18 resultados para Dna binding domains

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Both acute (24 h) and chronic (10–20 week) exposure of human fibroblast cells to low dose sodium arsenite (As(III)) significantly affects activating protein-1 (AP-1) and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) DNA binding activity. Short-term treatment with 0.1–5 μM As(III) up-regulates expression of c-Fos and c-Jun and the redox regulators, thioredoxin (Trx) and Redox factor-1 (Ref-1) and activates both AP-1 and NF-κB binding. Chronic exposure to 0.1 or 0.5 μM As(III) decreased c-Jun, c-Fos and Ref-1 protein levels and AP-1 and NF-κB binding activity, but increased Trx expression. Short term exposure to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA), a phorbol ester tumour promoter, or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) also activates AP-1 and NF-κB binding. However, pre-treatment with As(III) prevents this increase. These results suggest that As(III) may alter AP-1 and NF-κB activity, in part, by up-regulating Trx and Ref-1. The different effects of short- versus long-term As(III) treatment on acute-phase response to oxidative stress reflect changes in the expression of Ref-1, c-Fos and c-Jun, but not Trx.


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Diabetes is quickly reaching epidemic proportions, with 216 million people worldwide predicted to be diagnosed with the disease by 2010. While it appears that the expression of the insulin responsive glucose transporter isoform 4 (GLUT4) is not reduced in diabetic populations, overexpression of GLUT4 exclusively in muscle enhances insulin action and improves glucose homeostasis. Consequently, understanding the regulation of GLUT4 expression is considered important in identifying potential therapeutic targets for the treatment and management of insulin resistance and related disorders such as type 2 diabetes. Using transgenic mice, we have identified two conserved regions on the GLUT4 gene promoter that are required for normal skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression. The first region contains a binding site for the myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) transcription factor, between –464 and –473 bp, and it appears that a MEF2A/D heterodimer binds this sequence. However, this site is not sufficient to support full GLUT4 expression, and another region between –712 and –742 bp, termed Domain 1, is also required. A novel transcription factor, named the GLUT4 enhancer factor (GEF), was found to bind to this region. It appears that MEF2 and GEF physically interact in order to induce GLUT4 expression. A single bout of exercise is sufficient to increase both GLUT4 transcription and mRNA abundance. However, the molecular mechanisms underpinning this response remain largely unexplored, particularly in human skeletal muscle. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether a single, acute bout of exercise increases the DNA-binding activity of both MEF2 and GEF in human skeletal muscle.


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We have exploited the concept of multivalency in the context of DNA recognition, using novel chemistry to synthesize a new type of bis-intercalator with unusual sequence-selectivity. Bis-intercalation has been observed previously, but design principles for de novo construction of such molecules are not known. Our compounds feature two aromatic moieties projecting from a rigid, polynorbornane-based scaffold. The length and character of the backbone as well as the identity of the intercalators were varied, resulting in mono- or divalent recognition of the double helix with varying affinity. Our lead compound proved to be a moderately sequence-selective bis-intercalator with an unwinding angle of 27 and a binding constant of about 8 M. 9-Aminoacridine rings were preferred over acridine carboxamides or naphthalimides, and a rigid [3]-polynorbornane scaffold was superior to a [5]-polynorbornane. The flexibility of the linker connecting the rings to the scaffold, although less influential, could affect the strength and character of the DNA binding.


