26 resultados para Environmental application

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Technical efficiency has been widely studied in the literature, but in its pursuit, many of the inputs used can impact on the environment. Environmental effects can be modelled as undesirable output or, as has been the case in more recent studies, as conventional inputs. This paper examines the concept of environmental efficiency and how it can be used to evaluate the performance of Australian dairy farming, using nitrogen surplus, arising from excessive applications of fertilizer, as a detrimental input. Farming promotes the image of clean and green production and if this image is to be maintained, there is a need to ensure activities are environmentally friendly.


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It is well established in genetic epidemiology that family history is an important indicator of familial aggregation of disease in a family. A strong genetic risk factor or an environmental risk factor with high familial correlation can result in a strong family history. In this paper, family history refers to the number of first-degree relatives affected with the disease. Cui and Hopper (Journal of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2001; 6: 331-342) proposed an analytical relationship between family history and relevant genetic parameters. In this paper we expand the relationship to both genetic and environmental risk factors. We established a closed-form formula for family history as a function of genetic and environmental parameters which include genetic and environmental relative risks, genotype frequency, prevalence and familial correlation of the environmental risk factor. The relationship is illustrated by an example of female breast cancer in Australia. For genetic and environmental relative risks less than 10, most of the female breast cancer cases occur between the age of 40 and 60 years. A higher genetic or environmental relative risk will move the peak of the distribution to a younger age. A more common disease allele or more prevalent environmental risk factor will move the peak to an older age. For a proband with breast cancer, it is most likely (with probability ge80%) that none of her first-degree relatives is affected with the disease. To enable the probability of having a positive family history to reach 50%, the environmental relative risks must be extremely as high as 100, the familial correlation as high as 0.8 and the prevalence as low as 0.1. For genetic risk alone, even the relative risk is as high as 100, the probability of having a positive family history can only reach about 30%. This suggests that the environmental risk factor seems to play a more important role in determining a strong family history than the genetic risk factor.


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Scenario exercises have become instrumental across multiple fields, from their original usage in business and military planning, to being ubiquitous in environmental planning and policy formation. This article critically reviews whether there are explicit and imminent divisions between how scenario exercises are used and discussed, with particular focus on the literature of qualitative scenarios concerning environmental challenges. The authors interrogate what scenario exercises are in actual practice, in the context of what they are used for and how they are designed, before then considering the criteria for determining ‘success’ for a scenario exercise. The particular focus of the literature analysed is in the emergence of the discipline of ‘environmental scenarios’, being scenarios concerned with 21st Century environmental challenges such as the influence of climate change on the notion of natural hazards.


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This paper examines how the adoption of a system's perspective to the use of both marketed and public resources can be incorporated into an analysis of productivity measurement.  A biophysical model is used to measure the environmental inputs which are combined with conventional marketed inputs to develop a Malmquist Productivity Index to determine social productivity growth over the perios under study.  The analysis is applied to data collected from selected farms in south west Victoria and includes a measure of leaching and run-off as a proxy measure of the impact the application of fertilizers has on ground and surface water.  Although the sample is small, the results show measured productivity growth differs when environmental factors are considered.


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Sustainability refers to having the ability to meet present needs without impacting on future generations to meet their needs. It incorporates social, economic and environmental aspects, and as a measure of sustainability, a range of sustainability indicators at the economy, regional, and individual level, have been suggested. However, given the complex and multidisciplinary nature of the concept, an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. Sustainability is not something that is easily measurable, and the aim of this paper is to present a conceptual framework for quantifying sustainability on the basis of social economic efficiency. According to neoclassical economic theory, economic activity will only be sustained by the private sector as long as it is profitable. However, private economic decisions do not always ensure long-term sustainability of environmental resources or production. The approach suggested here is to derive a measure of social economic efficiency as a measure of sustainability. For dairy farmers, increased productivity has been emphasized, while recognizing the need to reduce greenhouse emissions, pests and disease, nutrient run-off into the environment and degradation of the soil structure. By incorporating environmental and economic impacts, a fuller measure of efficiency, social economic efficiency, and sustainability of the farming practice can be developed.


