31 resultados para Binding Affinity

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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Aptamers are proving their utility in a number of applications. However, to be easily functionalized, their structure needs to be simplified. Therefore, we sought to truncate a 50-nucleotide aptamer specific to the transferrin receptor to its smallest functional unit using rational engineering of the predicted two-dimensional structure of the longer parent sequence. In addition, mutations were introduced into the binding loop to determine their effect on the selectivity of the aptamers. These base mutations enhanced the binding affinity of the aptamer, while retaining its specificity. The equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) was reduced sixfold following the substitution of all four bases in the binding region. In addition, these aptamers were efficiently internalized into transferrin receptor-positive cells in a similar manner to the transferrin receptor antibody and demonstrated colocalization with this antibody. This study has shown that the smallest functional unit of this aptamer was 14 nucleotides. This small size will be advantageous for future applications, such as drug delivery or functionalization of other therapeutic modalities.


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Liver-fatty acid binding protein (L-FABP) is found in high levels in enterocytes and is involved in the cytosolic solubilization of fatty acids during fat absorption. In the current studies, the interaction of L-FABP with a range of lipophilic drugs has been evaluated to explore the potential for L-FABP to provide an analogous function during the absorption of lipophilic drugs. Binding affinity for L-FABP was assessed by displacement of a fluorescent marker, 1-anilinonaphthalene-8-sulfonic acid (ANS), and the binding site location was determined via nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift perturbation studies. It was found that the majority of drugs bound to L-FABP at two sites, with the internal site generally having a higher affinity for the compounds tested. Furthermore, in contrast to the interaction of L-FABP with fatty acids, it was demonstrated that a terminal carboxylate is not required for specific binding of lipophilic drugs at the internal site of L-FABP.


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Intestinal fatty acid binding protein (I-FABP) is present at high levels in the absorptive cells of the intestine (enterocytes), where it plays a role in the intracellular solubilization of fatty acids (FA). However, I-FABP has also been shown to bind to a range of non-FA ligands, including some lipophilic drug molecules. Thus, in addition to its central role in FA trafficking, I-FABP potentially serves as an important intracellular carrier of lipophilic drugs. In this study we provide a detailed thermodynamic analysis of the binding and stability properties of I-FABP in complex with a series of fibrate and fenamate drugs to provide an insight into the forces driving drug binding to I-FABP. Drug binding and selectivity for I-FABP are driven by the interplay of protein−ligand interactions and solvent processes. The Gibbs free energies (ΔG°) determined from dissociation constants at 25 °C ranged from −6.2 to −10 kcal/mol. The reaction energetics indicate that drug binding to I-FABP is an enthalpy−entropy driven process. The relationship between I-FABP stability and drug binding affinity was examined by pulse proteolysis. There is a strong coupling between drug binding and I-FABP stability. The effect of an I-FABP protein sink on the kinetics and thermodynamics of tolfenamic acid permeation across an artificial phospholipid membrane were investigated. I-FABP significantly decreased the energy barrier for desorption of tolfenamic acid from the membrane into the acceptor compartment. Taken together, these data suggest that the formation of stable drug−I-FABP complexes is thermodynamically viable under conditions simulating the reactant concentrations likely observed in vivo and maybe a significant biochemical process that serves as a driving force for passive intestinal absorption of lipophilic drugs.


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Transcellular diffusion across the absorptive epithelial cells (enterocytes) of the small intestine is the main route of absorption for most orally administered drugs. The process by which lipophilic compounds transverse the aqueous environment of the cytoplasm, however, remains poorly defined. In the present study, we have identified a structurally diverse group of lipophilic drugs that display low micromolar binding affinities for a cytosolic lipid-binding protein—intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP). Binding to I-FABP significantly enhanced the transport of lipophilic drug molecules across a model membrane, and the degree of transport enhancement was related to both drug lipophilicity and I-FABP binding affinity. These data suggest that intracellular lipid-binding proteins such as I-FABP may enhance the membrane transport of lipophilic xenobiotics and facilitate drug access to the enterocyte cytoplasm and cytoplasmic organelles.


