32 resultados para Cytoplasm.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Eukaryotic cells prevent copper-induced, free radical damage to cell components by employing copper-binding proteins and transporters that minimize the likelihood of free copper ions existing in the cell. In the cell, copper is actively transported from the cytoplasm during the biosynthesis of secreted coppercontaining proteins and, as a protective measure, when there is an excess of copper. In humans, this is accomplished by two related copper-transporting ATPases (ATP7A and ATP7B), which are the affected genes in two distinct human genetic disorders of copper transport, Menkes disease (copper deficiency) and Wilson disease (copper toxicosis). The study of these ATPases has revealed their molecular mechanisms of copper transport and their roles in physiological copper homeostasis. Both ATP7A and ATP7B are expressed in specific brain regions and neurological abnormalities are important clinical features in Menkes and Wilson disease.


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In this study we investigated the function of the sheep orthologue of ATP7B (sATP7B), the protein affected in the human copper toxicosis disorder Wilson disease. Two forms of sATP7B are found in the sheep, a ‘normal’ form and one with an alternate N terminus, both of which were expressed in CHO-K1 cells. Cells expressing either form of sATP7B were more resistant to copper than the parental CHO-K1 cells. Subcellular localisation studies showed that both forms of sATP7B were similarly located in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). When the extracellular copper concentration was increased, each form of sATP7B redistributed to a punctate, vesicular compartment that extended throughout the cytoplasm. Both forms of sATP7B recycled to the perinuclear location within one hour when the cells were subsequently incubated in basal medium. After treatment of cells with bafilomycin A1 sATP7B accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles, implying that ATP7B continuously recycles via the endocytic pathway. These results suggest that both forms of sATP7B are functional copper-transport proteins and that the intracellular location and trafficking of the sheep protein within the cell also appears normal.


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Zinc is an essential trace element required by all living organisms. An adequate supply of zinc is particularly important in the neonatal period. Zinc is a significant component of breast milk, which is transported across the maternal epithelia during lactation. The mechanisms by which zinc becomes a constituent of breast milk have not been elucidated. The function of the zinc transporter ZnT4 in the transport of zinc into milk during lactation was previously demonstrated by studies of a mouse mutant, the ‘lethal milk’ mouse, where a mutation in the ZnT4 gene decreased the transport of zinc into milk. In the present study, we have investigated the expression of the human orthologue of ZnT4 (hZnT4) in the human breast. We detected hZnT4 mRNA expression in the tissue from the resting and lactating human breast, using reverse-transcriptase PCR. Western-blot analysis using antibodies to peptide sequences of hZnT4 detected a major band of the predicted size of 47 kDa and a minor band of 77 kDa, in extracts from the resting and lactating breast tissues. There was no difference in the hZnT4 expression levels between lactating and resting breasts. The hZnT4 protein was present in the luminal cells of the ducts and alveoli where it had a granular distribution. A cultured human breast epithelial cell line PMC42 was used to investigate the subcellular distribution of hZnT4 and this showed a granular label throughout the cytoplasm, consistent with a vesicular localization. The presence of zinc-containing intracellular vesicles was demonstrated by using the zinc-specific fluorphore Zinquin (ethyl-[2-methyl-8-p-toluenesulphonamido-6-quinolyloxy]acetate). Double labelling indicated that there was no obvious overlap between Zinquin and the hZnT4 protein, suggesting that hZnT4 was not directly involved in the transport of zinc into vesicles. We detected expression of two other members of the hZnT family, hZnT1 and hZnT3, in human breast epithelial cells. We conclude that hZnT4 is constitutively expressed in the human breast and may be one of the several members of the ZnT family involved in the transport of zinc into milk.


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The arrangement of microtubules in soybean (Glycine max) cells was examined during compatible and incompatible interactions of hypocotyls of soybean cv. Harosoy (susceptible) and cv. Haro 1272 (resistant) with race 1 of the soybean-specific pathogen Phytophthora sojae. Both reaction types were similar during the first 3 h after zoospore inoculation in terms of the number of cells penetrated, and depth penetrated into the cortex. By 3 h postinoculation, clear differences had developed between the two interaction types: incompatible interactions were characterized by a hypersensitive response that was confined to single penetrated cells; while compatibly responding cells appeared unchanged. Both types of response were characterized by autofluorescence of cell walls or cytoplasm and, at 6 h after inoculation, complete disorganization of cell cytoplasm. Reorientation and loss of microtubules was seen in the early stages of the incompatible interaction in association with cellular hypersensitivity, but not in compatible responses. In cells adjacent to those that reacted hypersensitively, there was little evidence of change in microtubule orientation. Treatment of hypocotyls with the microtubule depolymerizer oryzalin prior to inoculation did not alter the compatible response, but led to breakdown of the incompatible response. Changes in microtubule orientation and state are thus among the first structural changes that are visible within cells during incompatibility in this system.


