5 ± 4.5 and 78.7 ± 10.8 nM, respectively). They did not inhibit phorbol ester- or ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity or phorbol ester-induced L-selectin shedding. Neither KN-62 nor KN-04 (both 500 nM) have any effect on UTP-stimulated Ca2+ transients in fura-2-loaded human neutrophils, a response which is mediated by the P2Y2 receptor, neither did they inhibit ATP-stimulated contractile responses mediated by the P2X1 receptor of guinea pig urinary bladder. Thus, KN-62 and KN-04 are almost equipotent as P2Z inhibitors with IC50s in the nanomolar, indicating that their actions cannot be due to CaMKII inhibition, but rather that they are potent and direct inhibitors of the P2Z receptor. Extracellular ATP-induced shedding of L-selectin from lymphocytes into the medium is a Ca2+-independent response. L-selectin is either cleaved by a metalloproteinase or a PLD with specificity for glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). The novel hydroxamic acid-based zinc chelator, Ro-31-9790 blocks ATP-induced L-selectin shedding, but was without effect on ATP-induced Ba2+ influx or ATP-stimulated PLD activity. Furthermore, another zinc chelator, 1,10-phenanthroline, an inhibitor of a GPI-PLD, potentiated rather than inhibited ATP-stimulated PLD activity, suggesting that ATP-induced L-selectin shedding and ATP-stimulated PLD activity are independent of each other. Although extracellular ATP is the natural ligand for the lymphocyte P2Z receptor, it is less potent than BzATP in stimulating Ba2+ influx. Concentration-response curves for BzATP- and ATP-stimulated ethidium+ influx gave EC50s 15.4 ± 1.4 µM and 85.6 ± 8.8 µM, respectively. The maximal response to ATP was only 69.8 ± 1.9% of that for BzATP. Hill coefficients were 3.17 ± 0.24 and 2.09 ± 0.45 for BzATP and ATP respectively, suggesting greater positive cooperativity for BzATP than for ATP in opening the P2Z-operated ion channel. A rank order of agonist potency of BzATP > ATP = 2MeSATP > ATPγS was observed for agonist-stimulated ethidium+ influx, while maximal influxes followed a rank order of BzATP > ATP > 2MeSATP > ATPγS. When ATP (300 -1000 µM) was added simultaneously with 30 µM BzATP (EC90), it reduced both ethidium+ and Ba2+ fluxes by 30 - 40% relative to values observed with BzATP alone. KN-62, previously shown to be a specific inhibitor of the lymphocyte P2Z receptor, was a less potent antagonist of BzATP-induced fluxes than ATP, when maximal concentrations of both agonists (50 and 500 µM respectively) were used. However, when BzATP (18 µM) was used at a concentration equiactive with a maximally effective ATP concentration, KN-62 showed the same inhibitory potency for both agonists. The ecto-ATPase antagonist, ARL-67156, inhibited both ATP- and BzATP-stimulated Ba2+ influx, suggesting that the lower efficacy of ATP compared with BzATP was not due to preferential hydrolysis of ATP. Thus, the natural ligand, ATP, is a partial agonist for the P2Z receptor while BzATP is a full agonist. Moreover the competitive studies show that only a single class of P2-receptor (P2Z class) is expressed on human leukaemic lymphocytes. Both ATP- and BzATP-stimulated PLD activity were significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) when cells were suspended in iso-osmotic choline Cl medium. Choline+ was found to be a permeant for the P2Z ion channel, since ATP induced a large uptake of [14C]choline+ (60 to 150 µmol/ml intracellular water) during a 5 min incubation, which remained in the cells for several hours, and ATP was used to load cells with these levels of choline+. Intracellular choline+ inhibited ATP-, BzATP-, PMA- and ionomycin-stimulated PLD activity. Brief exposure of lymphocytes to ATP increased the subsequent basal rate of ethidium+ uptake, and this was prevented by intracellular choline+. It is proposed that P2Z-mediated Ca2+ influx in lymphocytes activates PLD leading to significantly changes of the phospholipid composition of the plasma membrane, which subsequently produces a permeability lesion, which in turn contributes to cell death.


