29 resultados para Electromagnetic wave propagation

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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A concrete–steel interface spectral element is developed to study the guided wave propagation along the steel rebar in the concrete. Scalar damage parameters characterizing changes in the interface (debonding damage) are incorporated into the formulation of the spectral finite element that is used for damage detection of reinforced concrete structures. Experimental tests are carried out on a reinforced concrete beam with embedded piezoelectric elements to verify the performance of the proposed model and algorithm. Parametric studies are performed to evaluate the effect of different damage scenarios on wave propagation in the reinforced concrete structures. Numerical simulations and experimental results show that the method is effective to model wave propagation along the steel rebar in concrete and promising to detect damage in the concrete–steel interface.


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Spectral element method is very efficient in modelling high-frequency stress wave propagation because it works in the frequency domain. It does not need to use very fine meshes in order to capture high frequency wave energy as the time domain methods do, such as finite element method. However, the conventional spectral element method requires a throw-off element to be added to the structural boundaries to act as a conduit for energy to transmit out of the system. This makes the method difficult to model wave reflection at boundaries. To overcome this limitation, imaginary spectral elements are proposed in this study, which are combined with the real structural elements to model wave reflections at structural boundaries. The efficiency and accuracy of this proposed approach is verified by comparing the numerical simulation results with measured results of one dimensional stress wave propagation in a steel bar. The method is also applied to model wave propagation in a steel bar with not only boundary reflection, but also reflections from single and multiple cracks. The reflection and transmission coefficients, which are obtained from the discrete spring model, are adopted to quantify the discontinuities. Experimental tests of wave propagation in a steel bar with one crack of different depths are also carried out. Numerical simulations and experimental results show that the proposed method is effective and reliable in modelling wave propagation in one-dimensional waveguides with reflections from boundary and structural discontinuities. The proposed method can be applied to effectively model stress wave propagation for structural damage detection.


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Among many structural health monitoring (SHM) methods, guided wave (GW) based method has been found as an effective and efficient way to detect incipient damages. In comparison with other widely used SHM methods, it can propagate in a relatively long range and be sensitive to small damages. Proper use of this technique requires good knowledge of the effects of damage on the wave characteristics. This needs accurate and computationally efficient modeling of guide wave propagation in structures. A number of different numerical computational techniques have been developed for the analysis of wave propagation in a structure. Among them, Spectral Element Method (SEM) has been proposed as an efficient simulation technique. This paper will focus on the application of GW method and SEM in structural health monitoring. The GW experiments on several typical structures will be introduced first. Then, the modeling techniques by using SEM are discussed. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.


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Guided wave (GW) has been used for many years in non-destructive testing (NDT). There are various ways to generate the guided wave, including impact or impulse either manually or using devices. Although the method of impact or impulse is considered to be simple and practical in guided wave generation, it produces waves with broadband frequencies, which often make analysis much more difficult. The frequency bandwidth produced by manual impacts is usually at the low end, and is therefore justified when dealing with one dimensional wave propagation assumption in low strain integrity testing of cylindrical structures. Under such assumption if the velocity is known accurately, NDTs can produce reasonably good results for the condition assessment of the structure. However, for guided wave propagation in timber pole-like structures, it is rather complicated as timber is an orthotropic material and wave propagation in an orthotropic medium exhibits different characteristics from that in isotropic medium. It is possible to obtain solutions for guided wave propagation in orthotropic media for cylindrical structures, even though the orthotropic material greatly complicates GW propagation. In this paper, timber has been considered as a transversely isotropic (i.e. simplified orthotropic) material and a comparative study of GW propagation in a timber pole is conducted considering isotropic and transversely isotropic modelling. Phase velocity, group velocity and attenuation are the main parameters for this comparative study. Moreover, tractionfree situation and embedded geotechnical condition are also taken into consideration to evaluate the effect of boundary. Displacement profile, wave propagation pattern and power flow at particular frequency are utilized to determine different displacement components of longitudinal and flexural waves along and across the timber pole. Effect of temperature and moisture content (in terms of modulus of elasticity) in timber pole is also compared to show the variation in phase velocity.


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Non-destructive testing has been used for many years to evaluate the in situ condition of timber piles. Longitudinal impact is usually applied on the top of piles to induce longitudinal wave to detect faults in piles due to the fact that the longitudinalwave has less dispersive nature at lowfrequency. On the other hand,when it comes to evaluation of poles in situ, it is different as poles are partly embedded in soil and it is more practical to produce bending waves, as the top of the pole is not easily accessible. However, bending wave is known for its highly dispersive nature; especially in the low frequency range which is usually induced in low strain integrity testing. As bending wave can be considered as a hybrid of longitudinal and shear waves, it will be helpful, if it could detect the component of these twowaves separately.To do so, components of displacements or accelerations along radial and longitudinal directions need to be determined. By applying Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on the signals, the dominant frequencies can be obtained. It has been found that, the longitudinal component decreases along radial direction which indicates the presence of bending wave component and this finding allows to the application of ContinuousWavelet Transform (CWT) on the longitudinal component of wave signals in order to obtain phase velocity. Phase velocities at different frequencies are then determined to draw the dispersive curve and compare with analytical phase velocity curve. The dispersion curve matched well with the analytical curve. © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group.


