10 resultados para Difference test

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: Measurement of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is recommended in the management of organophosphorus poisoning, which results in 200,000 deaths worldwide annually. The Test-mate ChE 400 is a portable field kit designed for detecting occupational organophosphorus exposure that measures RBC AChE and plasma cholinesterase (PChE) within 4 minutes. We evaluate Test-mate against a reference laboratory test in patients with acute organophosphorus self-poisoning. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional comparison study of 14 patients with acute organophosphorus poisoning between May 2007 and June 2008. RBC AChE and PChE were measured in 96 and 91 samples, respectively, with the Test-mate ChE field kit and compared with a reference laboratory, using the limits of agreement method (Bland and Altman), κ statistics, and Spearman's correlation coefficients. RESULTS: There was good agreement between the Test-mate ChE and the reference laboratory for RBC AChE. The mean difference (Test-mate-reference) was -0.62 U/g hemoglobin, 95% limits of agreement -10.84 to 9.59 U/g hemoglobin. Good agreement was also observed between the categories of mild, moderate, and severe RBC AChE inhibition (weighted κ 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.83 to 0.87). Measurement of PChE also showed good agreement, with a mean difference (Test-mate-reference) of +0.06 U/mL blood, 95% limits of agreement -0.41 to 0.53 U/mL blood. Spearman's correlation coefficients were 0.87 (95% CI 0.81 to 0.91) for RBC AChE and 0.76 (95% CI 0.66 to 0.84) for PChE. Analysis for within-subject correlation of subjects did not change the limits of agreement. CONCLUSION: The Test-mate ChE field kit reliably provides rapid measurement of RBC AChE in acute organophosphorus poisoning.


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Objective: Significant life events such as severe health status changes or intensive medical treatment often trigger response shifts in individuals that may hamper the comparison of measurements over time. Drawing from the Oort model, this study aims at detecting response shift at the item level in psychosomatic inpatients and evaluating its impact on the validity of comparing repeated measurements. Study design and setting: Complete pretest and posttest data were available from 1188 patients who had filled out the ICD-10 Symptom Rating (ISR) scale at admission and discharge, on average 24 days after intake. Reconceptualization, reprioritization, and recalibration response shifts were explored applying tests of measurement invariance. In the item-level approach, all model parameters were constrained to be equal between pretest and posttest. If non-invariance was detected, these were linked to the different types of response shift. Results: When constraining across-occasion model parameters, model fit worsened as indicated by a significant Satorra–Bentler Chi-square difference test suggesting potential presence of response shifts. A close examination revealed presence of two types of response shift, i.e., (non)uniform recalibration and both higher- and lower-level reconceptualization response shifts leading to four model adjustments. Conclusions: Our analyses suggest that psychosomatic inpatients experienced some response shifts during their hospital stay. According to the hierarchy of measurement invariance, however, only one of the detected non-invariances is critical for unbiased mean comparisons over time, which did not have a substantial impact on estimating change. Hence, the use of the ISR can be recommended for outcomes assessment in clinical routine, as change score estimates do not seem hampered by response shift effects.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to establish the test–retest reliability of the Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment (ChIPPA) (Stagnitti, 2002a; Stagnitti, Unsworth, & Rodger, 2000).

METHOD: The first author rated 38 preschool children ages 4 and 5 years (4 with developmental delay and 34 typically developing) on the ChIPPA. The ChIPPA employs conventional play materials and unstructured play materials to assess three qualities of a child's play ability: elaborateness of play action, ability to substitute objects during play, and the child's need to imitate the modelled actions of the examiner. The ChIPPA was administered twice, at a 2-week interval, to each participant.

RESULTS: Test–retest intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) (Type 2,1) calculated for each of the three elaborate play measures ranged from .73 to .84. A test–retest ICC of .56 was obtained for object substitution with unstructured play materials. The test–retest ICC obtained for the combined score for unstructured and conventional play materials was .57. Percentage agreement figures ranging from 63.2% to 84.2% were obtained on test–retest of the object substitution with conventional toys and imitated actions measures. There was no significant difference between test and retest scores for these measures based on a Wilcoxon Matched Pairs Signed-Ranks Test (Wilcoxon Sign Test).

