34 resultados para Environmental efficiency, Environmental productivity, Materials balance, Nutrient efficiency, OECD agriculture

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Research in pursuit of an effective response to the demands for a sustainable architecture has lead towards the conception of a Renewable, Adaptive, Recyclable and Environmental (R.A.R.E.) building typology. The term R.A.R.E. expresses issues that have assumed central importance in the current architectural debate. This paper establishes the principles of the typology, drawing on the contents and pedagogical methods applied in a building technology academic course, at fourth year level. The R.A.R.E methodology is presented to and explored by students in the search for a definition of an innovative architecture, which is both progressive and sustainable. The unit is structured into eight subjects: Sustainable Site & Climate Analysis; Flexible & Adaptive Structural Systems; Renewable & Environmental Building Materials; Modular Building Systems; Innovative Building Envelope Systems; Renewable & Non-conventional Energy Systems; Innovative Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems; Water Collection & Storage Systems. Through a holistic and integrated approach, the unit presents a comprehensive overview of these ‘Sustainable Building Categories’, so that the students can produce a guide towards the design requirements of a Renewable, Adaptive, Recyclable and Environmental (R.A.R.E.) Architecture.


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R.A.R.E. stands for Renewable Adaptive Recyclable Environmental Architecture; the acronym expresses a demand that is becoming increasingly important today in the eyes of designers and clients. The paper draws on the contents and the pedagogical methods applied in a Building Technology Unit (SRT 450) – at forth year level – at the School of Architecture and Building, Deakin University, Australia. The unit is basically structured upon eight subjects derived as relevant to the research and development for a R.A.R.E. Architecture: Sustainable Site & Climate Analysis; Flexible & Adaptive Structural Systems; Renewable Adaptive & Environmental Building Materials; Modular Building Systems; Innovative Building Envelope Systems; Renewable or Non-conventional Energy Systems; Innovative Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning; Water Storage & Systems. The overall objective of the unit is to present a comprehensive overview of all these Sustainable Building Categories (SBCs) so that the students can produce a guide towards the design of a R.A.R.E. Architecture. The push towards a holistic and integrated approach will contribute to the definition of an innovative architecture, which is both progressive and sustainable.


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This thesis investigates nutrient contribution to six hyper-eutrophic lakes located within close proximity of each other on the Swan Coastal Plain and 20 kilometres south of the Perth Central Business District, Western Australia. The lakes are located within a mixed land use setting and are under the management of a number of state and local government departments and organisations. These are a number of other lakes on the Swan Coastal Plain for which the majority are less than 3 metres in depth and considered as an expression of the groundwater as their base is below the regional groundwater table throughout most of the year. The limited amount of water quality data available for these six lakes and the surface water and groundwater flowing into them has restricted a thorough understanding of the processes influencing the water quality of the lakes. Various private and public companies and organisations have undertaken studies on some of the individual wetlands and there is a wide difference in scientific opinion as to the major source of the nutrients to those wetlands. These previous studies failed to consider regional surface water and groundwater effects on the nutrient fluxes and they predominantly only investigated single wetland systems. This study attempts for the first time to investigate the regional contribution of nutrients to this system of wetlands existing on the Swan Coastal plain. As such, it also includes new research on the nutrient contribution to some of the remaining wetlands. The research findings indicate that the lake sediments represent a considerable store of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus). These sediments in turn control the nutrient status of the lake's water column. Surface water is found to contribute on an event-basis load of nutrients to the lakes whilst the groundwater surprisingly appears to contribute a comparatively low input of nutrients but governs the water depth. Analysis of the regional groundwater shows efficient denitrifying abilities as a result of denitrifying bacteria and the transport is localised. Management recommendations for the remediation of the social and environmental value of the lakes include treatment of the lake’s sediments via chemical bonding or atmospheric oxidation; utilising the regional groundwater’s denitrifying abilities to ‘treat’ the surface water via infiltration basins; and investigating the merits of managed or artificial aquifer recharge (MAR).


