14 resultados para DPP-4 inhibitors

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors are a class of oral antidiabetic drugs that improve glycaemic control without causing weight gain or increasing hypoglycaemic risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The eight available DPP-4 inhibitors, including alogliptin, anagliptin, gemigliptin, linagliptin, saxagliptin, sitagliptin, teneligliptin, and vildagliptin, are small molecules used orally with identical mechanism of action and similar safety profiles in patients with T2DM. DPP-4 inhibitors may be used as monotherapy or in double or triple combination with other oral glucose-lowering agents such as metformin, thiazolidinediones, or sulfonylureas. Although DPP-4 inhibitors have the same mode of action, they differ by some important pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties that may be clinically relevant in some patients. The main differences between the eight gliptins include: potency, target selectivity, oral bioavailability, elimination half-life, binding to plasma proteins, metabolic pathways, formation of active metabolite(s), main excretion routes, dosage adjustment for renal and liver insufficiency, and potential drug-drug interactions. The off-target inhibition of selective DPP-4 inhibitors is responsible for multiorgan toxicities such as immune dysfunction, impaired healing, and skin reactions. As a drug class, the DPP-4 inhibitors have become accepted in clinical practice due to their excellent tolerability profile, with a low risk of hypoglycaemia, a neutral effect on body weight, and once-daily dosing. It is unknown if DPP-4 inhibitors can prevent disease progression. More clinical studies are needed to validate the optimal regimens of DPP-4 inhibitors for the management of T2DM when their potential toxicities are closely monitored.


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Incretin-based therapies have a glucose-dependent mode of action that results in excellent glucose-lowering efficacy with very low risk of hypoglycaemia, and weight neutrality [dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors] or weight loss [glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists], in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) complement physician evaluations of efficacy and tolerability and offer insights into the subjective experience of using modern diabetes treatments. We conducted a systematic search of clinical trials of the GLP-1 receptor agonists liraglutide, exenatide and long-acting exenatide, one of which included the oral DPP-4 inhibitor sitagliptin as a comparator. No other PRO data for DPP-4 inhibitors were identified. This review summarizes PRO data from eight clinical trials, the majority of which used the Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire (DTSQ) and/or Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite (IWQOL-Lite) to evaluate patient experience. People with T2DM were highly satisfied with modern incretin-based therapies compared with traditional therapies. Treatment satisfaction (including perceptions of convenience and flexibility) was high and generally higher with GLP-1 agonists in association with their greater glucose-lowering efficacy and tendency to facilitate weight loss. Weight-related quality of life (QoL) also improved in people using incretin therapies. The glycaemic improvements achieved with GLP-1 receptor agonists, coupled with the low incidence of hypoglycaemia and ability to cause weight loss, seemed to offset potential concern about injections. It is plausible that superior patient-reported benefits found in clinical trials may translate into improved, clinically meaningful, long-term outcomes through increased treatment acceptability. Long-term, prospective data are needed to ascertain whether this is the case in practice.


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Alogliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor that is a class of relatively new oral hypoglycaemic drugs used in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM), can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other anti-diabetic agents, including metformin, pioglitazone, sulfonylureas and insulin with a considerable therapeutic effect. Alogliptin exhibits favorable pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profiles in humans. Alogliptin is mainly metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP2D6) and CYP3A4. Dose reduction is recommended for patients with moderate or worse renal impairment. Side effects of alogliptin include nasopharyngitis, upper-respiratory tract infections and headache. Hypoglycaemia is seen in about 1.5% of the T2DM patients. Rare but severe adverse reactions such as acute pancreatitis, serious hypersensitivity including anaphylaxis, angioedema and severe cutaneous reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome have been reported from post-marketing monitoring. Pharmacokinetic interactions have not been observed between alogliptin and other drugs including glyburide, metformin, pioglitazone, insulin and warfarin. The present review aimed to update the clinical information on pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, adverse effects and drug interactions, and to discuss the future directions of alogliptin.


