16 resultados para Bernardino Realino, Blessed, 1530-1616.

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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I have quite distinct memories of my first encounters with people I identified as Jews. In the 1970's, when I was in my teens, I made friends with a group of Jewish girls, and was invited to their homes, most of which were in the Melbourne (Australia) suburb of Caulfield, which had one of the highest proportions of Jewish inhabitants in the city. I was growing up opposite a golf-course in an increasingly affluent, beachside, bleached-blonde outer suburb whose micro-culture epitomised entrenched Anglo-Australian values; good manners, regular hours, discreet display of wealth, restrained emotion, mid-week tennis, weekends on the beach. Entree to the homes of these Jewish families provided my fairly romantic and uncritical eye with a glimpse of another world....


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Microarray plays a major role to identify the over- and under-expressed genes. It is a well-known fact that trace elements in our body play a major role in the metabolic processes of all living organisms. In this paper, the microarray studies related to major trace metals are reviewed. This review forms the basis for the converged effort to locate the genes that are either defective and destabilise the concentration of the trace metals or influenced by the changed concentration of the trace metals that are needed for proper functions of the human body, at different parts of the body.


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Objective: It has been suggested that adiponectin regulates plasma free fatty acid (FFA) clearance by stimulating FFA uptake and/or oxidation in muscle. We aimed to determine changes in plasma adiponectin concentration and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle during and after prolonged exercise under normal, fasting conditions (high FFA trial; HFA) and following pharmacological inhibition of adipose tissue lipolysis (low FFA trial; LFA). Furthermore, we aimed to detect and locate adiponectin in skeletal muscle tissue. Methods: Ten subjects performed two exercise trials (120 min at 50% VO2max). Indirect calorimetry was used to determine total fat oxidation rate. Plasma samples were collected at rest, during exercise and during post-exercise recovery to determine adiponectin, FFA and glycerol concentrations. Muscle biopsies were taken to determine adiponectin protein and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression and to localise intramyocellular adiponectin. Results: Basal plasma adiponectin concentrations averaged 6.57±0.7 and 6.63±0.8 mg/l in the HFA and LFA trials respectively, and did not change significantly during or after exercise. In the LFA trial, plasma FFA concentrations and total fat oxidation rates were substantially reduced. However, plasma adiponectin and muscle adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression did not differ between trials. Immunohistochemical staining of muscle cross-sections showed the presence of adiponectin in the sarcolemma of individual muscle fibres and within the interfibrillar arterioles. Conclusion: Plasma adiponectin concentrations and adiponectin receptor 1 and 2 mRNA expression in muscle are not acutely regulated by changes in adipose tissue lipolysis and/or plasma FFA concentrations. Adiponectin is abundantly expressed in muscle, and, for the first time, it has been shown to be present in/on the sarcolemma of individual muscle fibres.


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Background: Recent work suggests that 2 biologically based traits convey risk for alcohol misuse: reward sensitivity ⁄ drive and (rash) impulsiveness. However, the cognitive mechanisms through which these traits convey risk are unclear. This study tested a model predicting that the risk conveyed by reward sensitivity is mediated by a learning bias for the reinforcing outcomes of alcohol consumption (i.e., positive alcohol expectancy). The model also proposed that the risk conveyed by rash impulsiveness (RI) is mediated by drinkers’ perceived ability to resist alcohol (i.e., drinking refusal self-efficacy).
Methods: Study 1 tested the model in a sample of young adults (n = 342). Study 2 tested the model in a sample of treatment-seeking substance abusers (n = 121). All participants completed a battery of personality, cognitive, and alcohol use questionnaires and models were tested using structural equation modeling.
Results: In both studies, the hypothesized model was found to provide a good fit to the data, and a better fit than alternative models. In both young adults and treatment-seeking individuals, positive alcohol expectancy fully mediated the association between reward sensitivity and hazardous alcohol use. For treatment seekers, drinking refusal self-efficacy fully mediated the association between RI and hazardous drinking. However, there was partial mediation in the young adult sample. Furthermore, neither trait was directly associated with the other cognitive mediator.
Conclusions: The hypothesized model was confirmed on a large sample of young adults and replicated on a sample of treatment-seeking substance abusers. Taken together, these findings shed further light on the mechanisms through which an impulsive temperament may convey risk for alcohol misuse.


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In this chapter the authors discuss the physical insight of the role of wireless communication in RFID systems. In this respect, this chapter gives a brief introduction on the wireless communication model followed by various communication schemes. The chapter also discusses various channel impairments and the statistical modeling of fading channels based on the environment in which the RFID tag and reader may be present. The chapter deals with the fact that the signal attenuations can be dealt with up to some level by using multiple antennas at the reader transmitter and receiver to improve the performance. Thus, this chapter discusses the use of transmit diversity at the reader transmitter to transmit multiple copies of the signal. Following the above, the use of receiver combining techniques are discussed, which shows how the multiple copies of the signal arriving at the reader receiver from the tag are combined to reduce the effects of fading. The chapter then discusses various modulation techniques required to modulate the signal before transmitting over the channel. It then presents a few channel estimation algorithms, according to which, by estimating the channel state information of the channel paths through which transmission takes place, performance of the wireless system can be further increased. Finally, the Antenna selection techniques are presented, which further helps in improving the system performance.


