57 resultados para Domain-specific programming languages

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The objective behind building domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs) is to provide users with the most appropriate concepts and notations that best fit with their domain and experience. However, the existing DSVL designers do not support integrating environment and user context information when modeling, editing or viewing DSVL models at different locations, permissions, devices, etc. In this paper, we introduce HorusCML, a context-aware DSVL designer, which supports DSVL experts in integrating necessary context details within their DSVLs. The resultant DSVLs can reflect different facets, layouts, and behaviours according to context it is used in. We show a case study on developing a context-aware data flow diagram DSVL tool using HorusCML.


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Domain-specific visual languages support high-level modeling for a wide range of application domains. However, building tools to support such languages is very challenging. We describe a set of key conceptual requirements for such tools and our approach to addressing these requirements, a set of visual language-based metatools. These support definition of metamodels, visual notations, views, modeling behaviors, design critics, and model transformations and provide a platform to realize target visual modeling tools. Extensions support collaborative work, human-centric tool interaction, and multiplatform deployment. We illustrate application of the metatoolset on tools developed with our approach. We describe tool developer and cognitive evaluations of our platform and our exemplar tools, and summarize key future research directions.


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Enterprise security management requires capturing different security and IT systems' details, analyzing and enforcing these security details, and improving employed security to meet new risks. Adopting structured models greatly helps in simplifying and organizing security specification and enforcement processes. However, existing security models are generally limited to specific security details and do not deliver a comprehensive security model. They also often do not have user-friendly notations, being complicated extensions of existing modeling languages (such as UML). In this paper, we introduce a comprehensive Security Domain Specific Visual Language (SecDSVL), which enables capturing of key security details to support enterprise systems security management process. We discuss our SecDSVL, tool support and the model-based enterprise security management approach it supports, give a usage example, and present evaluation experiments of SecDSVL.


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Software integration testing plays an increasingly important role as the software industry has experienced a major change from isolated applications to highly distributed computing environments. Conducting integration testing is a challenging task because it is often very difficult to replicate a real enterprise environment. Emulating testing environment is one of the key solutions to this problem. However, existing specification-based emulation techniques require manual coding of their message processing engines, therefore incurring high development cost. In this paper, we present a suite of domain-specific visual modelinglanguages to describe emulated testing environments at a highabstraction level. Our solution allows domain experts to model atesting environment from abstract interface layers. These layermodels are then transformed to runtime environment for application testing. Our user study shows that our visual languages are easy to use, yet with sufficient expressive power to model complex testing applications.


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Multitasking among three or more different tasks is a ubiquitous requirement of everyday cognition, yet rarely is it addressed in research on healthy adults who have had no specific training in multitasking skills. Participants completed a set of diverse subtasks within a simulated shopping mall and office environment, the Edinburgh Virtual Errands Test (EVET). The aim was to investigate how different cognitive functions, such as planning, retrospective and prospective memory, and visuospatial and verbal working memory, contribute to everyday multitasking. Subtasks were chosen to be diverse, and predictions were derived from a statistical model of everyday multitasking impairments associated with frontal-lobe lesions (Burgess, Veitch, de Lacy Costello, & Shallice, 2000b). Multiple regression indicated significant independent contributions from measures of retrospective memory, visuospatial working memory, and online planning, but not from independent measures of prospective memory or verbal working memory. Structural equation modelling showed that the best fit to the data arose from three underlying constructs, with Memory and Planning having a weak link, but with both having a strong directional pathway to an Intent construct that reflected implementation of intentions. Participants who followed their preprepared plan achieved higher scores than those who altered their plan during multitask performance. This was true regardless of whether the plan was efficient or poor. These results substantially develop and extend the Burgess et al. (2000b) model to healthy adults and yield new insight into the poorly understood area of everyday multitasking. The findings also point to the utility of using virtual environments for investigating this form of complex human cognition.


