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B3LYP/6-311+G(d) calculations indicate that (HBO)3 (4) and (HBO)4 (5) possess (zero-point energy corrected) strain enthalpies of 11.4 and 31.6 kJ mol−1, respectively. The absence of eight-membered (RBO)4 rings is attributed to a combination of ring strain and the lability of the B---O bond. The synthesis, characterization and molecular structure of (PhBO)3·pyridine (1) are described and chemical phenomena related to the addition of amines to triorganoboroxine rings are rationalized in terms of relief of ring strain in 4.


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Yarn tension is a key factor that affects the efficiency of a ring spinning system. In this paper, a specially constructed rig, which can rotate a yarn at a high speed without inserting any real twist into the yarn, was used to simulate a ring spinning process. Yarn tension was measured at the guide-eye during the simulated spinning of different yarns at various balloon heights and with varying yarn length in the balloon. The effect of balloon shape, yarn hairiness and thickness, and yarn rotating speed, on the measured yarn tension, was examined. The results indicate that the collapse of balloon shape from single loop to double loop, or from double loop to triple etc, lead to sudden reduction in yarn tension. Under otherwise identical conditions, a longer length of yarn in the balloon gives a lower yarn tension at the guide-eye. In addition, thicker yarns and/or more hairy yarns generate a higher tension in the yarn, due to the increased air drag acting on the thicker or more hairy yarns.


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Ring spinning is the most important system of making high quality yarns in the textile industry. Yarn tension affects yarn breakage, which in turn affects yarn productivity in ring spinning. Accurate information about how various spinning parameters affect yarn tension is essential for the optimisation of the ring spinning process. In this paper, a program to simulate the ring spinning process was developed using MATLAB, which can predict yarn tension under given spinning conditions. The simulation results were verified with experimental results obtained from ring spinning cotton and wool yarns.


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The effect of yarn hairiness on energy consumption when rotating a ring-spun yarn package is investigated theoretically and experimentally. A theoretical model is developed to calculate the energy required to rotate hair fibers, based on hair length and number as well as package speed and size. A single spindle test rig is used to verify the theoretical prediction. The experimental results confirm the theoretical prediction that the package power increases with increased yarn hairiness level and spindle speed.


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The skin friction coefficient on the surface of a rotating yarn package affects the power required to drive the package. This paper examines the relationship between the skin friction coefficient on the package surface and its diameter and rotating speed, based on the fundamentals of aerodynamics and the experimental results of power consumption. Skin friction coefficients on the surfaces of an airplane, car top, and yarn package are discussed. The results indicate that the skin friction coefficient on the package surface without hairiness depends on the package diameter and spindle speed only. The skin friction coefficient on the yarn package surface is about three times that on the top surface of a car, and is about twenty times that on an airplane surface. The power consumed to overcome skin friction drag is more than that consumed to drive the spindle if the spindle speed is very slow. However, the situation reverses when the spindle speed is fast.


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Birgus latro excretes nitrogenous waste as a mixture of urate and guanine and not predominantly urate as believed previously. The presence of guanine in faeces was confirmed by enzymatic derivatisation of guanine to xanthine with guanase. This is the first report of significant excretion of guanine outside the Chelicerata. The ratios of urate to guanine within the excreta of animals in field situations (natural diets) and in the laboratory (a range of artificial diets) were 3:2. Rates of excretion of both urate and guanine increased when experimental crabs were fed an artificial diet high in nitrogen. Significant amounts of guanine were also measured in tissues of B. latro, but only urate was present in equivalent tissues of the closely related species Coenobita brevimanus. Coenobita brevimanus did not excrete any significant amount of purines with the faeces.


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This article reports theoretical and experimental investigation on yarn snarling and balloon fluttering in ring spinning. Yarn snarling and balloon fluttering affect yarn breakage in ring spinning. The theoretical model has incorporated the tangential component of air drag on a ballooning yarn, which was ignored in previous models. The results show that yarn snarling happens in the balloon when the ratio of yarn length in the balloon to balloon height is greater than a specific value that depends on the yarn type and count. Yarn tension experiences an obvious change before and after yarn snarling. The balloon flutter appears between normal balloons while the balloon loops are changing. Fluttering balloon shapes that oscillate periodically between two and three loop configurations as yarn tension varies periodically have also been observed experimentally.


