87 resultados para ESSENTIAL OILS

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Nurses are increasingly incorporating complementary therapies into their practices. Aromatherapy is one of the most popular therapies. The basis of aromatherapy is essential oils, which are chemically active substances with a long history of safe traditional use and a growing evidence base to support their use in nursing care. In Australia, essential oils are classified and regulated under the same policies as conventional medicines such as the National Medicines Policy and the Quality Use of Medicines (QUM) framework applies. QUM is a framework for selecting and using medicines safely and effectively if medicines are indicated. The key elements of QUM are a systems-based approach to using medicines based on relevant evidence, partnerships, and informed client consent. Clients are placed at the centre of a QUM medication management process, which is consistent with holistic care. Applying a QUM approach to essential oil use, Quality Use of Essential Oils (QUEO), involves developing effective systems for managing essential oils from an holistic perspective that includes structured assessment and diagnostic processes to enable effective essential oil prescribing and outcome monitoring. In a QUEO approach, essential oils are integrated into the client's overall medication regimen and care plan rather than being used as ‘add-ons’. Adopting QUEO is consistent with the current national focus on the quality use of therapeutic substances, increases the profile of aromatherapy in nursing care and provides important information to guide future aromatherapy practices.


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Medicinal tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) leaves contain large amounts of an essential oil, dominated by monoterpenes. Several enzymes of the chloroplastic methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway are hypothesised to act as bottlenecks to the production of monoterpenes. We investigated, whether transcript abundance of genes encoding for enzymes of the MEP pathway were correlated with foliar terpenes in M. alternifolia using a population of 48 individuals that ranged in their oil concentration from 39 -122 mg x g DM(-1). Our study shows that most genes in the MEP pathway are co-regulated and that the expression of multiple genes within the MEP pathway is correlated with oil yield. Using multiple regression analysis, variation in expression of MEP pathway genes explained 87% of variation in foliar monoterpene concentrations. The data also suggest that sesquiterpenes in M. alternifolia are synthesised, at least in part, from isopentenyl pyrophosphate originating from the plastid via the MEP pathway.


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Health professionals have to deal with a “wounded society”, for example, violence, natural disasters and displaced people. Shortage of health professional groups and the high use of complementary therapies may reflect professional wounds, such as stress and burnout. Self-care is an important aspect of health professionals’ lives, given modern-day work stressors that can affect an individual's physical, mental and spiritual health. Often people become healers through personal suffering. Each person wounded or not, needs to understand his or her own need to be nurtured, and develop and implement a self-care health programme. Personal and professional reflection are important to understanding the nature of events that lead to “wounds” and how they can be transcended and the experiences used in holistic care. Aromatherapy can be a useful addition to self-care especially in managing stress and minor self-limiting conditions.


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The blue glass is always the hardest to find. On the beach you catch the waves bringing back the glass from forgotten tossed bottles, frosted green, clear, or mottled pale brown. But the blue glass - that's the real thing. I search for days without finding any. Sometimes there are slivers; other days, small chunks. Like a beachcomber, I comb the sands for it. I take the glass home and make some into jewellery and touchstones for people to hang on to; pour essential oils on others so the scents waft heavenward and meld together with the glass to form a bond. Words are like that. They can fuse with each other and ignite, or just quietly combine, On sunny days, I take my books with me to the beach. I toss words back and forth in my mind, like churning waves. I cobble them together, A phrase here. A sentence there. The water. The sun. The sand. The glass. The words. The paper. The Connection. I find myself enveloped in it all. The glass is from bottles tossed into the surf by unthinking people - picnickers, vacationers, those who don't have to return here and live with the remnants of their actions. Over time, the broken glass is ground and moulded by the action of the waves; the sharp edges are softened and etched by the sand and water, The sea glass is washed up on shore and picked up by beachcombers. Some recycle it for other uses like me; others just keep it as a reminder of a day at the beach. The words I sift through as I sit on the sand are measured in the sea glass. I pick each word up and look through it to see how much light shines through. What use do 1 have for it? A poem? An essay? A fragment of a sentence, for something to be said in the future? I watch the sun rest uneasily on its bed of water and slide slowly, farther down. I know the hot summer is coming to a close and I am loath to let go of the closeness I feel with nature. I live to find the blue glass, and sometimes it just happens. My search for Indian migrant women was like my quest for the blue glass. It was not an easy task. It became a process of rummaging through other people's lives, searching for fragments and relics. Eventually I was able to fit pieces together to form a mosaic of their lives in that other time, that other place. And also in this present time, in this place they now call home, Australia.


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Complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) are widely used in the general community and by people with diabetes, including children and adolescents; the latter usually use CAM on the advice of their parents. Children/parents use a range of CAM including herbal medicines, vitamins and minerals, essential oils (aromatherapy) as well as non-medicine CAM such as massage. The main reasons children/parents use CAM is to manage symptoms, improve metabolic control, prevent complications and as a supplement to insulin. There are benefits and risks to using CAM depending on the age of the child, the particular CAM used and their capacity to make an informed choice and understand the consequences of their choices. Health professionals need a broad understanding of CAM, to be aware that children/parents use CAM, to ask about CAM use and monitor potential beneficial and negative effects.