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To examine the uptake of religious rituals of the Greek Orthodox Church by relatives of patients in critical condition in Greece and to explore their symbolic representations and spiritual meanings.
Patients and their relatives want to be treated with respect and be supported for their beliefs, practices, customs and rituals. However nurses may not be ready to meet the spiritual needs of relatives of patients, while the health-related religious beliefs, practices and rituals of the Greek Orthodox Christian denomination have not been explored.
This study was part of a large study encompassing 19 interviews with 25 informants, relatives of patients in intensive care units of three large hospitals in Athens, Greece, between 2000 and 2005. In this paper data were derived from personal accounts of religious rituals given by six participants.
Relatives used a series of religious rituals, namely blessed oil and holy water, use of relics of saints, holy icons, offering names for pleas and pilgrimage.
Through the rituals, relatives experience a sense of connectedness with the divine and use the sacred powers to promote healing of their patients.
Implications for nursing management
Nurse managers should recognize, respect and facilitate the expression of spirituality through the practice of religious rituals by patients and their relatives.


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We show how in-line Raman spectroscopy can be used to monitor both reactant and product concentrations for a heterogeneously catalysed Suzuki cross reaction operating in continuous flow. The flow system consisted of an HPLC pump to drive a homogeneous mixture of the reactants (4-bromobenzonitrile, phenylboronic acid, and potassium carbonate) through an oven heated (80°C) palladium catalyst immobilised on a silica monolith. A custom built PTFE in-line flow cell with a quartz window enabled the coupling of an Ocean Optics Raman spectrometer probe to monitor both the reactants and product (4-cyanobiphenyl). Calibration was based on obtaining multivariate spectral data in the range 1530 cm–1 and 1640 cm–1 and using partial least-squares regression (PLSR) to obtain a calibration model which was validated using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis. In-line Raman monitoring of the reactant and product concentrations enable (i) determination of reaction kinetic information such as the empirical rate law and associated rate constant and (ii) optimisation of either the product conversion (61 % at 0.02 mL min–1 generating 17 g h–1) or product yield (14 % at 0.24 mL min–1 generating 53 g h–1).


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We tested the hypothesis that overweight/obese men aged 50–70 years will have a greater salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and heart rate (HR) responses to psychological stress compared with age matched lean men. Lean (BMIZ20–25 kg/m2; nZ19) and overweight/obese (BMIZ27–35 kg/m2; nZ17) men (50–70 years) were subjected to a well-characterised psychological stress (Trier Social Stress Test, TSST) at 1500 h. Concentrations of cortisol and alpha amylase were measured in saliva samples collected every 7–15 min from 1400 to 1700 h. HR was recorded using electrocardiogram. Body weight, BMI, percentage body fat, resting systolic and diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure were significantly higher (P!0.05) in overweight/obese men compared with lean men. Both groups responded to the TSST with a substantial elevation in salivary cortisol (372%), salivary alpha amylase (123%) and HR (22%). These responses did not differ significantly between the groups (time!treatment interaction for salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and HR; PZ0.187, PZ0.288, PZ0.550, respectively). There were no significant differences between the groups for pretreatment values, peak height, difference between pretreatment values and peak height (reactivity) or area under the curve for salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase or HR (PO0.05 for all). The results showed that, for men with a moderate level of overweight/obesity who were otherwise healthy, the response of salivary cortisol, salivary alpha amylase and HR to acute psychological stress was not impaired.


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 In the context of reproduction, glucocorticoids (GCs) are generally considered to have negative effects. However, in well-studied model species, GCs fluctuate predictability across the estrous cycles, and short-term increases promote healthy ovarian function. Reproductive challenges have plagued captive elephant populations, which are not currently self-sustaining. Efforts to understand reproductive dysfunction in elephants have focused on the suppressive effects of cortisol, but the potential permissive or stimulatory effects of cortisol are unknown. In this study, we provide a detailed examination of cortisol patterns across the estrous cycle in Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Time series analysis was used to analyze cortisol and progesterone data for a total of 73 cycles from eight females. We also compared cortisol profiles between females that successfully conceived and females that failed to conceive despite repeated mating attempts. Our results revealed that cortisol fluctuates predictably across the estrous cycle, with a peak during the second half of the follicular phase followed by low levels throughout the luteal phase. Furthermore, this pattern was significantly altered in nulliparous females; cortisol concentrations did not decline during the luteal phase to the same extent as in parous females. This study highlights the complexity of cortisol signaling and suggests future directions for understanding the role of cortisol in reproductive dysfunction.


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Objective: In 2011, the United Kingdom launched five Public Health Responsibility Deal Networks inspired by ‘nudge theory’ to facilitate healthy-lifestyle behaviors. This study used Q methodology to examine stakeholders’ views about responsibility and accountability for healthy food environments to reduce obesity and diet-related chronic diseases. Design: A purposive sample of policy elites (n=31) from government, academia, food industry and civil society sorted 48 statements grounded in three theoretical perspectives (i.e., legitimacy, nudge and public health law). Factor analysis identified intra-individual statement sorting differences. Results: A three-factor solution explained 64 percent of the variance across three distinct viewpoints: food environment protectors (n=17) underscored government responsibility to address unhealthy food environments; partnership pioneers (n=12) recognized government-industry partnerships as legitimate; and the commercial market defenders (n=1) emphasized individual responsibility for food choices and rejected any government intervention. Conclusions: Building trust and strengthening accountability structures may help stakeholders navigate differences to engage in constructive actions. This research may inform efforts in other countries where voluntary industry partnerships are pursued to address unhealthy food environments.