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Animal migrations span the globe, involving immense numbers of individuals from a wide range of taxa. Migrants transport nutrients, energy, and other organisms as they forage and are preyed upon throughout their journeys. These highly predictable, pulsed movements across large spatial scales render migration a potentially powerful yet underappreciated dimension of biodiversity that is intimately embedded within resident communities. We review examples from across the animal kingdom to distill fundamental processes by which migratory animals influence communities and ecosystems, demonstrating that they can uniquely alter energy flow, food-web topology and stability, trophic cascades, and the structure of metacommunities. Given the potential for migration to alter ecological networks worldwide, we suggest an integrative framework through which community dynamics and ecosystem functioning may explicitly consider animal migrations.


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In the search for an integrated understanding of the relationships among productive activities, human well-being, and ecosystem functioning, we evaluated the services delivered by a tropical dry forest (TDF) ecosystem in the Chamela Region, on the Pacific Coast of Mexico. We synthesized information gathered for the past two decades as part of a long-term ecosystem research study and included social data collected in the past four years using the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) conceptual framework as a guide. Here we identify the four nested spatial scales at which information has been obtained and emphasize one of them through a basin conceptual model. We then articulate the biophysical and socio-economic constraints and drivers determining the delivery of ecosystem services in the Region. We describe the nine most important services, the stakeholders who benefit from those services, and their degree of awareness of such services. We characterize spatial and temporal patterns of the services’ delivery as well as trade-offs among services and stakeholders. Finally, we contrast three alternative future scenarios on the delivery of ecosystem services and human well-being. Biophysical and socioeconomic features of the study site strongly influence human−ecosystem interactions, the ecosystem services delivered, the possible future trajectories of the ecosystem, and the effect on human well-being. We discuss future research approaches that will set the basis for an integrated understanding of human−ecosystem interactions and for constructing sustainable management strategies for the TDF.


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Enhancements are interventions in the life cycle of common-pool aquatic resources. Enhancement technologies include culture-based fisheries, habitat modifications, fertilization, feeding and elimination of predators/competitors. Enhancements are estimated to yield about two million mt per year, mostly from culture-based fisheries in fresh waters where they account for some 20 percent of capture, or 10 percent of combined capture and culture production. Marine enhancements are still at an experimental stage, but some have reached commercial production. Enhancements use limited external feed and energy inputs, and can provide very high returns for labour and capital input. Moreover, enhancement initiatives can facilitate institutional change and a more active management of aquatic resources, leading to increased productivity, conservation and wider social benefits. Enhancements may help to maintain population abundance, community structure and ecosystem functioning in the face of heavy exploitation and/or environmental degradation. Negative environmental impacts may arise from ecological and genetic interactions between enhanced and wild stocks. Many enhancements have not realised their full potential because of a failure to address specific institutional, technological, management and research requirements emanating from two key characteristics. Firstly, enhancement involves investment in common-pool resources and can only be sustained under institutional arrangements that allow regulation of use and a flow of benefits to those who bear the costs of enhancement. Secondly, interventions are limited to certain aspects of the life cycle of stocks, and outcomes are strongly dependent on natural conditions beyond management control. Hence, management must be adapted to local conditions to be effective, and certain conditions may preclude successful enhancement altogether. Governments have a major role to play in facilitating enhancement initiatives through the establishment of conducive institutional arrangements, appropriate research support, and the management of environmental and other impacts on and from enhancements.


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Introduction. Sexual function through pregnancy and the postpartum period is an important aspect of quality of life.
Despite this, prospective studies are limited, and the impact of body image on sexual function has not been explored.
Aims. The current study reports on a pilot study that evaluated the effectiveness of a combined Internet-based
psychological treatment program and oral medication compared to an Internet-based psychological program.
Methods. Twelve men with ED participated in the study.
Main Outcome Measures. Assessments were made pre and postintervention on ED, relationship satisfaction, sexual
satisfaction, self-esteem, and quality of life.
Results. Multivariate analyses of variance demonstrated that both treatment conditions showed improvements from
pretest to posttest in sexual functioning, relationships, and personal well-being.
Conclusions. This study indicates the importance of targeting psychological and relationship variables in the
treatment of ED. Further research with larger numbers of participants is necessary for a more rigorous evaluation
of treatment programs that combine psychological and medication interventions for ED.