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Breast carcinoma is accompanied by changes in the acellular and cellular components of the microenvironment, the latter typified by a switch from fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.

We utilised conditioned media cultures, Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry to investigate the differential effects of normal mammary fibroblasts (NMFs) and mammary cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) on the phenotype and behaviour of PMC42-LA breast cancer cells. NMFs were obtained from a mammary gland at reduction mammoplasty, and CAFs from a mammary carcinoma after resection.

We found greater expression of myofibroblastic markers in CAFs than in NMFs. Medium from both CAFs and NMFs induced novel expression of α-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin-14 in PMC42-LA organoids. However, although conditioned media from NMFs resulted in distribution of vimentin-positive cells to the periphery of PMC42-LA organoids, this was not seen with CAF-conditioned medium. Upregulation of vimentin was accompanied by a mis-localization of E-cadherin, suggesting a loss of adhesive function. This was confirmed by visualizing the change in active β-catenin, localized to the cell junctions in control cells/cells in NMF-conditioned medium, to inactive β-catenin, localized to nuclei and cytoplasm in cells in CAF-conditioned medium.

We found no significant difference between the influences of NMFs and CAFs on PMC42-LA cell proliferation, viability, or apoptosis; significantly, we demonstrated a role for CAFs, but not for NMFs, in increasing the migratory ability of PMC42-LA cells. By concentrating NMF-conditioned media, we demonstrated the presence of factor(s) that induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition in NMF-conditioned media that are present at higher levels in CAF-conditioned media. Our in vitro results are consistent with observations in vivo showing that alterations in stroma influence the phenotype and behaviour of surrounding cells and provide evidence for a role for CAFs in stimulating cancer progression via an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. These findings have implications for our understanding of the roles of signalling between epithelial and stromal cells in the development and progression of mammary carcinoma.


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Potassium phosphonate (phosphite) is widely used in the management of Phytophthora diseases in agriculture, horticulture and natural environments. The Austral grass tree, Xanthorrhoea australis, a keystone species in the dry sclerophyll forests of southern Australia, is susceptible to Phytophthora cinnamomi, but is protected by applications of phosphite. We examined the effect of phosphite application on the infection of X. australis seedlings and cell suspension cultures by zoospores of P. cinnamomi. Phosphite induced more intense cellular responses to pathogen challenge and suppressed pathogen ingress in both seedlings and cell cultures. In untreated X. australis seedlings, hyphal growth was initially intercellular, became intracellular 24 h after inoculation, and by 48 h had progressed into the vascular tissue. In phosphite-treated seedlings, growth of P. cinnamomi remained intercellular and was limited to the cortex, even at 72 h after inoculation. The cell membrane retracted from the cell wall and phenolic compounds and electron dense substances were deposited around the wall of infected and neighbouring cells. Suspension cells were infected within 6 h of inoculation. Within 24 h of inoculation, untreated cells were fully colonised, had collapsed cytoplasm and died. The protoplast of phosphite-treated suspension cells collapsed within 12 h of inoculation, and phenolic material accumulated in adjacent, uninfected cells. No anatomical response to phosphite treatment was observed before infection of plant tissues, suggesting that the phosphite-associated host defence response is induced following pathogen challenge. Anatomical changes provide evidence that phosphite stimulates the host defence system to respond more effectively to pathogen invasion.


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Immunoreactivity against the abalone egg-laying hormone (aELH) was detected in the fine granules of type 1 and 2 neurosecretory (NS) cells, neurites in the neuropil, and blood sinuses in the connective tissue sheath of the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina Linnaeus. The number of positive NS cells, and the intensity of staining in the ganglia, varied and might be related to the stage of ovarian cycle. At any stage, positive cells were most numerous in the pleuropedal, and least numerous in the visceral ganglion. In addition, several cells of the statocyst and associated nerves also exhibited the immunoreactivity. In the ovary, the most intense reactivity was detected in the follicular and granular cells adjacent to mature oocytes, in the trabeculae and the ovarian capsule. The cytoplasm of mature oocytes was also moderately stained. The results indicate that the cerebral, pleuropedal, and visceral ganglia are the main sites of aELH-producing cells. The ovary may also produce aELH locally.


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We described here a liposomal carrier system in which the targeting ligand was sulfatide, a glycosphingolipid known to bind several extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoproteins whose expression was highly up-regulated in many tumors. In vitro experiments with human glioma cell lines demonstrated that robust intracellular uptake of the liposomes depended specifically on the presence of sulfatide as the key liposomal component. Significant amount of the liposomes remained largely intact in the cytoplasm for hours following their internalization. When anticancer drug doxorubicin (DOX) was encapsulated in such liposomes, most of the drug was preferably delivered into the cell nuclei to exert its cytotoxicity. Use of this drug delivery system to deliver DOX for treatment of tumor-bearing nude mice displayed much improved therapeutic effects over the free drug or the drug carried by polyethylene glycol (PEG)-grafted liposomes. Our results demonstrate a close link between effective intracellular uptake of the drug delivery system and its therapeutic outcome. Moreover, the sulfatide-containing liposomes (SCL) may represent an interesting ligand-targeted drug carrier for a wide spectrum of cancers in which sulfatide-binding ECM glycoproteins are expressed.


