180 resultados para Early Development in Sport

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The changes in proximate composition, amino acid (total and free) and fatty acid content of artificially propagated trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis larvae from five mothers hatched, weaned and reared separately, each in two groups, one fed with Artemia naupli and the other starved, for 15 days (after yolk resorption), are presented. There was no significant change in the proximate composition of fed larvae with devlopment, but in starved larvae the protein (linearly) and lipid (curvi-linearly) content decreased significantly as starvation progressed. The essential amino acids (EAA) and non- essential amino acids (NEAA) found in highest amounts in trout cod larvae were lysine, leucine, threonine and arginine, and alanine, serine and glutamic acid, respectively. In fed larvae the total amino acid (TAA), TEAA and TNEAA content did not vary significantly as development progressed. In starved larvae the TAA, EAA and NEAA content, as well as all the individual amino acids decreased significantly (P<0.05) from the levels in day of hatch and/or yolk-sac resorbed larvae. The greatest decrease occurred in the TEAA content (7.38±0.76 at day of hatch to 1.96±0.09 15 day starved in μmoles larva–1; approximately a 74% decrease), whereas the decrease in TNEAA was about 38%. Unlike in the case of TAA distinct changes in the free amino acid (FAA) pool were discernible, from day of hatch and onwards, in both fed and starved trout cod larvae. In both groups of larvae the most noticeable being the decrease of % FEAA in TFAA, but not the % FAA in TAA. Four fatty acids together, accounted for more than 50% of the total in each of the major fatty acid categories in all larvae sampled; 16: 0, 18:1n-9, 22: 6n-3 and 20: 4n-6, amongst saturates, monoenes, n-3 PUFA and n-6 PUFA, respectively. Twelve fatty acids either decreased (14: 0, 16: 1n-7, 20: 1n-9, 20: 4n-6, 20: 5n-3, 22: 5n-3 and 22: 6n-3) or increased (18: 2n-6, 18: 3n-3, 18: 3n-6, 18: 4n-3 and 20: 3n-3) in quantity, after 15 days of feeding, from the base level in day of hatch and/ or yolk- sac resorbed larvae. The greatest increase occurred in 18: 3n-3 from 6.4±0.1 to 106.2±13.1 μg mg lipid–1 larva–1, and the greatest decrease occurred in 22: 6n-3 (181.2±12.4 to 81.4±6.2 μg mg lipid–1 larva–1). In starved larvae, at the end of 15 days, all the fatty acids, except 18: 0, 20: 3n-3 and 20: 4n-6, decreased significantly (P<0.05) from the levels in day of hatch and/or yolk- sac resorbed larvae.


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This paper examines career development in elite sport, specifically the perceptions of Australian Football League (AFL) players on the career development programs offered by the AFL Players Association. HRM literature reveals considerable research in the area of career planning and development. There is however a paucity of research into career planning for elite athletes in Australia. While overseas studies indicate a lack of career planning by elite athletes for their life after sport, that is not the findings of this research. This pilot study reveals that AFL Players not only recognise the need for and value of career planning, they actively utilise the AFL Players Association, Player Development program, in particular the training and development and guidance aspects of the program, This research is useful because it provides feedback to those who formulate such programs to better cater for and create more focused programs. It also provides the basis for further research across the sport and the potential to test its applicability across other elite sports.


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The Australian Early Development Index (AEDI) is a population measure of child development. The AEDI measures Language and Cognitive Development, Social Competence, Emotional Maturity, Physical Health and Wellbeing, and Communication Skills and General Knowledge. In Australia these data are collected by teachers for children in their first full time year of schooling. The aim of this paper is to aid people's understanding and interpretation of population measures such as the AEDI. With a greater awareness of the merits and complexities of population data clinicians and allied health professionals can play a vital role in aiding communities and policy makers to interpret and act upon the data in an intelligent way. This paper is primarily descriptive providing background information on the development and use of the instrument utilizing one of the 5 developmental domains (Language and Cognitive Development) as an example. The results show a complex relationship between children residing in differing socio-economic regions, children with English as their primary or secondary language and children who are able or not able to effectively communicate in English.


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As part of the project Mathematical Thinking of Preschool Children in Rural and Regional Australia: Research and Practice directors, teachers, and assistants in prior-to-school settings from regional and rural eastern Australia were interviewed to ascertain their beliefs and practices concerning early childhood mathematics. This paper reports the responses to  uestions about their assessment of children’s mathematical activity and development. The practitioners provided examples of both incidental and planned assessment activities, the different forms these took, methods of recording, and how the results were used.


