57 resultados para Branch and bound algorithms

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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The asymmetric travelling salesman problem with replenishment arcs (RATSP), arising from work related to aircraft routing, is a generalisation of the well-known ATSP. In this paper, we introduce a polynomial size mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulation for the RATSP, and improve an existing exponential size ILP formulation of Zhu [The aircraft rotation problem, Ph.D. Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, 1994] by proposing two classes of stronger cuts. We present results that under certain conditions, these two classes of stronger cuts are facet-defining for the RATS polytope, and that ATSP facets can be lifted, to give RATSP facets. We implement our polyhedral findings and develop a Lagrangean relaxation (LR)-based branch-and-bound (BNB) algorithm for the RATSP, and compare this method with solving the polynomial size formulation using ILOG Cplex 9.0, using both randomly generated problems and aircraft routing problems. Finally we compare our methods with the existing method of Boland et al. [The asymmetric traveling salesman problem with replenishment arcs, European J. Oper. Res. 123 (2000) 408–427]. It turns out that both of our methods are much faster than that of Boland et al. [The asymmetric traveling salesman problem with replenishment arcs, European J. Oper. Res. 123 (2000) 408–427], and that the LR-based BNB method is more efficient for problems that resemble the aircraft rotation problems.


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Recently, a simple yet powerful branch-and-bound method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS) was developed to speed up sliding window search in object detection. A major drawback of ESS is that its computational complexity varies widely from O(n2) to O(n4) for n × n matrices. Our experimental experience shows that the ESS's performance is highly related to the optimal confidence levels which indicate the probability of the object's presence. In particular, when the object is not in the image, the optimal subwindow scores low and ESS may take a large amount of iterations to converge to the optimal solution and so perform very slow. Addressing this problem, we present two significantly faster methods based on the linear-time Kadane's Algorithm for 1D maximum subarray search. The first algorithm is a novel, computationally superior branchand- bound method where the worst case complexity is reduced to O(n3). Experiments on the PASCAL VOC 2006 data set demonstrate that this method is significantly and consistently faster (approximately 30 times faster on average) than the original ESS. Our second algorithm is an approximate algorithm based on alternating search, whose computational complexity is typically O(n2). Experiments shows that (on average) it is 30 times faster again than our first algorithm, or 900 times faster than ESS. It is thus wellsuited for real time object detection.


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In this paper, we present the experiment results of three adaptive equalization algorithms: least-mean-square (LMS) algorithm, discrete cosine transform-least mean square (DCT-LMS) algorithm, and recursive least square (RLS) algorithm. Based on the experiments, we obtained that the convergence rate of LMS is slow; the convergence rate of RLS is great faster while the computational price is expensive; the performance of that two parameters of DCT-LMS are between the previous two algorithms, but still not good enough. Therefore we will propose an algorithm based on H2 in a coming paper to solve the problems.


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This article explores the experiences of Western women missionaries in a faith mission and their relationships with the women and children of China in the early years of the twentieth century. In a period of twenty years of unprecedented social and political revolution missionaries were forced to reconceptualise their work against a changing discourse of Chinese womanhood. In this context, emerging models of the Chinese New Woman and the New Girl challenged older mission constructions of gender. The Chinese reformation also provided missionaries with troubling reflections on their own roles as independent young women, against debates about modern women at home, and the emerging rights of white women as newly enfranchised citizens in the new nation of Australia.


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Subwindow search aims to find the optimal subimage which maximizes the score function of an object to be detected. After the development of the branch and bound (B&B) method called Efficient Subwindow Search (ESS), several algorithms (IESS [2], AESS [2], ARCS [3]) have been proposed to improve the performance of ESS. For nn images, IESS's time complexity is bounded by O(n3) which is better than ESS, but only applicable to linear score functions. Other work shows that Monge properties can hold in subwindow search and can be used to speed up the search to O(n3), but only applies to certain types of score functions. In this paper we explore the connection between submodular functions and the Monge property, and prove that sub-modular score functions can be used to achieve O(n3) time complexity for object detection. The time complexity can be further improved to be sub-cubic by applying B&B methods on row interval only, when the score function has a multivariate submodular bound function. Conditions for sub-modularity of common non-linear score functions and multivariate submodularity of their bound functions are also provided, and experiments are provided to compare the proposed approach against ESS and ARCS for object detection with some nonlinear score functions.


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We present a comparative evaluation of the state-of-art algorithms for detecting pedestrians in low frame rate and low resolution footage acquired by mobile sensors. Four approaches are compared: a) The Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HoG) approach [1]; b) A new histogram feature that is formed by the weighted sum of both the gradient magnitude and the filter responses from a set of elongated Gaussian filters [2] corresponding to the quantised orientation, called Histogram of Oriented Gradient Banks (HoGB) approach; c) The codebook based HoG feature with branch-and-bound (efficient subwindow search) algorithm [3] and; d) The codebook based HoGB approach. Results show that the HoG based detector achieves the highest performance in terms of the true positive detection, the HoGB approach has the lowest false positives whilst maintaining a comparable true positive rate to the HoG, and the codebook approaches allow computationally efficient detection.


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We investigate the resource-allocation problem in multicell networks targeting the max-min throughput of all cells. A joint optimization over power control, channel allocation, and user association is considered, and the problem is then formulated as a nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear problem (MINLP). To solve this problem, we proposed an alternating-optimization-based algorithm, which applies branch-and-bound and simulated annealing in solving subproblems at each optimization step. We also demonstrate the convergence and efficiency of the proposed algorithms by thorough numerical experiments. The experimental results show that joint optimization over all resources outperforms the restricted optimization over individual resources significantly.


