9 resultados para Electrical equipment industry

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Net metering is generally a consumer-based incentive for renewable sources such as wind or solar power systems also referred to as dasiacogenerationdasia. It is still a grey area for container terminals with large electric machines, such as quay cranes, automatic stacking cranes, that can operate in the regenerative mode and export electric energy to the grid. With actual measured electrical data presented for discussion, this paper provides information for the readers to provide a better understanding of their access to net metering, ultilizing their electrical equipment capabilities and be informed for their next negotiation with the power supply company.


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In the Office SFX is a sound effect of a busy office.


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Purpose: This paper describes the integration of technical equipment in a project driven learning environment in the School of Engineering in the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia. Technical or laboratory equipment is a critical factor when designing learning environments and more so in a project driven learning environment. Important Findings: Deakin University has strong partnerships with industry and the community and with its cloud and located based learning policy has extremely flexible learning environments tailored to the needs of the students, with all the programs being offered in on-campus mode as well as off-campus mode. The off-campus study mode has made it even more important to have flexibility in the usage and access of the technical equipment in the laboratories. Conclusion: The School of Engineering at Deakin University Australia has developed a project-oriented design based learning environment which allows students to learn through design activities while being driven by the deliverables and outputs of a project. The technical equipment is required to be able to be used for traditional laboratory experiments in order to achieve fundamental knowledge requirements as well as project oriented knowledge and practice.


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The effects of pyrrole, anthraquinone-2-sulphonic acid (AQSA) and iron(III) chloride (FeCl3) concentrations, reaction time and temperature on the electrical conductivity of polypyrrole (PPy) - coated poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) fabrics were investigated. With an increase in both the AQSA and FeCl3 concentrations, resistivity decreased to a point beyond which higher concentrations led to increased surface resistivity. Erosion of the polymer coating, in dynamic synthesis from continual abrasion, manifested as an exponential increase in the resistance of the coated textile substrate. This was not encountered in static synthesis conditions. Temperature affected the degree of surface and bulk polymerisation. The effect of polymerisation temperature on conductivity was negligible. Conductive polymer coating on textiles through chemical polymerisation enabled a smooth coherent film to encase individual fibres, which did not affect the tactile properties of the host substrate. The optimum FeCl3/pyrrole and AQSA FeCl3/pyrrole molar ratios were found to be 2.22 and 0.40 respectively.


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This thesis examines the learning preferences and learning strategies of apprentices, and the contexts within which they learn in their workplaces. Since the end of the 1980s Australian vocational education and training (VET) structures and processes have undergone radical change in attempts to develop skills in the workforce that will ensure enterprise, national, and international competitiveness. A major strategy in the national reforms has been the encouragement of flexible delivery as a means through which workplace-based learning can be accessed by a larger number of workers in ways that are cost-efficient, and that reduce the amount of time that workers spend away from their jobs. Although flexible delivery has been championed by governments and industry alike, there has been little attempt to identify the preparedness of either learners or their workplaces for the demands of flexible learning. The thesis examines the economic context for these changes to VET, and also examines the literature available on workplace learning. Additionally, the thesis examines the conceptualisations of flexible delivery that are available in the literature, pointing to the possibility that the wide range of meanings associated with the term ‘flexible delivery’ may result in quite different practices and expectations. The thesis also examines the literature on independent learning and self-directed learning, and explores the concept of ‘client-focused’ flexible delivery. The study of learner preferences uses data collected from apprentices over a period of some years, in the four occupational areas commanding the highest number of apprentices in Australia. These occupational areas are Metals and Machining, Building, Electrical, and Hairdressing. These data on learning preferences are collected using the commercially available Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI). The data from the sample of 389 apprentices are analysed statistically through analyses of variance, and indicate that variables such as age, gender, and occupational area are related to learning preferences. Apprentices are shown by this analysis to prefer structured programs of instruction that are instructor-led, and to not have a high preference for independent learning or the development of their own learning goals. Additionally, they are shown to have very low preferences for learning through reading, preferring instead to learn through direct hands-on experience. While these characteristics are largely common among the four occupational groups, the Hairdressing apprentices are shown to have a slightly higher preference for independent learning and goal setting. Females are shown to have a higher preference than males for learning qualitative material through reading. Interestingly, the younger apprentices are shown to have a higher preference than the older ones for self-directed learning. Some possibilities for that finding are discussed. The research also shows that the learning preferences displayed by different groups of apprentices in any one program are much the same over time, providing some confidence that data generated from one group of apprentices can be used to make instructional decisions for future groups in the same program. The data are also factor analysed to indicate three major factors underlying apprentice learning preferences. The first factor indicates a Verbal–Non-verbal preference factor, with apprentices clearly preferring to learn through non-verbal means. A second factor is described as Structure–Content, with apprentices showing a preference for learning from structured programs in a structured environment. A third factor, Self-directed–Social preference, indicates apprentices preferring to learn through socially mediated presentations and contexts rather than through more independent forms of learning. Qualitative data are also generated through interviewing eight apprentices, and focusing on the learning strategies they employ while constructing knowledge in the workplace. That component of the research uses a modification of the Marland, Patching and Putt (1992a, 1992b) stimulated recall technique, and a set of learning strategies derived from the work of O’Malley and Chamot (1990) and Billett (1996a). The eight apprentices are drawn from the Metals and Machining, Electrical, and Hairdressing trades. The findings indicate that the learning strategies most often used by apprentices in the workplace are those associated with the construction of knowledge that is structured and provided by the instructor or learning program, and those that include social mediation of learning. Additionally, the strategies associated with demonstration and hands-on practice are most favoured. The qualitative data are confirmatory of the quantitative data. The research also indicates, through the apprentice interviews, that support for apprentice’s learning in their workplace is typically unplanned and haphazard. Their experience was sometimes characterised by a reluctance on the part of the workplace to acknowledge learning needs such as trialling and practice of new knowledge, or pro-actively seeking understanding from other more skilled workers. The learning preferences and learning strategies findings for apprentices, coupled with the findings of typically poor or unplanned support in the workplace, indicate that effective flexible delivery of training to apprentices in the workplace provides a number of challenges. These challenges, it is argued, demand strategies to be developed and implemented to prepare both learners and workplaces for effective engagement with flexible delivery. Using as a theoretical framework Kember’s (1995) two-dimensional model of open learning for adults, the thesis integrates the findings into a proposed two-dimensional model of learner and workplace preparedness for flexible delivery. The model provides for a Learner Development Space, a Workplace Development Space, and a Strategy Space. Within the Learner Development Space, focuses for the development of learner preparedness are identified in terms of self-directed learning, skills developments, and effective participation in a community of practice. Focuses for workplace development identified in the Workplace Development Space are those associated with development of training policies, training structures, and trainer skills and abilities. The Strategy Space then provides detail of seventy-nine specific strategies developed to enhance learner and workplace preparedness within each of the focuses identified.