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We examined the effect of ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) deficiency during development on sodium appetite. Being raised on an ω-3 PUFA deficient diet increased the intake of 0.5 M NaCl following furosemide-induced sodium depletion by 40%. This occurred regardless of the diet they were maintained on later in life, and the increased consumption persisted for 3 days. In a second study, animals were administered furosemide and low-dose captopril. Sodium consumption of deficient raised animals was again higher than that of the control raised. Fos immunoreactivity in brain areas associated with sodium appetite and excretion were not influenced by diet. Our findings indicate that inadequate dietary ω-3 PUFA during development results in an exaggerated sodium appetite later in life.


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This paper deals with professional teacher development. It specifically focuses on a research study of early childhood teachers' views and involvement in teaching music to young children. It presents findings from a comparative study of 38 teachers in three childcare centres in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and 24 teachers in four childcare centres in South Australia. Two research questions are discussed and answered: (1) What are early childhood teachers' levels of involvement in professional development in music? (2) Are there any significant relationships, that is differences and commonalities, in the findings between teachers' levels of involvement in these two cultural contexts? A unique research tool entitled Teachers' Music Development Scale was devised to collect data and measure teachers' involvement in music development. Specific findings and their implications are presented in the paper.


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Background Pre-school language impairment is common and greatly reduces educational performance. Population attempts to identify children who would benefit from appropriately timed intervention might be improved by greater knowledge about the typical profiles of language development. Specifically, this could be used to help with the early identification of children who will be impaired on school entry.

Methods This study applied longitudinal latent class analysis to assessments at 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 months on 1113 children from a population-based study, in order to identify classes exhibiting distinct communicative developmental profiles.

Results Five substantive classes were identified: Typical, i.e. development in the typical range at each age; Precocious (late), i.e. typical development in infancy followed by high probabilities of precocity from 24 months onwards; Impaired (early), i.e. high probabilities of impairment up to 12 months followed by typical language development thereafter; Impaired (late), i.e. typical development in infancy but impairment from 24 months onwards; Precocious (early), i.e. high probabilities of precocity in early life followed by typical language by 48 months. The entropy statistic (0.84) suggested classes were fairly well defined, although there was a non-trivial degree of uncertainty in classification of children. That half of the Impaired (late) class was expected to have typical language at 4 years and 6% of the numerically large Typical class was expected to be impaired at 4 years illustrates this. Characteristics indicative of social advantage were more commonly found in the classes with improving profiles.

Conclusions Developmental profiles show that some pre-schoolers' language is characterized by periods of accelerated development, slow development and catch-up growth. Given the uncertainty in classifying children into these profiles, use of this knowledge for identifying children who will be impaired on school entry is not straightforward. The findings do, however, indicate greater need for language enrichment programmes among disadvantaged children.


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Providing opportunities for all people to become literate is now a global imperative (World Bank 2008). There are many and varied reasons underlying this emphasis including global, national, community and personal perspectives (Friere & Macedo 2000) and countries world-wide are investing more money into their early childhood programs and the development of associated policies (Oberhuemer 2005). From a socio-cultural view, literacy development is emergent, ongoing (Cook-Gumperz 2006) and multifaceted (New London Group 1999). Literacy involves far more than reading and writing and encompasses listening, speaking and critical thinking (Department of Education, Science and Training 2005, Luke & Freebody 1997). Literacy is not merely a curricular area, but an important empowering life skill (Harrison 2012, Friere & Macedo 2000). It seems logical then, to search for and identify if there are core principles underpinning early years literacy development.In seeking to identify core principles for emergent literacy development, the study reported here adopted Wiersma & Jurs' (2005) 'Four Step' Historical Research methodological approach involving the identification of a research problem, collection and evaluation of source materials, synthesis of information from the source materials and finally, the analysis, interpretation and the formulation of conclusions. The historical research approach requires creative interpretation (Keastle 1988) and is valued for its effectiveness in sourcing ideas, enlightening current debates, empowering decision-making (Stricker 1992) and influencing policy formation (Wiersma & Jurs 2005).This study involved analysis of Early Years Language and Emergent Literacy Research from the past decade, sourced via education and social sciences databases, as well as information gathered from correspondence with Australian government departments, their websites and policies. The findings from a synthesis of these data sources led to the identification of nine core principles viewed as underpinning children's emergent literacy development. Interested in exploring the relevance and application of these principles to the field of early childhood in Australia, additionally, the researcher has embarked upon a mapping exercise that reveals how the recently introduced Early Years Learning Frameworks align with these principles. Furthermore, in recognition of the importance of the early years as a crucial time in a child's literacy development (Cook-Gumperz 2006, Raban & Nolan 2005, Hall, Larson & Marsh 2003), it is argued that these literacy principles will be valuable to the development of a range of educational tools to be used by Pre-service and practicing Early years educators.