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Peptide sequences that can discriminate between gold facets under aqueous conditions offer a promising route to control the growth and organisation of biomimetically-synthesised gold nanoparticles. Knowledge of the interplay between sequence, conformations and interfacial properties is essential for predictable manipulation of these biointerfaces, but the structural connections between a given peptide sequence and its binding affinity remain unclear, impeding practical advances in the field. These structural insights, at atomic-scale resolution, are not easily accessed with experimental approaches, but can be delivered via molecular simulation. A current unmet challenge lies in forging links between predicted adsorption free energies derived from enhanced sampling simulations with the conformational ensemble of the peptide and the water structure at the surface. To meet this challenge, here we use an in situ combination of Replica Exchange with Solute Tempering with Metadynamics simulations to predict the adsorption free energy of a gold-binding peptide sequence, AuBP1, at the aqueous Au(111), Au(100)(1 × 1) and Au(100)(5 × 1) interfaces. We find adsorption to the Au(111) surface is stronger than to Au(100), irrespective of the reconstruction status of the latter. Our predicted free energies agree with experiment, and correlate with trends in interfacial water structuring. For gold, surface hydration is predicted as a chief determining factor in peptide-surface recognition. Our findings can be used to suggest how shaped seed-nanocrystals of Au, in partnership with AuBP1, could be used to control AuNP nanoparticle morphology.


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A major barrier to the systematic improvement of biomimetic peptide-mediated strategies for the controlled growth of inorganic nanomaterials in environmentally benign conditions lies in the lack of clear conceptual connections between the sequence of the peptide and its surface binding affinity, with binding being facilitated by noncovalent interactions. Peptide conformation, both in the adsorbed and in the nonadsorbed state, is the key relationship that connects peptide-materials binding with peptide sequence. Here, we combine experimental peptide-titania binding characterization with state-of-the-art conformational sampling via molecular simulations to elucidate these structure/binding relationships for two very different titania-binding peptide sequences. The two sequences (Ti-1, QPYLFATDSLIK; Ti-2, GHTHYHAVRTQT) differ in their overall hydropathy, yet via quartz-crystal microbalance measurements and predictions from molecular simulations, we show these sequences both support very similar, strong titania-binding affinities. Our molecular simulations reveal that the two sequences exhibit profoundly different modes of surface binding, with Ti-1 acting as an entropically driven binder while Ti-2 behaves as an enthalpically driven binder. The integrated approach presented here provides a rational basis for peptide sequence engineering to achieve the in situ growth and organization of titania nanostructures in aqueous media and for the design of sequences suitable for a range of technological applications that involve the interface between titania and biomolecules.


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Angiotensin (Ang) I-converting enzyme (ACE) is a Zn2+ metalloprotease with two homologous catalytic domains. Both the N- and C-terminal domains are peptidyl dipeptidases. Hydrolysis by ACE of its decapeptide substrate Ang I is increased by Cl−, but the molecular mechanism of this regulation is unclear. A search for single substitutions to Gln among all conserved basic residues (Lys/Arg) in human ACE C-domain identified R1098Q as the sole mutant that lacked Cl− dependence. Cl−dependence is also lost when the equivalent Arg in the N-domain, Arg500, is substituted with Gln. The Arg1098 to Lys substitution reduced Cl− binding affinity by ∼100-fold. In the absence of Cl−, substrate binding affinity (1/K m) of and catalytic efficiency (k cat/K m) for Ang I hydrolysis are increased 6.9- and 32-fold, respectively, by the Arg1098 to Gln substitution, and are similar (<2-fold difference) to the respective wild-type C-domain catalytic constants in the presence of optimal [Cl−]. The Arg1098 to Gln substitution also eliminates Cl− dependence for hydrolysis of tetrapeptide substrates, but activity toward these substrates is similar to that of the wild-type C-domain in the absence of Cl−. These findings indicate that: 1) Arg1098 is a critical residue of the C-domain Cl−-binding site and 2) a basic side chain is necessary for Cl− dependence. For tetrapeptide substrates, the inability of R1098Q to recreate the high affinity state generated by the Cl−-C-domain interaction suggests that substrate interactions with the enzyme-bound Cl− are much more important for the hydrolysis of short substrates than for Ang I. Since Cl− concentrations are saturating under physiological conditions and Arg1098 is not critical for Ang I hydrolysis, we speculate that the evolutionary pressure for the maintenance of the Cl−-binding site is its ability to allow cleavage of short cognate peptide substrates at high catalytic efficiencies.


