117 resultados para Counseling Psychology

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This article examines whether practice issues relating to clients from different cultural or ethnic groups are adequately addressed in a wide selection of contemporary forensic psychology textbooks. Specifically, we examine the extent to which cross-cultural issues are engaged within these texts, and how well the information provided informs forensic practice. While most of the reviewed texts acknowledged the need to consider cultural issues, there was relatively little discussion of specific issues, and practical guidelines were rarely offered. It is argued that without more widespread acknowledgment of the direct implications of cultural issues for forensic practice, it is unlikely that a fair and reliable system for the investigation and treatment of complaints made by and against people from different cultural groups will be obtained.


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The introduction of an online supported, resource based learning environment into a large, multi-modal first year psychology unit led to the spontaneous development of a small, but active, learning community. While off campus students were more active online contributors, many other students "observed" these interactions, not actively contributing but finding the discussion postings valuable to their learning. Overall, use and perceived value of the online communication facilities were related to how confident students were that they had an appropriate study strategy, with off campus and older students reporting greater confidence in their study approach. The results highlight that the nature and function of learning communities for large, multi-modal foundation units are quite different to those typically articulated in the literature and are worth further investigation.


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This paper provides details of, and the rationale for, a Doctorate of Forensic Psychology recently developed at Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia. The course prioritises training in psycho-legal issues with children and young people. In discussing this program, the presenters identify two issue  that guided the development of the program. The first concerns the need to delineate forensic content from that in clinical programs, while still maintaining appropriate focus on the skills needed to work effectively in forensic settings. The second addresses the need for courses to acknowledge the marked diversity among forensic clientele and to develop competencies that lead to effective work practices with these sub-groups. In constructing the Deakin forensic program, it was noted that forensic psychologists required an increasing degree of expertise in the procedural and substantive aspects of the legal system. The authors propose that as forensic psychology gains momentum as a discrete area of expertise, there is an increasing need for practitioners to have a sound understanding of the legal institutions and practices they work under, as well as being able to apply specialist knowledge to particular sub-groups. This paper discusses these issues, and outlines how the authors sought to address them in their course curriculum.


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Defamation is one of the more complex and fluid areas of the law and varies considerably across the Australian jurisdictions. There are moves to unify defamation law. The threshold issue that is raised in any such process is whether there is in fact a justification for continuation of defamation law. Recent advances in happiness studies and positive psychology suggest that the chief interest protected by defamation law, reputation, is over-rated and is not in fact conducive to human well-being. What others think of us is not relevant to our well-being. Anecdotally it seems that people spend much time and energy in a bid to impress others in the hope that they will grow in the estimation of others and the world at large. Hence, the results of the studies into human well-being so far as reputation is concerned may appear counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, the studies are far more convincing than lay assumptions. People are often wrong about what is in their interests. This is recognised in the concept of regret. Individuals yearn for some things, but sometimes when they acquire them they discover that the journey was wasted. Reputation is one such thing. Defamation law perpetuates the myth that reputation is intrinsically important. Defamation should be abolished. In its place, a new cause of action should be introduced whereby damages are awardable for misleading and deceptive communications which cause damage to the individual who is the subject of the communication. This cause of action should be modelled on the misleading and deceptive conduct provisions of the Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth).


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This paper reports on an evaluation of an innovative, online resource-based learning (RBL) approach used in first year psychology at Deakin University. The evaluation revealed a number of critical issues that must be considered to ensure effective implementation of an RBL approach. Emphasis is giveen to educational considerations covering the use and value of a diversity of print and electronic learning resources, online discussions and face-to-face teaching arrangements. The importance of strong integration of all elements of the learning environment, and provision of clear guidelines to learning are highlighted.


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Deakin University has determined that every undergraduate student enrolled from 2004 will undertake at least one unit wholly online, without the usual face to face teaching that is a major component in on campus study. In response to this policy, Research methods in psychology has been developed as a wholly online unit and offered in 2004 as one of the first wholly online units to be run in the University. The design of the unit builds on the development and use of digital media and online technologies in teaching first and second year units. This paper outlines the antecedents of the unit’s design and operation, along with its current wholly online teaching and learning environment. The relationship between the use of digital resources and online features is mapped against key concepts and skills to be mastered in the unit. Distinctive student attributes to be developed in relation to the subject being offered wholly online are considered. The move to new e-learning territories of wholly online environments raises important research questions. An approach to researching wholly online teaching and learning environments in the discipline of psychology is detailed as a response to illuminating key dimensions of a significant development in e-learning in higher education.


