24 resultados para Cellular telephone systems

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The paper presents a framework to design robust transmit power controllers in cellular radio systems. The robust controllers designed are able to guarantee the quality of service (QoS) by keeping the carrier-to-inference-plus-noise ratio (CIRN) above a desired level in face of network link gain variations. The controller design problem is solved by solving a noncooperative dynamic game between the controller and unknown link gain variations.


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A simple distributed power control algorithm for communication systems with mobile users and unknown timevarying link gains is proposed. We prove that the proposed algorithm is exponentially converging. Furthermore, we show that the algorithm significantly outperforms the well-known
Foschini and Miljanic algorithm in the case of quickly moving mobile users.


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This paper provides location estimation based power control strategy for cellular radio systems via a location based interference management scheme. Our approach considers the carrier-to-interference as dependent on the transmitter and receiver separation distance and therefore an accurate estimation of the precise locations can provide the power critical mobile user to control the transition power accordingly. In this fully
distributed algorithms, we propose using a Robust Extended Kalman Filter (REKF) to derive an estimate of the mobile user’s closest mobile base station from the user’s location, heading and altitude. Our analysis demonstrates that this algorithm can successfully track the mobile users with less system complexity, as it requires measurements from only one or two closest mobile base stations and hence enable the user to transmit at the rate that is sufficient for the interference management. Our power control
algorithms based on this estimation converges to the desired power trajectory. Further, the technique is robust against system uncertainties caused by the inherent deterministic nature of the mobility model. Through simulation, we show the accuracy of our prediction algorithm and the simplicity of its implementation.


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In a mature mobile phone market, dollars still drive consumers’ decisions, write Gennadi Kazakevitch, Luba Torlina and Sharon Hendricks.


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Dynamic variations in channel behavior is considered in transmission power control design for cellular radio systems. It is well known that power control increases system capacity, improves Quality of Service (QoS), and reduces multiuser interference. In this paper, an adaptive power control design based on the identification of the underlying pathloss dynamics of the fading channel is presented. Formulating power control decisions based on the measured received power levels allows modeling the fading channel pathloss dynamics in terms of a Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Applying the online HMM identification algorithm enables accurate estimation of the real pathloss ensuring efficient performance of the suggested power control scheme.


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A simple distributed power control algorithm for communication systems with mobile users and unknown time-varying link gains is proposed. We prove that the proposed algorithm is exponentially converging. Furthermore, we show that the algorithm significantly outperforms the well-known Foschini and Miljanic algorithm in the case of quickly moving mobile users.


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The advent of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the emergence of Internet commerce have given rise to the web as a medium of information exchange. In recent years, the phenomenon has affected the realm of transaction processing systems, as organizations are moving from designing web pages for marketing purposes, to web-based applications that support business-to-business (WEB) and business-to-consumer (B2C) interactions, integrated with databases and other back-end systems (Isakowitz, Bieber et al., 1998). Furthermore, web-enabled applications are increasingly being used to facilitate transactions even between various business units within a single enterprise. Examples of some of the more popular web-enabled applications in use today include airline reservation systems, internet banking, student enrollment systems in universities, and Human Resource (HR) and payroll systems. The prime motive behind the adoption of web-enabled applications are productivity gains due to reduced processing time, decrease in the usage of paper-based documentation and conventional modes of communication (such as letters, fax, or telephone), and improved quality of services to clients. Indeed, web-based solutions are commonly referred to as customer-centric (Li, 2000), which means that they provide user interfaces that do not necessitate high level of computer proficiency. Thus, organizations implement such systems to streamline routine transactions and gain strategic benefits in the process (Nambisan & Wang, 1999), though the latter are to be expected in the long-term. Notwithstanding the benefits of web technology adoption, the web has ample share of challenges for initiators and developers. Many of these challenges are associated with the unique nature of web-enabled applications. Research in the area of web-enabled information systems has revealed several differences with traditional applications. These differences exist with regards to system development methodology, stakeholder involvement, tasks, and technology (Nazareth, 1998). According to Fraternali (1999), web applications are commonly developed using an evolutionary prototyping approach, whereby the simplified version of the application is deployed as a pilot first, in order to gather user feedback. Thus, web-enabled applications typically undergo continuous refinement and evolution (Ginige, 1998; Nazareth, 1998; Siau, 1998; Standing, 2001). Prototype-based development also leads web-enabled information systems to have much shorter development life cycles, but which, unlike traditional applications, are regrettably developed in a rather adhoc fashion (Carstensen & Vogelsang, 2001). However, the principal difference between the two kinds of applications lies in the broad and diverse group of stakeholders associated with web-based information systems (Gordijn, Akkermans, et al., 2000; Russo, 2000; Earl & Khan, 2001; Carter, 2002; Hasselbring, 2002; Standing, 2002; Stevens & Timbrell, 2002). Stakeholders, or organizational members participating in a common business process (Freeman, 1984), vary in their computer competency, business knowledge, language and culture. This diversity is capable of causing conflict between different stakeholder groups with regards to the establishment of system requirements (Pouloudi & Whitley, 1997; Stevens & Timbrell, 2002). Since, web-based systems transcend organizational, departmental, and even national boundaries, the issue of culture poses a significant challenge to the web systems’ initiators and developers (Miles & Snow, 1992; Kumar & van Dissel, 1996; Pouloudi & Whitley, 1996; Li & Williams, 1999).


