14 resultados para Café Conilon

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This article reports on the use of a large group method, theWorld Café, compared to large group facilitation in an educational institutional setting in Oman. Change is central to many educational institutions as they aspire to ensure quality procedures and processes are implemented and maintained. One of the difficulties of introducing change within this context is the number of stakeholders involved, as well as the inherent hierarchical nature of these settings. Large group methods (LGM) are one such intervention for change that seeks to involve a maximum number of stakeholders and minimise hierarchies, while at the same time encouraging participation and creating engagement. To evaluate LGM within this setting, the study compared two different workshop techniques: one workshop was run using the LGM theWorld Café, while the other was conducted using large group facilitation (LGF). Results indicated that theWorld Café was superior to LGF in terms of increases in participant knowledge and understanding. Participants who took part in the LGM were also significantly more likely to indicate that the technique was beneficial to their learning, compared to those who took part in the LGF. Qualitative data in the form of comments also provide support for LGM. Further research is needed to assess the applicability of the findings in educational settings in other countries. Moreover, more stringent research is required to assess over time, changes in behaviours occurring following LGM, to provide further evidence as to their value in facilitating change in institutional settings.


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In this study, an activity based screening technique combining two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2DHPLC) with UV-absorbance and chemiluminescence detection was applied to study “Ristretto”, "Decaffeinatto” and “Volluto” espresso coffees. This technique, which coupled the separation power of 2DHPLC with the sensitivity and selectivity of the chemiluminescence detection, offers great potential for screening complex samples for antioxidant compounds. Detailed information regarding the complexity of the sample, and the variation between these three coffees could be obtained using this multidimensional-hyphenated method of analysis.


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Young people’s participation in online digital culture is one of the most efficient means by which they become proficient in the management of Information and Communications Technologies and the new literacies emerging there. This paper reports on a small project investigating the
gendered dimensions of teenagers’ engagement in and out of school with stand-alone and multiplayer computer games. The study explored the game playing practices of a group of students in an English curriculum unit and the social and game playing practices of a group of young women of South East Asian backgrounds in a LAN café who had formed their own Counterstrike clan. It found that expertise is not just a matter of specific skills, strategies and familiarity, but is more broadly located within the complex dynamics of in- and out-of-school discourses and contexts that need to be factored in to the construction of gender-equitable pedagogy and curriculum.


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Breast carcinoma is accompanied by changes in the acellular and cellular components of the microenvironment, the latter typified by a switch from fibroblasts to myofibroblasts.

We utilised conditioned media cultures, Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry to investigate the differential effects of normal mammary fibroblasts (NMFs) and mammary cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) on the phenotype and behaviour of PMC42-LA breast cancer cells. NMFs were obtained from a mammary gland at reduction mammoplasty, and CAFs from a mammary carcinoma after resection.

We found greater expression of myofibroblastic markers in CAFs than in NMFs. Medium from both CAFs and NMFs induced novel expression of α-smooth muscle actin and cytokeratin-14 in PMC42-LA organoids. However, although conditioned media from NMFs resulted in distribution of vimentin-positive cells to the periphery of PMC42-LA organoids, this was not seen with CAF-conditioned medium. Upregulation of vimentin was accompanied by a mis-localization of E-cadherin, suggesting a loss of adhesive function. This was confirmed by visualizing the change in active β-catenin, localized to the cell junctions in control cells/cells in NMF-conditioned medium, to inactive β-catenin, localized to nuclei and cytoplasm in cells in CAF-conditioned medium.

We found no significant difference between the influences of NMFs and CAFs on PMC42-LA cell proliferation, viability, or apoptosis; significantly, we demonstrated a role for CAFs, but not for NMFs, in increasing the migratory ability of PMC42-LA cells. By concentrating NMF-conditioned media, we demonstrated the presence of factor(s) that induce epithelial-mesenchymal transition in NMF-conditioned media that are present at higher levels in CAF-conditioned media. Our in vitro results are consistent with observations in vivo showing that alterations in stroma influence the phenotype and behaviour of surrounding cells and provide evidence for a role for CAFs in stimulating cancer progression via an epithelial-mesenchymal transition. These findings have implications for our understanding of the roles of signalling between epithelial and stromal cells in the development and progression of mammary carcinoma.