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We have evaluated the molecular responses of human epithelial cells to low dose arsenic to ascertain how target cells may respond to physiologically relevant concentrations of arsenic. Data gathered in numerous experiments in different cell types all point to the same conclusion: low dose arsenic induces what appears to be a protective response against subsequent exposure to oxidative stress or DNA damage, whereas higher doses often provoke synergistic toxicity. In particular, exposure to low, sub-toxic doses of arsenite, As(III), causes coordinate up-regulation of multiple redox and redox-related genes including thioredoxin (Trx) and glutathione reductase (GR). Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is down-regulated in fibroblasts, but up-regulated in keratinocytes, as is glutathione S-transferase (GST). The maximum effect on these redox genes occurs after 24 h exposure to 5–10 mM As(III). This is 10-fold higher than the maximum As(III) concentrations required for induction of DNA repair genes, but within the dose region where DNA repair genes are co-ordinately down-regulated. These changes in gene regulation are brought about in part by changes in DNA binding activity of the transcription factors activating protein-1 (AP-1), nuclear factor kappa-B, and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB). Although sub-acute exposure to micromolar As(III) up-regulates transcription factor binding, chronic exposure to submicromolar As(III) causes persistent down-regulation of this response. Similar long-term exposure to micromolar concentrations of arsenate in drinking water results in a decrease in skin tumour formation in dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA)/phorbol 12-tetradecanoate 13-acetate (TPA) treated mice. Altered response patterns after long exposure to As(III) may play a significant role in As(III) toxicology in ways that may not be predicted by experimental protocols using short-term exposures.


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Protein–protein interactions are often mediated by the recognition of short continuous amino acid stretches on target proteins by specific binding domains. Affinity-based selection strategies have successfully been used to define recognition motifs for a large series of such protein domains. However, in many biological systems specificity of interaction may be of equal or greater importance than affinity. To address this issue we have developed a peptide library screening technology that can be used to directly define ligands for protein domains based on both affinity and specificity of interaction. We demonstrate the value of this approach by the selection of peptide ligands that are either highly specific for the Grb2 Src homology 2 (SH2) domain or that are cross-reactive between a group of related SH2 domains. Examination of previously identified physiological ligands for the Grb2 SH2 domain suggests that for these ligands regulation of the specificity of interaction may be an important factor for in vivo ligand selection.


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Patients with panic disorder provide a clinical model of stress. On a "good day," free from a panic attack, they show persistent stress-related changes in sympathetic nerve biology, including abnormal sympathetic nerve single-fiber firing ("salvos" of multiple firing within a cardiac cycle) and release of epinephrine as a cotransmitter. The coreleased epinephrine perhaps originates from in situ synthesis by phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT). In searching for biological evidence that essential hypertension is caused by mental stress—a disputed proposition—we note parallels with panic disorder, which provides an explicit clinical model of stress: (1) There is clinical comorbidity; panic disorder prevalence is increased threefold in essential hypertension. (2) For both, epinephrine cotransmission is present in sympathetic nerves. (3) In panic disorder and essential hypertension, but not in health, single-fiber sympathetic nerve firing salvos occur. (4) Tissue nerve growth factor is increased in both conditions (nerve growth factor is a stress reactant). (5) There is induction of PNMT in sympathetic nerves. Essential hypertension exhibits a further manifestation of mental stress: there is activation of noradrenergic brain stem neurons projecting to the hypothalamus and amygdala. These pathophysiological findings strongly support the view that chronic mental stress is important in the pathogenesis of essential hypertension. A hypothesis now under test is whether in both disorders, under prevailing conditions of ongoing stress, PNMT induced in sympathetic nerves acts as a DNA methylase, causing the norepinephrine transporter (NET) gene silencing that is present in both conditions. PNMT can have an intranuclear distribution, binding to DNA. We have demonstrated that the reduced neuronal noradrenaline reuptake present in both disorders does have an epigenetic mechanism, with demonstrable reduction in the abundance of the transporter protein, the NET gene silencing being associated with DNA binding by the methylation-related inhibitory transcription factor MeCP2.


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A two-step chromatographic sequence is described for the purification of native lactose operon repressor protein from Escherichia coli cells. The first step involves Ni2+-based immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography of the soluble cytoplasmic extract. This method provides superior speed, resolution and yield than the established phosphocellulose cation-exchange chromatographic procedure. Anion-exchange chromatography is used for further purification to >95% purity. The identity and purity of the lactose repressor protein were demonstrated using sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis, crystallization, tryptic finger-printing mass spectrometry, and inducer binding assays. The purified lac repressor exhibited inducer sensitivity for operator DNA binding and undergoes a conformational change upon inducer binding. By all these extensive biochemical criteria, the purified protein behaves exactly as that described for the Escherichia coli lactose operon repressor.


