53 resultados para Delaware and Raritan Canal Co.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The goal of this paper is to examine evidence for co-integration between nominal exchange rates for Canada, the UK, Japan, Germany, Italy and France (G6) vis-à-vis the US dollar, and the relative price ratios using monthly data over the period 1973:01 to 1997:04. Motivated by the fact that exchange rate adjustment may be asymmetric, we allowed for asymmetric adjustment in exchange rates by using the threshold autoregressive model and the momentum threshold autoregressive model. We do not find any evidence of a co-integrating relationship; hence, we fail to establish long-run purchasing power parity.


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 Calculated energy profiles for the reactions of neutral Nb2 and Nb3 metal clusters with CO, D2, N2, and O2 are presented. In each reaction path, both a physisorption energy minimum, where the reactant remains intact, and a chemisorption energy minimum, where the reactant has dissociated, are calculated and linked by saddle points. We calculate branching ratios for the forward (dissociative) and reverse reactions which we compare with the experimental kinetic data. It is found that a combination of average thermal energies and barrier heights leads to wide variation in branching ratios which compares favourably to previously determined experimental reaction rates.


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 The research conducted was based on regenerating the dying heart cells (cardiomyocytes) by employing novel therapeutic proteins and their respective co-encapsulated nanoformulation with an antihypertensive drug. This promising therapeutic strategy to revive the heart can help in the treatment of several cardiac pathologies such as myocardial infarction and drug induced cardiotoxicity.


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Objective. General practice co-operatives have led to significant improvements in quality of life for general practitioners. Little is known about general practitioners’ own experiences with the working arrangements and governance of co-operatives. This study investigates GP satisfaction, the working environment, governance and future developments in co-operatives. Methods. A questionnaire was sent to GPs in two co-operatives in the Republic of Ireland, covering mixed urban and rural areas. Results. Of 221 GPs in the co-operatives, 82% responded and confirmed the co-operatives’ positive effects on their lives. However, 57% still received requests for out-of-hours care while off duty, most commonly from patients who preferred to see their own doctor. Half felt overburdened by out-of-hours work, especially those over 40 y of age. Twenty-five per cent were dissatisfied with the GP complaints mechanism. The majority (63%) would prefer a GP/ health board partnership for the organization of out of hours, while 23% wanted sole responsibility. GPs indicated a strong need for better ancillary services such as nursing, mental health, dentistry, pharmacy and social work. Access to records is an important issue in terminal care and mental illness. Conclusion. While GP co-operatives are a success story for general practice, they will work better for general practitioners and their patients if nursing, mental health, dentistry, pharmacy and social services are improved. Support and training is needed in mental health, palliative and emergency care to increase competence and reduce stress. GPs are willing to work with health authorities in further co-operative development. More attention needs to be paid to the complaints and suggestions of GPs in the running and governance of their co-operatives.


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The article explores the ways knowledge and space are co-produced performatively through bodily movement in an examination of the Maltese megaliths the first complex stone structures in the world. It is argued that knowledge is best seen as spatialized narratives of human actions and objects as materialized forms of those spatial narratives. Rewriting our social and historical narratives so that the performativity of place, space and knowledge is restored opens new possibilities for rethinking the social and material order.


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By the use of the yeast two-hybrid screen we have identified two proteins that interacted with UCH37: S14, which is a subunit of PA700 and a novel protein, UIP1 (UCH37 interacting protein 1). The interaction of UCH37 with S14 or UIP1 was confirmed by in vitro binding assay and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation analysis. The C-terminal extension of UCH37 is essential for interaction with S14 or UIP1 as shown by the yeast two-hybrid assay and the in vitro binding assay. Furthermore, UIP1 blocked the interaction between UCH37 and S14 in vitro.


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Fish oil (FO)- and canola oil (CO)-based diets were regularly alternated in a daily cycle (amCO: alternation of CO in the morning and FO in the afternoon, and pmCO: alternation of FO in the morning and CO in the afternoon) or in a series of weekly cycles (2W: alternation of 2 weeks on CO and 2 weeks on FO, 4W: alternation of 4 weeks on CO and 4 weeks on FO), over a 16-week period in juvenile Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii). No significant differences were observed between any of the treatments in relation to the final weight. However, fish subjected to the 2W schedule were larger (P>0.05) than all other treatments (37.2 ± 0.30 vs. 34.3 ± 0.58 in the control treatment). Fish receiving the 2W treatment had a significantly lower total net disappearance of eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n-3 (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid 22:6n-3 (62.1% and 24.0% respectively) compared with the control treatment (fish continuously fed a blend of 50% FO and 50% CO). Likewise, Murray cod receiving the amCO daily schedule had a significantly lower total net disappearance of EPA in comparison with the CD and pmCO treatments. These data point towards the existence of cyclical mechanisms relative to fatty acid utilization/retention.