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A long-standing question in the field of immunology concerns the factors that contribute to Th cell epitope immunodominance. For a number of viral membrane proteins, Th cell epitopes are localized to exposed protein surfaces, often overlapping with Ab binding sites. It has therefore been proposed that Abs on B cell surfaces selectively bind and protect exposed protein fragments during Ag processing, and that this interaction helps to shape the Th cell repertoire. While attractive in concept, this hypothesis has not been thoroughly tested. To test this hypothesis, we have compared Th cell peptide immunodominance in normal C57BL/6 mice with that in C57BL/6MT/MT mice (lacking normal B cell activity). Animals were first vaccinated with DNA constructs expressing one of three different HIV envelope proteins, after which the CD4 T cell response profiles were characterized toward overlapping peptides using an IFN- ELISPOT assay. We found a striking similarity between the peptide response profiles in the two mouse strains. Profiles also matched those of previous experiments in which different envelope vaccination regimens were used. Our results clearly demonstrate that normal Ab activity is not required for the establishment or maintenance of Th peptide immunodominance in the HIV envelope response. To explain the clustering of Th cell epitopes, we propose that localization of peptide on exposed envelope surfaces facilitates proteolytic activity and preferential peptide shuttling through the Ag processing pathway.


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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and depression are considered to be neuro-immune disorders (Maes and Twisk, BMC Medicine 8:35, 2010). There is also evidence that depression and ME/CFS are accompanied by oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS) and by increased autoantibodies to a number of self-epitopes some of which have become immunogenic due to damage by O&NS. The aim of this study is to examine IgM-mediated autoimmune responses to different self-epitopes in ME/CFS versus depression. We examined serum IgM antibodies to three anchorage molecules (palmitic and myristic acid and S-farnesyl-L-cysteine); acetylcholine; and conjugated NO-modified adducts in 26 patients with major depression; 16 patients with ME/CFS, 15 with chronic fatigue; and 17 normal controls. Severity of fatigue and physio-somatic (F&S) symptoms was measured with the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Rating Scale. Serum IgM antibodies to the three anchorage molecules and NO-phenylalanine were significantly higher in ME/CFS than in depression. The autoimmune responses to oxidatively, but not nitrosatively, modified self-epitopes were significantly higher in ME/CFS than in depression and were associated with F&S symptoms. The autoimmune activity directed against conjugated acetylcholine did not differ significantly between ME/CFS and depression, but was greater in the patients than controls. Partially overlapping pathways, i.e. increased IgM antibodies to a multitude of neo-epitopes, underpin both ME/CFS and depression, while greater autoimmune responses directed against anchorage molecules and oxidatively modified neo-epitopes discriminate patients with ME/CFS from those with depression. These autoimmune responses directed against neoantigenic determinants may play a role in the dysregulation of key cellular functions in both disorders, e.g. intracellular signal transduction, cellular differentiation and apoptosis, but their impact may be more important in ME/CFS than in depression.


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Rhotekin belongs to the group of proteins containing a Rho-binding domain that are target peptides (effectors) for the Rho-GTPases. We previously identified a novel cDNA with homology to human rhotekin and in this study we cloned and characterized the coding region of this novel 12-exon gene. The ORF encodes a 609 amino-acid protein comprising a Class I Rho-binding domain and pleckstrin homology (PH) domain. Cellular cDNA expression of this new protein, designated Rhotekin-2 (RTKN2), was shown in the cytosol and nucleus of CHO cells. Using bioinformatics and RTPCR we identified three major splice variants, which vary in both the Rho-binding and PH domains. Real-time PCR studies showed exclusive RTKN2 expression in pooled lymphocytes and further purification indicated sole expression in CD4pos T-cells and bone marrow-derived B-cells. Gene expression was increased in quiescent T-cells but negligible in activated proliferating cells. In malignant samples expression was absent in myeloid leukaemias, low in most B-cell malignancies and CD8pos T-cell malignancies, but very high in CD4pos/CD8pos T-lymphoblastic lymphoma. As the Rho family is critical in lymphocyte development and function, RTKN2 may play an important role in lymphopoiesis.