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PURPOSE: To study target-specific delivery of doxorubicin (Dox) using an RNA aptamer against epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) in retinoblastoma (RB) cells. METHODS: The binding affinity of the EpCAM aptamer to RB primary tumor cells, Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells, and Müller glial cell lines were evaluated with flow cytometry. Formation of physical conjugates of aptamer and Dox was monitored with spectrofluorimetry. Cellular uptake of aptamer-Dox conjugates was monitored through fluorescent microscopy. Drug efficacy was monitored with cell proliferation assay. RESULTS: The EpCAM aptamer (EpDT3) but not the scrambled aptamer (Scr-EpDT3) bound to RB tumor cells, the Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells. However, the EpCAM aptamer and the scrambled aptamer did not bind to the noncancerous Müller glial cells. The chimeric EpCAM aptamer Dox conjugate (EpDT3-Dox) and the scrambled aptamer Dox conjugate (Scr-EpDT3-Dox) were synthesized and tested on the Y79, WERI-Rb1, and Müller glial cells. The targeted uptake of the EpDT3-Dox aptamer caused cytotoxicity in the Y79 and WERI-Rb1 cells but not in the Müller glial cells. There was no significant binding or consequent cytotoxicity by the Scr-EpDT3-Dox in either cell line. The EpCAM aptamer alone did not cause cytotoxicity in either cell line. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the EpCAM aptamer-Dox conjugate can selectively deliver the drug to the RB cells there by inhibiting cellular proliferation and not to the noncancerous Müller glial cells. As EpCAM is a cancer stem cell marker, this aptamer-based targeted drug delivery will prevent the undesired effects of non-specific drug activity and will kill cancer stem cells precisely in RB.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is an endocrine disruptor that displays estrogenic activity. Several reports suggest that BPA may have estrogen receptor-independent effects. In zebrafish, 50 μM BPA exposure induces otic vesicle abnormalities, including otolith aggregation. The purpose of this study was to test if BPA action was mediated in vivo during zebrafish development by the orphan nuclear estrogen related receptor (ERR) γ. Combining pharmacological and functional approaches, we demonstrate that the zebrafish ERRγ mediates BPA-induced malformations in otoliths. Using different bisphenol derivatives, we show that different compounds can induce a similar otolith phenotype than BPA and that the binding affinity of these derivatives to the zebrafish ERRγ correlates with their ability to induce otolith malformations. Morpholino knockdown of ERRγ function suppresses the BPA effect on otoliths whereas overexpression of ERRγ led to a BPA-like otolith phenotype. Moreover, a subphenotypical dose of BPA (1 μM) combined with ERRγ overexpression led to a full-dose (50 μM) BPA otolith phenotype. We therefore conclude that ERRγ mediates the otic vesicle phenotype generated by BPA. Our results suggest that the range of pathways perturbed by this compound and its potential harmful effect are larger than expected.—Tohmé, M., Prud’homme, S. M., Boulahtouf, A., Samarut, E., Brunet, F., Bernard, L., Bourguet, W., Gibert, Y., Balaguer, P., Laudet, V. Estrogen-related receptor γ is an in vivo receptor of bisphenol A.


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A range of 1,4-substituted-1,2,3-N-phenyltriazoles were synthesized and evaluated as non-steroidal androgen receptor (AR) antagonists. The motivation for this study was to replace the N-phenyl amide portion of small molecule antiandrogens with a 1,2,3-triazole and determine effects, if any, on biological activity. The synthetic methodology presented herein is robust, high yielding and extremely rapid. Using this methodology a series of 17 N-aryl triazoles were synthesized from commercially available starting materials in less than 3h. After preliminary biological screening at 20 and 40 μM, the most promising three compounds were found to display IC50 values of 40-50 μM against androgen dependent (LNCaP) cells and serve as a starting point for further structure-activity investigations. All compounds in this work were the focus of an in silico study to dock the compounds into the human androgen receptor ligand binding domain (hARLBD) and compare their predicted binding affinity with known antiandrogens. A comparison of receptor-ligand interactions for the wild type and T877A mutant AR revealed two novel polar interactions. One with Q738 of the wild type site and the second with the mutated A877 residue.