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In recent years, there has been studies on the cardinality constrained multi-cycle problems on directed graphs, some of which considered chains co-existing on the same digraph whilst others did not. These studies were inspired by the optimal matching of kidneys known as the Kidney Exchange Problem (KEP). In a KEP, a vertex on the digraph represents a donor-patient pair who are related, though the kidney of the donor is incompatible to the patient. When there are multiple such incompatible pairs in the kidney exchange pool, the kidney of the donor of one incompatible pair may in fact be compatible to the patient of another incompatible pair. If Donor A’s kidney is suitable for Patient B, and vice versa, then there will be arcs in both directions between Vertex A to Vertex B. Such exchanges form a 2-cycle. There may also be cycles involving 3 or more vertices. As all exchanges in a kidney exchange cycle must take place simultaneously, (otherwise a donor can drop out from the program once his/her partner has received a kidney from another donor), due to logistic and human resource reasons, only a limited number of kidney exchanges can occur simultaneously, hence the cardinality of these cycles are constrained. In recent years, kidney exchange programs around the world have altruistic donors in the pool. A sequence of exchanges that starts from an altruistic donor forms a chain instead of a cycle. We therefore have two underlying combinatorial optimization problems: Cardinality Constrained Multi-cycle Problem (CCMcP) and the Cardinality Constrained Cycles and Chains Problem (CCCCP). The objective of the KEP is either to maximize the number of kidney matches, or to maximize a certain weighted function of kidney matches. In a CCMcP, a vertex can be in at most one cycle whereas in a CCCCP, a vertex can be part of (but in no more than) a cycle or a chain. The cardinality of the cycles are constrained in all studies. The cardinality of the chains, however, are considered unconstrained in some studies, constrained but larger than that of cycles, or the same as that of cycles in others. Although the CCMcP has some similarities to the ATSP- and VRP-family of problems, there is a major difference: strong subtour elimination constraints are mostly invalid for the CCMcP, as we do allow smaller subtours as long as they do not exceed the size limit. The CCCCP has its distinctive feature that allows chains as well as cycles on the same directed graph. Hence, both the CCMcP and the CCCCP are interesting and challenging combinatorial optimization problems in their own rights. Most existing studies focused on solution methodologies, and as far as we aware, there is no polyhedral studies so far. In this paper, we will study the polyhedral structure of the natural arc-based integer programming models of the CCMcP and the CCCCP, both containing exponentially many constraints. We do so to pave the way for studying strong valid cuts we have found that can be applied in a Lagrangean relaxation-based branch-and-bound framework where at each node of the branch-and-bound tree, we may be able to obtain a relaxation that can be solved in polynomial time, with strong valid cuts dualized into the objective function and the dual multipliers optimised by subgradient optimisation.


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The molecular geometry, the three dimensional arrangement of atoms in space, is a major factor determining the properties and reactivity of molecules, biomolecules and macromolecules. Computation of stable molecular conformations can be done by locating minima on the potential energy surface (PES). This is a very challenging global optimization problem because of extremely large numbers of shallow local minima and complicated landscape of PES. This paper illustrates the mathematical and computational challenges on one important instance of the problem, computation of molecular geometry of oligopeptides, and proposes the use of the Extended Cutting Angle Method (ECAM) to solve this problem.

ECAM is a deterministic global optimization technique, which computes tight lower bounds on the values of the objective function and fathoms those part of the domain where the global minimum cannot reside. As with any domain partitioning scheme, its challenge is an extremely large partition of the domain required for accurate lower bounds. We address this challenge by providing an efficient combinatorial algorithm for calculating the lower bounds, and by combining ECAM with a local optimization method, while preserving the deterministic character of ECAM.


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In the existing literature, the existence conditions and design procedures for scalar functional observers are available for the cases where the observers’ order p is either p=1 or p=(v-1), where v is the observability index of the matrix pair (C,A). Therefore, if an observer with an order p=1 does not exist, the other option is to use a high-order observer with p=(v-1). This paper provides the existence conditions and a design procedure for scalar functional observers of order 0≤p≤2, and demonstrates the presented results with a numerical example. where K, M, E, H and G are constant matrices to be designed. The problem of observing a scalar functional or multi functionals (z(t)∈Rk , k>1) of the state vector has been the subject of numerous papers, and different algorithms have been proposed (see, [1]-[13] and references therein). There are also papers that deal with the order reduction of multi-dimensional functional observers [9,10,12,13]. For scalar functional observers, a well-known Luenberger’s classic result [1] provides an upper bound on the order with p=(v-1). It is interesting to note here that, except for a recent result of Darouach [12,13], little results have been reported on the order reduction for scalar functional observers.


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We explore the multicast lifetime capacity of energy-limited wireless ad hoc networks using directional multibeam antennas by formulating and solving the corresponding optimization problem. In such networks, each node is equipped with a practical smart antenna array that can be configured to support multiple beams with adjustable orientation and beamwidth. The special case of this optimization problem in networks with single beams have been extensively studied and shown to be NP-hard. In this paper, we provide a globally optimal solution to this problem by developing a general MILP formulation that can apply to various configurable antenna models, many of which are not supported by the existing formulations. In order to study the multicast lifetime capacity of large-scale networks, we also propose an efficient heuristic algorithm with guaranteed theoretical performance. In particular, we provide a sufficient condition to determine if its performance reaches optimum based on the analysis of its approximation ratio. These results are validated by experiments as well. The multicast lifetime capacity is then quantitatively studied by evaluating the proposed exact and heuristic algorithms using simulations. The experimental results also show that using two-beam antennas can exploit most lifetime capacity of the networks for multicast communications. © 2013 IEEE.