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Resource pulses are common in various ecosystems and often have large impacts on ecosystem functioning. Many animals hoard food during resource pulses, yet how this behaviour affects pulse diffusion through trophic levels is poorly known because of a lack of individual-based studies. Our objective was to examine how the hoarding behaviour of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) preying on a seasonal pulsed resource (goose eggs) was affected by annual and seasonal changes in resource availability. We monitored foraging behaviour of foxes in a greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlanticus) colony during 8 nesting seasons that covered 2 lemming cycles. The number of goose eggs taken and cached per hour by foxes declined 6-fold from laying to hatching, while the proportion of eggs cached remained constant. In contrast, the proportion of eggs cached by foxes fluctuated in response to the annual lemming cycle independently of the seasonal pulse of goose eggs. Foxes cached the majority of eggs taken (> 90%) when lemming abundance was high or moderate but only 40% during the low phase of the cycle. This likely occurred because foxes consumed a greater proportion of goose eggs to fulfill their energy requirement at low lemming abundance. Our study clearly illustrates a behavioural mechanism that extends the energetic benefits of a resource pulse. The hoarding behaviour of the main predator enhances the allochthonous nutrients input brought by migrating birds from the south into the arctic terrestrial ecosystem. This could increase average predator density and promote indirect interactions among prey.


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Scientists are increasingly coming to realize that oncogenic phenomena are both frequent and detrimental for animals, and must therefore be taken into account when studying the biology of wildlife species and ecosystem functioning. Here, we argue that several behaviours that are routine in an individual's life can be associated with cancer risks, or conversely prevent/cure malignancies and/or alleviate their detrimental consequences for fitness. Although such behaviours are theoretically expected to be targets for natural selection, little attention has been devoted to explore how they influence animal behaviour. This essay provides a summary of these issues as well as an overview of the possibilities offered by this research topic, including possible applications for cancer prevention and treatments in humans.


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Aim: Globally, urbanization is one of the most widespread, intense and ecologically destructive forms of landscape transformation, and it is often concentrated in coastal areas. Theoretically, species losses attributable to urbanization are predicted not to alter overall ecosystem function if functional redundancy (i.e. replacement of function by alternative species) compensates for such losses. Here, we test this expectation by measuring how coastal urbanization affects scavenger guilds on sandy beaches and whether changes in guild composition result either in an overall loss of scavenging efficiency, or in functional compensation under alternative guild structures, maintaining net ecosystem functioning. Location: Fourteen beaches along the east coast of Australia with variable levels of urbanization. Methods: Scavenging communities and rates of carrion removal were determined using motion-triggered cameras at the beach-dune interface. Results: A substantial shift in the community structure of vertebrate scavengers was associated with gradients in urbanization. Iconic and functionally important raptors declined precipitously in abundance on urban beaches. Importantly, other vertebrates usually associated with urban settings (e.g. dogs, foxes, corvids) did not functionally replace raptors. In areas where < 15% of the abutting land had been developed into urban areas, carcass removal by scavengers was often complete, but always > 70%. Conversely, on beaches bordering coastal cities with < 40% of natural vegetation remaining, two-thirds of fish carcasses remained uneaten by scavengers. Raptors removed 70-100% of all deployed fish carcasses from beaches with < 8% urban land cover, but this number dropped significantly with greater levels of urbanization and was not compensated by other scavenger species in urban settings. Main conclusions: There is limited functional redundancy in vertebrate scavenger communities of sandy beach ecosystems, which impacts the system's capacity to mitigate the ecological consequences of detrimental landscape transformations.