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Despite the interest of sociologists and educational researchers in Internet café as sites for new cultural and social formations and informal learning, thus far little attention has been paid to the function of café owners, managers and other staff in the mediation and co-construction of those spaces. Drawing from interviews with managers of commercial Internet café in Australia specialising in LAN (Local Area Network) gaming, this article seeks to examine their role and their attitudes more closely; in particular with regard to school-aged users of their facilities. We contend that LAN café are liminal spaces situated at the margins of Australian culture and located at the junctions between home, school and the street, online and offline spaces, work and play. The roles of LAN café managers are similarly ambiguous: in many ways they can be regarded as informal teachers facilitating the process of informal learning.


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Objective : To examine associations between availability of different types of food outlets and children's fruit and vegetable intake.
Method : Parents of 340 5–6 and 461 10–12 year-old Australian children reported how frequently their child ate 14 fruits and 13 vegetables in the last week in 2002/3. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to determine the availability of the following types of food outlets near home: greengrocers; supermarkets; convenience stores; fast food outlets; restaurants, cafés and takeaway outlets. Logistic regression analyses examined the likelihood of consuming fruit ≥ 2 times/day and vegetables ≥ 3 times/day, according to access to food outlets.
Results : Overall, 62.5% of children ate fruit ≥ 2 times/day and 46.4% ate vegetables ≥ 3 times/day. The more fast food outlets (OR = 0.82, 95%CI = 0.67–0.99) and convenience stores (OR = 0.84, 95%CI = 0.73–0.98) close to home, the lower the likelihood of consuming fruit ≥ 2 times/day. There was also an inverse association between density of convenience stores and the likelihood of consuming vegetables ≥ 3 times/day (OR = 0.84, 95%CI = 0.74–0.95). The likelihood of consuming vegetables ≥ 3 times/day was greater the farther children lived from a supermarket (OR = 1.27, 95%CI = 1.07–1.51) or a fast food outlet (OR = 1.19, 95%CI = 1.06–1.35).
Conclusion : Availability of fast food outlets and convenience stores close to home may have a negative effect on children's fruit and vegetable intake.