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The dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitor sitagliptin is an attractive therapy for diabetes, as it increases insulin release and may preserve β-cell mass. However, sitagliptin also increases β-cell release of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP), the peptide component of islet amyloid, which is cosecreted with insulin. Thus, sitagliptin treatment may promote islet amyloid formation and its associated β-cell toxicity. Conversely, metformin treatment decreases islet amyloid formation by decreasing β-cell secretory demand and could therefore offset sitagliptin's potential proamyloidogenic effects. Sitagliptin treatment has also been reported to be detrimental to the exocrine pancreas. We investigated whether long-term sitagliptin treatment, alone or with metformin, increased islet amyloid deposition and β-cell toxicity and induced pancreatic ductal proliferation, pancreatitis, and/or pancreatic metaplasia/neoplasia. hIAPP transgenic and nontransgenic littermates were followed for 1 yr on no treatment, sitagliptin, metformin, or the combination. Islet amyloid deposition, β-cell mass, insulin release, and measures of exocrine pancreas pathology were determined. Relative to untreated mice, sitagliptin treatment did not increase amyloid deposition, despite increasing hIAPP release, and prevented amyloid-induced β-cell loss. Metformin treatment alone or with sitagliptin decreased islet amyloid deposition to a similar extent vs untreated mice. Ductal proliferation was not altered among treatment groups, and no evidence of pancreatitis, ductal metaplasia, or neoplasia were observed. Therefore, long-term sitagliptin treatment stimulates β-cell secretion without increasing amyloid formation and protects against amyloid-induced β-cell loss. This suggests a novel effect of sitagliptin to protect the β-cell in type 2 diabetes that appears to occur without adverse effects on the exocrine pancreas.


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A series of rare earth 4-hydroxycinnamate compounds including Ce(4OHCin)3, La(4OHCin)3, and Pr(4OHCin)3 has been synthesized and evaluated as novel inhibitors for carbon dioxide corrosion of steel in CO2-saturated sodium chloride solutions. Electrochemical measurements and surface analysis have shown that these REM(4OHCin)3 compounds effectively inhibited CO2 corrosion by forming protective inhibiting deposits that shut down the active electrochemical corrosion sites on the steel surface. Inhibition efficiency was found to increase in the order Ce(4OHCin)3 < La(4OHCin)3 < Pr(4OHCin)3 and with increase in inhibitor concentration up to 0.63 mM. Detailed insights into corrosion inhibition mechanism of these compounds in carbon dioxide environment are also provided.