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α-Linseed, camelina. perilla, and echium oils are n-3 C18 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)-rich vegetable oil sources viewed as favorable replacements to fish oil in aquaculture feed (aquafeed) production in consideration of their high (α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) and/or stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n-3) contents and potential for subsequent bioconversion to n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) in farmed aquatic species. While the total production of these oils is currently low in comparison with that of other terrestrial oil sources, their distinct fatty acid composition and high n-3 to n-6 ratio deliver a unique substitute to fish oil in aquafeeds, presently unparalleled in other alternative terrestrial oil sources. The dietary inclusion of these oil sources has therefore attracted significant research attention, resulting in a multitude of investigations across a broad range of aquatic species (finfish and crustaceans). Generally, providing that the essential fatty acid (EFA) requirements of the species under investigation were met and an adequate level of fish meal was present in the diet, it was found possible to replace 100% and 60-70% of the dietary fish oil component for freshwater and marine species, respectively, with minimal impact on growth performance indices. However, the substitution of fish oil with n-3-rich vegetable oils and/or vegetable oil blends resulted in substantially reduced concentrations of health-promoting eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) in the edible portion of the farmed species. This chapter provides an overview of the use of n-3 PUFA-rich vegetable oils and/or vegetable oil blends for use in aquafeeds. In particular, key aspects of oil production, processing, and refinement will be presented, and individual differences pertaining to the physical, chemical, and nutritional characteristics of the oil types will be highlighted. Following on from this, a summary of the key findings relevant to n-3 PUFA-rich vegetable oil inclusion in aquafeeds will be discussed, with particular emphasis placed on growth performance and nutritional modification.


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Adaptive behaviour is important in the assessment of eligibility for intellectual disability services. However, there is some question about which behaviours should be assessed. The purpose of the present study was to clarify which everyday behaviours are considered essential for independent functioning by young adults in the Australian community. Parents, disability workers, and young adults judged the importance of 130 everyday behaviours. Items that assessed safety, health, self-care, functional literacy and numeracy, respecting others' rights, and day-to-day decisionmaking were most frequently rated as essential for independent functioning. Our findings raise important questions about the assessment of adaptive behaviour in Australia, and point to the need for a more valid approach to the measurement of adaptive behaviour for the purpose of eligibility assessment. The research provides a first step towards providing such a scale for use in the Australian context.


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The replacement of fish oil with vegetable based oils is a strategy which is increasingly being adopted by the aquafeed industry as an essential component to reduce the reliance on a limited supply of a natural resource, which in turn also provides cost benefits. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the lipid and fatty acid digestibility of a mix blend vegetable oil in juvenile Murray cod; an emerging species of increasing interest in the Australian aquaculture sector. Five semi purified experimental diets were formulated with 17% lipid originating from fish oil (FO) which was substituted in 25% increments by blended vegetable oil (VO), formulated using olive oil (12%), palm oil (43%) and linseed oil (45%) to match the major fatty acid classes of the FO.

Significant differences between the dietary treatments with regard to the lipid and individual fatty acid digestibility were recorded. This study clearly demonstrated that in Murray cod fatty acid digestibility decreases with chain length, and inversely increases relative to the degree of unsaturation. The combination of chain length, degree of unsaturation and the melting point of individual fatty acids resulted in the digestibility of PUFA > MUFA > SFA and short chain > longer chain fatty acids. Therefore, the inclusion of a mixed blend vegetable oil resulted in significantly reduced lipid digestibility in juvenile Murray cod.


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This research investigates the retention of essential amino acid profiles of products during the extrusion of proteins and reducing sugars. Animal proteins (egg and milk protein at 10 and 30% levels) and reducing sugars (fructose and galactose at 0, 2, and 8% levels), with pregelatinized wheat flour, were extruded at 110 and 125 °C product temperatures and feed moistures of 19 and 23.5% for egg protein and 13.75 and 16% for milk protein. The nutritional property analyzed was essential amino acid retention, and sugar retention was also considered to understand the relationship of sugars with retention of amino acids. Lysine showed the lowest retention (up to 40%) of all the essential amino acids. Retention of other essential amino acids varied from 80 to 100% in most situations. Apart from lysine,  tryptophan, threonine, and methionine were found to be significantly changed (P < 0.05) with processing conditions. Increased protein and sugar levels resulted in a significant degradation of lysine. Greater lysine retention was found at a lower temperature and higher feed moisture. Results of sugar retention also showed similar patterns. The products made from fructose had greater lysine retention than products made from galactose with any type of protein. The outcomes of this research suggested that the combination of milk protein and fructose at a lower temperature and higher feed moisture is most favorable for developing high-protein extruded products.


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Integral proteins in the outer membrane of mitochondria control all aspects of organelle biogenesis, being required for protein import, mitochondrial fission, and, in metazoans, mitochondrial aspects of programmed cell death. How these integral proteins are assembled in the outer membrane had been unclear. In bacteria, Omp85 is an essential component of the protein insertion machinery, and we show that members of the Omp85 protein family are also found in eukaryotes ranging from plants to humans. In eukaryotes, Omp85 is present in the mitochondrial outer membrane. The gene encoding Omp85 is essential for cell viability in yeast, and conditional omp85 mutants have defects that arise from compromised insertion of integral proteins like voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC) and components of the translocase in the outer membrane of mitochondria (TOM) complex into the mitochondrial outer membrane.