34 resultados para Bruner, Jerome S.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Recent theorising on the nature of racism suggests that over the last few decades it has come to be expressed in more subtle and ambiguous ways because while many Whites proclaim egalitarian values, their cognitions and behaviour are influenced by prejudices that are buried deep in their psyche. This leads to the possibility that those who perpetrate and those who experience racism may have different interpretations of events that involve racism. Essed (1991) has suggested that because they are exposed to racism systematically, those who experience racism are in a good position to detect it if they have both knowledge of normal behaviour for particular situations, and a general knowledge of racism. Using Essed's model of the assessment of racist events, the descriptions of six videotaped ambiguously racist scenarios given by 40 Caucasian students and 40 Asian students were analysed to determine whether situational or general knowledge of racism was evident. Contrary to expectations, the Asian students, who belong to a group targeted with racism in Australia, were less likely to see racism in the scenarios. Finding the scenarios to be acceptable indicated a lack of situational knowledge and, hence, an inability to use general knowledge of racism if it exists. The role of cultural values in the application of situational knowledge is discussed, and further empirical investigations of Essed's model are proposed.


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Videoconferencing provides access to essential training for probationary psychologists in rural areas. However the unique aspects of videoconferenced communication (Jerome & Zaylor, 2000) challenge an assumed equivalency of face-to-face and videoconferenced interactions. This study investigated the relevance of power, involvement, and an established model of supervision (Bernard, 1979, 1997) to the working relationship in videoconferenced supervision. Semistructured interviews were conducted with four supervisors, eighteen trainees experienced in videoconferenced supervision and four trainees experienced in face-to-face supervision. Data were analysed by qualitative content analysis, coding pertinent theoretical constructs. Results confirmed that the roles defined by Bernard's supervision model (teacher, counsellor and consultant) were relevant to videoconferenced supervision. However a further role emerged as well. Power and involvement dimensions also had relevance for videoconferenced interactions with some suggestion that the power discrepancy between trainee and supervisor was increased. Complexities arising from videoconferencing included some trainees avoiding involvement by blaming technical malfunctions, some reporting curtailed emotional expression and others reporting freer emotional expression due to the distal nature of the medium. The findings affirm some unique features to videoconferenced supervision and validate a framework to further explore the impact of videoconferencing upon supervisory relationships.


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Background: Research into depression in the medically ill has progressed without sufficient attention being given to the validity, in this group, of the taxonomic categories. We aimed to describe, using qualitative interviews, the experience of 'being depressed', separating experiences that are unique to depression from experiences that are common to being ill and in hospital.
Method: Forty-nine patients hospitalized for medical illness underwent a 30-min interview in which they were asked to 'Describe how you have been unwell and, in particular, how that has made you feel.' From the transcripts, a 'folk' taxonomy was constructed using a phenomenological framework involving four steps: frame elicitation to identify the important themes, componential analysis to systematically cluster the attributes into domains, a comparison of the experiences of patients screening depressed and  not-depressed, and a theoretical analysis comparing the resulting taxonomy with currently used theoretical constructs.
Results</b>: Experiences common to all patients were being in hospital, being ill or in pain, adjusting to not being able to do things, and having time to think. In addition, all participants described being depressed, down or sad. Patients who were identified by screening as being depressed described unique experiences of depression, which included 'having to think about things' (a forceful intrusive thinking), 'not being able to sleep', 'having to rely on others', 'being a burden' to others (with associated shame and guilt), feelings of 'not getting better' and 'feeling like giving up'. Theoretical analysis suggested that this experience of depression fitted well with the concept of demoralization described by Jerome Frank.
Conclusions</b>: Demoralization, which involves feelings of being unable to cope, helplessness, hopelessness and diminished personal esteem, characterizes much of the depression seen in hospitalized medically ill patients<br />


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The study reported in this paper involves a comparison of Resnik & Stern&rsquo;s (e.g., 1977) information cue usage in websites registered in two commercial domains of the World Wide Web (Web)&mdash;.com (global domain managed by VeriSign) and .com.au (a country domain, auDomain, managed by the Australian Domain Name Administrator&mdash;AUDA). The hypothesised higher use of information cues by digital marketers with .com registered domain names relative to .com.au registered domain names is not supported. Examination of the audited websites in the two-domain comparison confirms that the Web provides a richer marketing communication medium than other media analysed in a meta-analysis of 117 datasets by Abernethy & Franke (1996). The study is important given the acknowledged influence of advertising information on consumer responses to ads and the brands they relate, to both in traditional and new media (Aaker & Stayman, 1990; Brown & Stayman, 1992; Bruner & Kumar, 2000).


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DsbA is an enzyme found in the periplasm of Gram-negative bacteria that catalyses the formation of disulfide bonds in a diverse array of protein substrates, many of which are involved in bacterial pathogenesis. Whilst most bacteria possess only a single essential DsbA, Neisseria meningitidis is unusual in that it possesses three DsbAs, although the reason for this additional redundancy is unclear. Two of these N. meningitidis enzymes (NmDsbA1 and NmDsbA2) play an important role in meningococcal attachment to human epithelial cells, whilst NmDsbA3 is considered to have a narrow substrate repertoire. To begin to address the role of DsbAs in the pathogenesis of N. meningitidis, we have determined the structure of NmDsbA3 to 2.3 Å resolution. Although the sequence identity between NmDsbA3 and other DsbAs is low, the NmDsbA3 structure adopted a DsbA-like fold. Consistent with this finding, we demonstrated that NmDsbA3 acts as a thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase in vitro and is reoxidised by Escherichia coli DsbB (EcDsbB). However, pronounced differences in the structures between DsbA3 and EcDsbA, which are clustered around the active site of the enzyme, suggested a structural basis for the unusual substrate specificity that is observed for NmDsbA3.