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John Dewey (1859-1952) explained how life was ‘corporatised’ at the time of rampant, laissez faire capitalism in early 20th century America. This paper refers Dewey’s observations to Habermas’s notions of the colonisation of the lifeworld. The semiotic and pragmatist approaches of Charles Saunders Peirce are then enlisted to look further into these lifeworld changes. The
paper suggests modifications to Habermas’s schema to bring it more in line with Dewey’s empirical account. It puts together a theoretically and empirically informed picture of the contemporary disruption to ways of living and the accompanying social and political instability. The paper then goes on to suggest how that instability appears to have been quelled by communicative means. These stages of: (1) stability; (2) disruption/instability; and (3) the regaining of stability are compared to Habermas’s notions of: (1) an original lifeworld; (2) colonisation of that lifeworld by the consequences of purposive rational activity; then (3) communicative action which ‘rebuilds’— that is which replaces or modifies or reforms or repairs—the disrupted lifeworld in order to create a new lifeworld. ‘Colonisation’ could be said to have provoked social instability. Notions of building a new ‘lifeworld’—a new cultural and psychic reference—could be said to correspond with attempts to resume social and political stability. The implication is that whatever the degree of purposive rationalism there is always a need for a return to some level of shared values and
understandings which imply communicative rationality. This ‘return’ or ‘counter-colonisation’ can be thought of as operating via a ‘lifeworld negotiation’ which might best be understood with reference to a Peircean based pragmatism-semiotic theory of human subjectivity. This paper
has been criticised for discussing “arguments” which: “would justify those who accommodated themselves to Nazism.” What this paper in fact tries to do is to use the concepts of the above three philosophers to try to account for the ways people think. This paper is not about justifying what philosophies people should hold. It is presumed that most readers are sensible and ethical and can make their own minds up in that respect. Rather it attempts to draw from Dewey, Habermas and Peirce to offer a characterisation of what philosophies might be argued to be held and to offer an explanation about how these modes of thinking might be said to have come into existence.
This paper rejects the notion that ones ‘will’ and thus the way one is able to think, is totally free and beyond the formative influences of the social-cultural context—including the influences of public relations and other persuasive discourse industries.


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CYP2B6 is mainly expressed in the liver that has been thought historically to play an insignificant role in human drug metabolism. However, increased interest in this enzyme has been stimulated by the discovery of polymorphic and ethnic differences in CYP2B6 expression, identification of additional substrates for CYP2B6, and evidence for co-regulation with CYP3A4. This paper updates our knowledge about the structure, function, regulation and polymorphism of CYP2B6. CYP2B6 can metabolise approximately 8% of clinically used drugs (n > 60), including cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, tamoxifen, ketamine, artemisinin, nevirapine, efavirenz, bupropion, sibutramine, and propofol. CYP2B6 is one of the CYP enzymes that bioactivate several procarcinogens and toxicants. This enzyme also metabolizes arachidonic acid, lauric acid, 17beta-estradiol, estrone, ethinylestradiol, and testosterone. Typical substrates of CYP2B6 are non-planar molecules, neutral or weakly basic, highly lipophilic with one or two hydrogen-bond acceptors. The crystal structure of CYP2B6 has not been resolved, while several pharmacophore and homology models of human CYP2B6 have been reported. Human CYP2B6 is closely regulated by constitutive androstane receptor (CAR/NR1I3) which can activate CYP2B6 expression upon ligand binding. Pregnane X receptor and glucocorticoid receptor also play a role in the regulation of CYP2B6. Induction of CYP2B6 may partially explain some clinical drug interactions observed. For example, coadministered carbamazepine decreases the systemic exposure of bupropion. There is a wide interindividual variability in the expression and activity of CYP2B6. Such a large variability is probably due to effects of genetic polymorphisms and exposure to drugs that are inducers or inhibitors of CYP2B6. To date, at least 28 allelic variants and some subvariants of CYP2B6 (*1B through *29) have been described and some of them have been shown to have important functional impact on drug clearance and drug response. For example, the efavirenz plasma levels in African-American subjects with the CYP2B6 homozygous 516T/T genotype are approximately 3-fold higher than individuals carrying the homozygous G/G genotype. The CYP2B6 516T/T genotype is associated with 1.7-fold greater plasma levels of nevirapine in HIV-infected patients. Smokers with the 1459C>T (R487C) variant of CYP2B6 may be more vulnerable to abstinence symptoms and relapse following treatment with bupropion as a smoking cessation agent. Further studies in the structure, function, regulation and polymorphism of CYP2B6 are warranted.