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Timber is one of the most widely used structural material all over the world. Round timbers can be seen as a structural component in historical buildings, jetties, short span bridges and also as piles for foundation and poles for electrical and power distribution. To evaluate the current condition of these cylindrical type timber structures, guided wave has a great potential. However, the difficulties associated with the guided wave propagation in timber materials includes orthotropic behaviour of wood, moisture contents, temperature, grain direction, etc. In addition, the effect of fully or partially filled surrounding media, such as soil, water, etc. causes attenuation on the generated stress wave. In order to investigate the effects of these parameters on guided wave propagation, extensive numerical simulation is required to conduct parametric studies. Moreover, due to the presence of multi modes in guided wave propagation, dispersion curves are of great importance. Even though conventional finite element method (FEM) can determine dispersion curves along with wave propagation in time domain, it is highly computationally expensive. Furthermore, incorporating orthotropic behaviour and surrounding media to model a thick cylindrical wave (large diameter cylindrical structures) make conventional FEM inefficient for this purpose. In contrast, spectral finite element method (SFEM) is a semi analytical method to model the guided wave propagation which does not need fine meshes compared to the other methods, such as FEM or finite difference method (FDM). Also, even distribution of mass and stiffness of structures can be obtained with very few elements using SFEM. In this paper, the suitability of SFEM is investigated to model guided wave propagation through an orthotropic cylindrical waveguide with the presence of surrounding soil. Both the frequency domain analysis (dispersion curves) and time domain reconstruction for a multi-mode generated input signal are presented under different loading location. The dispersion curves obtained from SFEM are compared against analytical solution to verify its accuracy. Lastly, different numerical issues to solve for the dispersion curves and time domain results using SFEM are also discussed.


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Some aspects of numerical simulation of Lamb wave propagation in composite laminates using the finite element models with explicit dynamic analysis are addressed in this study. To correctly and efficiently describe the guided-wave excited/received by piezoelectric actuators/sensors, effective models of surface-bounded flat PZT disks based on effective force, moment and displacement are developed. Different finite element models for Lamb wave excitation, collection and propagation in isotropic plate and quasi-isotropic laminated composite are evaluated using continuum elements (3-D solid element) and structural elements (3-D shell element), to elaborate the validity and versatility of the proposed actuator/sensor models.


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A series of digital frequency filters (DFFs) were designed to screen diverse noises and the spectrographic analysis was conducted to isolate complex boundary reflection, which obscures the damage-induced signals. The scale-averaged wavelet power (SAP) technique was applied to enhance
the measurement accuracy of Time of Flight (TOF). As an example, the propagation characteristics of elastic wave in a structural beam of square cross-section were analyzed using such an approach and verified experimentally and numerically, with the consideration of the complicated wave scatter caused by the non-ignorable section dimensions.


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Stringer-stiffened plate-like structure is a typical engineering structure and its structural integrity is critical. A guided Lamb wave-based damage identification scheme and an online structural health monitoring (SHM) system with an integrated PZT-sensor network were developed. In the previous studies, the specimens were relatively simple. In this paper, the above mentioned method was extended to the stiffened plate-like structure—a flat plate reinforced by stringer. FE dynamic simulation was applied to investigate the Lamb wave propagation characteristics due to the existence of stringer with the consideration of its material and geometric configurations.


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Interaction of Lamb waves with structural damage can lead to wave mode conversion. In this study, the shear horizontal (SH) wave, from the mode conversion of the fundamental symmetric Lamb wave (S0), was used for quantitative identification of delamination in composite beams, based on advanced signal processing using an inverse approach. SH wave propagation under various delamination conditions in CF/EP beams made of orthotropic plain woven fabrics was simulated, and signal characteristics were extracted in terms of the concept of digital damage fingerprints (DDF). With the aid of an artificial neural algorithm, the relation between the DDF of delamination-scattered SH mode and damage parameters was calibrated, whereby the occurrence, location and size of delamination in the composite beams were assessed. The approach was experimentally validated, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of SH mode for quantitative damage evaluation of composite structures.


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Round timbers are extensively used as utility poles in Australia for electricity distribution and communication. Lack of information on their conditions results in great difficulties on asset management for industries. Despite the development of various non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for evaluating the condition of piles, few NDTs are reported for applications on timber poles. This paper addresses challenges and issues on development of NDTs for condition assessment and embedded length of timber poles. For this paper, it is mainly focusing on determining the embedded length of the pole considering loss of the sufficient embedment length is a main factor compromising capacity and safety of timber poles. Since it is impractical for generating longitudinal waves by impacting from the top of poles, utilizing flexural wave from side impact on poles becomes attractive. However, the flexural wave is known by its highly dispersive nature. In this paper, one dimensional wave theory, guided wave theory and advanced signal processing techniques have been introduced in order to provide a solution for the problem. Two signal processing techniques, namely short kernel method and continuous wavelet transform, have been investigated for processing flexural wave signals to evaluate wave velocity and embedment length of timber poles in service.