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Researchers used an affordances-based conceptual framework to study infants' and toddlers' responses to the redesign of their play space. Behavior mapping and child tracking observations showed that the introduction of features such as edging, levels and inclines appeared to increase the level and variety of children's physical activity, and lead to greater utilization of the space. While researchers observed children engaging with natural affordances, this was less than expected, possibly due to educator constraints. Children's engagement with new features indicated unique child views of the space and a delight in challenge. Findings suggest the value of looking for children's perspective on affordances, and considering the effects of specific features and the influence of caregivers in evaluating design outcomes.


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Angela Carter described herself as being in the “demythologisingbusiness” (“Notes”, 38) and in her 1984 novel Nights at the CircusCarter’s interrogative scope is both broad and complex. The wingedaerialiste Fevvers and the rag-bag of circus freaks with whom shejourneys evoke the Rabelaisian carnivalesque that Bakhtin cites as apowerful challenge to the spatial, temporal, and linguistic fixities of themedieval world. The transformative and regenerative potential ofRabelais’ grotesque is evident in Nights' temporal setting, whichforegrounds the possibilities of birth through death. Set at the “fagend” of the nineteenth century (19), the characters are witness tohistory on the cusp as “[t]he old dying world gives birth to the newone” (Bakhtin, 435). Here Carter has shifted the point of historicalregeneration from Rabelais’ subversion of the Neo-Platonic medievalcosmology to, rather hopefully, symbolize the demise or at least thederailment of the Age of Reason, industrial progress, Imperialism, andtheir respective ideologies of misogyny. For Fevvers and Walser theexcess of the carnivalesque prompts a crisis of subjectivity thatsignals both the redundancy of restrictive ideologies of demarcationand hierarchy, but also the playful possibilities of corporeal fluidity andreferential relativism.