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The current paper discusses the applicability of an online manual for the teaching of first year psychology laboratory programs and compares it with conventional teaching methods. For the first time, in 2001, the manual for the first year program was made available via a website. This method was in contrast to the text manual that was utilised previously. When the text manual was used, students needed to bring it each week to class. However, with the online manual, students were required to be cognisant of several aspects of the week's laboratory agenda prior to attending the class and did not have immediate access to the manual in class. This was quite uncustomary to both students and staff members and therefore necessitated a great amount of time to be spent reviewing the contents of the week's work before attending class. It also caused inconvenience both in terms of students not having ready access to necessary information, and staff having to photocopy bulk information as and when required. What was discovered at the end of the semester was that a technological tool, because of its ability to provide easy access, may not be applicable to teach all subjects, particularly not the psychology lab program, and hence a thorough evaluation of the practicality of the device is required prior to adoption.


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BACKGROUND: The association between vascular disease and elevated plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) concentrations is caused, in part, by inadequate intakes of dietary folate. Increasing folate intake either through supplements or foods naturally rich in folates has been shown to decrease tHcy concentrations. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether a similar reduction in tHcy was possible in free-living persons receiving dietary counseling. DESIGN: The study included a 4-wk placebo-controlled dietary intervention trial in which participants consumed either unfortified breakfast cereal (control group) or an extra 350 micro g folate derived from food/d (dietary group). Serum folate and tHcy concentrations in both groups were measured before and after the intervention period, and the concentrations in the dietary group were also measured 17 wk after the intervention period. RESULTS: During the 4-wk intervention, mean dietary folate intake in the dietary group increased from 263 (95% CI: 225, 307) to 618 micro g/d (535, 714), resulting in a mean increase in serum folate of 37% (15%, 63%) and a decrease in tHcy from 12.0 (10.9, 13.3) to 11.3 micro mol/L (10.2, 12.5). A further decrease in tHcy occurred in the dietary group during follow-up, with a final tHcy concentration of 9.7 micro mol/L (8.8, 10.8). CONCLUSIONS: Increasing natural folate intake improved folate status and decreased tHcy concentrations to an extent that may significantly reduce the risk of vascular disease. Dietary modification may have advantages over folic acid fortification because the altered food-consumption patterns lead to increased intakes of several vitamins and minerals and decreased intakes of saturated fatty acids.


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HIV-related stigma is regarded as one of the major barriers in the development of effective prevention and care programs; but the stigma associated with HIV stigma is not a singular entity. The stigma of the infection is layered with other stigmas, such as those associated with the routes of transmission (e.g., sex work and injecting drug use) and personal characteristics (e.g., race, religion, ethnicity and gender). In developing programs and policies to overcome HIV-related stigma, cognisance needs to be taken of all the sources of stigma, and how they may interact. A novel method is described for examining the layers of HIV/AIDS-related stigma, and secondary data are adapted to illustrate this. The importance of understanding the layering of stigma for the development of effective interventions is also discussed.


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The findings of the six independent studies on institutional forms of HIV discrimination in the Asia Pacific presented in this Special Issue of AIDS Care are integrated. At first glance, the general pattern of the results across the study sites suggests that discrimination is most pertinent in the domain of 'practice' rather than in the domains of law or institutional policy. On closer analysis, however, utilising the qualitative data, this conclusion does not take sufficient account of the cultural context within which the interpersonal interaction (practice) between the health carers and people living with HIV/AIDS occurs. Limitations on the use of anti-discrimination legislations and protective written policies for reducing discrimination in these contexts are discussed. The need for alternative approaches to thinking about discrimination intervention is raised and this is done through a consideration of the strategy of universal precautions.


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This paper presents key findings of a situational analysis of institutional and structural levels of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in Beijing, China, with a focus on the area of health care. Initially slow to respond to the presence of HIV, China has altered its approach and enacted strict legislative protection for people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). In order to determine whether this has altered discrimination against PLWHA, this study examined existing legislation and policy, and interviewed key informants working in health care and PLWHA. The overall findings revealed that discrimination in its many forms continued to occur in practice despite China's generally strong legislative protection, and it is the actual practice that is hindering PLWHAs' access to health services. A number of legislative and policy gaps that allow discrimination to occur in practice were also identified and discussed. The paper concludes with a call to rectify specific gaps between legislation, policy and practice. An understanding of the underlying factors that drive discrimination will also be necessary for effective strategic interventions to be developed and implemented.


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This paper outlines a six-country study of institutionalised forms of HIV/AIDS-related discrimination in the Asia-Pacific region. Although recognised as a barrier to disease prevention and treatment, very limited data are available on the effects of institutionalised HIV-related stigma and discrimination. Understanding the forms of discrimination within the institutions where they occur is the first step to identifying effective ways of promoting compassionate, non-discriminatory treatment of PLWHA. Thus, the goal of this research project was to document institutional discrimination against PLWHA, as guided by the UNAIDS Protocol for the Identification of Discrimination Against People Living with HIV (2000), in six Asian countries: India, Thailand, Philippines, China, Vietnam and Indonesia. As a precursor to the six individual studies, this paper provides a brief overview of the literature on HIV discrimination, and then describes the UNAIDS Protocol and the shared methodological considerations relevant to all of the study sites. Commonalities in sampling, procedures and analysis are also discussed.