25 resultados para Biogenic flux

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Biogenic aerosols play important roles in atmospheric chemistry physics, the biosphere, climate, and public health. Here, we show that fungi which actively discharge their spores with liquids into the air, in particular actively wet spore discharging Ascomycota (AAM) and actively wet spore discharging Basidiomycota (ABM), are a major source of primary biogenic aerosol particles and components. We present the first estimates for the global average emission rates of fungal spores.

Measurement results and budget calculations based on investigations in Amazonia (Balbina, Brazil, July 2001) indicate that the spores of AAM and ABM may account for a large proportion of coarse particulate matter in tropical rainforest regions during the wet season (0.7–2.3 μg m−3). For the particle diameter range of 1–10 μm, the estimated proportions are ~25% during day-time, ~45% at night, and ~35% on average. For the sugar alcohol mannitol, the budget calculations indicate that it is suitable for use as a molecular tracer for actively wet discharged basidiospores (ABS). ABM emissions seem to account for most of the atmospheric abundance of mannitol (10–68 ng m−3), and can explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). ABM emissions of hexose carbohydrates might also account for a significant proportion of glucose and fructose in air particulate matter (7–49 ng m−3), but the literature-derived ratios are not consistent with the observed diurnal cycle (lower abundance at night). AAM emissions appear to account for a large proportion of potassium in air particulate matter over tropical rainforest regions during the wet season (17–43 ng m−3), and they can also explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). The results of our investigations and budget calculations for tropical rainforest aerosols are consistent with measurements performed at other locations.

Based on the average abundance of mannitol reported for extratropical continental boundary layer air (~25 ng m−3), we have also calculated a value of ~17 Tg yr−1 as a first estimate for the global average emission rate of ABS over land surfaces, which is consistent with the typically observed concentrations of ABS (~10³–104 m−3; ~0.1–1 μg m−3). The global average atmospheric abundance and emission rate of total fungal spores, including wet and dry discharged species, are estimated to be higher by a factor of about three, i.e. 1 μg m−3 and ~50 Tg yr−1. Comparisons with estimated rates of emission and formation of other major types of organic aerosol (~47 Tg yr−1 of anthropogenic primary organic aerosol; 12–70 Tg yr−1 of secondary organic aerosol) indicate that emissions from fungi should be taken into account as a significant global source of organic aerosol. The effects of fungal spores and related chemical components might be particularly important in tropical regions, where both physicochemical processes in the atmosphere and biological activity at the Earth's surface are particularly intense, and where the abundance of fungal spores and related chemical compounds are typically higher than in extratropical regions.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pulsed electromagnetic fields with various flux densities and frequencies on neurite outgrowth in PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells. We have studied the percentage of neurite-bearing cells, average length of neurites and directivity of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells cultured for 96 hours in the presence of nerve growth factor (NGF). PC12 cells were exposed to 50 Hz pulsed electromagnetic fields with a flux density of 1.37 mT, 0.19 mT and 0.016 mT respectively. The field was generated through a Helmholtz coil pair housed in one incubator and the control samples were placed in another identical incubator. It was found that exposure to both a relatively high flux density (1.37 mT) and a medium flux density (0.19 mT) inhibited the percentage of neurite-bearing cells and promoted neurite length significantly. Exposure to high flux density (1.37 mT) also resulted in nearly 20% enhancement of neurite directivity along the field direction. However, exposure to low flux density field (0.016 mT) had no detectable effect on neurite outgrowth. We also studied the effect of frequency at the constant flux density of 1.37 mT. In the range from 1 ~ 100 Hz, only 50 and 70 Hz pulse frequencies had significant effects on neurite outgrowth. Our study has shown that neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells is sensitive to flux density and frequency of pulsed electromagnetic field.


