em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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We consider whether pre-existing streptozotocin induced hyperglycemia in rats affects the ability of the eye to cope with a single episode of acute intraocular pressure (IOP) elevation.
Electroretinogram (ERG) responses were measured (−6.08 to 1.92 log cd.s.m−2) in anaesthetized (60:5 mg/kg ketamine:xylazine) dark-adapted (>12 h) adult Sprague–Dawley rats 1 week after a single acute IOP elevation to 70 mmHg for 60 min. This was undertaken in rats treated 11 weeks earlier with streptozotocin (STZ, n = 12, 50 mg/kg at 6 weeks of age) or citrate buffer (n = 12). ERG responses were analyzed to derive an index of photoreceptor (a-wave), ON-bipolar (b-wave), amacrine (oscillatory potentials) and inner retinal (positive scotopic threshold response, pSTR) function.
One week following acute IOP elevation there was a significant reduction of the ganglion cell pSTR (−35 ± 11 %, P = 0.0161) in STZ-injected animals. In contrast the pSTR in citrate-injected animals was not significant changed (+16 ± 14 %). The negative component of the STR was unaffected by IOP elevation in either citrate or STZ-treated groups. Photoreceptoral (a-wave, citrate-control +4 ± 3 %, STZ +4 ± 5 %) and ON-bipolar cell (b-wave, control +4 ± 3 %, STZ +4 ± 5 %) mediated responses were not significantly affected by IOP elevation in either citrate- or STZ-injected rats. Finally, oscillatory potentials (citrate-control +8 ± 23 %, STZ +1 ± 17 %) were not reduced 1 week after IOP challenge.
The ganglion cell dominated pSTR was reduced following a single episode of IOP elevation in STZ diabetic, but not control rats. These data indicate that hyperglycemia renders the inner retina more susceptible to IOP elevation.


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Primary open angle glaucoma affects more than 67 million people. Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is a risk factor for glaucoma and may reduce nutrient availability by decreasing ocular perfusion pressure (OPP). An interaction between arterial blood pressure and IOP determines OPP; but the exact contribution that these factors have for retinal function is not fully understood. Here we sought to determine how acute modifications of arterial pressure will affect the susceptibility of neuronal function and blood flow to IOP challenge. Anaesthetized (ketamine:xylazine) Long-Evan rats with low (~60 mmHg, sodium nitroprusside infusion), moderate (~100 mmHg, saline), or high levels (~160 mmHg, angiotensin II) of mean arterial pressure (MAP, n = 5–10 per group) were subjected to IOP challenge (10–120 mmHg, 5 mmHg steps every 3 minutes). Electroretinograms were measured at each IOP step to assess bipolar cell (b-wave) and inner retinal function (scotopic threshold response or STR). Ocular blood flow was measured using laser-Doppler flowmetry in groups with similar MAP level and the same IOP challenge protocol. Both b-wave and STR amplitudes decreased with IOP elevation. Retinal function was less susceptible to IOP challenge when MAP was high, whereas the converse was true for low MAP. Consistent with the effects on retinal function, higher IOP was needed to attenuated ocular blood flow in animals with higher MAP. The susceptibility of retinal function to IOP challenge can be ameliorated by acute high BP, and exacerbated by low BP. This is partially mediated by modifications in ocular blood flow.


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Purpose: To assess ocular blood flow responses to acute IOP stress following 4 weeks of chronic IOP elevation in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic and control rats. We hypothesise that chronic IOP elevation for 4 weeks will further impair blood flow regulation in STZ-induced diabetic rats eyes. Methods: Two weeks following citrate buffer or STZ-injections chronic IOP elevation was induced in Long Evans rats via fortnightly intracameral injections of microspheres (15 μm) suspended in 5% polyethylene glycol. IOP was monitored daily. Electroretinography (ERG, -6.79-2.07 log cd s m-2) was undertaken at Week 4 to compare photoreceptor (RmPIII), ON-bipolar cell (Vmax) and ganglion cell dominant ERG [scotopic threshold response (STR)] components. 4 weeks post-chronic IOP induction, ocular blood flow (laser Doppler flowmetry) was measured in response to acute IOP challenge (10-100 mmHg, in 5 mmHg steps, each 3 min). Results: Four weeks of chronic IOP (mean ± S.E.M., citrate: 24.0 ± 0.3 to 30.7 ± 1.3 and STZ-diabetes: 24.2 ± 0.2 to 31.1 ± 1.2 mmHg) was associated with reduced photoreceptor amplitude in both groups (-25.3 ± 2.2% and -17.2 ± 3.0%, respectively). STZ-diabetic eyes showed reduced photoreceptor sensitivity (citrate: 0.5 ± 1.8%, STZ-diabetic: -8.1 ± 2.4%). Paradoxically ON-bipolar cell sensitivity was increased, particularly in citrate control eyes (citrate: 166.8 ± 25.9%, STZ-diabetic: 64.8 ± 18.7%). The ganglion cell dominant STR was not significantly reduced in STZ-diabetic rats. Using acute IOP elevation to probe autoregulation, we show that STZ-diabetes impaired autoregulation compared with citrate control animals. The combination of STZ-diabetes and chronic IOP elevation further impaired autoregulation. Conclusions: STZ-diabetes and chronic IOP elevation appear to be additive risk factors for impairment of ocular blood flow autoregulation.