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Ecosystem services are necessary, yet not sufficient for human well-being (however defined). Insufficient access to the ecosystem provisioning service of food is a particularly important factor in the loss of human well-being, but all ecosystem services contribute in some way to well-being. Although perhaps long obvious to ecologists, the links between ecosystems and aspects of human well-being, including health, have been less well understood among the social science community. This situation may now be starting to change, thanks in part to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA). Causality between ecosystem services and well-being is bidirectional; it is increasingly clear that functioning societies can protect or enhance ecosystem services, and accordingly, that societies with impaired well-being (best documented in the case of chronic diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS) can also experience a related decline in ecosystem services.

The future state of human well-being and of ecosystem services is more than the co-evolution of these two fundamental elements. Human well-being also depends, critically, upon the human institutions that govern relationships between human individuals and groups, and also between humans and ecosystem services.

The scenarios working group of the MA found that human well-being is highest in the Global Orchestration scenario, which assumes the fastest evolution of beneficial institutions, and is lowest in the Order from Strength scenario. Human well-being was found to be intermediate in the other two scenarios (Adapting Mosaic and Techno-Garden) even though these scenarios share a much greater recognition of the importance of ecosystem services to human well-being.


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Both Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and divorce are very prevalent in western societies, and they may occur together. AD/HD is generally viewed as a neurobiological disorder, which has led to a commonly held belief that social-environmental factors play little role in the symptom profile of children diagnosed with the disorder. This study investigated the association between parental divorce, remarriage, multiple transitions, the quality of relationships with family members and the psychological well-being of children and adolescents with AD/HD. First, differences in children’s AD/HD symptom profiles in relation to parents’ divorce status (single/multiple divorce) and family composition (single parent/stepfamily) were examined. Second, the association between the quality of children’s relationships with each family member and parents’ marital status (divorced/non-divorced) and family composition was investigated. In addition, age, gender and AD/HD subtype differences were assessed. Third, the association between the quality of children’s interactions with family members and children’s AD/HD symptom profile was explored. No significant differences in children’s behavioural profiles were found in terms of parents’ divorce status. Living in stepfamilies was associated with greater AD/HD severity and social malfunctioning. Disruptive parent–child and sibling relationships were found to be related to children’s age, gender, AD/HD subtype and parents’ marital status. Further, poor interactions with family members correlated with children’s AD/HD severity and psychological well-being. In summary, divorce, remarriage and the quality of relationships with family members are important correlates of the symptom profile of children with AD/HD, and this emphasises the need for special treatment modules for these families.


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This study was designed to evaluate the impact of an exacerbation in symptoms among men and women with multiple sclerosis (MS) on sexuality and relationship satisfaction. A total of 321 people with MS (120 men, M age = 48.10 years; 201 women, M age = 45.78 years), and 239 people from the general population (79 men, M age = 53.93 years; 160 women, M age = 45.89 years) completed measures of relationship satisfaction and sexuality, and then completed these measures again 18 months later. The results demonstrated that both men and women with MS reported significantly higher levels of sexual dysfunction than did the general population. The no exacerbation group also reported significantly lower levels of sexual activity and of relationship satisfaction than the general population group over the 18-month period. Women in all groups reported significantly higher levels of sexual dysfunction but also higher levels of sexual activity than did men at each time period. They also reported significantly higher levels of sexual satisfaction at the 18-month follow up. These results suggest that men and women respond in similar ways to MS, and that people with MS do not necessarily experience poorer levels of sexual interaction or relationship quality when they experience an increase in their physical symptoms.