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Topotecan (TPT) is a semisynthetic water-soluble derivative of camptothecin (CPT) used as second-line therapy in patients with metastatic ovarian carcinoma, small cell lung cancer, and other malignancies. However, both doselimiting toxicity and tumor resistance hinder the clinical use of TPT. The mechanisms for resistance to TPT are not fully defined, but increased efflux of the drug by multiple drug transporters including P-glycoprotein (PgP), multidrug resistance associated protein 1 (MRP1) and breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) from tumor cells has been highly implicated. This study aimed to investigate whether overexpression of human MRP4 rendered resistance to TPT by examining the cytotoxicity profiles using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazonium bromide (MTT) assay and cellular accumulation of TPT in HepG2 cells stably overexpressing MRP4. Two kinds of cell lines, HepG2 with insertion of an empty vector plasmid (V/HepG2), HepG2 cells stably expressing MRP4 (MRP4/HepG2), were exposed to TPT for 4 or 48 hr in the absence or presence of various MRP4 inhibitors including DL-buthionine-(S,R)-sulphoximine (BSO), diclofenac, celecoxib, or MK-571. The intracellular accumulation of TPT and paclitaxel (a PgP substrate) by V/HepG2 and MRP4/HepG2 cells was determined by incubation of TPT with the cells and the amounts of the drug in cells were determined by validated HPLC methods. The study demonstrated that MRP4 conferred a 12.03- and 6.86-fold resistance to TPT in the 4- and 48-hr drug-exposure MTT assay, respectively. BSO, MK-571, celecoxib, or diclofenac sensitised MRP4/HepG2 cells to TPT cytotoxicity and partially reversed MRP4-mediated resistance to TPT. In addition, the accumulation of TPT was significantly reduced in MRP4/HepG2 cells compared to V/HepG2 cells, and one-binding site model was found the best fit for the MRP4-mediated efflux of TPT, with an estimated Km of 1.66 mM and Vmax of 0.341 ng/min/106 cells. Preincubation of MRP4/HepG2 cells with BSO (200 μM) for 24 hr, celecoxib (50 mM), or MK-571 (100 mM) for 2 hr significantly increased the accumulation of TPT over 10 min in MRP4/HepG2 cells by 28.0%, 37.3% and 32.5% (P < 0.05), respectively. By contrast, there was no significant difference in intracellular accumulation of paclitaxel in V/HepG2 and MRP4/HepG2 cells over 120 min. MRP4 also rendered resistance to adefovir dipivoxil (bis-POMPMEA) and methotrexate, two reported MRP4 substrates. MRP4 did not exhibit any significant resistance to other model drugs including vinblastine, vincristine, etoposide, carboplatin, cyclosporine and paclitaxel in both long (48 hr) and short (4 hr) drug-exposure MTT assays. These findings indicate that MRP4 confers resistance to TPT and TPT is the substrate for MRP4. Further studies are needed to explore the role of MRP4 in resistance to, toxicity and pharmacokinetics of TPT in cancer patients.


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Purpose The multidrug resistance associated protein (MRP) 4 is a member of the adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette transporter family. Camptothecins (CPTs) have shown substantial anticancer activity against a broad spectrum of tumors by inhibiting DNA topoisomerase I, but tumor resistance is one of the major reasons for therapeutic failure. P-glycoprotein, breast cancer resistance protein, MRP1, and MRP2 have been implicated in resistance to various CPTs including CPT-11 (irinotecan), SN-38 (the active metabolite of CPT-11), and topotecan. In this study, we explored the resistance profiles and intracellular accumulation of a panel of CPTs including CPT, CPT-11, SN-38, rubitecan, and 10-hydroxy-CPT (10-OH-CPT) in HepG2 cells with stably overexpressed human MRP4. Other anticancer agents such as paclitaxel, cyclophosphamide, and carboplatin were also included.
Methods HepG2 cells were transfected with an empty vehicle plasmid (V/HepG2) or human MRP4 (MRP4/HepG2). The resistance profiles of test drugs in exponentially growing V/HepG2 and MRP4/HepG2 cells were examined using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazonium bromide (MTT) assay with 4 or 48 h exposure time of the test drug in the absence or presence of various MRP4 inhibitors. The accumulation of CPT-11, SN-38, and paclitaxel by V/HepG2 and MRP4/HepG2 cells was determined by validated high-performance liquid chromatography methods.
Results Based on the resistance folds from the MTT assay with 48 h exposure time of the test drug, MRP4 conferred resistance to CPTs tested in the order 10-OH-CPT (14.21) > SN-38 carboxylate (9.70) > rubitecan (9.06) > SN-38 lactone (8.91) > CPT lactone (7.33) > CPT-11 lactone (5.64) > CPT carboxylate (4.30) > CPT-11 carboxylate (2.68). Overall, overexpression of MRP4 increased the IC50 values 1.78- to 14.21-fold for various CPTs in lactone or carboxylate form. The resistance of MRP4 to various CPTs tested was significantly reversed in the presence of dl-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO, a γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase inhibitor), MK571, celecoxib, or diclofenac (all MRP4 inhibitors). In addition, the accumulation of CPT-11 and SN-38 over 120 min in MRP4/HepG2 cells was significantly reduced compared to V/HepG2 cells, whereas the addition of celecoxib, MK571, or BSO significantly increased their accumulation in MRP4/HepG2 cells. There was no significant difference in the intracellular accumulation of paclitaxel in V/HepG2 and MRP4/HepG2 cells, indicating that P-glycoprotein was not involved in the observed resistance to CPTs in this study. MRP4 also conferred resistance to cyclophosphamide and this was partially reversed by BSO. However, MRP4 did not increase resistance to paclitaxel, carboplatin, etoposide (VP-16), 5-fluorouracil, and cyclosporine.
Conclusions Human MRP4 rendered significant resistance to cyclophosphamide, CPT, CPT-11, SN-38, rubitecan, and 10-OH-CPT. CPT-11 and SN-38 are substrates for MRP4. Further studies are needed to explore the role of MRP4 in resistance, toxicity, and pharmacokinetics of CPTs and cyclophosphamide.


