32 resultados para Blue swimming crab - Reproduction - Endocrine aspects

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This investigation describes ovarian maturation stages in the female reproductive system, evidence for histones in sperm nuclei and novel morphological changes that occur during spermiogenesis in the male blue swimming crab, portunus pelagicus. It also identifies dual functionality of the molt inhibiting hromone on molting and vitellogenesis through RNA inteference.


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Spermatogenesis in the blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus, is described by light and electron microscopy. The testis is composed of anterior (AT) and posterior (PT) lobes, that are partitioned into lobules by connective tissue trabecula, and further divided into zones (germinal, transformation and evacuation), each with various stages of cellular differentiation. The vas deferens is classified into three distinct regions: anterior (AVD), median (MVD), and posterior (PVD), on the presence of spermatophores and two secretions, termed substance I and II. Based on the degree and patterns of heterochromatin, spermatogenesis is classified into 13 stages: two spermatogonia (SgA and SgB), six primary spermatocytes (leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, diakinesis, and metaphase), a secondary spermatocyte (SSc), three spermatids (St 1–3), and a mature spermatozoon. Spermatid stages are differentiated by chromatin decondensation and the formation of an acrosomal complex, which is unique to brachyurans. Mature spermatozoa are aflagellated, and have a nuclear projection and a spherical acrosome. AUT-PAGE and Western blots show that, during chromatin decondensation, there is a reduction of most histones, with only small amounts of H2B and H3 remaining in mature spermatozoa.


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Evidence for the presence of a putative egg-laying (ELH) hormone has been previously described in the black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon, so a further investigation was carried out to detect its presence in a range of Decapoda crustaceans prior to a full molecular analysis. The crustaceans were represented by the Australian fresh water yabbie, Cherax destructor, the Australian southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, the snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, and the blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus. Female cerebral ganglia, ventral nerve cords and gonads were investigated in a comparative study of the distribution of the immunoreactive hormone using immunoenzyme and immunofluorescence techniques. Immunoreactivity was detected in all tissues of interest, and the distribution patterns showed similarity within the four species, as well as that of P. monodon reported in the earlier study. There were minor variations. These data indicate that a putative ELH-like neuropeptide is widespread in crustaceans, and supports its previous identification in a range of molluscs and other invertebrates. Elucidation of the molecular structure of the peptide hormone and its encoding gene, as well as its involvement in spawning behaviour of crustaceans, is now fully under investigation.


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The study, carried out within an infertility support group, concern disclosure of donor conception and its possible effects upon our constructions of conception, kinship and identity. It also examines perceptions of rights, information and its access or denial, knowledge/power, secrecy and the medicalization of reproduction.


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The effect of the insecticide, pyriproxyfen on early ovary synthesis was examined in the Gecarcinid land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis. Crabs were fed a mixture of either leaf litter and bait containing 0.5% (wt/wt) pyriproxyfen (experimental groups), or a mixture of leaf litter and a control bait containing no pyriproxyfen (control groups), at simulated baiting doses of 2 kg ha− 1 and 4 kg ha− 1, during the period in which G. natalis synthesises its ovaries. A third group of crabs were fed ad libitum either the bait containing 0.5% Pypriproxyfen or the control bait. Pyriproxyfen affected early ovary development in G. natalis. The ovaries from crabs in the experimental groups at all baiting levels had a higher total nitrogen content and dry mass than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Pyriproxyfen affected the histology of the ovaries. Ovaries from animals in the experimental groups were more mature, containing more previtellogenic and early vitellogenic oocytes, of a larger diameter, than the ovaries from crabs in the control groups. Significant amounts of pyriproxyfen accumulated within the midgut gland and ovary, the hypothesised target tissues, while minor amounts of pyriproxyfen was accumulated in the muscle, a hypothesised non target tissue. Pyriproxyfen may have stimulated early ovary development and induced synthesis of yolk protein by mimicking methyl farnesoate and thus causing endocrine disruption. Given this, pyriproxyfen should not be used to control invasive insects in environments where gecarcinid and other land crab species are present.