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The prevalence of childhood obesity is escalating rapidly and it considered to be a major public health problem. Diet is a recognised precursor of fatness, and current evidence supports the premise that in Westernised countries, the dietary intakes of children are likely to be important in obesity genesis. However, we have a relatively poor understanding of the environments in which a child’s eating is learnt and maintained. Much of the existing work in this area is based on small-scale or experimental studies, or has been derived from homogeneous populations within the USA. Despite these limitations, there is evidence that aspects of the child’s family environment are likely to be important in determining obesity risk in children. This thesis examines the impact of the family food environment on a child’s eating through two related studies. The first study, titled the Children and Family Eating (CAFÉ) study comprised three phases. Phase one involved qualitative interviews with 17 parents of 5-6 year-old children to explore parental perceptions regarding those factors in a child’s environment believed to influence the development of their child’s eating habits. These interviews were used to inform the development of quantitative measures of the family food environment. The second phase involved the development of a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) to assess dietary intake in 5-6 year-olds. The FFQ was informed by analysis of 1995 Australian National Nutrition Survey data. In the final phase the relationships between dietary intakes of 5-6 year-old children, and potential predictors of dietary intake were examined in a cross-sectional study of 560 families. Predictors included measures of: parental perceptions of the adequacy of their child’s diet; food availability and accessibility; child-feeding; the opportunities for parental modelling of food intake; a child’s television exposure; maternal Body Mass Index; and maternal education. Analysis of the CAFÉ data provides unique information regarding the relationships between a child’s family food environment and their food consumption. Models developed for a range of dietary outcomes considered to be predictive of increased risk for obesity, including total energy and fat intakes, vegetable variety, vegetable consumption, and high-energy (non-dairy) fluid consumption, explained between 11 and 20 percent of the variance in dietary intake. Two aspects of the family food environment, parental perception of a child’s dietary adequacy, and the total minutes of television viewed per day, were frequently found to be predictive of dietary outcomes likely to promote fatness in these children. The second study, titled the Parent Education and Support (PEAS) Feeding Intervention Study, was a prospective pre/post non-randomised intervention trial that assessed the impact of a feeding intervention to 240 first-time mothers of one-year-old children. This intervention focused on one aspect of the family food environment, child-feeding, which has been proposed as influential in the development of obesogenic eating behaviours. In this study, Maternal and Child Health Nurses (MCHNs), using a ‘Division of Responsibility’ model of feeding, taught parents to provide nutritious food at regular intervals and to let children decide if to eat and how much to eat. Thus parents were encourages to food their child without exerting pressure, or employing coercion or rewards (controlling behaviours). The aim was to influence parental attitudes and beliefs regarding child-feeding. Through the use of these feeding techniques, this intervention also aimed to increase the variety of fruits and vegetables a child consumed by teaching parents to persist with offering these foods, over the year of the intervention, in non-emotive environments. Fruits and vegetables were chosen in this intervention because they are likely to be protective in the development of obesity. Analysis of the PEAS data suggests that this low-level feeding intervention, delivered through existing Maternal and Child Health services, was modestly effective in changing parental attitudes and beliefs regarding the feeding of young children. Further, the validity of fruits offered to intervention group children increased. This thesis expands the existing knowledge base by providing a comprehensive analysis of the relative impact of aspects of the family environment on dietary intakes of 5-6 year-olds. Further, the analysis of a feeding intervention in first-time parents provides important insights regarding the potential to influence child-feeding and the impact this may have on the promotion of eating behaviours protective against obesity.


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Differences between alkyl, dipole–dipole, hydrogen bonding, and π-π selective surfaces represented by non-resonance and resonance π-stationary phases have been assessed for the separation of ‘Ristretto’ café espresso by employing 2DHPLC techniques with C18 phase selectivity detection. Geometric approach to factor analysis (GAFA) was used to measure the detected peaks (N), spreading angle (β), correlation, practical peak capacity (np) and percentage usage of the separations space, as an assessment of selectivity differences between regional quadrants of the two-dimensional separation plane. Although all tested systems were correlated to some degree to the C18 dimension, regional measurement of separation divergence revealed that performance of specific systems was better for certain sample components. The results illustrate that because of the complexity of the ‘real’ sample obtaining a truly orthogonal two-dimensional system for complex samples of natural origin may be practically impossible.


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This was an exhibition in café. Having exhibited in galleries and then moved into community arts I was keen to try out exhibiting in spaces that are more accessible to the public. These were artworks created both in Geelong and during a residency at Bundanon, NSW.


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The multidimensional high-performance liquid chromatography separations of the complex sample matrix found in café espresso coffee were completed on the propyl phenyl and butyl phenyl columns that contain 3 and 4 carbon atoms in the spacer chain, respectively. Phenyl type stationary phases are able to undergo unique π–π interactions with aromatic compounds. Previous works have found that there are differences in retention characteristics between these chain lengths and this was explored further here. It was found that when analysing the separations by quadrants, using a geometric approach to factor analysis and by measuring the normalised mean radius, subtle differences in the separations were observed and the butyl phenyl phase was more selective for the high to medium polarity species. However, there was very little difference in separation behaviour for the hydrophobic components within the coffee sample. Overall, the analysis of the entire separation showed very little difference.


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My essay for the Waterwheel project entitled “Wheel of fortune: re-gifting art-life” will examine the Waterwheel project from the point of view of gift economies and discuss the benefits and sustainability of this model for collaboration and cooperation. This essay builds upon the history of gift economies, focusing on the gift as a mode of collaboration and platform for exchange. The alchemical notion of the gift that Gordon Matta- Clark café “FOOD” offers will be discussed as a precursor to the transformation of relations evident in the workshop series organized by Erin Manning and Brian Massumi. In particular, this essay will emphasize the way transformation has been used to rethink the gift as modeling of collaboration and re-imagining of the ties between research creation and social activism. From these discussions the context and ethos by which to understand the aims of the Waterwheel project will be addressed.