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Background: The role of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, has only recently been explored in tendon.

Objective: To investigate the development of apoptosis after high strain loading of rat tendon.

Methods: The right tibialis anterior tendons of three rats were prepared for mechanical loading, and left tendons were prepared identically as non-loaded controls. Tendon was loaded with 20% strain for six hours using a 1 Hz longitudinal sine wave signal. The following were used to assess apoptosis: (a) a monoclonal mouse antibody (F7-26) to label single stranded DNA breaks; (b) a rabbit polyclonal antibody that specifically recognises the cleaved form of caspase-3.

Results: Light microscopy confirmed that the high strain protocol induced a stretch overload injury. Control tendons showed little or no staining with the F7-26 antibody, but the loaded tendons displayed numerous apoptotic cells. The percentage of apoptotic cells (20%) in the loaded tendon was significantly greater than in the control tendon (1%) (p = 0.000). The labelled cells colocalised with abnormal nuclear morphology, including nuclear fragmentation. The staining against cleaved caspase-3 was positive in loaded tendons only, and localised both to nucleus and cytoplasm.

This experiment extends knowledge of human tendon apoptosis by showing that apoptosis can occur in response to short term, high strain mechanical loading. This is the first report of mechanical loading of intact tendon causing excessive apoptosis.


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In desert rodents, the production of concentrated urine is essential for survival in xeric environments in order to conserve water. Reabsorption of water in the kidney is dependent on large osmotic gradients in the renal medulla. This causes the renal cells to be bathed in a hypertonic extracellular fluid that can compromise cellular function. In response to hypertonicity, kidney cells accumulate compatible, non-ionic osmolytes that lower the ionic strength within the cells to isotonic levels by replacing intracellular ionic electrolytes. The tonicity-responsive enhancer binding protein (TonEBP) is a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that encode proteins that catalyse the accumulation of compatible osmolytes. We investigated the expression of TonEBP mRNA and protein and compatible osmolyte genes in the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, an Australian desert rodent that produces a highly concentrated urine. TonEBP mRNA expression was unchanged after 3 days of water deprivation but was significantly increased after 7 and 14 days of water deprivation. Immunohistochemistry showed that during water deprivation TonEBP had translocated from the cytoplasm into the nucleus of cells in the renal medulla and papilla. In addition, 3, 7 and 14 days of water deprivation caused a significant increase in aldose reductase (AR), myo-inositol (SMIT), betaine/GABA (BGT-1) and taurine (TauT) transporter mRNA expression, which is indicative of an increase in TonEBP activity. In desert rodents, TonEBP regulation of gene transcription is probably an important mechanism to protect renal cells in the face of the large corticomedullary gradient that is required to concentrate urine and conserve water.


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Transcellular diffusion across the absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the small intestine is the main route of absorption for most orally administered drugs. The process by which lipophilic compounds transverse the aqueous environment of the cytoplasm, however, remains poorly defined. In the present study, we have identified a structurally diverse group of lipophilic drugs that display low micromolar binding affinities for a cytosolic lipid-binding protein—intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP). Binding to I-FABP significantly enhanced the transport of lipophilic drug molecules across a model membrane, and the degree of transport enhancement was related to both drug lipophilicity and I-FABP binding affinity. These data suggest that intracellular lipid-binding proteins such as I-FABP may enhance the membrane transport of lipophilic xenobiotics and facilitate drug access to the enterocyte cytoplasm and cytoplasmic organelles.


