9 resultados para DOSIDICUS GIGAS

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The concentrations of cadmium, copper, mercury, and zinc were determined in muscle (body, claw, and leg), hepatopancreas, and gill tissues of Pseudocarcinus gigas, an exceptionally large, long-lived, and deep-dwelling crab species. The accumulation patterns observed are discussed in terms of both intra- and interspecies variations, with particular attention to the possible consequences of the extreme size and depth range of P. gigas. Metal concentrations did not depend significantly on sex of the crab. Significant differences between tissues were detected for all metals, and the distribution of metal between the tissues was different for each metal. Significant correlations were found between metal concentrations in the various tissues and crab size, and these are discussed and rationalised. The concentrations of mercury and zinc in muscle tissue increased with crab size and were high compared to other crab species. The concentrations of cadmium and copper present in edible tissues were not especially high compared to other crab species, but the concentration of cadmium in the hepatopancreas is of dietary concern.


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The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence was determined for the Australian giant crab Pseudocarcinns gigas (Crustacea: Decapoda: Menippidae) and the giant freshwater shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae). The Pse gigas and Mrosenbergii mitochondrial genomes are circular molecules, 15,515 and 15,772 bp in length, respectively, and have the same gene composition as found in other metazoans. The gene arrangement of M. rosenbergii corresponds with that of the presumed ancestral arthropod gene order, represented by Limulus polyphemus, except for the position of the tRNALeu(UUR) gene. The Pse. gigas gene arrangement corresponds exactly with that reported for another brachyuran, Portunus trituberculatus, and differs from the M. rosenbergii gene order by only the position of the tRNAHis gene. Given the relative positions of intergenic nonoding nucleotides, the “duplication/random loss” model appears to be the most plausible mechanism for the translocation of this gene. These data represent the first caridean and only the second brachyuran complete mtDNA sequences, and a source of information that will facilitate surveys of intraspecific variation within these commercially important decapod species.


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Catfishes of the family Pangasiidae are an important group that contributes significantly to the fisheries of the Mekong River basin. In recent times the populations of several catfish species have declined, thought to be due to overfishing and habitat changes brought about by anthropogenic influences. The Mekong giant catfish Pangasianodon gigas Chevey, 1913 is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. In the present study, we assessed the level of genetic diversity of nine catfish species using sequences of the large subunit of mitochondrial DNA (16S rRNA). Approximately 570 base pairs (bp) were sequenced from 672 individuals of nine species. In all species studied, haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity ranged from 0.118±0.101 to 0.667±0.141 and from 0.0002±0.0003 to 0.0016±0.0013, respectively. Four haplotypes were detected among 16 samples from natural populations of the critically endangered Mekong giant catfish. The results, in spite of the limited sample size for some species investigated, indicated that the level of genetic variation observed in wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish (haplotype diversity=0.350±0.148, nucleotide diversity=0.0009±0.0008) is commensurate with that of some other related species. This finding indicates that (1) wild populations of the Mekong giant catfish might be more robust than currently thought or (2) present wild populations of this species carry a genetic signature of the historically larger population(s). Findings from this study also have important implications for conservation of the Mekong giant catfish, especially in designing and implementing artificial breeding programme for restocking purposes.


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This study examined P. gigas populations from Cape Naturaliste (Western Australia) to Flinders Island (Tasmania), investigated reproduction, developed a unique tag to study their movement and growth, and collected new environmental information that allowed the development of a model of the life history for this iconic endemic Australian species.


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The giant crab Pseudocarcinus gigas occurs along the continental shelf break of southern Australia. During the summer alongshore winds cause cooler water to upwell onto the shelf, and the crabs move from deeper water onto the shelf where there is more food. The combination of a preferred thermal niche and a depth-stratified food supply defines the favorable foraging environments that enhance the growth of P. gigas. Climate change is expected to cause a southerly shift of the austral subtropical high-pressure belt, and modelers have predicted more upwelling-favorable winds. The associated increase in the circulation of cooler water across the shelf is likely to provide P. gigas with an increased access to benthic food resources and their growth rate may increase in some regions.


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Very little is currently known of subantarctic nearshore invertebrates' sensitivity to environmental metals and the role of temperature in this relationship. This study investigated Cu and Zn toxicity in the common subantarctic intertidal isopod, Exosphaeroma gigas, and the influence of temperature on Cu toxicity and bioaccumulation kinetics. Adult E. gigas are insensitive to Cu and Zn at concentrations of 3200 and 7400μg/L respectively in non-renewal tests at 5.5°C (ambient subtidal temperature) over 14days. Under renewed exposures over the same temperature and time period the LC50 for copper was 2204μg/L. A 10-fold increase in Cu body burden occurred relative to zinc, indicating E. gigas has different strategies for regulating the two metals. Copper toxicity and time to mortality both increased with elevated temperature. However, temperature did not significantly affect Cu uptake rate and efflux rate constants derived from biodynamic modelling at lower Cu concentrations. These results may be attributable to E. gigas being an intertidal species with physiological mechanisms adapted to fluctuating environmental conditions. Cu concentrations required to elicit a toxicity response indicates that E. gigas would not be directly threatened by current levels of Cu or Zn present in Macquarie Island intertidal habitats, with the associated elevated temperature fluctuations. This study provides evidence that the sensitivity of this subantarctic intertidal species to metal contaminants is not as high as expected, and which has significance for the derivation of relevant guidelines specific to this distinct subpolar region of the world.


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Swiftlets are small insectivorous birds, many of which nest in caves and are known to echolocate. Due to a lack of distinguishing morphological characters, the taxonomy of swiftlets is primarily based on the presence or absence of echolocating ability, together with nest characters. To test the reliability of these behavioral characters, we constructed an independent phylogeny using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences from swiftlets and their relatives. This phylogeny is broadly consistent with the higher classification of swifts but does not support the monophyly of swiftlets. Echolocating swiftlets (Aerodramus) and the nonecholocating "giant swiftlet" (Hydrochous gigas) group together, but the remaining nonecholocating swiftlets belonging to Collocalia are not sister taxa to these swiftlets. While echolocation may be a synapomorphy of Aerodramus (perhaps secondarily lost in Hydrochous), no character of Aerodramus nests showed a statistically significant fit to the molecular phylogeny, indicating that nest characters are not phylogenetically reliable in this group.


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Fine-scale differences in behaviour and habitat use have important ecological implications, but have rarely been examined in marine gastropods. We used tri-axial accelerometer loggers to estimate activity levels and movement patterns of the juvenile queen conch Lobatus gigas (n = 11) in 2 habitat types in Eleuthera, The Bahamas. In 2 manipulations in nearshore areas, queen conchs were equipped with accelerometers and released in adjacent coral rubble or seagrass habitats. Queen conchs were located approximately every 6 h during daylight by snorkeling, to measure individual differences in linear distance moved, and after 24 h they were relocated to an alternate habitat (24 h in each habitat). We found significant inter-individual variability in activity levels, but more consistent levels of activity between the 2 habitat types within individual queen conchs. Four (36%) of the individuals placed in seagrass moved back to the adjacent coral rubble habitat, suggesting selectivity for coral rubble. Individuals showed variable behavioural responses when relocated to the less preferable seagrass habitat, which may be related to differing stress-coping styles. Our results suggest that behavioural variability between individuals may be an important factor driving movement and habitat use in queen conch and, potentially, their susceptibility to human stressors. This study provides evidence of diverse behavioural (activity) patterns and habitat selectivity in a marine gastropod and highlights the utility of accelero meter biologgers for continuously monitoring animal behaviour in the wild.