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Human contains 49 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter genes and the multidrug resistance associated proteins (MRP1/ABCC1, MRP2/ABCC2, MRP3/ABCC3, MRP4/ABCC4, MRP5/ABCC5, MRP6/ABCC6, MRP7/ABCC10, MRP8/ABCC11 and MRP9/ABCC12) belong to the ABCC family which contains 13 members. ABCC7 is cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator; ABCC8 and ABCC9 are the sulfonylurea receptors which constitute the ATP-sensing subunits of a complex potassium channel. MRP10/ABCC13 is clearly a pseudo-gene which encodes a truncated protein that is highly expressed in fetal human liver with the highest similarity to MRP2/ABCC2 but without transporting activity. These transporters are localized to the apical and/or basolateral membrane of the hepatocytes, enterocytes, renal proximal tubule cells and endothelial cells of the blood-brain barrier. MRP/ABCC members transport a structurally diverse array of important endogenous substances and xenobiotics and their metabolites (in particular conjugates) with different substrate specificity and transport kinetics. The human MRP/ABCC transporters except MRP9/ABCC12 are all able to transport organic anions, such as drugs conjugated to glutathione, sulphate or glucuronate. In addition, selected MRP/ABCC members may transport a variety of endogenous compounds, such as leukotriene C(4) (LTC(4) by MRP1/ABCC1), bilirubin glucuronides (MRP2/ABCC2, and MRP3/ABCC3), prostaglandins E1 and E2 (MRP4/ABCC4), cGMP (MRP4/ABCC4, MRP5/ABCC5, and MRP8/ABCC11), and several glucuronosyl-, or sulfatidyl steroids. In vitro, the MRP/ABCC transporters can collectively confer resistance to natural product anticancer drugs and their conjugated metabolites, platinum compounds, folate antimetabolites, nucleoside and nucleotide analogs, arsenical and antimonial oxyanions, peptide-based agents, and in concert with alterations in phase II conjugating or biosynthetic enzymes, classical alkylating agents, alkylating agents. Several MRP/ABCC members (MRPs 1-3) are associated with tumor resistance which is often caused by an increased efflux and decreased intracellular accumulation of natural product anticancer drugs and other anticancer agents. Drug targeting of these transporters to overcome MRP/ABCC-mediated multidrug resistance may play a role in cancer chemotherapy. Most MRP/ABCC transporters are subject to inhibition by a variety of compounds. Based on currently available preclinical and limited clinical data, it can be expected that modulation of MRP members may represent a useful approach in the management of anticancer and antimicrobial drug resistance and possibly of inflammatory diseases and other diseases. A better understanding of their substrates and inhibitors has important implications in development of drugs for treatment of cancer and inflammation.