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Liver-fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) is found in high levels in enterocytes and is involved in cytosolic solubilization of fatty acids. In addition, L-FABP has been shown to bind endogenous and exogenous lipophilic compounds, suggesting that it may also play a role in modulating their absorption and disposition within enterocytes. Previously, we have described binding of L-FABP to a range of drugs, including a series of fibrates. In the present study, we have generated structural models of L-FABP-fibrate complexes and undertaken thermodynamic analysis of the binding of fibrates containing either a carboxylic acid or ester functionality. Analysis of the current data reveals that both the location and the energetics of binding are different for fibrates that contain a carboxylate compared to those that do not. As such, the data presented in this study suggest potential mechanisms that underpin molecular recognition and dictate specificity in the interaction between fibrates and L-FABP.


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Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) is a small protein that binds long-chain dietary fatty acids in the cytosol of the columnar absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the intestine. The binding cavity of I-FABP is much larger than is necessary to bind a fatty acid molecule, which suggests that the protein may be able to bind other hydrophobic and amphipathic ligands such as lipophilic drugs. Herein we describe the binding of three structurally diverse lipophilic drugs, bezafibrate, ibuprofen (both R- and S-isomers) and nitrazepam to I-FABP. The rank order of affinity for I-FABP determined for these compounds was found to be R-ibuprofen {approx} bezafibrate > S-ibuprofen >> nitrazepam. The binding affinities were not directly related to aqueous solubility or partition coefficient of the compounds; however, the freely water-soluble drug diltiazem showed no affinity for I-FABP. Drug-I-FABP interaction interfaces were defined by analysis of chemical shift perturbations in NMR spectra, which revealed that the drugs bound within the central fatty acid binding cavity. Each drug participated in a different set of interactions within the cavity; however, a number of common contacts were observed with residues also involved in fatty acid binding. These data suggest that the binding of non-fatty acid lipophilic drugs to I-FABP may increase the cytosolic solubility of these compounds and thereby facilitate drug transport from the intestinal lumen across the enterocyte to sites of distribution and metabolism.


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Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) play a key role in regulating delta-6 desaturase (D6D), the key enzyme for long-chain PUFA biosynthesis. Nevertheless, the extent of their effects on this enzyme remains controversial and difficult to assess. It has been generally admitted that C18 unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs) regulate negatively delta-6 desaturase (D6D). This inhibition has been evidenced in regard to a high glucose/fat free (HG/FF) diet used in reference. However, several nutritional investigations did not evidence any inhibition of desaturases when feeding fatty acids.

Because the choice of the basal diet appeared to be of primary importance in such experiments, our goal was to reconsider the specific role of dietary UFAs on D6D regulation, depending on nutritional conditions. For that, sixteen adult Wistar rats were fed purified linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid or oleic acid, included in one of two diets at 4% by weight: an HG/FF or a high starch base (HS) where the pure UFAs replaced a mixed vegetable oil. Our results showed first that D6D specific activity was significantly greater when measured in presence of an HG/FF than with an HS/4% vegetable oil diet. Secondly, we found that linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids added to HG/FF reduced the specific activity of D6D. In contrast, when pure UFAs were added to an HS base, D6D specific activities remained unchanged or increased. Concordant results were obtained on D6D mRNA expression.

Altogether, this study evidenced the importance of the nutritional status in D6D regulation by C18 UFAs: when used as control, HG/FF diet stimulates D6D compared with a standard control diet containing starch and 4% fats, leading to an overestimation of the D6D regulation by UFAs. Then, UFAs should be considered as repressors for unsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis only in very specific nutritional conditions.


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Knowledge in the field of environmental health is growing rapidly. Within the context of external factors that define its boundaries, environmental health has evolved over time into a complex, multidisciplinary and ill-defined field with uncertain solutions. Many of the key determinants and solutions to environmental health lie outside the direct realm of health and are strongly dependent on environmental changes, water and sanitation, industrial development, education, employment, trade, tourism, agriculture, urbanization, energy, housing and national security. Environmental risks, vulnerability and variability manifest themselves in different ways and at different time scales. While there are shared global and transnational problems, each community, country or region faces its own unique environmental health problems, the solution of which depends on circumstances surrounding the resources, customs, institutions, values and environmental vulnerability. This work will contain critical reviews and assessments of environmental health practices and research that have worked in places and thus can guide programs and economic development in other countries or regions.


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Neurological complications of systemic cancer&mdash;those arising outside the nervous system&mdash;can be distressing, disabling, and sometimes fatal. Diagnosis is often difficult because different neurological disorders may present with similar signs and symptoms. Furthermore, comorbid neurological illnesses, common in elderly patients with cancer, can complicate diagnosis. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment can improve neurological symptoms and can substantially enhance a patient's quality of life. We approach the problem of neurological complications of systemic cancer as would a neurologist: first by identifying the anatomical area or areas that are affected (ie, brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerve), then by evaluating the diagnostic approach, considering the symptoms and signs and including appropriate laboratory tests, and finally, by recommending treatment. We focus on disorders that are difficult to diagnose, need neurological consultation, and for which effective treatments exist.