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Recent advances in high throughput experiments and annotations via published literature have provided a wealth of interaction maps of several biomolecular networks, including metabolic, protein-protein, and protein-DNA interaction networks. The architecture of these molecular networks reveals important principles of cellular organization and molecular functions. Analyzing such networks, i.e., discovering dense regions in the network, is an important way to identify protein complexes and functional modules. This task has been formulated as the problem of finding heavy subgraphs, the Heaviest k-Subgraph Problem (k-HSP), which itself is NPhard. However, any method based on the k-HSP requires the parameter k and an exact solution of k-HSP may still end up as a “spurious” heavy subgraph, thus reducing its practicability in analyzing large scale biological networks. We proposed a new formulation, called the rank-HSP, and two dynamical systems to approximate its results. In addition, a novel metric, called the Standard deviation and Mean Ratio (SMR), is proposed for use in “spurious” heavy subgraphs to automate the discovery by setting a fixed threshold. Empirical results on both the simulated graphs and biological networks have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposal.


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Power control design is a critical aspect of CDMA cellular systems design. This paper develops an adaptive power controller design method for CDMA systems. The key to the power control design is on the recursive identification of the underlying wireless stochastic channel model parameters. The identification process guarantees the power controller to work well for systems in unknown or time varying network environment.


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Oxidative stress plays a central role in neuronal injury and cell death in acute and chronic pathological conditions. The cellular responses to oxidative stress embrace changes in mitochondria and other organelles, notably endoplasmic reticulum, and can lead to a number of cell death paradigms, which cover a spectrum from apoptosis to necrosis and include autophagy. In Alzheimer's disease, and other pathologies including Parkinson's disease, protein aggregation provides further cellular stresses that can initiate or feed into the pathways to cell death engendered by oxidative stress. Specific attention is paid here to mitochondrial dysfunction and programmed cell death, and the diverse modes of cell death mediated by mitochondria under oxidative stress. Novel insights into cellular responses to neuronal oxidative stress from a range of different stressors can be gained by detailed transcriptomics analyses. Such studies at the cellular level provide the key for understanding the molecular and cellular pathways whereby neurons respond to oxidative stress and undergo injury and death. These considerations underpin the development of detailed knowledge in more complex integrated systems, up to the intact human bearing the neuropathology, facilitating therapeutic advances.


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Urbanization is one of the most evident global changes. Research in the field of urban growth modelling has generated models that explore for drivers and components of the urban growth dynamics. Cellular automata (CA) modeling is one of the recent advances, and a number of CA-based models of urban growth have produced satisfactory simulations of spatial urban expansion over time. Most application and test of CA-based models of urban growth which provide likely and reliable simulations has been developed in urban regions of developed nations; urban regions in the United States, in particular. This is because most of the models were developed in universities and research centers of developed nations, and these regions have the required data, which is extensive. Most of the population growth in the world, however, occurs in the developing world. While some European countries show signs of stabilization of their population, in less developed countries, such as India, population still grows exponentially. And this growth is normally uncoordinated, which results in serious environmental and social problems in urban areas. Therefore, the use of existing dynamic–spatial models of urban growth in regions of developing nations could be a means to assist planners and decision makers of these regions to understand and simulate the process of urban growth and test the results of different development strategies. The pattern of growth of urban regions of developing nations, however, seems to be different of the pattern of developed countries. The former use to be more dense and centralized, normally expanding outwards from consolidated urban areas; while the second is normally more fragmented and sparse. The present paper aims to investigate to how extent existing CA-based urban growth models tested in developed nations can also be applied to a developing country urban area. The urban growth model was applied to Porto Alegre City, Brazil. An expected contiguous expansion from existing urban areas has been obtained as following the historical trends of growth of the region. Moreover, the model was sensitive and able to portray different pattern of growth in the study area by changing the value of its parameters.