CONCLUSION: Elaborate play scores, object substitution with conventional toys score, and imitation scores on the ChIPPA showed stability over time. Object substitution scores using unstructured materials were the least stable play measures and appeared to be related to the child's play themes. Since play is the primary occupation of children, it is essential that therapists have a reliable measure of play behavior. The test–retest reliability results from the ChIPPA provide evidence that this assessment produces a stable measure of play behavior that can then guide therapists when planning intervention strategies for children.


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Aim To determine the extent of gender-related differences in the prevalence of glucose intolerance for the Australian population and whether body size may explain such differences.

Methods Cross-sectional data were collected from a national cohort of 11 247 Australians aged ≥ 25 years. Glucose tolerance status was assessed according to both fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and 2-h plasma glucose (2hPG) levels following a 75-g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Anthropometric and glycated haemoglobin measurements were also made.

Results Undiagnosed diabetes and non-diabetic glucose abnormalities were more prevalent among men than women when based only on the FPG results (diabetes: men 2.2%, women 1.6%, P = 0.02; impaired fasting glycaemia: men 12.3%, women 6.6%, P < 0.001). In contrast 16.0% of women and 13.0% of men had a 2hPG abnormality (either diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance, P = 0.14). Women had a mean FPG 0.3 mmol/l lower than men (P < 0.001), but 2hPG 0.3 mmol/l higher (P = 0.002) and FPG-2hPG increment 0.5 mmol/l greater (P < 0.001). The gender difference in mean 2hPG and FPG-2hPG increment disappeared following adjustment for height. For both genders, those in the shortest height quartile had 2hPG levels 0.5 mmol/l higher than the tallest quartile, but height showed almost no relationship with the FPG.

Conclusions Men and women had different glycaemic profiles; women had higher mean 2hPG levels, despite lower fasting levels. It appeared that the higher 2hPG levels for women related to lesser height and may be a consequence of using a fixed glucose load in the OGTT, irrespective of body size.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the reliability and construct validity of a reactive agility test (RAT), designed for Australian Football (AF).

Methods: Study I tested the reliability of the RAT, with 20 elite junior AF players (17.44 ± 0.55 y) completing the test on two occasions separated by 1 wk. Study II tested its construct validity by comparing the performance of 60 participants (16.60 ± 0.50 y) spread over three aged-matched population groups: 20 athletes participating in a State Under-18 AF league who had represented their state at national competitions (elite), 20 athletes participating in the same league who had not represented their state (subelite), and 20 healthy males who did not play AF (controls).

Test-retest reliability reported a strong correlation (0.91), with no significant difference (P = .22) between the mean results (1.74 ± 0.07 s and 1.76 ± 0.07 s) obtained (split 2+3). Nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney) revealed both AF groups performed significantly faster on all measures than the control group (ranging from P = .001 to .005), with significant differences also reported between the two AF groups (ranging from P = .001 to .046). Stepwise discriminant analyses found total time discriminated between the groups, correctly classifying 75% of the participants.

The RAT used within this study demonstrates evidence of reliability and construct validity. It further suggests the ability of a reactive component within agility test designs to discriminate among athletes of different competition levels, highlighting its importance within training activities.


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Objectives: Visual analog scales are frequently used as a means of allowing participants to rate symptoms during clinical trials. The accuracy and reproducibility of these scales play an important role in determining the experimental value of the data they provide. This study was initiated to compare the data collected using paper- and computer-based (Tablet PC) analog scales to better understand the variability in data provided by a visual analog scale.

Methods: Thirty participants rated ocular comfort, redness, and clarity of vision (right and left eyes) on a nondemarcated horizontal line on both paper and a Tablet PC. Measurements were taken in the morning between the hours of 8:30 and 10:30 am and again the same day between 2:30 and 4:30 pm.

Results: The mean difference between the measures recorded in the morning for the 2 media was 2.6 ± 0.9 (confidence intervals, 2 standard errors of the differences) units on a 100 unit scale, with the Tablet PC having the higher mean measure. The limits of agreement (2 standard deviations of the differences) was 9.4 units. Comparing the difference of the differences (1.0 ± 1.3) between the 2 methods of measure (morning vs. afternoon) the visual analog scales on the Tablet PC seemed to have good reproducibility of agreement in comparison with the paper version.