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Major characteristics of Magnesium alloy are low density (= 1.8 g/cm3) and excellent recyclability; therefore Mg is considered as one of low environmental loading materials. The low-density materials, such as Mg, are suitable for the transportation system to reduce the emission of Co2, save energy resource and increase the safety for accidents like corrosions. In the place, cellular materials like aluminum foams are also low-density materials and can be controlled the stress-strain relation. Combination of Mg alloy and cellular materials, that is Mg cell, is one of the most excellent materials for transportation system, because of its ultra low density. safeties, and recycle ability. To make the Mg cellular materials. there are some problems to solve. One is how to make them uniformly to supply them as same perfonnance materials. One is how to make them inexpensively. Most of cellular materials are very expensive because of there are many processes or special fabrication system to make them. To solve these problems. we investigated the press cell materials. The press cell material consists sheets pressed as cell shape and wall. Therefore, it is very easy to make cellular materials and control validation of the performance of each foam materials. In this paper, we simulated compression tests of this new type of Mg alloy cellular materials under dynamic loading to investigate the relation between the compression speed and the compression behavior to show the shock absorbing capability of this new foam material. It is very important to understand their mechanical properties relatcd with cell shapes and wall to be applied widely.


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Aim Reducing the impacts of feral cats (Felis catus) is a priority for conservation managers across the globe, and success in achieving this aim requires a detailed understanding of the species’ ecology across a broad spectrum of climatic and environmental conditions. We reviewed the diet of the feral cat across Australia and on Australian territorial islands, seeking to identify biogeographical patterns in dietary composition and diversity, and use the results to consider how feral cats may best be managed. Location Australia and its territorial islands. Methods Using 49 published and unpublished data sets, we modelled trophic diversity and the consumption of eight food groups against latitude, longitude, mean temperature, precipitation, environmental productivity and climate-habitat regions. Results We recorded 400 vertebrate species that feral cats feed on or kill in Australia, including 28 IUCN Red List species. We found evidence of continental- scale prey-switching from rabbits to small mammals, previously recorded only at the local scale. The consumption of arthropods, reptiles, rabbits, rodents and medium-sized native mammals varied with different combinations of latitude, longitude, mean annual precipitation, temperature and environmental productivity. The frequency of rodents and dasyurids in cats’ diets increased as rabbit consumption decreased. Main conclusions The feral cat is an opportunistic, generalist carnivore that consumes a diverse suite of vertebrate prey across Australia. It uses a facultative feeding strategy, feeding mainly on rabbits when they are available, but switching to other food groups when they are not. Control programmes aimed at culling rabbits could potentially decrease the availability of a preferred food source for cats and then lead to greater predation pressure on native mammals. The interplay between cat diet and prey species diversity at a continental scale is complex, and thus cat management is likely to be necessary and most effective at the local landscape level.


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This paper examines how the adoption of a system's perspective to the use of both marketed and public resources can be incorporated into an analysis of productivity measurement.  A biophysical model is used to measure the environmental inputs which are combined with conventional marketed inputs to develop a Malmquist Productivity Index to determine social productivity growth over the perios under study.  The analysis is applied to data collected from selected farms in south west Victoria and includes a measure of leaching and run-off as a proxy measure of the impact the application of fertilizers has on ground and surface water.  Although the sample is small, the results show measured productivity growth differs when environmental factors are considered.


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Technical efficiency has been widely studied in the literature, but in its pursuit, many of the inputs used can impact on the environment. Environmental effects can be modelled as undesirable output or, as has been the case in more recent studies, as conventional inputs. This paper examines the concept of environmental efficiency and how it can be used to evaluate the performance of Australian dairy farming, using nitrogen surplus, arising from excessive applications of fertilizer, as a detrimental input. Farming promotes the image of clean and green production and if this image is to be maintained, there is a need to ensure activities are environmentally friendly.


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This paper looks at the City of Melbourne's new office development CH2 as a case study of world class energy performance. In particular, the integrated design of conventionally independent systems has led to the potential to deliver significant savings to the Council and to deliver better environmental conditions to building occupants that in turn may contribute to satisfaction, well-being and Productivity. It is concluded that this project has the potential
to be an iconic example of effective implementation of ESD (environmental sustainable design) principles and therefore act as a demonstration project to others. Energy efficiency of more than 50% of current benchmarks for Melbourne is effected. Energy harvesting is defined as arising from squander, waste and nature, which is a new concept introduced in this paper to better describe the design decision process.