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There is an increasing complexity and interplay between all of the issues associated with property portfolio decisions. This paper explores the relationships between financial, environmental and social parameters associated with building adaptive reuse by way of a case study. A new model predicting adaptive reuse potential is applied to a heritage building in Hong Kong known as Lui Seng Chun. Such application can assist in the transformation of the building and property industry towards more sustainable practices, strategies and outcomes, by providing a means by which the industry can identify and rank existing buildings that have high potential for adaptive reuse. In Hong Kong's case it provides an ability for sustainable, responsive energy and natural resource management by allowing issues regarding excessive and inappropriate resource use to be identified and assessed, and appropriate management strategies to be implemented. Given the building's current age and condition, Lui Seng Chun has at least 25 years of physical life remaining. The further application of a multi-criteria sustainability evaluation tool supports the conclusion that an adaptive reuse strategy for this building will make a demonstrable contribution to the economic, social and environmental amenity of Hong Kong. The application of these techniques to other buildings with significant "embedded physical life" is highly recommended.


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This paper examines the application of public policy, including social marketing, to programs designed to control an environmentally harmful introduced species in Australia. Managers involved in dealing with the issue identify a range of factors that contribute to the lack of success of existing control programs. The results suggest that there needs to be a broad-based integrated program that incorporates changes in stakeholders' attitudes as well as governmental resources and support for implementation of relevant initiatives.


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Costa Rica is a small Central American nation that has gained an international reputation as a leader in environmental conservation. This has formed the base for its highly successful and lucrative small-scale ecotourism industry. However, there are threats from high rates of deforestation and expanding large-scale tourism that is trading on strong environmental credentials, so it is appropriate to conduct this policy analysis on such a significant ecotourism area. The paper develops an ecologically sustainable economic framework, drawing on the works of Adolph Lowe (1893-1995) and Michalstrok Kalecki (1899-1970), to examine the Costa Rican experience and then analyse lessons for general policy development of any ecotourism area. The analysis is conducted from a political economy (and not a tourism management) perspective on the trade-offs between small-scale and large-scale ecotourism.


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This paper discusses, an application of social marketing relating to pro-environmental awareness and social change. The integration of consumer behaviour theory into social marketing has been highlighted in the literature as requiring greater attention. Social marketing campaigns, like all marketing activities, rely on an understanding of stakeholders' attitudes and motivations in regard to the issue of concern, as well as towards the desired modified behaviour or lack of behaviour. The study highlights the marketing paradigms of benchmarking and social marketing in a not for profit governmental environment. Serrated Tussock has been designated as a weed of national significance and therefore the program has national implications (Thorp 2000). Even though issues associated with introduced species are less publicised than other environmental issues on the world stage, the associated environmental problems are no less severe than those caused by production and consumption activities. Weed control is a widespread problem facing individuals, communities and governments at all levels. A triangulatory approach, involving three distinct phases and incorporating both qualitative and quantitative tools, was used for the research design. The qualitative phase involved focus groups and in depth interviews with landholders, focus groups with professionals in the field and a focus group of key stakeholders. The mail survey resulted in a representative sample of 608 usable responses from the infestation area. The research conducted in this study illustrates how the various stages in the social marketing process were achieved and recommendations consistent with social marketing theory were generated.


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A major phenomenon in hospitality retailing in recent years has been the growth in Irish theme pubs. These pubs consist of a collection of both tangible and intangible attributes referred to as environmental cues or atmospherics. Although environmental cues have been found to have a significant influence on consumer behaviour, little research has been conducted into their effects within Irish theme pubs. Using an established research framework, the aims of this study were to identify and evaluate environmental cues within Irish theme pubs and to establish how the dimensions of this framework influenced customers of Irish theme pubs in Melbourne. Qualitative interviews were conducted with customers of six selected Irish theme pubs and with the owners of these establishments. Whilst confirming the impOliance of environmental cues to Irish theme pub customers, the study also provides information that has application for hospitality retailers.