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Background: ATP7A, ATP7B and CTR1 are metal transporting proteins that control the cellular disposition of copper and platinum drugs, but their expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) tissue and their role in platinum-induced neurotoxicity are unknown. To investigate the DRG expression of ATP7A, ATP7B and CTR1, lumbar DRG and reference tissues were collected for real time quantitative PCR, RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry and Western blot analysis from healthy control adult rats or from animals treated with intraperitoneal oxaliplatin (1.85 mg/kg) or drug vehicle twice weekly for 8 weeks.
Results: In DRG tissue from healthy control animals, ATP7A mRNA was clearly detectable at levels similar to those found in the brain and spinal cord, and intense ATP7A immunoreactivity was localised to the cytoplasm of cell bodies of smaller DRG neurons without staining of satellite cells, nerve fibres or co-localisation with phosphorylated heavy neurofilament subunit (pNF-H). High levels of CTR1 mRNA were detected in all tissues from healthy control animals, and strong CTR1 immunoreactivity was associated with plasma membranes and vesicular cytoplasmic structures of the cell bodies of larger-sized DRG neurons without co-localization with ATP7A. DRG neurons with strong expression of ATP7A or CTR1 had distinct cell body size profiles with minimal overlap between them. Oxaliplatin treatment did not alter the size profile of strongly ATP7A-immunoreactive neurons but significantly reduced the size profile of strongly CTR1-immunoreactive neurons. ATP7B mRNA was barely detectable, and no specific immunoreactivity for ATP7B was found, in DRG tissue from healthy control animals.
Conclusions: In conclusion, adult rat DRG tissue exhibits a specific pattern of expression of copper transporters with distinct subsets of peripheral sensory neurons intensely expressing either ATP7A or CTR1, but not both or ATP7B. The neuron subtype-specific and largely non-overlapping distribution of ATP7A and CTR1 within rat DRG tissue may be required to support the potentially differing cuproenzyme requirements of distinct subsets of sensory neurons, and could influence the transport and neurotoxicity of oxaliplatin.


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Plants constantly come into contact with a diverse range of microorganisms that are potential pathogens, and they have evolved multi-faceted physical and hemical strategies to inhibit pathogen ingress and establishment of disease. Microbes, however, have developed their own strategies to counteract plant defence responses. Recent research on plant–microbe interactions has revealed that an important part of the infection strategies of a diverse range of plant pathogens, including bacteria, fungi and oomycetes, is the production of effector proteins that are secreted by the pathogen and that promote successful infection by manipulating plant structure and metabolism, including interference in plant defence mechanisms. Pathogen effector proteins may function either in the extracellular spaces within plant tissues or within the plant cell cytoplasm. Extracellular effectors include cell wall degrading enzymes and inhibitors of plant enzymes that attack invading pathogens. Intracellular effectors move into the plant cell cytoplasm by as yet unknown mechanisms where, in incompatible interactions, they may be recognised by plant resistance proteins but where, in compatible interactions, they may suppress the plant’s immune response. This article presents a brief overview of our current understanding of the nature and function of effectors produced by oomycete plant pathogens.


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Background: Asthma incidence has long been linked to pollen, even though pollen grains are too large to penetrate into the airways where asthmatic responses originate. Pollen allergens found in small, respirable particles have been implicated in a number of asthma epidemics, particularly ones following rainfall or thunderstorms.

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine how pollen allergens form the respirable aerosols necessary for triggering asthma.

Methods: Flowering grasses were humidified and then dried in a controlled-environment chamber connected to a cascade impactor and an aerosol particle counter. Particles shed from the flowers were analyzed with high-resolution microscopy and immunolabeled with rabbit anti-Phl p 1 antibody, which is specific for group 1 pollen allergens.

Results: Contrary to what has been reported in other published accounts, most of the pollen in this investigation remained on the open anthers of wind pollinated plants unless disturbed—eg, by wind. Increasing humidity caused anthers to close. After a cycle of wetting and drying followed by wind disturbance, grasses flowering within a chamber produced an aerosol of particles that were collected in a cascade impactor. These particles consisted of fragmented pollen cytoplasm in the size range 0.12 to 4.67 μm; they were loaded with group 1 allergens.

Conclusion: Here we provide the first direct observations of the release of grass pollen allergens as respirable aerosols. They can emanate directly from the flower after a moisture-drying cycle. This could explain asthmatic responses associated with grass pollination, particularly after moist weather conditions.


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Backgound Birch pollen allergens have been implicated as asthma triggers; however, pollen grains are too large to reach the lower airways where asthmatic reactions occur. Respirable-sized particles containing birch pollen allergens have been detected in air filters, especially after rainfall but the source of these particles has remained speculative.

Objective To determine the processes by which birch pollen allergens become airborne particles of respirable size with the potential to contribute to airways inflammation.

Methods Branches with attached male catkins were harvested and placed in a controlled emission chamber. Filtered dry air was passed through the chamber until the anthers opened, then they were humidified for 5 h and air-dried again. Flowers were disturbed by wind generated from a small electric fan. Released particles were counted, measured and collected for immuno-labelling and high-resolution microscopy.

Results Birch pollen remains on the dehisced anther and can rupture in high humidity and moisture. Fresh pollen takes as long as 3 h to rupture in water. Drying winds released an aerosol of particles from catkins. These were fragments of pollen cytoplasm that ranged in size from 30 nm to 4 μm and contained Bet v 1 allergens.

Conclusion When highly allergenic birch trees are flowering and exposed to moisture followed by drying winds they can produce particulate aerosols containing pollen allergens. These particles are small enough to deposit in the peripheral airways and have the potential to induce an inflammatory response.