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Creatine (Cr) plays a key role in cellular energy metabolism and is found at high concentrations in metabolically active cells such as skeletal muscle and neurons. These, and a variety of other cells, take up Cr from the extra cellular fluid by a high affinity Na+/Cl--dependent creatine transporter (CrT). Mutations in the crt gene, found in several patients, lead to severe retardation of speech and mental development, accompanied by the absence of Cr in the brain.
In order to characterize CrT protein(s) on a biochemical level, antibodies were raised against synthetic peptides derived from the N- and C-terminal cDNA sequences of the putative CrT-1 protein. In total homogenates of various tissues, both antibodies, directed against these different epitopes, recognize the same two major polypetides on Western blots with apparent Mr of 70 and 55 kDa. The C-terminal CrT antibody (α-CrTCOOH) immunologically reacts with proteins located at the inner membrane of mitochondria as determined by immuno-electron microscopy, as well as by subfractionation of mitochondria. Cr-uptake experiments with isolated mitochondria showed these organelles were able to transport Cr via a sulfhydryl-reagent-sensitive transporter that could be blocked by anti-CrT antibodies when the outer mitochondrial membrane was permeabilized. We concluded that mitochondria are able to specifically take-up Cr from the cytosol, via a low-affinity CrT, and that the above polypeptides would likely represent mitochondrial CrT(s). However, by mass spectrometry techniques, the immunologically reactive proteins, detected by our anti-CrT antibodies, were identified as E2 components of the agr-keto acid dehydrogenase multi enzyme complexes, namely pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase (BC-KADH) and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (α-KGDH). The E2 components of PDH are membrane associated, whilst it would be expected that a mitochondrial CrT would be a transmembrane protein. Results of phase partitioning by Triton X-114, as well as washing of mitochondrial membranes at basic pH, support that these immunologically cross-reactive proteins are, as expected for E2 components, membrane associated rather than transmembrane. On the other hand, the fact that mitochondrial Cr uptake into intact mitoplast could be blocked by our α-CrTCOOH antibodies, indicate that our antisera contain antibodies reactive to proteins involved in mitochondrial transport of Cr. The presence of specific antibodies against CrT is also supported by results from plasma membrane vesicles isolated from human and rat skeletal muscle, where both 55 and 70 kDa polypeptides disappeared and a single polypeptide with an apparent electrophoretic mobility of ~ 60 kDa was enriched This latter is most likely representing the genuine plasma membrane CrT.
Due to the fact that all anti-CrT antibodies that were independently prepared by several laboratories seem to cross-react with non-CrT polypeptides, specifically with E2 components of mitochondrial dehydrogenases, further research is required to characterise on a biochemical/biophysical level the CrT polypeptides, e.g. to determine whether the ~ 60 kDa polypeptide is indeed a bona-fide CrT and to identify the mitochondrial transporter that is able to facilitate Cr-uptake into these organelles. Therefore, the anti-CrT antibodies available so far should only be used with these precautions in mind. This holds especially true for quantitation of CrT polypeptides by Western blots, e.g. when trying to answer whether CrT's are up- or down-regulated by certain experimental interventions or under pathological conditions.
In conclusion, we still hold to the scheme that besides the high-affinity and high-efficiency plasmalemma CrT there exists an additional low affinity high Km Cr uptake mechanism in mitochondria. However, the exact biochemical nature of this mitochondrial creatine transport, still remains elusive. Finally, similar to the creatine kinase (CK) isoenzymes, which are specifically located at different cellular compartments, also the substrates of CK are compartmentalized in cytosolic and mitochondrial pools. This is in line with 14C-Cr-isotope tracer studies and a number of [31P]-NMR magnetization transfer studies, as well as with recent [1H]-NMR spectroscopy data.


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The effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the levels of total serum leucocytes, granulocytes including neutrophils, basophils, and eosinophils, as well as on monocytes and leucocytes were measured in pigs selected from a clean (minimal disease) herd. Thirty pigs were fed different rates of dietary CLA (0, 1.25, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 g CLA-55/kg diet) for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected at the end of the study for assessment of haematological and humoral responses to CLA supplementation. No difference in total white blood cells including the neutrophil, monocyte, and lymphocyte counts was observed among different dietary groups. A dose-dependent reduction (P = 0.02) in eosinophil concentrations suggests that CLA exerts anti-inflammatory activities. A 2-fold increase in the level of basophils was recorded in pigs fed lower levels of CLA (1.25 and 2.5 g CLA/kg diet) but the levels decreased gradually (P = 0.05) and were below the detection limit at the highest rate (10 g/kg) of CLA supplementation. The level of IgG was reduced by over 50% in CLA-fed pigs (P < 0.001), although the response was quadratic in nature (P < 0.001). T-cell population analysis showed that CD4+ cells tended (P = 0.06) to be reduced linearly with increasing inclusion of CLA in the diet. Our results suggest that dietary CLA modulates haematological and humoral responses in a dose-dependent manner.