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Studies of gentrification in Australia have typically analysed the phenomenon through the lens of housing and residential change. This article explores how non-residential factors, including the concept of and the everyday practices associated with cosmopolitanism, offer an opportunity to analyse leisure specific to gentrification in Melbourne in the 1960s and 1970s. The article particularly explores leisure based on food and drink cultures located in restaurants, cafés and pubs. Adopting a discursive interdisciplinary approach to studies of the urban past, the article seeks to enhance our historical understanding of the interplay between gentrification and cosmopolitan leisure at a specific place and time in history, by exploring how people perceived themselves and their lifestyles in the midst of urban change.


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Abstract: Waleed Aly is arguably the most visible and vocal Australian public intellectual from a non-Anglo-Australian background. The ubiquitous Aly is a veritable Renaissance man - he is a television presenter, radio host, academic and rock musician. He is also a former lawyer, and served on the executive committee of the Islamic Council of Victoria. In short, he is the 'go-to' Muslim for commentary on a wide range of political and civic affairs. This article argues that Aly's media profile and celebrity status have as much to do with an Australian cultural imaginary that posits 'whiteness' as an uncontestable normative value as it does with Aly's undoubted skills as a journalist, academic and cultural commentator. It examines Aly's career with reference to Ghassan Hage's concept of 'whiteness' as a form of aspirational cultural capital and various theories of persona and performativity. For Hage, 'whiteness' is not a literal skin colour; rather, it consists of elements that can be adopted by individuals and groups (such as nationally valued looks, accents, tastes, cultural preferences and modes of behaviour). While entry to what Hage calls Australia's 'national aristocracy' is generally predicated on possessing the correct skin tone, it is theoretically possible for dark-skinned people such as Waleed Aly to enter the field of national belonging and partake in public discourse about a range of topical issues. More specifically, the article substantiates its claims about Aly's status as a member of Australia's cultural aristocracy through a comparative discourse and performance analysis of his presentation of 'self' in four distinctive media contexts: Channel 10's The Project, the ABC RN Drive program, ABC TV's Q&A and the SBS comedy-talk show Salaam Caf , which looked at the 'funny side of life as an Australian Muslim' and showcased other multi-talented Muslim professionals of both genders.


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Background: Local destinations have previously been shown to be associated with higher levels of both physical activity and walking, but little is known about how specific destinations are related to activity. This study examined associations between types and mix of destinations and both walking frequency and physical activity. Method: The sample consisted of 2349 residents of 50 urban areas in metropolitan Melbourne, Australia. Using geographic information systems, seven types of destinations were examined within three network buffers (400 meters (m), 800 m and 1200 m) of respondents' homes. Multilevel logistic regression was used to estimate effects of each destination type separately, as well as destination mix (variety) on: 1) likelihood of walking for at least 10 min ≥ 4/week; 2) likelihood of being sufficiently physically active. All models were adjusted for potential confounders. Results: All destination types were positively associated with walking frequency, and physical activity sufficiency at 1200 m. For the 800 m buffer: all destinations except transport stops and sports facilities were significantly associated with physical activity, while all except sports facilities were associated with walking frequency; at 400 m, café/takeaway food stores and transport stops were associated with walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency, and sports facilities were also associated with walking frequency. Strongest associations for both outcomes were observed for community resources and small food stores at both 800 m and 1200 m. For all buffer distances: greater mix was associated with greater walking frequency. Inclusion of walking in physical activity models led to attenuation of associations. Conclusions: The results of this analysis indicate that there is an association between destinations and both walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency, and that this relationship varies by destination type. It is also clear that greater mix of destinations positively predicts walking frequency and physical activity sufficiency.