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Objective: To describe the total and domain-specific daily sitting time among a sample of Australian office-based employees. Methods: In April 2010, paper-based surveys were provided to desk-based employees (n=801) in Victoria, Australia. Total daily and domain-specific (work, leisure-time and transport-related) sitting time (minutes/day) were assessed by validated questionnaires. Differences in sitting time were examined across socio-demographic (age, sex, occupational status) and lifestyle characteristics (physical activity levels, body mass index [BMI]) using multiple linear regression analyses. Results: The median (95% confidence interval [CI]) of total daily sitting time was 540 (531-557) minutes/day. Insufficiently active adults (median=578 minutes/day, [95%CI: 564-602]), younger adults aged 18-29 years (median=561 minutes/day, [95%CI: 540-577]) reported the highest total daily sitting times. Occupational sitting time accounted for almost 60% of total daily sitting time. In multivariate analyses, total daily sitting time was negatively associated with age (unstandardised regression coefficient [B]=-1.58, p<0.001) and overall physical activity (minutes/week) (B=-0.03, p<0.001) and positively associated with BMI (B=1.53, p=0.038). Conclusions: Desk-based employees reported that more than half of their total daily sitting time was accrued in the work setting. Implications: Given the high contribution of occupational sitting to total daily sitting time among desk-based employees, interventions should focus on the work setting.


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Objective: To provide statistician end users with a visual language environment for complex statistical survey design and implementation. Methods: We have developed, in conjunction with professional statisticians, the Statistical Design Language (SDL), an integrated suite of visual languages aimed at supporting the process of designing statistical surveys, and its support environment, SDLTool. SDL comprises five diagrammatic notations: survey diagrams, data diagrams, technique diagrams, task diagrams and process diagrams. SDLTool provides an integrated environment supporting design, coordination, execution, sharing and publication of complex statistical survey techniques as web services. SDLTool allows association of model components with survey artefacts, including data sets, metadata, and statistical package analysis scripts, with the ability to execute elements of the survey design model to implement survey analysis. Results: We describe three evaluations of SDL and SDLTool: use of the notation by expert statistician to design and execute surveys; useability evaluation of the environment; and assessment of several generated statistical analysis web services. Conclusion: We have shown the effectiveness of SDLTool for supporting statistical survey design and implementation. Practice implications: We have developed a more effective approach to supporting statisticians in their survey design work.


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Objective: To develop and test the utility of a domain-specific physical activity efficacy scale in adolescents for predicting physical activity behaviour. Design: Two independent studies were conducted. Study 1 examined the psychometric properties of a newly constructed Domain-Specific Physical Activity Efficacy Questionnaire (DSPAEQ) and study 2 tested the utility of the scale for predicting leisure- and school-time physical activity. Methods: In study 1, descriptive physical activity data were used to generate scale items. The scales factor structure and internal consistency were tested in a sample of 272 adolescents. A subsequent sample of Canadian (N = 104) and New Zealand (N = 29) adolescents, was recruited in study 2 to explore the scale's predictive validity using a subjective measure of leisure- and school-time physical activity. Results: A principle axis factor analysis in study 1 revealed a 26-item, five-factor coherent and interpretable solution; representative of leisure and recreation, household, ambulatory, transportation, and school physical activity efficacy constructs, respectively. The five-factor solution explained 81% of the response variance. In study 2 the domain-specific efficacy model explained 16% and 1% of leisure- and school-time physical activity response variance, respectively, with leisure time physical activity efficacy identified as a unique and significant contributor of leisure-time physical activity. Conclusion: Study 1 provides evidence for the tenability of a five factor DSPEAQ, while study 2 shows that the DSPEAQ has utility in predicting domain-specific physical activity. This latter finding underscores the importance of scale correspondence between the behavioural elements (leisure-time physical activity) and cognitive assessment of those elements (leisure-time physical activity efficacy).


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Developing complex computational-intensiveand data-intensive scientific applications requires effectiveutilization of the computational power of the availablecomputing platforms including grids, clouds, clusters, multicoreand many-core processors, and graphical processingunits (GPUs). However, scientists who need to leverage suchplatforms are usually not parallel or distributed programmingexperts. Thus, they face numerous challenges whenimplementing and porting their software-based experimentaltools to such platforms. In this paper, we introduce asequential-to-parallel engineering approach to help scientistsin engineering their scientific applications. Our approach isbased on capturing sequential program details, plannedparallelization aspects, and program deployment details usinga set of domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs). Then, usingcode generation, we generate the corresponding parallelprogram using necessary parallel and distributedprogramming models (MPI, OpenCL, or OpenMP). Wesummarize three case studies (matrix multiplication, N-Bodysimulation, and signal processing) to evaluate our approach.


