27 resultados para Censure (new state)

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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In this paper we use the modified and integrated version of the balloon model in the analysis of fMRI data. We propose a new state space model realization for this balloon model and represent it with the standard A,B,C and D matrices widely used in system theory. A second order Padé approximation with equal numerator and denominator degree is used for the time delay approximation in the modeling of the cerebral blood flow. The results obtained through numerical solutions showed that the new state space model realization is in close agreement to the actual modified and integrated version of the balloon model. This new system theoretic formulation is likely to open doors to a novel way of analyzing fMRI data with real time robust estimators. With further development and validation, the new model has the potential to devise a generalized measure to make a significant contribution to improve the diagnosis and treatment of clinical scenarios where the brain functioning get altered. Concepts from system theory can readily be used in the analysis of fMRI data and the subsequent synthesis of filters and estimators.


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A range of stakeholders should inform planning processes if these processes are to be consistent with best practice principles. This paper examines the case of the 12 Apostles Visitor Centre, a tourism development which was proposed to be located in a National Park in Victoria, Australia. Limited opportunities were provided for meaningful stakeholder input during the planning phase. Despite the prevailing view amongst all major parties that some development of facilities would be appropriate, an absence of genuine consultation was experienced prompting a substantial redesign of the development concept as originally conceived (in 1996) and to project delays which postponed the commencement of the development into 2000 by which time a new State Government was in place.


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This article examines contemporary Korean capitalism via an analysis of state-chaebol relations in the post-crisis period. The Korean state played a prominent role in industrial and financial restructuring after the crisis. Some scholars argue that a 'new' state has emerged in Korea, with the activism during the financial crisis representing only a temporary diversion from the shift towards a 'competition state'. Others claim that the Korean state still seeks to directly shape economic outcomes: some policy instruments have changed, but strategic intent, defined here as the will to directly manage investment flows and shape economic structures, has not. The transition of Korean capitalism from the developmental state system towards neo-liberalism, this article argues, is far from complete. Emphasizing the situated choices of state elites and the challenging political context in which they find themselves, we presume a condition of mutual dependence between the state and chaebols. Given incidences of conflict in the post-crisis context, we argue that the state has not fully reasserted its will over the chaebols. The restructuring of chaebols ('Big Deals') are best understood as symbolic measures intended to garner external support for the Korean state rather than unfettered exercise of strategic intent. At the same time, we go beyond existing accounts of 'state decline' by highlighting the place of economic performance by the chaebols as the preeminent criteria for state support. The state and chaebols remain central to Korean capitalism, even in its current hybrid and somewhat dysfunctional form.


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This paper presents interview data from research conducted in two public high schools in the state of Queensland, Australia. The research was concerned with exploring issues of equity and diversity. Both schools had recently converted to ‘independent’ status within a new state policy reform – the Independent Public Schools initiative. This reform was seen as having a significant effect on matters of equity and diversity and so became an important focus of the research. Within current accountability parameters, there were concerns expressed by key personnel at the schools about how converting to an Independent Public Schools was both enabling and constraining student equity in terms of resource distribution and school access, and undermining schools’ focus on their public purpose in relation to imposing an excessive focus on narrow external accountability measures. These concerns bring to light the significance of moral leadership within autonomous schooling environments – shaped as they are by regimes of accountability and competition that can clearly compromise student equity and delimit schooling purposes.


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This investigation considers the development of class music teaching in New South Wales and Victoria during the first seventy-two years of state-supported primary education. The first chapter describes the English background including music teaching methods (resulting from the mid-nineteenth century English choral singing movement) and the subsequent development of music teaching in English elementary schools. The promotion of school music is then considered on a broadly chronological basis in the two states and several themes are identified in relation to school music policy and practice. These include the status of music (core curriculum or extra-curricular subject), who should teach music (generalist or specialist teachers), what teaching methods and music notation should be used (staff or Tonic Sol-fa), musical training for generalist teachers, and curriculum content in relation to the aims and objectives of school music. Comparisons are made between developments in both states and between both states and English school music. The final chapter demonstrates the relevance of many of the historical themes identified for music education today. The thesis concludes by identifying a recurring problem from the past. namely the lack of co-ordination between various aspects of school music policy, as the most serious problem to be overcome in the future.


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This paper reports on a case study of the utilisation and users of cost information in a state-owned teaching and research hospital in Australia. The findings indicate that the current utilisation of the cost information resides primarily at higher executive and managerial levels of the organisation. Organisational change, particularly pressure for improved productivity and competitiveness driven by public-sector reforms in Australia, is significantly filtering down throughout the subject hospital. Various productive and unproductive ways that cost information is used, and impediments to the use of costing information in the hospital setting, are identified.


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A series of new electrolyte materials based on a molecular plastic crystal doped by different iodide salts together with iodine have been prepared and characterized by thermal analysis, ionic conductivity, electrochemical and solid-state NMR diffusion measurements. In these materials, the plastic crystal phase of succinonitrile acts as a good matrix for the quaternary ammonium based iodides and iodine and appears to act in some cases as a solid-state “solvent” for the binary dopants. The materials were prepared by mixing the components in the molten state with subsequent cooling into the plastic crystalline state. This resulted in waxy-solid electrolytes in the temperature range from − 40 to 60 °C. The combination of structural variation of the cations, and fast redox couple diffusion (comparable with liquid-based electrolytes), as well as a high ionic conductivity of up to 3 × 10− 3 S cm− 1 at ambient temperature, make these materials very attractive for potential use in solid-state photoelectrochemical cells.


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Plastic crystal materials have long been known but have only relatively recently become of interest as solid–state ion conductors. Their properties are often associated with dynamic orientational disorder or rotator motions in the crystalline lattice. This paper describes recent work in the field including the range of organic ionic compounds that exhibit ion conduction at room temperature. Conductivity in some cases is high enough to render the compounds of interest as electrolyte materials in all solid state electrochemical devices. Doping of the plastic crystal phase with a small ion such as Li+ in some cases produces an even higher conductivity. In this case the plastic crystal acts as a solid state “solvent” for the doped ion and supports the conductive motion of the dopant via motions of the matrix ions. These doped materials are also described in detail.


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This paper examines changes in the commercial cleaning industry in Australasia which are occurring against a backdrop of significant transformation in the mode of labour market regulation in both countries. Specifically, whereas for most of the twentieth century both Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia had systems of labour market regulation in which the state provided minimum wage and work protections through the interventions of arbitration courts, in the past few years these courts have either been abolished (in the case of New Zealand) or severely restricted in their ambit (in the case of Australia), all as part of a neoliberal effort to introduce “flexibility” into labour markets. The result has been an erosion of wages and a worsening of conditions of employment for cleaners and many other groups of workers. At the same time, this transformation in the architecture of labour market regulation poses significant challenges to unions seeking to represent cleaners and other low-paid service sector workers.


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Dye-sensitized solar cells are an increasingly promising alternative to conventional silicon solar cells as a method of converting solar energy to electricity and thus providing an effectively inexhaustible energy source. However, the most efficient of these devices currently utilize liquid electrolytes, which suffer from the associated problems of leakage and evaporation. Hence, significant research is currently focused on the development of solid state alternatives. Here we report a new class of solid state electrolyte for these devices, organic ionic plastic crystal electrolytes, that allow relatively rapid diffusion of the redox couple through the matrix, which is critical to the cell performance. A range of different organic ionic plastic crystal materials, utilizing different cation and anion structures, have been investigated and the conductivities, diffusion rates and photovoltaic performance of the electrolytes are reported. The best material, utilizing the dicyanamide anion, achieves efficiencies of more than 5%.