Conclusions: Discrepancy analysis yielded no significant difference and slight bias between paper- and computer-based analog scales. Repeatability of measures using the Tablet PC was also demonstrated. These results suggest that the choice of medium does not significantly influence the outcome for subjective analog scales.


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Although the link between exercise and body image is well documented, the considerable inter-individual variability in this relationship has been largely ignored. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the contributions of key body image and exercise-related moderators (age, body mass index (BMI), exercise frequency, trait body dissatisfaction, internalisation of appearance standards, and body surveillance tendencies) in predicting variability in the exercise-body satisfaction relationship. Thirty-seven undergraduate women completed a questionnaire containing the above trait-based measures and then carried a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) for a 7-day period. Participants were instructed to use the PDA to self-report their state body satisfaction immediately following an exercise session and also when the PDA signalled at each of six random intervals throughout the day. Multilevel modelling revealed a bi-directional relationship between exercise and state body satisfaction. Moreover, post-exercise increases in state body satisfaction were strongest for individuals who were younger and engaged in regular exercise, and weakest for individuals with high BMI and/or the tendency to compare their appearance with others. These findings highlight potential limits on the efficacy of exercise-based therapy for body image disturbances.


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We tested the 'cars cause less disturbance' hypothesis by comparing the flight-initiation distance (FID) evoked by a car versus a single walker for 38 species of waterbird (n = 657 standardised approaches). For the 15 species where we had sample size adequate for statistical testing (n ≥ 5), we found that cars elicited shorter responses after controlling for starting distance. Within-species analyses revealed that this difference was significant in 8 of 15 species. Although mean FIDs for car approaches were always shorter than FIDs toward single walkers in the remaining species (7), the tests in those species lacked sufficient power to draw meaningful conclusions. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that birds respond to cars at shorter distances. The wide taxonomic breadth of species investigated suggests that this principle may be broadly applicable, at least in waterbirds. The results of this study and the FID estimates we present will allow development of meaningful stimulus-specific buffer zones to protect waterbirds from disturbance.


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This study examines the mediating effects of cognitive and affective trust on the relationship between follower perceptions of transformational leadership behavior and their work outcomes. Using data obtained from 318 supervisor-subordinate dyads from a manufacturing organization located in mainland China, structural equation modeling results revealed that affective trust fully mediated the relationships between transformational leadership and the work outcomes of followers, including their affective organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs), and job performance. In contrast, cognitive trust negatively mediated the relationship between transformational leadership and follower job performance, and had insignificant effects on their affective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. These findings highlight the importance of affective trust as a mechanism which translates transformational leadership into positive work outcomes for the organization. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.


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INTRODUCTION: Persistent smoking in patients diagnosed with coronary heart disease (CHD) has a significant effect on morbidity and mortality. Although there has been considerable debate around gender differences in smoking cessation, conclusive evidence on how gender impacts rates of smoking cessation and/or relapse following CHD diagnosis is lacking. AIMS AND METHODS: Our aim was to test the hypothesis that female smokers with CHD were more likely to persist in smoking or relapse post-diagnosis or hospitalization than male smokers. We searched PubMed and Web of Science databases for studies published in the last 10 years. Meta-analyses were conducted using a random effects model. RESULTS: Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria. The aggregated sample size was 36 591, 20 617 (56%) were smokers of which 2564 (12%) were female. Meta-analyses of eight studies where smoking prevalence could be measured, showed that females were less likely to be smokers at baseline than males (OR = 0.30, 95% CI = 0.13 to 0.70). Overall, one in two (47%) smokers persisted in smoking/relapsed following a diagnosis or hospitalization for CHD; but there was no gender difference in the rate of persistent smoking/relapse (OR = 1.07, 95% CI = 0.95 to 1.21). CONCLUSIONS: Female smokers with CHD were relatively uncommon in the included study populations. However, the rate of persistent smoking/relapse was high in both female and male smokers following a diagnosis or hospitalization for CHD. Therefore similar, sustained smoking cessation efforts are warranted for both genders. IMPLICATIONS: There was no gender difference for persistent smoking/relapse following a diagnosis or hospitalization for CHD, but the rate was high in both female and male smokers. Therefore, similar, sustained smoking cessation efforts are warranted for both genders.