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Implementation and certification of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) is a reality for many businesses. Communication with an organisation’s stakeholders is a required element of any EMS. In the last five years companies have steadily moved towards integrating their different management systems, such as quality, environmental, and occupational health and safety, in an attempt to reduce their costs and increase efficiency. Legislation requires extensive reporting in each of these areas, so compliance is another important driver. During this period, communication by digital technology, or electronic communication, has gained prominence and acceptance amongst all groups of people including businesses primarily as a means to disseminate crucial EMS information to geographically diverse employees in a cost effective and instantaneous manner. Some perspectives have emerged to suggest that change processes in organisations may be hindered or helped in various ways through the application of digital technology in EMS. There are, however, gaps in the literature that document the impact and effectiveness of electronic communication amongst EMS stakeholders. In this paper we will discuss employees as one of the major stakeholders and whether the move to electronic communication has been assisting or hindering transformations in awareness and understanding of issues amongst employees. We highlight opportunities and challenges presented by an increased use of electronic communication in light of the environmental and climate change debates, which underpin EMS.


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We reviewed 272 bird atlases (standardised surveys intended to document the distribution of birds) from around the world. Atlases we located were conducted in 50 countries from six continents with most (82.4%) from Europe and North America. Atlases were mostly run by ornithological societies (67.1%), had amassed at least 27.9 million records of birds over an area roughly 31.4% of the land area of the Earth, and had involved at least 108 000 contributors. They had a modal data collection period of 4 years (some ran over several decades) and varied greatly in scale, covering local areas to entire continents (21 km2 – 10 390 000 km2); atlases that covered larger areas involved more observers and generated more records. Most atlases (88.3%) were constrained to particular seasons, and most of these focussed on the main local breeding period (81.0%). Spatial sampling units ranged from 0.02 km2 (2 ha) to 3092 km2 and temporal units of sampling varied from 20 minutes to several years. Little information is available on the application of data generated by atlases. We focussed on five major atlases for which information was available. We located 97 scientific publications drawing on data from these five major atlases; papers most frequently focussed on bird distribution (26.8%), ecology (20.6%) and land-use planning (17.5%). Atlas books were cited often, 7–31 times per year. Provision of data to third parties from two major atlases (one from Australia and one from Britain and Ireland) was frequent and remarkably similar. Data were requested mostly for environmental impact studies (almost half of all requests), conservation policy and planning (~20%), research (~20%) and other mapping (~13%). Despite the uses we describe, atlas data seem under-utilised.