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A series of rare earth organic compounds pioneered by our group have been shown to provide a viable alternative to theuse of chromates as corrosion inhibitors for some steel and aluminium applications. For example we have shown thatthe lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate offers excellent corrosion mitigation for mild steel in aqueous environments whilerare earth diphenyl phosphates offer the best protection in the case of aluminium alloys. In both cases the protectionappears to be related to the formation of a nanometre thick interphase occurring on the surface that reduces theelectrochemical processes leading to metal loss or pitting. Very recent work has indicated that we may even be able toaddress the challenging issue of stress corrosion cracking of high strength steels. Furthermore, filiform corrosion can besuppressed when selected rare earth inhibitor compounds are added as pigments to a polymer coating. There is little doubtfrom the work thus far that a synergy exists between the rare earth and organic inhibitor components in these novelcompounds. This paper reviews some of the published research conducted by the senior author and colleagues over the past10 years in this developing field of green corrosion inhibitors


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This paper reviews new drug targets in the treatment of depression and new drug candidates to treat depression. Depression is characterized by aberrations in six intertwined pathways: (1) inflammatory pathways as indicated by increased levels of proinflammatory cytokines, e.g. interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumour necrosis factor α. (2) Activation of cell-mediated immune pathways as indicated by an increased production of interferon γ and neopterin. (3) Increased reactive oxygen and nitrogen species and damage by oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), including lipid peroxidation, damage to DNA, proteins and mitochondria. (4) Lowered levels of key antioxidants, such as coenzyme Q10, zinc, vitamin E, glutathione, and glutathione peroxidase. (5) Damage to mitochondria and mitochondrial DNA and reduced activity of respiratory chain enzymes and adenosine triphosphate production. (6) Neuroprogression, which is the progressive process of neurodegeneration, apoptosis, and reduced neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity, phenomena that are probably caused by inflammation and O&NS. Antidepressants tend to normalize the above six pathways. Targeting these pathways has the potential to yield antidepressant effects, e.g. using cytokine antagonists, minocycline, Cox-2 inhibitors, statins, acetylsalicylic acid, ketamine, ω3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and neurotrophic factors. These six pathways offer new, pathophysiologically guided drug targets suggesting that novel therapies could be developed that target these six pathways simultaneously. Both nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 (Nrf2) activators and glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK-3) inhibitors target the six above-mentioned pathways. GSK-3 inhibitors have antidepressant effects in animal models of depression. Nrf2 activators and GSK-3 inhibitors have the potential to be advanced to phase-2 clinical trials to examine whether they augment the efficacy of antidepressants or are useful as monotherapy.


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Rare earth organic compounds can provide an environmentally safe and non-toxic alternative to chromates as corrosion inhibitors for some steel and aluminium applications. For steel lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate offers corrosion protection and reduces the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement. Recent work has also indicated that it inhibits the corrosion of steel in environments containing high levels of carbon dioxide. For aluminium alloys, cerium diphenyl phosphate provides excellent corrosion inhibition in chloride environments, and reduces susceptibly to stress corrosion cracking. Furthermore, for both steel and aluminium alloys filiform corrosion can be suppressed when rare earth inhibitor compounds are added as pigments to polymer coatings. The levels of inhibition observed are thought to be due to synergistic effects between the rare earth and organic parts of these novel compounds, and are related to the various species that may be present in the complex chemical conditions that develop in solution close to a metal surface. This paper reviews some of the published research conducted by the group at Deakin University over recent years.


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Rare earth organic compounds can provide an environmentally safe and non-toxic alternative to chromates as corrosion inhibitors for some steel and aluminium applications. For steel lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate offers corrosion protection and reduces the susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement. Recent work has also indicated that it inhibits the corrosion of steel in environments containing high levels of carbon dioxide. For aluminium alloys, cerium diphenyl phosphate provides excellent corrosion inhibition in chloride environments, and reduces susceptibly to stress corrosion cracking. Furthermore, for both steel and aluminium alloys filiform corrosion can be suppressed when rare earth inhibitor compounds are added as pigments to polymer coatings. The levels of inhibition observed are thought to be due to synergistic effects between the rare earth and organic parts of these novel compounds, and are related to the various species that may be present in the complex chemical conditions that develop in solution close to a metal surface. This paper reviews some of the published research conducted by the group at Deakin University over recent years.©2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.