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We attempt to generate new solutions for the moisture content form of the one-dimensional Richards' [1931] equation using the Lisle [1992] equivalence mapping. This mapping is used as no more general set of transformations exists for mapping the one-dimensional Richards' equation into itself. Starting from a given solution, the mapping has the potential to generate an infinite number of new solutions for a series of nonlinear diffusivity and hydraulic conductivity functions. We first seek new analytical solutions satisfying Richards' equation subject to a constant flux surface boundary condition for a semi-infinite dry soil, starting with the Burgers model. The first iteration produces an existing solution, while subsequent iterations are shown to endlessly reproduce this same solution. Next, we briefly consider the problem of redistribution in a finite-length soil. In this case, Lisle's equivalence mapping is generalized to account for arbitrary initial conditions. As was the case for infiltration, however, it is found that new analytical solutions are not generated using the equivalence mapping, although existing solutions are recovered.


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Background: The daily energy imbalance gap associated with the current population weight gain in the obesity epidemic is relatively small. However, the substantially higher body weights of populations that have accumulated over several years are associated with a substantially higher total energy expenditure (TEE) and total energy intake (TEI), or energy flux (EnFlux = TEE = TEI).
Objective: The objective was to develop an equation relating EnFlux to body weight in adults for estimating the rise in EnFlux associated with the obesity epidemic.
Design: Multicenter, cross-sectional data for TEE from doubly labeled water studies in 1399 adults aged 5.9 ± 18.8 y (mean ± SD) were analyzed in linear regression models with natural log (ln) weight as the dependent variable and ln EnFlux as the independent variable, adjusted for height, age, and sex. These equations were compared with those for children and applied to population trends in weight gain.
Results: ln EnFlux was positively related to ln weight (β = 0.71; 95% CI: 0.66, 0.76; R2 = 0.52), adjusted for height, age, and sex. This slope was significantly steeper than that previously described for children (β = 0.45; 95% CI: 0.38, 0.51).
Conclusions: This relation suggests that substantial increases in TEI have driven the increases in body weight over the past 3 decades. Adults have a higher proportional weight gain than children for the same proportional increase in energy intake, mostly because of a higher fat content of the weight being gained. The obesity epidemic will not be reversed without large reductions in energy intake, increases in physical activity, or both.


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We have developed a novel method to grow ordered layers of monodisperse colloids on a flat substrate. The evaporation of the colloidal suspension in the presence of the inclined substrate is strengthened by an external gas flux directed on the meniscus. The meniscus oscillations caused by the gas flux have an evident effect on the ordering of the spheres on the substrate. Thick films (more than 150 layers in a single-step deposition) of large area single crystals (1 cm2) can be obtained in a very short time (~1 cm/h maximum growth rate) and from very diluted suspensions (up to 0.022% volume fraction).


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Compared to the Conventional Activated Sludge Process (ASP), Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) have proven their superior performance in wastewater treatment and reuse during the past two decades. Further, MBRs have wide array of applications such as the removal of nutrients, toxic and persistent organic pollutants (POPs), which are impossible or difficult to remove using ASP. However, fouling of membrane is one of the main drawbacks to the widespread application of MBR technology and Extra-cellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) secreted by microbes are considered as one of the major foulants, which will reduce the flux (L/m2/h) through the membrane. Critical flux is defined as the flux above which membrane cake or gel layer formation due to deposition of EPS and other colloids on the membrane surface occurs. Thus, one of the operating strategies to control the fouling of MBRs is to operate those systems below the critical flux (at Sub-Critical flux). This paper discusses the critical flux results, which were obtained from short-term common flux step method, for a lab-scale MBR system treating Ametryn. This study compares the critical flux values that were obtained by operating the MBR system (consisting of a submerged Hollow-Fibre membrane with pore size of 0.4μm and effective area of 0.2m2) at different operating conditions and mixed liquor properties. This study revealed that the critical flux values found after the introduction of Ametryn were significantly lower than those of obtained before adding Ametryn to the synthetic wastewater. It was also revealed that the production of carbohydrates (in SMP) is greater than proteins, subsequent to the introduction of Ametryn and this may have influenced the membrane to foul more. It was also observed that a significant removal (40-60%) of Ametryn from this MBR during the critical flux determination experiments with 40 minutes flux-step duration.


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This paper evaluates the critical flux obtained by different techniques including tests with different flux step lengths (20 and 40 min and 7 days) and modes of operation (continuous and intermittent) under low and high MLSS concentrations. The paper also analyses a couple of long-term tests (flow rate of 40 and 20 L/day) to obtain the time required to reach the critical flux experimentally and compares those values with the results obtained numerically from a mathematical model. It was found that intermittent mode with membrane relaxation was useful in controlling the fouling of membrane and in restoring the membrane from fouling at lower MLSS.