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This thesis describes the research undertaken for a degree of Master of Science in a retrospective study of airborne remotely sensed data registered in 1990 and 1993, and field captured data of aquatic humus concentrations for ~ 45 lakes in Tasmania. The aim was to investigate and describe the relationship between the remotely sensed data and the field data and to test the hypothesis that the remotely sensed data would establish further evidence of a limnological corridor of change running north-west to south- east. The airborne remotely sensed data consisted of data captured by the CSIRO Ocean Colour Scanner (OCS) and a newly developed Canadian scanner, a compact airborne spectrographic imager (CASI). The thesis investigates the relationship between the two kinds of data sources. The remotely sensed data was collected with the OCS scanner in 1990 (during one day) and with both the OCS and the CASI in 1993 (during three days). The OCS scanner registers data in 9 wavelength bands between 380 nm and 960 nm with a 10-20 nm bandwidth, and the CASI in 288 wavelength bands between 379.57 nm and 893.5 nm (ie. spectral mode) with a spectral resolution of 2.5 nm. The remotely sensed data were extracted from the original tapes with the help of the CSIRO and supplied software and digital sample areas (band value means) for each lake were subsequently extracted for data manipulation and statistical analysis. Field data was captured concurrently with the remotely sensed data in 1993 by lake hopping using a light aircraft with floats. The field data used for analysis with the remotely sensed data were the laboratory determined g440 values from the 1993 water samples collated with g440 values determined from earlier years. No spectro-radiometric data of the lakes, data of incoming irradiance or ancillary climatic data were captured during the remote sensing missions. The sections of the background chapter in the thesis provide a background to the research both in regards to remote sensing of water quality and the relationship between remotely sensed spectral data and water quality parameters, as well as a description of the Tasmanian lakes flown. The lakes were divided into four groups based on results from previous studies and optical parameters, especially aquatic humus concentrations as measured from field captured data. The four groups consist of the ‘green” clear water lakes mostly situated on the Central Plateau, the ‘brown” highly dystrophic lakes in western Tasmania, the ‘corridor” lakes situated along a corridor of change lying approximately between the two lines denoting the Jurassic edge and 1200 mm isohyet, and the ‘eastern, turbid” lakes make up the fourth group. The analytical part of the research work was mostly concerned with manipulating and analysing the CASI data because of its higher spectral resolution. The research explores methods to apply corrections to this data to reduce the disturbing effects of varying illumination and atmospheric conditions. Three different methods were attempted. In the first method two different standardisation formulas are applied to the data as well as ‘day correction” factors calculated from data from one of the lakes, Lake Rolleston, which had data captured for all three days of the remote sensing operations. The standardisation formulas were also applied to the OCS data. In second method an attempt to reduce the effects of the atmosphere was performed using spectro-radiometric captured in 1988 for one of the lakes flown, Great Lake. All the lake sample data were time normalised using general irradiance data obtained from the University of Tasmania and the sky portion as calculated from Great Lake upwelling irradiance data was then subtracted. The last method involved using two different band ratios to eliminate atmospheric effects. Statistical analysis was applied to the data resulting from the three methods to try to describe the relationship between the remotely sensed data and the field captured data. Discriminant analysis, cluster analysis and factor analysis using principal component analysis (pea) were applied to the remotely sensed data and the field data. The factor scores resulting from the pca were regressed against the field collated data of g440 as were the values resulting from last method. The results from the statistical analysis of the data from the first method show that the lakes group well (100%) against the predetermined groups using discriminant analysis applied to the remotely sensed CASI data. Most variance in the data are contained in the first factor resulting from pca regardless of data manipulation method. Regression of the factor scores against g440 field data show a strong non- linear relationship and a one-sided linear regression test is therefore considered an inappropriate analysis method to describe the dataset relationships. The research has shown that with the available data, correction and analysis methods, and within the scope of the Masters study, it was not possible to establish the relationships between the remotely sensed data and the field measured parameters as hoped. The main reason for this was the failure to retrieve remotely sensed lake signatures adequately corrected for atmospheric noise for comparison with the field data. This in turn is a result of the lack of detailed ancillary information needed to apply available established methods for noise reduction - to apply these methods we require field spectroradiometric measurements and environmental information of the varying conditions both within the study area and within the time frame of capture of the remotely sensed data.


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Background :
The correlations between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and total cholesterol levels (CHOL) might result from genetic or environmental factors that determine variation in the phenotypes and are shared by family members. Based on 330 nuclear families in the Framingham Heart Study, we used a multivariate normal model, implemented in the software FISHER, to estimate genetic and shared environmental components of variation and genetic and shared environmental correlation between the phenotypes. The natural logarithm of the phenotypes measured at the last visit in both Cohort 1 and 2 was used in the analyses. The antihypertensive treatment effect was corrected before adjustment of the systolic blood pressure for age, sex, and cohort.
Results :
The univariate correlation coefficient was statistically significant for sibling pairs and parent-offspring pairs, but not significant for spouse pairs. In the bivariate analysis, the cross-trait correlation coefficients were not statistically significant for all relative pairs. The shared environmental correlation was statistically significant, but the genetic correlation was not significant.
Conclusion :
There is no significant evidence for a close genetic correlation between systolic blood pressure and total cholesterol levels. However, some shared environmental factors may determine the variation of both phenotypes.