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The oxidation of substituted phenols with phenyliodonium diacetate in methanol was found to afford 2,4-cyclohexadienones, 2,5-cyclohexadienones or mixtures of isomers depending on the substrate being oxidized. A reaction mechanism was proposed for this oxidation which involved an intermediate aryloxenium ion. A strong correlation was observed between the experimentally determined product ratios and the results predicted by calculation of the LUMO coefficients of the proposed intermediates, Annulation of these cyclohexadienones with the anion derived from cyanophthalide afforded substituted anthraquinones in high yields. The chemistry relating to the annulation of Michael acceptors with phthalide anions was comprehensively reviewed. A mild selective method for the oxidation of hydroquinones to quinones using dibenzoyl peroxide and base is presented. A general synthetic approach to C-glycosylanthraquinones was presented, based on the annulation of a C-glycosylcyclohexadienone with the anion derived from cyanophthalide, A suitable precursor to a C-glycosylcyclohexadienone, 2-(2’,3’,4’,6’-tetra-0-acetyl-|3-D-glucopyranosyl)benzyloxybenzene, was prepared via the reaction of benzoylbromoglucose with 2-benzyloxyphenylmagnesium bromide, A group of molecules were prepared by a Marschalk reaction between /ewcoquinizarin and aldehydo-sugsrs. These compounds are potential bioreductive alkylating agents in which molecular simplicity can be achieved without overly sacrificing DNA binding ability.


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1.      Skeletal muscle is a highly plastic tissue that has a remarkable ability to adapt to external demands, such as exercise. Many of these adaptations can be explained by changes in skeletal muscle gene expression. A single bout of exercise is sufficient to induce the expression of some metabolic genes. We have focused our attention on the regulation of glucose transporter isoform 4 (GLUT-4) expression in human skeletal muscle.

2.      Glucose transporter isoform 4 gene expression is increased immediately following a single bout of exercise, and the GLUT-4 enhancer factor (GEF) and myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2) transcription factors are required for this response. Glucose transporter isoform enhancer factor and MEF2 DNA binding activities are increased following exercise, and the molecular mechanisms regulating MEF2 in exercising human skeletal muscle have also been examined.

3.      These studies find possible roles for histone deacetylase 5 (HDAC5), adenosine monophosphate–activated protein kinase (AMPK), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in regulating MEF2 through a series of complex interactions potentially involving MEF2 repression, coactivation and phosphorylation.

4.      Given that MEF2 is a transcription factor required for many exercise responsive genes, it is possible that these mechanisms are responsible for regulating the expression of a variety of metabolic genes during exercise. These mechanisms could also provide targets for the treatment and management of metabolic disease states, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, which are characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle.


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Intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is a cell-surface glycoprotein capable of eliciting bidirectional signals that activate signalling pathways in leukocytes, endothelial, and smooth muscle cells. Gene transfer of xenogeneic ICAM-1 into EL-4 lymphomas causes complete tumor rejection; however, it is unknown whether the mechanism responsible involves the "foreignness" of the ICAM-1 transgene, bidirectional signalling events, ICAM-1-receptor interaction, or a combination of the latter. To begin to address this question, we constructed four different therapeutic expression vectors encoding full-length ICAM-1, and forms in which the N-terminal ligand-binding domains and cytoplasmic tail had been deleted. Mouse EL-4 tumors (0.5 cm in diameter), which actively suppress the immune response, were significantly inhibited in their growth following injection of expression plasmids encoding either full-length xenogenic (human) ICAM-1, or a functional cytoplasmic domain-deficient form that retains ligand-binding activity. Efficacy of ICAM-1-mediated antitumor immunity was significantly augmented by administration of the antivascular drug 5,6-dimethylxanthenone-4-acetic acid (DMXAA), which suppressed blood supply to the tumor, leading to enhanced leukocyte infiltration, and complete tumor eradication in a gene dosage and CD8(+) T cell and NK cell-dependent fashion. Generation of potent cytotoxic T cell (CTL)-mediated antitumor immunity was reflected by ICAM-1-facilitated apoptosis of tumor cells in situ. In contrast, nonfunctional ICAM-1 lacking the N-terminal ligand-binding Ig domain failed to generate antitumor immunity, even in the presence of DMXAA. These studies demonstrate that ICAM-1-stimulated antitumor immunity can overcome tumor-mediated immunosuppression, particularly when employed in combination with an attack on the tumor vasculature. The ligand-binding domain of ICAM-1 is essential for generating antitumor immunity, whereas the cytoplasmic domain and bidirectional activation of tumor signalling pathways are not essential.