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This research introduced the innovative concept of controlling the composition in nanocomposites for optimizing the mechanical performance; as well as tailoring the thermal and electrical properties for multi-functional applications. It led to the development of novel lighter stronger materials for use in engineering applications such as automotive body and mining equipment.


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Cathodic protection (CP) failure due to excursions from safe CP levels is a challenge for the protection and maintenance of buried energy pipelines. Although research shows that stray current is a major factor contributing to CP failure, there is little consensus on how 'big' the excursions (either in magnitude, length or frequency) need to be in order to cause pipeline corrosion problems. This uncertainty has caused difficulties in selecting suitable parameters in relevant industry standards. This paper provides a brief review of past research on different factors affecting CP efficiency. Preliminary results from new electrochemical cells designed to develop an understanding of how CP excursions away from the 'safe' level can lead to corrosion problems are also presented.


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With the emergence of smart power grid and distributed generation technologies in recent years, there is need to introduce new advanced models for forecasting. Electricity load and price forecasts are two primary factors needed in a deregulated power industry. The performances of the demand response programs are likely to be deteriorated in the absence of accurate load and price forecasting. Electricity generation companies, system operators, and consumers are highly reliant on the accuracy of the forecasting models. However, historical prices from the financial market, weekly price/load information, historical loads and day type are some of the explanatory factors that affect the accuracy of the forecasting. In this paper, a neural network (NN) model that considers different influential factors as feedback to the model is presented. This model is implemented with historical data from the ISO New England. It is observed during experiments that price forecasting is more complicated and hence less accurate than the load forecasting.


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Climate change is a severe threat to human development. Environmental protection and economic growth are two significant dimensions of promoting sustainable global development. In this research, a two-step procedure has been applied to investigate carbon productivity, which is deemed an appropriate indicator to measure sustainable development in conjunction with carbon reduction and production advancement. A decomposition method with the Log Mean Divisia Index has been applied to explore the factors influencing carbon productivity change, including technological innovation and regional adjustment. The carbon productivity of the Australian construction industry from 1990 to 2012 was then investigated. Research results indicate that carbon productivity in Australian construction had increased significantly and could be further improved. Technological innovation has played an important role in promoting carbon productivity, while regional adjustment has remained roughly steady. Based on correlation analyses, scale of the construction market and stock of machinery and equipment had shown weak correlations with carbon productivity changes, and it was clear that improvement in carbon productivity could benefit capital productivity and investment return. The research has systematically defined carbon productivity and for the first time measured it for the construction industry. The results are expected to assist construction industries worldwide to investigate productivity performance and to identify the influencing factors for improving development sustainability.