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This study was designed to examine the relationships between different aspects of body image and psychological, social, and sexual functioning throughout adulthood. The respondents were 211 men and 226 women (age range 18–86 years; mean = 42.26). Respondents completed measures of self-rated attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, body image behaviors, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social and sexual functioning. Body image was associated with self-esteem for all groups, but was unrelated to other aspects of psychological, social, and sexual functioning. There were some exceptions; a disturbance in body image was related to problematic social and sexual functioning among middle-aged men and to depression and anxiety symptoms in late adulthood among men and women. Middle-aged men who presented with the type of body image disturbance typical of women were more likely to have impaired interpersonal functioning. These results demonstrate that social aspects of body image appear to be important in understanding psychological functioning in later life.


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Researchers have highlighted the significance of a poor body image in the development of dysfunctional eating but have systematically investigated few other outcomes. The authors examined the relationships between different aspects of body image and psychosocial functioning. Participants were 245 boys and 173 girls from Grades 8 and 9 (M age = 13.92 years, SD = 0.69 years). Respondents completed measures of physical attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, body image behaviors, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and same-sex and opposite-sex relations. Whereas girls tended to report a more negative body image than did boys, the relevance of body image to self-esteem was similar for boys and girls. Concern about others' evaluation of their bodies was especially important in understanding low female self-esteem, whereas for boys, ratings of general attractiveness most strongly predicted self-esteem. The authors found a negative body image to be unrelated to symptoms of negative affect but to be strongly associated with poor opposite-sex peer relationships, especially among boys. A negative body image also affected same-sex relations among girls.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between body image and social and sexual functioning. The respondents were 426 men and women from metropolitan and rural Victoria, who ranged in age from 18 to 86 years (mean age = 42.26). Respondents completed measures of attractiveness, body satisfaction, body image importance, body image behaviours, appearance comparison, social physique anxiety, self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and social and sexual functioning. Regression analyses were used to detelmine the prediction of social and sexual functioning by body image variables for men and women of different age groups, beyond the effects of psychological adjustment. The results demonstrated that while there were moderate correlations between body image and sociallsexual functioning variables, many of these relationships were best explained by the shared variance of self-esteem. There were some exceptions, particularly among middle-aged men, which are discussed.


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There has been limited previous research that has examined the views of both men with erectile dysfunction (ED) and their partners on the impact of ED on their sexuality, relationship and general functioning. The current study was designed to evaluate the above variables among men with ED and their partners. Participants for the current study were 40 heterosexual men with ED and their partners. All participants completed a questionnaire that evaluated their reaction to ED, their past and current sexual activity, their sexual and relationship satisfaction as well as their levels of self-esteem and quality of life (QOL). The results demonstrated that both men with ED and their partners reported a reduction in their levels of sexual activity since the development of ED and that they wanted to seek a solution to the problem. Men with ED demonstrated lower levels of self-esteem, QOL and sexual satisfaction than their partners but there were no differences between the partners in their level of relationship satisfaction. These findings demonstrate that ED has an impact on both the man and his partner. They also indicate the importance of including the man's partner in the assessment and treatment of ED.