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The clinical use of irinotecan (CPT-11) is hindered by dose-limiting diarrhea and myelosuppression. Recent clinical studies indicate that thalidomide, a known tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor, ameliorated the toxicities induced by CPT-11. However, the mechanisms for this are unknown. This study aimed to investigate whether combination of thalidomide modulated the toxicities of CPT-11 using a rat model and the possible role of the altered pharmacokinetic component in the toxicity modulation using in vitro models. The toxicity model was constructed by treatment of healthy rats with CPT-11 at 60 mg/kg per day by intravenous (i.v.) injection. Body weight, acute and delayed-onset diarrhea, blood cell counts, and macroscopic and microscopic intestinal damages were monitored in rats treated with CPT-11 alone or combined therapy with thalidomide at 100 mg/kg administered by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection. Single dose and 5-day multiple-dose studies were conducted in rats to examine the effects of concomitant thalidomide on the plasma pharmacokinetics of CPT-11 and its major metabolites SN-38 and SN-38 glucuronide (SN-38G). The effect of CPT-11 on thalidomide's pharmacokinetics was also checked. Rat liver microsomes and a rat hepatoma cell line, H4-II-E cells, were used to study the in vitro metabolic interactions between these two drugs. H4-II-E cells were also used to investigate the effect of thalidomide and its hydrolytic products on the transport of CPT-11 and SN-38. In addition, the effect of thalidomide and its hydrolytic products on rat plasma protein binding of CPT-11 and SN-38 was examined. Administration of CPT-11 by i.v. for 4 consecutive days to rats induced significant body weight loss, decrease in neutrophil and lymphocyte counts, severe acute- and delayed-onset diarrhea, and intestinal damages. These toxicities were alleviated when CPT-11 was combined with thalidomide. In both single-dose and 5-day multiple-dose pharmacokinetic study, coadministered thalidomide significantly increased the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of CPT-11, but the AUC and elimination half-life (t(1/2)) of SN-38 were significantly decreased. However, CPT-11 did not significantly alter the pharmacokinetics of thalidomide. Thalidomide at 25 and 250 microM and its hydrolytic products at a total concentration of 10 microM had no significant effect on the plasma protein binding of CPT-11 and SN-38, except for that thalidomide at 250 microM caused a significant increase in the unbound fraction (f(u)) of CPT-11 by 6.7% (P < 0.05). The hydrolytic products of thalidomide (total concentration of 10 microM), but not thalidomide, significantly decreased CPT-11 hydrolysis by 16% in rat liver microsomes (P < 0.01). The formation of both SN-38 and SN-38G from CPT-11, SN-38 glucuronidation, or intracellular accumulation of both CPT-11 and SN-38 in H4-II-E cells followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics with the one-binding site model being the best fit for the kinetic data. Coincubation or 2-hr preincubation of thalidomide at 25 microM and 250 microM and its hydrolytic products at 10 microM did not show any significant effects on CPT-11 hydrolysis and SN-38 glucuronidation. However, preincubation of H4-II-E cells with thalidomide (250 microM), its hydrolytic products (total concentration of 10 microM), or phthaloyl glutamic acid (one major thalidomide hydrolytic product, 10 microM) significantly increased the intracellular accumulation of SN-38, but not CPT-11 (P < 0.01). The dose-limiting toxicities of CPT-11 were alleviated by combination with thalidomide in rats and the pharmacokinetic modulation by thalidomide may partially explain its antagonizing effects on the toxicities of CPT-11. The hydrolytic products of thalidomide, instead of the parental drug, modulated the hepatic hydrolysis of CPT-11 and intracellular accumulation of SN-38, probably contributing to the altered plasma pharmacokinetics of CPT-11 and SN-38. Further studies are needed to explore the role of both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic components in the protective effect of thalidomide against the toxicities of CPT-11.