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Spores and related chemical compounds from actively spore-discharging Ascomycota (AAM) and actively spore-discharging Basidiomycota (ABM) are primary biogenic components of air particulate matter (characteristic size range 1–10 μm). Measurement results and budget calculations based on investigations in Amazonia (Balbina, Brazil, July 2001) indicate that the forcible discharge of fungal spores may account for a large proportion of coarse air particulate matter in tropical rainforest regions during the wet season. For the particle diameter range of 1–10 μm, the estimated proportions are ~25% during day-time, ~45% at night, and ~35% on average. For the sugar alcohol, mannitol, the budget calculations indicate that it is suitable for use as a molecular tracer for actively discharged basidiospores (ABS), and that the literature-derived emission ratio of about 5 pg per ABS may be taken as a representative average. ABM emissions may account for most of the atmospheric abundance of mannitol, and can explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). ABM emissions of hexose carbohydrates might also account for a significant proportion of glucose and fructose in air particulate matter, but the literature-derived ratios are not consistent with the observed diurnal cycle (lower abundance at night). AAM emissions appear to account for a large proportion of potassium in air particulate matter over tropical rainforest regions during the wet season, and they can also explain the observed diurnal cycle (higher abundance at night). The results of our investigations and budget calculations for tropical rainforest aerosols are consistent with measurements performed at other locations.

Based on the average abundance of mannitol in particulate matter, which is consistent with the above emission ratio and the observed abundance of ABS, we have also calculated a value of ~17 Tg yr−1 as a first estimate for the global average emission rate of ABS over land surfaces. Comparisons with estimated rates of emission and formation of other major types of organic aerosol (~47 Tg yr−1 of anthropogenic primary organic aerosol; 12–70 Tg yr−1 of secondary organic aerosol) indicate that emissions from actively spore-discharging fungi should be taken into account as a significant source of organic aerosol. Their effects might be particularly important in tropical regions, where both physicochemical processes in the atmosphere and biological activity at the Earth's surface are particularly intense, and where the abundance of fungal spores and related chemical compounds are typically higher than in extratropical regions.


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The ability of skeletal muscle to enhance lipid utilization during exercise is a form of metabolic plasticity essential for survival. Conversely, metabolic inflexibility in muscle can cause organ dysfunction and disease. Although the transcription factor Kruppel-like factor 15 (KLF15) is an important regulator of glucose and amino acid metabolism, its endogenous role in lipid homeostasis and muscle physiology is unknown. Here we demonstrate that KLF15 is essential for skeletal muscle lipid utilization and physiologic performance. KLF15 directly regulates a broad transcriptional program spanning all major segments of the lipid-flux pathway in muscle. Consequently, Klf15-deficient mice have abnormal lipid and energy flux, excessive reliance on carbohydrate fuels, exaggerated muscle fatigue, and impaired endurance exercise capacity. Elucidation of this heretofore unrecognized role for KLF15 now implicates this factor as a central component of the transcriptional circuitry that coordinates physiologic flux of all three basic cellular nutrients: glucose, amino acids, and lipids.


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The need to monitor biogenic amines levels is essential for many areas of the food industry for two main reasons: the caustic nature and potential toxicity of these amines, and the potential to use amine levels as markers for freshness and quality in foodstuffs. Optimised analysis conditions used for the determination of biogenic amines derivatised with 2-napthyloxycarbonyl chloride has been applied to different pet food samples to assess the effectiveness of this method for complex sample matrices. Further to this, the use of high-resolution mass spectrometry has enabled the previously unconfirmed derivatised form of seven biogenic amines to be established. The derivatised forms identified include as mono substituted (tryptamine and histamine), bisubstituted (putrescine, cadaverine and tyramine), trisubstituted (spermidine) and tetrasubstituted (spermine). The methodology of biogenic amine determination was performed successfully to a range of pet food products highlighting the applicability to a variety of complex sample matrices.