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Purpose – This study aims to explore the nature of the interactions between two strategies, innovation and market orientation. By examining the components of these constructs the paper seeks to identify key components of market orientation that are antecedent factors of the innovation performance of the firm.

Design/methodology/approach – Correlation analysis was undertaken on data from a survey of 73 manufacturing firms in the Greater Western Sydney economic development zone in Australia. The data were supplemented by information obtained from the firm's annual reports.

Findings –
Innovation was found to be positively correlated to market orientation (customer orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional co-ordination) and both of these constructs were found to be positively correlated to firm performance and the degree of change in the firm's competitive environment.

Research limitations/implications – Possible limitations are: the low survey response rate; the nature of the sampled population; and the spread of industries involved, which could limit the generalisability of the results. The next steps will be to conduct deeper analysis into the factors that make up the subscales of the two constructs and to determine how market orientation or its associated activities interact with the innovation process.

Practical implications –
In order to maximize a firm's financial performance, organizations should increase both their market orientation and their innovation activities as these factors operate synergistically.

Originality/value – This study is arguably the first to establish the finding that the degree of change in the competitive environment and the level of market orientation are linked, and the identification of the components of market orientation that are linked to firm innovation. These findings suggest that firm innovation and firm market orientation are strategic reactions to changes in the firm's competitive environment.


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Background: Depression and pain are both burdensome ailments that affect a major proportion of the population. It is evident that depression and pain frequently coexist, with treatment and outcome implications.

Objective: To review the literature on the nature, prevalence and co-morbidity of depression and pain, the biological and psychological mechanisms involved and treatment options, thus presenting a broad overview of the current information available.

Methods: Relevant sources were identified from PubMed and Medline databases using a combination of keywords including depression, pain, prevalence, co-morbidity, biological and psychological mechanisms, serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE), hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, amygdala, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), antidepressant and psychological therapy.

Results: It is evident from the research that depression and pain are common co-morbidities. Pain as a physical symptom of depression affects approximately 65% of patients, leading to less favourable outcomes and greater health care utilization. Moreover, depression is a common feature in chronic pain patients and can affect pain threshold and tolerance. Evidence from biological and psychological studies has revealed mechanisms that link chronic pain to depression. Several classes of anti-depressants and psychological interventions have been used successfully in the treatment of somatic symptoms of depression and for a variety of pain syndromes.

Conclusions: Pain and depression are linked by overlapping phenomenology, neurobiology and therapy. They are mutually interacting, and the interaction has significant treatment and outcome implications.


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The purpose of this study was to examine, in male adolescents, the effects of long-term endurance training on cardiac structure and function, by adopting a cross-sectional comparison with a nonathletic control group. A total of 13 endurance-trained (EX) and seven untrained (CON) male adolescents (mean ± SE, age = 15.3 ± 0.3 and 15.2 ± 0.28 yrs, respectively) underwent echocardiography at rest to determine left ventricular enddiastolic dimension (LVDd), left ventricular end-systolic dimension (LVDs), left ventricular posterior wall thickness (LVPW), stroke volume (SV), and cardiac output (CO). On separate days, incremental exercise tests were conducted on a cycle ergometer to measure peak oxygen uptake (VO2max) and anaerobic power. VO2max was greater in the endurance group (54.4 ± 1.8 mL min–1 kg–1) than in the control group (45.8 ± 1.6 mL min–1 kg–1; p < 0.05). Mean exercise time was longer in EX (12.9 ± 0.7 min) than CON (10.4 ± 0.8 min; p < 0.05). No significant differences were noted between the two groups in resting heart rate, maximal heart rate, LVDd, LVDs, LVPW, SV, SV indexed, CO, and CO indexed, or in the anaerobic strength. These data provide evidence that endurance-trained adolescent males develop superior exercise performance before the cardiac remodeling that is evident in trained adult athletes.