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It has been proposed that short-term activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis, with a consequent increase in the secretion of cortisol, amy disrupt the endocrine events prior to ovulation and thereby impair reproduction in females. We investigated this concept in gilts in which oestrus was detected by introduction to boars, where intense physical contact is possible, or by applying pressure to the back of gilts (back-pressure test) during fence-line exposure to boars, where intense physical contact is prohibited. We expected that there would be a greater release of cortisol and that reproduction would be inhibited in gilts introduced to boars compared to gilts in which the back-pressure test was used. As expected, introduction of gilts to boars resulted in a significant transient increase in plasma concentrations of cortisol while there was no significant effect of using the back-pressure test on plasma cortisol. Nevertheless, introduction of gilts to boars did not impair reproduction and there was no effect of method of detecting oestrus on duration of oestrus, sexual receptivity, fertility or fecundity. The length of the oestrous cycle was decreased and ovulation rate increased in gilts that were introduced to boars compared to gilts that underwent the back-pressure test, indicating that introduction of gilts to boars may have stimulated these aspects of reproduction. These stimulatory effects may have been due to an increased exposure of gilts to sexual behaviour and stimuli from boars when introduced to boars and/or to stimulatory effects of the hypothalamo-pituitary adrenal axis on some aspects of reproduction.


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The hymenosomatid crab Amarinus lacustris is abundant in some south-eastern Australian rivers; however, little is known of its ecology. Patterns of habitat use by crabs in rivers may be affected by seasonal changes in river discharge. This study investigates population characteristics, timing of reproduction and patterns of habitat use by A. lacustris in five riffle and pool habitats from each of the Hopkins and Merri Rivers in south-west Victoria, Australia, sampled over a twelve-month period. Distribution of Amarinus lacustris was similar between the two rivers, but log-linear modelling showed that there was a strong association between crab sex, habitat occupied and time of year because female A. lacustris showed a shift from riffle to pool habitats during March and April, coinciding with the non-gravid period of the year. Male crabs also showed a change in relative occurrence, occurring most often in riffles during winter–spring (July–November) but being equally common in both habitats in summer–autumn (January–May). These patterns are probably the result of the reproductive cycle of A. lacustris, which appears to show both ontogenetic and sex-related changes in habitat use during its life cycle, taking advantage of seasonal fluctuations in flow regime that may assist egg/larval development and dispersal.


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The swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) is a small insectivorous marsupial inhabiting closed heath and tussock grassland in south-eastern Australia. The species is considered 'Near Threatened' on the
Australian mainland. Populations persist on coastal islands off Wilsons Promontory, but their current status is unknown. This study investigated the density, diet and reproduction of the swamp antechinus on Kanowna Island.
Data were collected by live trapping in different vegetation types during four trips between August 2003 and January 2004. Higher animal densities (47-129 ha-1) were found for Kanowna Island than for previously studied mainland populations (1-18 ha-1). Examination ofscats showed that this species eats a wide variety ofprey types, with moth larvae a major dietary component, particularly during the breeding season. Births were estimated to have occurred between 28 June and 8 August, which is a longer period than reported for other populations of this species. Factors including reduced predation, restricted dispersal and increased food availability may be responsible for supporting this dense population.


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Two key hypotheses emerge in the literature regarding the impact of stress on reproduction in females of any species. First, prolonged stress impairs reproduction in females. Secondly, acute stress impairs reproduction, if it occurs at a critical time during the precisely timed series of endocrine events that induce oestrus and ovulation. We reviewed studies conducted in female pigs to find support or opposition for these hypotheses in female pigs. We also considered the role of cortisol. We found confirmation that prolonged stress or the prolonged elevation of cortisol can impair reproductive processes in female pigs, but also found that there appear to be some female pigs in which reproduction is resistant to such treatments. Reproduction in female pigs appears to be resistant to acute or repeated acute stress or elevation of cortisol, even if these occur during the series of precisely timed endocrine events that induce oestrus and ovulation. Thus, we propose modified versions of the above hypotheses that are specific to female pigs. Furthermore, while cortisol may mediate the effects of prolonged stress on reproduction in female pigs, there is evidence that, in female pigs, ACTH may require the presence of the adrenal glands to impair reproduction rather than having direct effects.