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Air drag on yarn and package surfaces affects yarn tension, which in turn affects energy consumption and ends-down in ring spinning. This study investigated the effects of yarn hairiness on air drag in ring spinning. Theoretical models of skin friction coefficient on the surface of rotating yarn packages were developed. The predicted results were verified with experimental data obtained from cotton and wool yarns. The results show that hairiness increases the air drag by about one-quarter and one-third for the rotating cotton and wool yarn packages, respectively. In addition, yarn hairiness increases the air drag by about one-tenth on a ballooning cotton yarn.


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A simple model was developed for the approximation of ring strain energies of homo- and heterometallic, six- and eight-membered cyclic organometallic group 14 oxides and the degree of puckering of their ring conformations. The conformational energy of a ring is modelled as the sum of its angular strain components. The bending potential energy functions for the various endocyclic M–O–M′ and O–M–O linkages (M, M′=Si, Ge, Sn) were calculated at the B3LYP/(v)TZ level of theory using H3MOM′H3 and H2M(OH)2 as model compounds. For the six-membered rings, the minimum total angular contribution to ring strain, ERSGmin was calculated to decrease in the order: cyclo-(H2SiO)3 (13.0 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-H2Sn(OSiH2)2O (7.0 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-H2Ge(OSiH2)2O (4.9 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-H2Si(OSnH2)2O (3.4 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-(H2SnO)3 (1.7 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-H2Si(OGeH2)2O (0.8 kJ mol−1)≈cyclo-H2Ge(OSnH2)2O (0.7 kJ mol−1)>cyclo-H2Sn(OGeH2)2O (0.1 kJ mol−1)≈cyclo-(H2GeO)3 (0 kJ mol−1). All of the six-membered rings were predicted to adopt (nearly) planar conformations (a=0.996<a<1). By contrast, all eight-membered rings were predicted to adopt strainless, but puckered conformations. The degree of puckering was predicted to increase in the order: cyclo-(H2SiO)4 (a=0.983)<cyclo-H2Sn(OSiH2O)2SiH2 (a=0.959)<cyclo-(H2SiO)2(H2SnO)2 (a=0.942)< cyclo-H2Si(OSnH2O)2SiH2 (a=0.935)<cyclo-(H2SnO)4 (a=0.916)<cyclo-(H2GeO)4 (a=0.885). The differences in ring strain and the degree of puckering were linked to the different electronegativities of Si, Ge and Sn. The results obtained are consistent with experimental ring strain energies; reactivities towards ring opening polymerizations or ring expansion reactions and observed ring conformations of cyclic organometallic group 14 oxides.


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High energy consumption remains a key challenge for the widely used ring spinning system. Tackling this challenge requires a full understanding of the various factors that contribute to yarn tension and energy consumption during ring spinning. In this paper, we report our recent experimental and theoretical research on air drag, yarn tension and energy consumption in ring spinning. A specially constructed rig was used to simulate the ring spinning process; and yarn tension at the guide-eye was measured for different yarns under different conditions. The effect of yarn hairiness on the air drag acting on a rotating yarn package and on a ballooning yarn was examined. Models of the power requirements for overcoming the air drag, increasing the kinetic energy of the yarn package (bobbin and wound yarn) and overcoming the yarn wind-on tension were developed. The ratio of energy-consumption to yarn-production over a full yarn package was discussed. A program to simulate yarn winding in ring spinning was implemented, which can generate the balloon shape and predict yarn tension under a given spinning condition. The simulation results were verified with experimental results obtained from spinning cotton and wool yarns.


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Air-drag on a ballooning yarn and balloon shape affect the yarn tension and ends-down (yarn breakage), which in turn affects energy consumption and yarn productivity in ring spinning. In this article, a mathematical model of yarn ballooning motion in ring spinning is established. The model can be used to generate balloon shape and predict tension in the ballooning yarn under given spinning conditions. Yarn tension was measured using a computer data acquisition system and the balloon shapes were captured using a digital camera with video capability during the experiments using cotton and wool yarns at various balloon-heights and with varying yarn-length in the balloon. The air-drag coefficients on ballooning cotton and wool yarns in ring spinning were estimated by making a “best fit” between the theoretical and experimental turning points. The theoretical results were verified with experimental data. The effects of air-drag and balloon shape on yarn tension are discussed.


