18 resultados para Banks and banking -- Quality control

em Deakin Research Online - Australia


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This project provides compelling evidence that the clusterin, COMMD1 and ApoE proteins function in the quality control of the essential copper-transport proteins ATP7A and ATP7B. This knowledge is significant because variations in the clusterin, COMMD1 or ApoE genes may explain the variability of patient symptoms in the copper-transport disorders, Menkes and Wilson diseases.


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The sterile insect technique has been routinely used to eradicate fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) incursions. This study considers whether fly quality in a mass-rearing facility can be improved by reducing irradiation doses, without sacrificing reproductive sterility. Pupae were exposed to one of five target irradiation dose ranges: 0, 40-45, 50-55, 60-65, and 70-75 Gy. Pupae were then assessed using routine quality control measures: flight ability, sex ratio, longevity under nutritional stress, emergence, and reproductive sterility. Irradiation did not have a significant effect on flight ability or sex ratio tests. Longevity under nutritional stress was significantly increased at 70-75 Gy, but no other doses differed from 0 Gy. Emergence was slightly reduced in the 50-55, 60-65, and 70-75 Gy treatments, but 40-45 Gy treatments did not differ from 0 Gy, though confounding temporal factors complicate interpretation. Reproductive sterility remained acceptable (> 99.5%) for all doses--40-45 Gy (99.78%), 50-55 Gy (100%), 60-65 Gy (100%), and 70-75 Gy (99.99%). We recommend that B. tryoni used in sterile insect technique releases be irradiated at a target dose of 50-55 Gy, providing improved quality and undiminished sterility in comparison with the current 70-75 Gy standard while also providing a substantial buffer against risk of under dosing.


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The lack of attention to quality control by house builders has been a contentious issue for more than three decades. In an attempt to improve the quality of housing, various mechanisms have been adopted and discarded by industry-based organizations and government legislation. Now that registration of builders has been achieved (since 1995) the regulating authority, the Building Commission have placed the maintenance of standards from registered builders at the forefront of their priorities. The provision of suitable training and continuing professional development programs is likely to receive greater attention over the next few years. However, a key factor that is often overlooked in the debate on quality of house construction is the use of subcontract labour by both, registered builders and owner builders. The repetitive nature of some activities ensures that tacit knowledge within the subcontract system becomes an integral part of house construction. Research by the authors into defects in housing has provided some interesting analyses from the statistic collected. This paper analyses the incidence of defects over a number of years in a range of functional elements within the house envelope and presents the results. Particular attention is paid to the incidence of defects where the licensed trades are involved compared to the non-licensed trades and elements. This work suggests where housing defects are likely to occur and the authors suggest that appropriate educational resources may be directed to areas where it will be most effective and beneficial. The authors propose a more integrated and inclusive approach.


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A 12-week feeding trial was undertaken to evaluate the effects of partial replacement of marine raw materials in the diet with soybean meal and beef tallow on growth and product quality of European eel (Anguilla anguilla ). Based on growth, feed efficiency and chemical composition, soybean meal was found to be an unsuitable ingredient for eel diets as a substitute for fishmeal (25% on a protein basis), probably because of the low digestibility of its carbohydrate content. However, beef tallow can be used to replace 50% of fish oil without reduction in growth, provided that digestible carbohydrates are present in the diet. No major effects of protein and lipid sources in the diet were found on fillet chemical composition. Sensory analysis revealed no significant differences between fish fed the control and the experimental diets, with the exception of salty taste which was significantly higher in fish fed combined soybean meal and beef tallow compared with fish fed the control diet.


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The Financial Intelligence Centre Act 38 of 2001 (FICA) compels certain persons and institutions (defined as "accountable institutions'') to identify and verify the identity of a new client before any transaction may be concluded or any business relationship is established.1 Accountable institutions are listed in schedule 1 to FICA and include banks, brokers, financial advisers, insurance companies, attorneys and estate agents. This duty to identify new clients came into effect on 30 June 2003. However, FICA also requires a similar procedure to be followed in respect of all current clients. Current clients are those with whom an accountable institution had business relationships on 30 June 2003.2 After 30 June 2004 an institution may not conclude a transaction in the course of its business relationship with an unidentified current client, until it has established and verified that client's identity as prescribed. An institution that concludes any transaction in contravention of this prohibition, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding R10 million or to imprisonment of up to 15 years.3

The majority of accountable institutions and their clients failed to meet the June 2004 current client identification deadline.4 This failure posed serious economic and legal risks. With a few days to spare, the minister of finance granted a partial and temporary exemption in respect of these requirements. This article explores the statutory scheme for identification and re-identification of clients and some of the practical problems that were encountered. The June 2004 exemptions from these requirements are also considered and proposals for law reform are made.