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Spondylocostal dysostosis (SCD) is an inherited disorder with abnormal vertebral segmentation that results in extensive hemivertebrae, truncal shortening and abnormally aligned ribs. It arises during embryonic development by a disruption of formation of somites (the precursor tissue of the vertebrae, ribs and associated tendons and muscles). Four genes causing a subset of autosomal recessive forms of this disease have been identified: DLL3 (SCDO1: MIM 277300), MESP2 (SCDO2: MIM 608681), LFNG (SCDO3: MIM609813) and HES7 (SCDO4). These genes are all essential components of the Notch signalling pathway, which has multiple roles in development and disease. Previously, only a single SCD-causative missense mutation was described in HES7. In this study, we have identified two new missense mutations in the HES7 gene in a single family, with only individuals carrying both mutant alleles being affected by SCD. In vitro functional analysis revealed that one of the mutant HES7 proteins was unable to repress gene expression by DNA binding or protein heterodimerization.


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Sex ratios in clutches of moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) in Britain were measured on 83 chicks using the sex-linked CHD1 gene (Chromo-helicase/ATPase-DNA binding protein 1). Among birds, the female is the hetero-gametic sex (Z and W chromosomes), and the male is homogametic (two copies of the Z chromosome). We report variation among the PCR-amplified fragments of the CHD1Z, and the death of nearly all heterozygous male chicks (92%). In contrast, survivorship among females and homozygote males was 54–60%. Mortality in male heterozygotes was significantly higher than that of male homozygotes (P < 0.001). Chick and egg biometrics were not significantly different between these males. The CHD1Z was unlikely to be directly responsible but may have been hitchhiked by the causal gene(s). The observations appear to follow a classic underdominance (heterozygote inferiority) pattern, but raise the paradoxical question of why one form of the Z chromosome has not been fixed, as is expected from evolutionary theory. We discuss possible explanations and include a survey of British populations based on skin specimens.


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The closely related pathogenic Neisseria species N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae are able to respire in the absence of oxygen, using nitrite as an alternative electron acceptor. aniA (copper-containing nitrite reductase) is tightly regulated by four transcriptional regulators: FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase), NarP, FUR (Ferric uptake regulator) and NsrR. The four regulators control expression of aniA in N. meningitidis by binding to specific and distinct regions of the promoter. We show in the present study that FUR and NarP are both required for the induction of expression of aniA in N. meningitidis, and that they bind adjacent to one another in a non-co-operative manner. Activation via FUR/NarP is dependent on their topological arrangement relative to the RNA polymerase-binding site. Analysis of the sequence of the aniA promoters from multiple N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae strains indicates that there are species-specific single nucleotide polymorphisms, in regions predicted to be important for regulator binding. These sequence differences alter both the in vitro DNA binding and the promoter activation in intact cells by key activators FNR (oxygen sensor) and NarP (which is activated by nitrite in N. meningitidis). The weak relative binding of FNR to the N. gonorrhoeae aniA promoter (compared to N. meningitidis) is compensated for by a higher affinity of the gonococcal aniA promoter for NarP. Despite containing nearly identical genes for catalysing and regulating denitrification, variations in the promoter for the aniA gene appear to have been selected to enable the two pathogens to tune differentially their responses to environmental variables during the aerobic–anaerobic switch.