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An experiment involving the supplementary feeding of pups was conducted on Antarctic fur seals to investigate the factors influencing maternal foraging-attendance cycles and the differential use of nutritional resources for growth, maintenance and storage by pups. For 40% of the lactation period, male pups were given a supplement mimicking the chemical composition of Antarctic fur seal milk at a dose equivalent to 35% of the normal mass-specific milk energy intake for the species. Milk consumption, body composition and growth rates were monitored during and after the supplementary feeding period and maternal foraging-attendance cycles were monitored throughout lactation. During the supplementary feeding period, treatment pups (n=8) grew 32% faster and deposited greater adipose tissue stores than controls (n=8) but consumed the same amount of maternal-delivered milk. When supplementary feeding was stopped (timed to coincide with peak maternal milk yield in this species), treatment pups lost mass whereas control group pups continued to grow. Treatment pups weaned at a younger age (109 days) than control pups (116 days) but at the same mass (13 kg). Maternal attendance durations did not differ between the treatment and control groups throughout lactation. However, mothers of treatment pups had significantly shorter foraging trip durations (3.74 days) than mothers of control pups (4.74 days) during the period of supplementary feeding (there were no significant differences throughout the rest of lactation). These findings are in accordance with predictions of a marginal-value model of fur seal lactation behaviour.


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Energy conservation directed at accelerating body fat recovery (or catch-up fat) contributes to obesity relapse after slimming and to excess fat gain during catch-up growth after malnutrition. To investigate the mechanisms underlying such thrifty metabolism for catch-up fat, we tested whether during refeeding after caloric restriction rats exhibiting catch-up fat driven by suppressed thermogenesis have diminished skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) activity or AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling—two pathways required for hormone-induced thermogenesis in ex vivo muscle preparations. The results show that during isocaloric refeeding with a low-fat diet, at time points when body fat, circulating free fatty acids, and intramyocellular lipids in refed animals do not exceed those of controls, muscle insulin receptor substrate 1-associated PI3K activity (basal and in vivo insulin-stimulated) is lower than that in controls. Isocaloric refeeding with a high-fat diet, which exacerbates the suppression of thermogenesis, results in further reductions in muscle PI3K activity and in impaired AMPK phosphorylation (basal and in vivo leptin-stimulated). It is proposed that reduced skeletal muscle PI3K/AMPK signaling and suppressed thermogenesis are interdependent. Defective PI3K or AMPK signaling will reduce the rate of substrate cycling between de novo lipogenesis and lipid oxidation, leading to suppressed thermogenesis, which accelerates body fat recovery and furthermore sensitizes skeletal muscle to dietary fat-induced impairments in PI3K/AMPK signaling.—Summermatter, S., Mainieri, D., Russell, A. P., Seydoux, J., Montani, J. P., Buchala, A., Solinas, G., Dulloo, A. G. Thrifty metabolism that favors fat storage after caloric restriction: a role for skeletal muscle phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase activity and AMP-activated protein kinase.


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Two main problems prevent the deployment of peer-to-peer application in a wireless sensor network: the index table, which should be distributed stored rather than uses a central server as the director; the unique node identifier, which cannot use the global addresses. This paper presents a multi-level virtual ring (MVR) structure to solve these two problems.

The index table in MVR is distributed stored by using the DHT technique. MVR is constructed decentralized and runs on mobile nodes themselves, requiring no central server or interruption. Naming system in MVR uses natural names rather than global addresses to identify sensor nodes. The MVR can route directly on the name identifiers of the sensor nodes without being aware the location. Some sensor nodes are selected as the backbone nodes by the backbone selection algorithm and are placed on the different levels of the virtual rings. MVR hashes nodes’ identifiers on the virtual ring, and stores them at the backbone nodes. Furthermore, MVR adopts cross-level routing to improve the routing efficiency.

Experiments using ns2 simulator for up to 200 nodes show that the storage and bandwidth requirements of MVR grow slowly with the size of the network. Furthermore, MVR has demonstrated as self-administrating, fault-tolerant, and resilient under the different workloads.


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Two main problems prevent the deployment of content delivery in a wireless sensor network: the address, which is widely used in the Internet as the identifier, is meaningless in wireless network, and the routing efficiency is a big concern in wireless sensor network. This paper presents an embedded multi-level ring (MVR) structure to address those two problems. The MVR uses names rather than addresses to identify sensor nodes. The MVR routes packets on the name identifiers without being aware the location. Some sensor nodes are selected as the backbone nodes and are placed on the different levels of the virtual rings. MVR hashes nodes and contents identifiers, and stores them at the backbone nodes. MVR takes the cross-level routing to improve the routing efficiency. Further, MVR is constructed decentralized and runs on the mobile nodes themselves, requiring no central control. Experiments using ns2 simulator for up to 200 nodes show that the storage and bandwidth requirements of MVR grow slowly with the size of the network. Furthermore, MVR has demonstrated as self-administrating, fault-tolerant, and resilient under the different workloads. We also discuss alternative implementation options, and future work.