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To fully harness the enormous potential offered by interfaces between graphitic nanostructures and biomolecules, detailed connections between adsorbed conformations and adsorption behaviour are needed. To elucidate these links, a key approach, in partnership with experimental techniques, is molecular simulation. For this, a force-field (FF) that can appropriately capture the relevant physics and chemistry of these complex bio-interfaces, while allowing extensive conformational sampling, and also supporting inter-operability with known biological FFs, is a pivotal requirement. Here, we present and apply such a force-field, GRAPPA, designed to work with the CHARMM FF. GRAPPA is an efficiently implemented polarisable force-field, informed by extensive plane-wave DFT calculations using the revPBE-vdW-DF functional. GRAPPA adequately recovers the spatial and orientational structuring of the aqueous interface of graphene and carbon nanotubes, compared with more sophisticated approaches. We apply GRAPPA to determine the free energy of adsorption for a range of amino acids, identifying Trp, Tyr and Arg to have the strongest binding affinity and Asp to be a weak binder. The GRAPPA FF can be readily incorporated into mainstream simulation packages, and will enable large-scale polarisable biointerfacial simulations at graphitic interfaces, that will aid the development of biomolecule-mediated, solution-based graphene processing and self-assembly strategies.


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Short single-stranded oligonucleotides called aptamers, often termed as chemical antibodies, have been developed as powerful alternatives to traditional antibodies with respect to their obvious advantages like high specificity and affinity, longer shelf-life, easier manufacturing protocol, freedom to introduce chemical modifications for further improvement, etc. Reiterative selection process of aptamers over 10-15 cycles starting from a large initial pool of random nucleotide sequences renders them with high binding affinity, thereby making them extremely specific for their targets. Aptamer-based detection systems are well investigated and likely to displace primitive detection systems. Aptamer chimeras (combination of aptamers with another aptamer or biomacromolecule or chemical moiety) have the potential activity of both the parent molecules, and thus hold the capability to perform diverse functions at the same time. Owing to their extremely high specificity and lack of immunogenicity or pathogenicity, a number of other aptamers have recently entered clinical trials and have garnered favorable attention from pharmaceutical companies. Promising results from the clinical trials provide new hope to change the conventional style of therapy. Aptamers have attained high therapeutic relevance in a short time as compared to synthetic drugs and/or other modes of therapy. This review follows the various trends in aptamer technology including production, selection, modifications and success in clinical fields. It focusses largely on the various applications of aptamers which mainly depend upon their selection procedures. The review also sheds light on various modifications and chimerizations that have been implemented in order to improve the stability and functioning of the aptamers, including introduction of locked nucleic acids (LNAs). The application of various aptamers in detection systems has been discussed elaborately in order to stress on their role as efficient diagnostic agents. The key aspect of this review is focused on success of aptamers on the basis of their performance in clinical trials for various diseases.


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There are more than 12 new antiepileptic drugs approved in the last 2 decades. Even with these newer agents, seizure remission is still unachievable in around 30% of patients with partial-onset seizures (POS). Brivaracetam (BRV) is chemically related to levetiracetam (LEV) and possesses a strong binding affinity for the synaptic vesicle protein 2A tenfold above that of LEV, and other possible modes of antiepileptic actions. BRV is now under Phase III development for POS, but data from one Phase III trial also suggested its potential efficacy for primary generalized seizures. The purpose of this review is to provide updated information on the mechanisms of action of the available antiepileptic drugs, with a focus on BRV to assess its pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, clinical efficacy, safety, and tolerability in patients with uncontrolled POS. To date, six Phase IIb and III clinical trials have been performed to investigate the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of BRV as an adjunctive treatment for patients with POS. Generally, BRV was well tolerated and did not show significant difference in safety profile, compared to placebo. The efficacy outcomes of BRV, although not consistent across trials, did indicate that BRV was a promising add-on therapy for patients with POS. In conclusion, the many favorable attributes of BRV, like its high oral efficacy, good tolerability, dosing regimen, and minimal drug interaction, make it a promising antiepileptic therapy for patients with uncontrolled partial-onset epilepsy.


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Interfacial solvent structuring is thought to be influential in mediating the adsorption of biomolecules at aqueous materials interfaces. However, despite the enormous potential for exploitation of aqueous chitin interfaces in industrial, medical and drug-delivery applications, little is known at the molecular-level about such interfacial solvent structuring for chitin. Here we use molecular simulation to predict the structure of the [100] and [010] interfaces of α-chitin and β-chitin dihydrate in contact with liquid water and saline solution. We find the α-chitin [100] interface supports lateral high-density regions in the first water layer at the interface, which are also present, but not as pronounced, for β-chitin. The lateral structuring of interfacial ions at the saline/chitin interface is also more pronounced for α-chitin compared with β-chitin. Our findings provide a foundation for the systematic design of biomolecules with selective binding affinity for different chitin polymorphs.