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This thesis examines the nature, extent and impact of multiple forms of maltreatment (multi-type maltreatment) from within a developmental victimological framework. The interrelationships between sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect, and witnessing family violence are assessed. The role of family variables in predicting maltreatment and the relative contribution of child maltreatment and family variables to adjustment are evaluated. Risk factors for multi-type maltreatment, and the relationship between multi-type maltreatment and adjustment are explored. The major theories of child development are reviewed. As well as exploring the relevance of developmental theories to understanding the impact of child maltreatment, factors influencing the emergence of child psychopathology are reviewed from a developmental psychopathology perspective. Ecological and developmental perspectives on how child maltreatment translates into the behavioural and emotional adjustment problems of children are integrated in the Child Maltreatment: Risk and Protection Model. After exploring some of the relevant conceptual issues, the literature on the prevalence and impact of each maltreatment type is reviewed, and the literature on multi-type maltreatment critiqued. Methodological and ethical concerns with the conduct of research in the field of child maltreatment using direct assessment of children led to the need for an instrument to assess parent perceptions of each of the types of abuse and neglect, as well as adult retrospective reports. Data are presented from two cross-sectional questionnaire-based studies using the Parent and Adult versions of the Family and Life Experiences Questionnaire which was designed to assess perceptions of children's experiences of sexual abuse, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, neglect and witnessing family violence. Problems with the isolated focus of research on single forms of child maltreatment are addressed by the inclusion of each of these forms of child maltreatment within a single research design. Respondents for both studies were volunteers recruited from counselling agencies, medical, community health, child care and fitness centres and a first year psychology course. Parents (N=50) described their perceptions of primary school children's family characteristics, experiences of maltreatment and adjustment. Children's behavioural adjustment (internalising and externalising), sexual behaviours, emotions, self-esteem, gender identity, family adaptability and cohesion, parental traditionality, parental sexual punitiveness, interparental relationship satisfaction, and demographic characteristics are assessed in the study of Parents' perceptions. A large degree of overlap between the different types of abuse and neglect was found, with a high proportion of parents describing children's experiences of multiple forms of child maltreatment. Using both maltreatment and family characteristics to predict internalising behaviour problems, neglect and family cohesion were the only unique predictors. Family adaptability and cohesion were the only unique predictors of externalising behaviour problems. Physical and sexual abuse were not predicted from family characteristics; neglect was predicted, but no variables provided unique prediction. Unique predictors of psychological maltreatment were family cohesion, parental sexual punitiveness and divorce. Divorce was the only variable with significant unique prediction of the child witnessing family violence. Family background and family functioning were found to predict some forms of maltreatment, but to also be important factors mediating the adjustment of children, independent of maltreatment. The results are interpreted within an ecological framework, integrating risk factors for maltreatment with experiences of abuse and neglect and subsequent adjustment in childhood. Retrospective reports of adults' (N=175) own childhood family characteristics, experiences of maltreatment, and reports of their current adjustment are also studied. Included with the adult version of the FLEQ were the Trauma Symptom Checklist-40, Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale, and the Family and Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale-II. Similar results were found in the in the Adult Study. As hypothesised, adult retrospective reports of the five different types of child maltreatment were found to be highly intercorrelated. Family characteristics predicted maltreatment and adjustment scores and discriminated between single and multi-type maltreatment. Maltreatment scores also predicted adult adjustment. As the number of maltreatment types increased, there was an increase in the number of adjustment problems reported. Alternate hypotheses regarding the possible operation of mediating and moderating processes in the relationships between family characteristics, maltreatment and the adjustment of adults were assessed. Finally, the results of these investigations are discussed and interpreted in the light of extant findings previously reviewed. Data from the two major empirical studies are used to demonstrate the overlap between different child maltreatment categories, and the extent and impact of multi-type maltreatment. The results show that children are vulnerable to more than one type of maltreatment. Individuals who experience a number of different forms of maltreatment had greater adjustment problems than those experiencing only one or two different types of abuse or neglect. Dysfunctional families place children at risk of child maltreatment. Negative family characteristics lead to adjustment problems in children and adults. The type of maltreatment having the most damaging effect on children was neglect, and in the long-term, sexual abuse. A multi-dimensional approach to prevention and intervention needs to be adopted, based on the co-morbidity of maltreatment types, and the likelihood of children experiencing further abuse or neglect of a different type. Dysfunctional family dynamics which place children at risk of multi-type maltreatment, and mediate the effects of maltreatment on adjustment, need to be specifically targeted with support and family intervention strategies. Risk-assessment measures used by Child Protection workers must include adequate knowledge of the inter-relationships between maltreatment types, and the particularly negative impact on adjustment of experiencing many forms of abuse or neglect. Suggestions for future clinical and research work in the area of child maltreatment are developed. The importance of assessing all forms of maltreatment when examining the relationships of maltreatment to adjustment is emphasised. It is recommended that prevention and intervention strategies acknowledge the interrelationships between maltreatment types.