38 resultados para Dentition, Permanent

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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OBJECTIVE: To quantify if, and to what extent, permanent incisor wear differed with age of goat and farm of origin on commercial Australian Angora goat farms. DESIGN: Observations were made on three Angora goat farms in the wheat-sheep zone of Victoria, each managed according to the farmer's practices. Farmers provided a representative flock of does. METHODS: The proportion and pattern of wear of permanent incisors were recorded and percentage wear calculated. After log(y + 10) transformation, a parsimonious general linear model was developed to relate wear to farm and age, with age considered as a continuous variate. RESULTS: The range in wear of the permanent incisors was 0-100%. For each farm, the most parsimonious model for permanent first incisor wear and average wear of all permanent incisors was a separate straight line relating the transformed incisor wear to the age of doe. The models accounted for 66-73% of variance. On each farm the incisor wear was similar and low for ages up to approximately 4 years. On all farms, the amount of incisor wear increased dramatically with age, although the rate of increase differed with each farm. CONCLUSIONS: Permanent incisor wear increased with age of goat and differed with farm of origin. Angora goat farmers need to be aware of the potential for incisor wear to affect doe production and health.


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Objective: To investigate the effects of live weight, sex and other factors on deciduous (first incisor) loss and permanent first incisor development in Angora goats. Design: Goats were part of a pen study on the effects of energy intake in Angora does during pregnancy and lactation on kid growth and development. The design was three levels of nutrition in mid-pregnancy × two levels of postnatal nutrition in 17 randomised blocks. Methods: Conception times were calculated by using artificial insemination, with ultrasound examination 43 days after insemination. Does were fed different amounts of a formulated diet in their pens. After weaning, goats were grazed in sex groups. Deciduous first incisor loss and permanent first incisor development were recorded at 11 time points from 14 to 20 months of age. Results: For each sex, the time for visible eruption and full development of permanent first incisor declined linearly with increased live weight by 5.9 and 5.4 days/kg live weight, respectively. The time to reach similar development stages for first permanent incisors eruption was 3 months longer for the lightest animals compared with the heaviest animals. Date of birth, birth weight, doe age, growth rates, mid-pregnancy and postnatal nutrition, parity, day of weaning and weaning weight had no detectable effect. Conclusions: The results explain much of the substantial range in reported first permanent incisor eruption dates for small ruminants and have application in ageing of goats, marketing of kids for meat, in the selection of animals for breeding flocks and in educational material.


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The River Murray, Australia, is a highly regulated river from which almost 80% of mean annual flow is removed for human use, primarily irrigated agriculture. Consequent changes to the pattern and volume of river flow are reflected in floodplain hydrology and, therefore, the wetting/drying patterns of floodplain wetlands. To explore the significance of these changes, macroinvertebrate samples were compared between permanent and temporary wetlands following experimental flooding in a forested floodplain of the River Murray. Weekly samples from two permanent wetlands and four associated temporary sites were used to track changes in macroinvertebrate assemblage composition. Non-metric multidimensional scaling was used to ordinate the macroinvertebrate data, indicating consistent differences between the biota of permanent and temporary wetlands and between the initial and later assemblages in the temporary sites. There were marked changes over time, but little sign that the permanent and temporary assemblages were becoming more alike over the 25-week observation period. The apparent heterogeneity of these systems is of particular importance in developing river management plans which are likely to change flooding patterns. Such plans need to maintain a mosaic of wetland habitats if floodplain biodiversity is to be supported.


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A software replacement for the commutation signals of a permanent magnet brushless motor is presented. The feedback observed acceleration loop or equivalently the high-order position polynomial controller allows finding the initial relative orientation between the two magnetic fields of the motors within a fraction of a second. Also, using the proposed method allows a considerable cost saving, since the transducer that is usually used for this purpose can be eliminated. The cost saving is most obvious in the case of linear motors and angle motors with large diameters. The way the problem is posed is an essential part of this work and it is the reason behind the apparent simplicity of the solution. The method has been tested when a relative encoder was used and the motor current was regulated.


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This paper examines the unit root properties of crude oil production for 60 countries employing a range of panel data unit root tests for the period 1971 to 2003. The study first employs a number of panel data tests that do not accommodate structural breaks and then proceeds to apply the Lagrange Multiplier (LM) panel unit root test with one structural break. The results of the panel data tests without a structural break are inconclusive with at best mixed support for joint stationarity. The findings from the LM panel unit root test with a structural break, however, are conclusive, suggesting that for a world panel and smaller regional-based panels, crude oil and NGL production are jointly stationary.


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In this article, we consider the stability of the real effective exchange rates for four Pacific Island countries using the Lee and Strazicich (2003a, b) unit root test, which allows one to incorporate at most two structural breaks in the data series. Our main finding is that for Papua New Guinea and Samoa, exchange rates are stable, implying that shocks will have a transitory effect on real effective exchange rates, while for Fiji and the Solomon Islands we find exchange rates to be unstable, implying that shocks will have a permanent effect on real effective exchange rates.


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There is a plethora of studies that investigate evidence for the behaviour of stock prices using univariate techniques for unit roots. Whether or not stock prices are characterised by a unit root have implications for the efficient market hypothesis, which asserts that returns of a stock market are unpredictable from previous price changes. The extant literature has found mixed evidence on the integrational properties of stock prices. In this paper, for the first time, we provide evidence on the unit root hypothesis for G7 stock price indices using the Lagrangian multiplier panel unit root test that allows for structural breaks. Our main finding is that stock prices are stationary processes, inconsistent with the efficient market hypothesis.


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The goal of this paper is to examine the relative importance of permanent and transitory shocks in explaining variations in macroeconomic aggregates for the UK at business cycle horizons. Using the common trend–common cycle restrictions, we estimate a variance decomposition of shocks, and find that over short horizons the bulk of the variations in income and consumption were due to permanent shocks while transitory shocks explain the bulk of the variations in investment. Our findings for income and consumption are consistent with real business cycle models which emphasize the role of aggregate supply shocks, while our findings for investment are consistent with the Keynesian school of thought, which emphasizes the role of aggregate demand shocks in explaining business cycles.


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In this paper, we analyse per capita income levels of China's three main regions: the western region, the eastern region and the central region using common cycle and common trend tests. Our main contribution is that we impose the common cycle and common trend restrictions in decomposing shocks into permanent and transitory components. We find that: (i) there is evidence for two cointegrating relationships and one common cycle; and (ii) the variance decomposition analysis of shocks provides evidence that over short horizons, permanent shocks play a large role in explaining variations in regional per capita incomes.


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This article applies univariate and panel data unit root tests to annual panel data for 182 countries over the period 1979–2000 to examine the stationarity properties of per capita energy consumption. The univariate unit root test can only reject the unit root null for 56 countries or 31% of the sample at the 10% level or better. However, univariate unit root tests have low power with short spans of data and therefore failure to reject the unit root null should be treated with caution. When we apply the panel data unit root test we find overwhelming evidence that energy consumption is stationary. We discuss the policy implications of these findings and offer suggestions for future research.