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Environmental conscious design refers to variety of approaches in architecture design that covers technical, behavioural, and functional aspects (Goulding et al, 1992). These approaches usually include contradictory measures with social indicators (Sykes, 1995; Norton, 1999). The contradiction is magnified in incarceration architecture, which is very specific type of buildings (McConville, 2000). Prison buildings represent the split between the society requirements and the needs for the users, in this case the prisoners, to have comfortable environment. Energy as an ultimate natural resource reflects both the cost to the society, in terms of cooling/ heating load and the need for comfort and rehabilitation of prisoners (Al-Hosany and Elkadi, 2000). Different energy codes tend to control the thermal behaviour of buildings in certain environment in order to maximise their energy efficiency (e.g. CIBSE, 1999). In prison buildings, some of the main variables of such code are not relevant. While energy codes, for example, regulate the use of glass in buildings by either minimise the openings size (prescriptive criteria) or by determine an overall limit of heat transfer (performance criteria), the objective in prison buildings is to minimise glass areas for security purposes. This leads in turn to reduction in visual and comfort levels in prison cells. The aim of this paper is to address the balance between the society requirements of reducing energy consumption in prison buildings and the need for humane and comfortable environment for prisoners in order to maintain sustainability. The paper investigates the possible role of façade technologies to bridge the gap between requirements of both society and prisoners.


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Commercial agricultural products are increasingly being produced and sold in the market worldwide and are claimed to have a major impact on increasing crop productivity. The main objective of this research was to characterize and assess the microbial content of inoculants obtained from different countries in order to verify whether they fulfill the claims of the manufacturers. The proliferation of the underperforming products can thereafter be prevented, and value can be added to effective products. The microorganisms contained in the commercial inoculants were isolated, purified, and identified by partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA. Results showed that the majority (about 64%) of the products contained one or several strains of contaminants and only 37% of the products could be considered as “pure.” Forty percent of the tested products did not contain any of the claimed strains but only contaminants. Rhizobial products were generally of better quality than the other PGPR-based products. Results highlight the need for better quality control systems, to ensure efficacious products reach the end users.


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The former colleges of advanced education were an important component of the higher education sector in Australia. Uses the Malmquist total factor productivity index to investigate the efficiency and productivity of Australian colleges of advanced education during the 1980s. The results from this analysis indicate that these colleges recorded modest growth in technical change and total factor productivity, but did not fare all that well in terms of growth in technical and scale efficiency during the 1980s. As a group, however, the former colleges of advanced education had attained high levels of technical and scale efficiency.


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This paper conducts productivity and efficiency analysis of banks operating in Australia since the deregulation of the Australian financial system in early 1980s. Applying data envelopment analysis (DEA), with a moving window, the Malmquist indices are determined in order to investigate the levels of and the changes in the efficiency of Australian banks over the period from 1983 to 200 I. The DEA window analysis is adopted in order to relieve the small sample problem that in previous studies has proved problematic in the study of the Australian banking sector. The pal1icular window used in this case has been carefully designed to ensure the robustness of the efficiencies scores to changes in the window width. A second-stage regression is conducted by using the unconditional bootstrap approach suggested by Xue and Harker (1999) to overcome the dependency and heteroskedasticity of DE A efficiency scores. The empirical results demonstrate the effect of deregulation on the performance of individual banks, banks of different organizational types and the entire Australian banking sector.


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This paper estimates productivity growth in Malaysian manufacturing over the period 1983-1999. Malmquist productivity Indices (MPIs) have been computed using non parametric Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) type linear programming, which show productivity growth sourced from efficiency change and growth in technology. Unlike previous studies, this study identifies the sources of productivity growth in Malaysian manufacturing industries at the five digit breakdown of Malaysian Standard Industrial Classification (MSIC) thereby revealing more industry specific efficiency and technical growth patterns. Results indicated that a high majority of the industries operated with low levels of technical efficiency with little or no improvement over time. Growth estimates revealed that two third of the industries (76 out of total 114 categories) experienced average annual productivity improvement ranging from 0.1% to 7.8%. Average annual technical progress was recorded by 95 industry categories while technical efficiency improvement was achieved by 53 industries. Overall yearly average indicated relatively low productivity growth from the mid 1990’s onwards caused by either efficiency decline or technical regress. Summary results for industries showed that some of the high rates of productivity growth have been recorded in glass and glass products (7.3%), Petroleum and coal (7.2%), industrial chemicals (4.9%) contributed from both efficiency improvement and technical progress ranging from 0.8% to 5.4% and from 1.7% to 4.1%, respectively. These results are expected to have some implications for ongoing and future strategic policy reform in Malaysian manufacturing generating a more sustainable growth for specific industry categories.