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BACKGROUND: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have increasingly replaced tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) in the treatment of depression. They appear to be safer in overdose, but there is little information on their spectrum of toxicity in overdose, or relative toxicity of each agent. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of SSRIs in overdose, as a group, and the relative toxicity of five different SSRIs. METHODS: A review of consecutive SSRI poisoning admissions to a single toxicology unit. Outcomes examined were length of stay [LOS], intensive care [ICU] admission rate, coma, seizures, electrocardiographic [ECG] abnormalities, and presence of serotonin syndrome [SS]. Logistic regression was used to model the outcome QTc >440 msec. RESULTS: There were 469 SSRI poisoning admissions analyzed after exclusions. The median LOS for all SSRI overdose admissions was 15.3 h (IQR: 10.5-21.3) and 30 of 469 (6.4%; 95% CI 4.3-9.0%) cases were admitted to ICU. The incidence of seizures was 1.9% and coma was 2.4%. Serotonin syndrome occurred in 14% of overdoses. Comparison of median QTc intervals of the five SSRIs was significantly different (p=0.0002); citalopram (450 IQR: 436-484) was individually different to fluoxetine (p=0.045), fluvoxamine (p=0.022), paroxetine (p=0.0002), and sertraline (p=0.001). The proportion of citalopram overdoses with a QTc >440 msec was 68%, differing significantly from sertraline (adjusted OR: 5.11 95% CI 2.32-11.27). Comparison of median QT intervals of the five SSRIs was statistically different (p=0.026); citalopram (400 IQR: 380-440) was individually different from sertraline (p=0.023). CONCLUSIONS: This study shows SSRIs are relatively safe in overdose despite serotonin syndrome being common. The exception was citalopram, which was significantly associated with QTc prolongation. We believe that cardiac monitoring should be considered in citalopram overdose, particularly with large ingestions and patients with associated cardiac disease.


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The reaction of lanthanoid chlorides or nitrates with sodium 3-(4′-hydroxyphenyl)propionate (Na4hpp) in methanol or water has yielded complexes [La4(4hpp)12(H2O)6]·4H2O·MeOH (1), [Ce2(4hpp)6(H2O)3]·(H2O)·2.5(EtOH) (2a) (after crystallization from ethanol), [Ho(4hpp)3(H2O)2] (5), [Er(4hpp)3(H2O)2]·1.5(H2O) (6), and [Lu(4hpp)3]·H2O crystal composition (7), as well as heterobimetallics [NaCe2(4hpp)7(H2O)2]·3(H2O) (2b), [NaPr2(4hpp)7(H2O)2]·3(H2O) (3), and [NaNd2(4hpp)7(H2O)(MeOH)]·(H2O)·3(MeOH) (4). The structures of homometallic complexes 1, 2a, 6, and 7 reveal one-dimensional coordination polymers and vividly illustrate the effect of lanthanoid contraction with a decline in coordination numbers in the series from 9-11 (1), 9,10 (2a), 8 (6) to 7 (7) through variations in carboxylate coordination and ligation of water. Bimetallic complexes 2a and 4 each exhibit five different carboxylate binding modes as well as coordination of the 4-OH substituent of 4hpp to sodium thereby linking 1D polymer chains into a 2D network with both 9 and 10 coordinate Ln atoms and 6 coordinate sodium. Bulk products after drying lose solvent of crystallization in some cases (2a, 6), or exchange MeOH for water (4). X-ray powder diffraction indicates that bulk 2b and 3 are isotypic, as are bulk 5 and 6. In contrast to the excellent corrosion protection of lanthanum 4-hydroxycinnamate, compound 1 is ineffective in preventing the corrosion of mild steel, thereby establishing the importance of the -CHCH- structural unit of the former in its anti-corrosion properties. However the flexible -CH2-CH2- chain of the 4hpp ligand enables the crystal engineering of its lanthanoid complexes in a wide variety of structures as well as effective crystallization for structure determination, whereas the analogous 4-hydroxycinnamates have so far evaded structural characterization except for Ln = La, Ce owing to crystallization problems.