22 resultados para CHEVERUDS CONJECTURE

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The folding of proteins is usually studied in dilute aqueous solutions of controlled pH, but it has recently been demonstrated that reversible unfolding can occur in other media. Particular stability is conferred on the protein (folded or unfolded) when the process occurs in ‘protic ionic liquids’ (pILs) of controlled proton activity. This activity (‘effective pH’) is determined by the acid and base components of the pIL and is characterized in the present study by the proton chemical shift of the N–H proton. Here we propose a ‘refoldability’ or ‘refolding index’ (RFI) metric for assessing the stability of folded biomolecules in different solvent media, and demarcate high RFI zones in hydrated pIL media using ribonuclease A and hen egg white lysozyme as examples. Then we show that, unexpectedly, the same high RFIs can be obtained in pIL media that are 90% inorganic in character (simple ammonium salts). This leads us to a conjecture related to the objections that have been raised to ‘primordial soup’ theories for biogenesis, objections that are based on the observation that all the bonds involved in biomacromolecule formation are hydrolyzed in ordinary aqueous solutions unless specifically protected. The ingredients for primitive ionic liquids (NH3, CO, HCN, CO2, and water) were abundant in the early earth atmosphere, and many experiments have shown how amino acids could form from them also. Cyclical concentration in evaporating inland seas could easily produce the type of ambient-temperature, non-hydrolyzing, media that we have demonstrated here may be hospitable to biomolecules, and that may be actually encouraging of biopolymer assembly. Thus a plausible variant of the conventional ‘primordial soup’ model of biogenesis is suggested.


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In the field of research into the treatment of problem gambling, researchers have been attempting to identify the treatment pathways that are effective in remediating gambling disorder among people seeking help. In spite of these efforts, research results remain equivocal in relation to which components of the various treatment options are effective, echoing the familiar claim that all psychotherapy treatments are effective, the Dodo Bird Conjecture.This recent tendency towards the revival of the Dodo Bird Conjecture in the field of gambling research is due to factors ranging from a continuing lack of clarity about the effective components of treatments, subjective therapist effects and the lack of validated repeated measures of outcome to assess changes in self-reported data on gambling urge: anxiety, depression and changes in the 'gambling disorder' diagnosis over time.


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This paper tests the hypothesis that the negative relationship between investment opportunity set (IOS) and debt is moderated by board monitoring and director equity ownership. According to contracting theory, firms with high growth opportunities (high IOS) are associated with lower levels of debt as a result of the asset substitution and the under-investment problem. However, our hypotheses test the conjecture that the negative debt / IOS relationship will be moderated by the proportion of non-executive directors (NEDs) on the board and director equity ownership. NEDs provide higher monitoring which reduces management discretion while director equity ownership provides incentives for managers to maximize the value of the firm. More specifically, we expect that high growth firms with a higher proportion of non-executive directors and director equity ownership are less likely to be associated with asset substitution and under investment. Thus, the negative investment opportunity set / debt relationship will be weaker for firms with higher levels of non-executive directors and high director equity ownership. Data collected from Australian companies support both these two hypotheses. Results have significant implications for corporate finance theory.


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Aim. This paper describes self-reported hope-promoting strategies used by Registered Nurses whilst providing care for older patients in acute and long-term care settings.
Background. The literature is replete with claims that Registered Nurses engage in hope facilitation with their patients. However, these claims are largely conjecture, with few studies empirically identifying the extent to which Registered Nurses use hope interventions with their patients. Further, some authors have questioned whether nurses have the necessary skills to undertake this vital aspect of care.
Methods. In this Gadamerian hermeneutic phenomenological study, undertaken in 2003 in Australia, we used in-depth audiotaped interviews to collect data with 14 Registered Nurses. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using the Turner method.
Findings. Whilst participants clearly reported that they engaged in hope facilitation with older patients, there were differences between the reported strategies used by Registered Nurses in acute and long-term care settings. Further, the strategies reported were not unique to hope promotion and have been variously described in the literature on caring, presencing, holistic nursing and therapeutic nursing.
Conclusion. It is clear that participants considered hope promotion to be a vital aspect of their care. However, the strategies that they reported were limited and not inclusive of many and varied suggestions emerging from published studies on hope promotion. Therefore, we recommend that nursing curricula, professional development and in-service education programmes place hope facilitation on their agenda and foster a culture in which promoting hope is seen as a vital aspect of nursing care.


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Schon’s notion of reflection-in-action implies a constructivist process of learning, especially valid in the teaching of professional disciplines such as architecture. Action becomes the instrument of conjecture and learning arises in the context of reflection upon the act. Such a process of interleaving action and reflection constitutes a “higher-order” process of reflective making. Research in design studies has shown that strategies for making differ markedly between professional and novitiate designers. Further, such studies have shown that skilled designers employ past experience and precedents to create context for new problem situations. To address the lack of context in novitiate learning situations, we propose the use of “pedagogical templates” for the promotion of “higher-order” strategies in design learning contexts for supporting beginning design students. We focus on the use of digital media, specifically for the design, implementation and delivery of constructive learning situations. This paper presents the use of a pedagogical template in the creation of constructivist contexts for two complementary courses, a traditional design studio and a computer modelling course at Deakin University. The resulting implications for design learning and the integration of physical and digital forms of making through the use of a pedagogical template are discussed.


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The present work combines electron backscatter diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and Schmid analysis to investigate secondary twinning in the magnesium alloy Mg-3AI-1Zn. Inspection of the misorientations between the parent matrix and {1011} - {1012} doubly twinned volumes reveals that there are four possible variants. One of these variants characterized by 38°< 1210 > misorientation with the matrix is favoured much more than the others. This variant involves activation of the secondary twinning systems that are quite inconsistent with the Schmid-type behaviour. For the secondary twin to grow significantly it must take on a shape enforced by the primary twin, however, this is not optimal for strain compatibility. It is argued that the 38° < 1210 > variant occurs most frequently because it provides the closest match between the primary and secondaty twinning planes, thus minimizing the compatibility strain. This conjecture is confirmed by the simulations of twin activity m ellipsoidal grains performed using the visco-plastic self-consistent crystal plasticity model.