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Objective: We want to support enterprise service modelling and generation using a more end user-friendly metaphor than current approaches, which fail to scale to large organisations with key issues of "cobweb" and "labyrinth" problems and large numbers of hidden dependencies. Method: We present and evaluate an integrated visual approach for business process modelling using a novel tree-based overlay structure that effectively mitigate complexity problems. A tree-overlay based visual notation (EML) and its integrated support environment (MaramaEML) supplement and integrate with existing solutions. Complex business architectures are represented as service trees and business processes are modelled as process overlay sequences on the service trees. Results: MaramaEML integrates EML and BPMN to provide complementary, high-level business service modelling and supports automatic BPEL code generation from the graphical representations to realise web services implementing the specified processes. It facilitates generated service validation using an integrated LTSA checker and provides a distortion-based fisheye and zooming function to enhance complex diagram navigation. Evaluations of EML show its effectiveness. Conclusions: We have successfully developed and evaluated a novel tree-based metaphor for business process modelling and enterprise service generation. Practice implications: a more user-friendly modelling approach and support tool for business end users.


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Software environment emulation provides a means for simulating an operational environment of a system. This process involves approximation of systems’ external behaviors and their communications with a system to be tested in the environment. Development of such an environment is a tedious task and involves complex low level coding. Model driven engineering is an avenue to raise the level of abstraction beyond programming by specifying solution directly using problem domain concepts. In this paper we propose a novel domain-specific modeling tool to generate complex testing environments. Our tool employs a suite of domain-specific visual modeling languages for modelling emulation environment at a high level of abstraction. These high level specifications are then automatically transformed to runtimeenvironment for application integration testing, boosting development productivity and ease of use.


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Text-based information accounts for more than 80% of today’s Web content. They consist of Web pages written in different natural languages. As the semantic Web aims at turning the current Web into a machine-understandable knowledge repository, availability of multilingual ontology thus becomes an issue at the core of a multilingual semantic Web. However, multilingual ontology is too complex and resource intensive to be constructed manually. In this paper, we propose a three-layer model built on top of a soft computing framework to automatically acquire a multilingual ontology from domain specific parallel texts. The objective is to enable semantic smart information access regardless of language over the Semantic Web.


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A common characteristic among parallel/distributed programming languages is that the one language is used to specify not only the overall organisation of the distributed application, but also the functionality of the application. That is, the connectivity and functionality of processes are specified within a single program. Connectivity and functionality are independent aspects of a distributed application. This thesis shows that these two aspects can be specified separately, therefore allowing application designers to freely concentrate on either aspect in a modular fashion. Two new programming languages have been developed for specifying each aspect. These languages are for loosely coupled distributed applications based on message passing, and have been designed to simplify distributed programming by completely removing all low level interprocess communication. A suite of languages and tools has been designed and developed. It includes the two new languages, parsers, a compilation system to generate intermediate C code that is compiled to binary object modules, a run-time system to create, manage and terminate several distributed applications, and a shell to communicate with the run-tune system. DAL (Distributed Application Language) and DAPL (Distributed Application Process Language) are the new programming languages for the specification and development of process oriented, asynchronous message passing, distributed applications. These two languages have been designed and developed as part of this doctorate in order to specify such distributed applications that execute on a cluster of computers. Both languages are used to specify orthogonal components of an application, on the one hand the organisation of processes that constitute an application, and on the other the interface and functionality of each process. Consequently, these components can be created in a modular fashion, individually and concurrently. The DAL language is used to specify not only the connectivity of all processes within an application, but also a cluster of computers for which the application executes. Furthermore, sub-clusters can be specified for individual processes of an application to constrain a process to a particular group of computers. The second language, DAPL, is used to specify the interface, functionality and data structures of application processes. In addition to these languages, a DAL parser, a DAPL parser, and a compilation system have been designed and developed (in this project). This compilation system takes DAL and DAPL programs to generate object modules based on machine code, one module for each application process. These object modules are used by the Distributed Application System (DAS) to instantiate and manage distributed applications. The DAS system is another new component of this project. The purpose of the DAS system is to create, manage, and terminate many distributed applications of similar and different configurations. The creation procedure incorporates the automatic allocation of processes to remote machines. Application management includes several operations such as deletion, addition, replacement, and movement of processes, and also detection and reaction to faults such as a processor crash. A DAS operator communicates with the DAS system via a textual shell called DASH (Distributed Application SHell). This suite of languages and tools allowed distributed applications of varying connectivity and functionality to be specified quickly and simply at a high level of abstraction. DAL and DAPL programs of several processes may require a few dozen lines to specify as compared to several hundred lines of equivalent C code that is generated by the compilation system. Furthermore, the DAL and DAPL compilation system is successful at generating binary object modules, and the DAS system succeeds in instantiating and managing several distributed applications on a cluster.