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Ganopoly is an aqueous polysaccharide fraction extracted from G. lucidum by patented biochemical technique and has been marketed as an over-the-counter product for chronic diseases including cancer and hepatopathy in many Asian countries. This study was undertaken to explore the anti-tumour effect and the underlying mechanisms of Ganopoly in mice and human tumor cell lines. The maximum tolerateddose (MTD) of Ganopoly in mice was estimated to be 100 mg/kg from a pilot study. Treatment of mice with oral Ganopoly for 10 days significantly reduced the tumour weight of sarcoma-180 in a dose-dependent manner, with inhibition rates of 32.3, 48.2 and 84.9% and growth delays of 1.5, 3.5, and 13.1 days at 20, 50, and 100 mg/kg, respectively. Incubation of Ganopoly at 0.05-1.0 mg/ml for 48 hours showed little or negligible cytotoxicity against human tumor CaSki, SiHa, Hep3B, HepG2, HCT116, HT29, and MCF7 cells in vitro. In contrast, 10 mg/ml of Ganopoly caused significant cytotoxicity in all tumour cells tested except MCF7, with marked apoptotic effects observed in CaSki, HepG2, and HCT116 cells, as indicated by nuclear staining and DNA fragmentation. In addition, Ganopoly enhanced concanavalin A-stimulated proliferation of murine splenocytes by 35.3% at 10 mg/ml, and stimulated the production of nitric oxide in thioglycollate-primed murine peritoneal macrophages in a concentration-dependent manner over 0.05-10 mg/ml. Addition of Ganopoly at 1 mg/ml to murine peritoneal macrophages also potentiated lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production by 64.2%. Treatment of healthy mice or mice bearing sarsoma-180 with oral Ganopoly over 20-100 mg/kg for 7 day significantly increased the expression of both TNF-α and IFN-γ (at both mRNA and protein levels) in splenocytes in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, treatment of Ganopoly over 20-100 mg/kg significantly increased cytotoxic T lymphocyte cytotoxicity and NK activity in mice. The overall findings indicated that Ganopoly had antitumor activity with a broad spectrum of immuno-modulating activities and may represent a novel promising immunotherapeutic agent in cancer treatment.


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Although CD8+ T cells do not contribute to protection against the blood stage of Plasmodium infection, there is mounting evidence that they are principal mediators of murine experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). At present, there is no direct evidence that the CD8+ T cells mediating ECM are parasite-specific or, for that matter, whether parasite-specific CD8+ T cells are generated in response to blood-stage infection. To resolve this and to define the cellular requirements for such priming, we generated transgenic P. berghei parasites expressing model T cell epitopes. This approach was necessary as MHC class I-restricted antigens to blood-stage infection have not been defined. Here, we show that blood-stage infection leads to parasite-specific CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses. Furthermore, we show that P. berghei-expressed antigens are cross-presented by the CD8α+ subset of dendritic cells (DC), and that this induces pathogen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) capable of lysing cells presenting antigens expressed by blood-stage parasites. Finally, using three different experimental approaches, we provide evidence that CTL specific for parasite-expressed antigens contribute to ECM.


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Aging is associated with alterations in the immune system, effects which may be exacerbated by inadequate zinc (Zn) status. We examined the relationship between Zn status and markers of immunity and the effect of supplementation with 15 mg or 30 mg Zn/d for 6 months on immune status in healthy individuals. Zn status was assessed by dietary intake and biochemical indices. Immune status was assessed by multiple flow cytometric methods. At baseline, Zn concentration was positively associated with lymphocyte subpopulation counts and T-lymphocyte activation. Zn supplementation of 30 mg/d significantly lowered B-lymphocyte count, albeit at month 3 only. Lower doses of Zn (15 mg Zn/d) significantly increased the ratio of CD4 to CD8 T lymphocytes at month 6. Overall, these findings suggest that total Zn intake (diet plus supplementation) of up to 40 mg Zn/d do not have significant long-term effects on immune status in apparently healthy persons aged 55–70 years.


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Few studies to date have examined age-related changes in markers of immune status in healthy older individuals. The immune status of 93 healthy individuals aged 55–70 years was assessed by two- and three-color flow cytometry and biochemical analysis. There were significant age effects (p ≤.05) on monocyte phagocytic activity and cluster of differentiation (CD) 3/human leukocyte antigen-D-related (HLA-DR) late-activated T lymphocytes (% expression). There was a significant (p ≤ 0.1) Age x Sex interaction in absolute counts (x 109/L) of CD3/CD8 total cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), the CD4 T- helper to CD8 CTL ratio, the CD3/CD4/CD45RA naïve T helper to CD3/CD4/CD45RO memory T helper lymphocyte ratio, and interleukin (IL)-1ß (% expression) by activated monocytes. The study shows that alterations in markers of immune status occur between 55 and 70 years, and provides reference values for the lymphocyte measures in healthy men and postmenopausal women in this age group. The study further highlights the need for sex-specific reference ranges for such markers.