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It is generally agreed that stress can impair reproduction. Furthermore, it is often thought that cortisol, which is secreted during stress as a result of activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis, is associated with this stress-induced impairment of reproduction. It has been hypothesized that reproduction in females is particularly susceptible to disruption by acute stress during the series of endocrine events that induce estrus and ovulation. Nevertheless, we found no support for this conjecture when we subjected female pigs to repeated acute stress or repeated acute elevation of cortisol during the period leading up to estrus and ovulation. Conversely, studies have demonstrated that prolonged stress and sustained elevation of cortisol can disrupt reproductive processes in female pigs. Nevertheless, in each study that demonstrated this effect, there were some animals subjected to the prolonged stressor or the sustained elevation of cortisol in which the reproductive parameters that were measured were not affected by the treatment. We propose that reproduction in female pigs is resistant to the effects of acute or repeated acute stress or acute or repeated acute elevation of cortisol even if these occur during the series of endocrine events that induce estrus and ovulation. Furthermore, while reproductive processes in some individuals are compromised, reproduction in a proportion of female pigs appears to be resistant to the effects of prolonged stress or sustained elevation of cortisol.


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Although there is often a difference between the architectural understanding of forms and their social and value-related perception (Malhis, 2008), elements of architectural value are often divided into economic or cultural concerns. Architecture’s true value, however, may be found at the resolution of this dichotomy although it can be argued it is not straightforward to isolate
and measure the true value of architecture. This discussion paper suggests that whilst many of the concerns highlighted appear in conflict, they are in fact reciprocal in nature with both causes being advanced through the efficiencies of architectural design. One viewpoint is that economic value perhaps should not be a topic of infrequent discussion, but rather it should be raised from time to time within the context of the broader market within which architecture is positioned. Even this viewpoint is subject to conjecture
for some. This discussion paper places the focus on the importance and relevance of value from an architectural perspective, which often is a concept rarely discussed in design circles. It is meant to encourage discourse and discussion about the different forms of value and how it is perceived in an architectural sense. As there are numerous classifications and perceptions of value in our society which are in a constant state of change, it is imperative that we regularly re-evaluate the relevance of these ever-changing values to design.


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Focuses on two areas within the field of general relativity. Firstly, the history and implications of the long-standing conjecture that general relativistic, shear-free perfect fluids which obey a barotropic equation of state p = p(w) such that w + p = 0, are either non-expanding or non-rotating. Secondly the application of the computer algebra system Maple to the area of tetrad formalisms in general relativity.


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Investigates what can go wrong when dynamical systems are modelled with a computer. Number theoretic techniques were used to detail the effects "discretization" errors caused by computer round-off had on characteristics of a system. In particular, a relationship was established between the occurrence of long cycles in a system and the classical result known as Artin's conjecture. Algorithms were then developed which eliminated discretization errors.


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This paper reports on a qualitative study aimed at investigating whether Australian Information Systems (IS) students undertaking a team-based capstone subject with real clients believed the subject had enhanced their employability skills. This research is important because UK and Australian governments and industry are increasingly pressuring universities to focus more on developing employability skills. The paper makes a contribution to the literature since there are few empirical studies examining students’ perceptions of capstone subjects and none, to our knowledge, focusing on employability skills. Our study suggests that students believed the capstone subject did improve a broad range of employability skills and it also demonstrates the interrelated nature of these skills. We conjecture that the team-based, real-client model of capstone is particularly useful, compared to other capstone models, because it is especially effective at integrating the range of employability skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving and self-management.


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It has been argued that an anti-virus strategy based on malware collected at a certain date, will not work at a later date because malware evolves rapidly and an anti-virus engine is faced with a completely new type of executable not as amenable to detection as the first was. In this paper, we test this idea by collecting two sets of malware, the first from 2002 to 2007, the second from 2009 to 2010 to determine how well the anti-virus strategy we developed based on the earlier set [14] will do on the later set. This anti-virus strategy integrates dynamic and static features extracted from the executables to classify malware by distinguishing between families. The resulting classification accuracies are very close for both datasets, with a difference of only 5.4%, the older malware being more accurately classified than the newer malware. This leads us to conjecture that current anti-virus strategies can indeed be modified to deal effectively with new malware.


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The pressures for health system reform have reached a critical stage over the past ten years as our understanding of the determinants of health has increased and deepened. Far from being conjecture and theory, the evidence for a broad range of determinants of health, from the biological and medical through to a broad range of economic and social determinants, has mounted.


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It has been argued that an anti-virus strategy based on malware collected at a certain date, will not work at a later date because malware evolves rapidly and an anti-virus engine is then faced with a completely new type of executable not as amenable to detection as the first was.

In this paper, we test this idea by collecting two sets of malware, the first from 2002 to 2007, the second from 2009 to 2010 to determine how well the anti-virus strategy we developed based on the earlier set [18] will do on the later set. This anti-virus strategy integrates dynamic and static features extracted from the executables to classify malware by distinguishing between families. We also perform another test, to investigate the same idea whereby we accumulate all the malware executables in the old and new dataset, separately, and apply a malware versus cleanware classification.

The resulting classification accuracies are very close for both datasets, with a difference of approximately 5.4% for both experiments, the older malware being more accurately classified than the newer malware. This leads us to conjecture that current anti-virus strategies can indeed be modified to deal effectively with new malware.