The discussion of the FICA identification scheme necessitates the following brief overview of the international and South African money laundering control framework.

1 s 21(1) of FICA.
2 s 21(2) of FICA. See also s 82(2)(b).
3 s 46(2) of FICA read with s 68(1) of FICA.


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World-wide, water is the single most used substance by humans every day. Water is also the major cause of illness and death in many countries including the affluent nations. Through this research, new risk control philosophies from catchment to consumers are highlighted. This thesis is about identifying the hazards, evaluating the risks and implementing controls to protect public health from drinking water.


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To identify methods to improve growth and mohair production of weaned Angora goats (mean liveweight 18-20 kg) during their first winter, two supplementary feeding experiments using whole-grain barley and lupins were conducted on a farm in southern New South Wales, in a region where weaner illthrift had been reported. Experiment 1 was a 2×2 + 1 factorial with 16 replicate goats; two feeding levels (115 or 230 g/day of whole-barley grain)× two periods of feeding (4 or 8 weeks) + Control (grazing only). Experiment 2 had five treatments × 13 replicate goats; three treatments fed 230 g/day of whole-barley grain for periods of 2 or 3 months and two treatments fed a 50:50 mixture of lupin and barley grain at 350 g/day for 2 or 4 months. Goats were individually fed and then all returned together for grazing. There were no effects of feeding in Experiment 1 and variations of feeding 230 g/day of barley in Experiment 2 provided no benefit. Feeding lupin/barley for 4 months increased liveweight (gain 59 g/day), mohair production, mohair fibre diameter and the incidence of medullated fibre. About 25% of this ration was not eaten by eight goats, reducing treatment average intake to 295 g/day. By the end of spring, there was no difference in treatment liveweights. Regression constants indicated that for each 1 μm increase in mean fibre diameter, greasy fleece weight increased 35 g and for each 1 kg increase in pre-shearing liveweight, greasy fleece weight increased 26 g. The results show that Angora weaner goats can grow during winter, provided their energy and protein needs for growth are met. Improved pasture management and higher levels of supplementary feeding to weaned Angoras are indicated compared with current practices on farms in Australia.


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A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a group of sensors that are geographically distributed and interconnected by wireless networks. Sensors gather information about the state of physical world. Then, after processing forward them to the main destination. To be able to provide this service, there are many aspects of communication techniques that need to be explored. Supporting quality of service (QoS) will be of critical importance for pervasive WSNs that serve as the network infrastructure of diverse applications. To illustrate new research and development interests in this field, this paper examines and discusses the requirements, critical challenges, and open research issues on QoS management in WSNs. A brief overview of recent progress is given.


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Researchers strive to optimize data quality in order to ensure that study findings are valid and reliable. In this paper, we describe a data quality control program designed to maximize quality of survey data collected using computer-assisted personal interviews. The quality control program comprised three phases: (1) software development, (2) an interviewer quality control protocol, and (3) a data cleaning and processing protocol. To illustrate the value of the program, we assess its use in the Translating Research in Elder Care Study. We utilize data collected annually for two years from computer-assisted personal interviews with 3004 healthcare aides. Data quality was assessed using both survey and process data. Missing data and data errors were minimal. Mean and median values and standard deviations were within acceptable limits. Process data indicated that in only 3.4% and 4.0% of cases was the interviewer unable to conduct interviews in accordance with the details of the program. Interviewers’ perceptions of interview quality also significantly improved between Years 1 and 2. While this data quality control program was demanding in terms of time and resources, we found that the benefits clearly outweighed the effort required to achieve high-quality data.


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From 1996 to 2012, the mass-rearing facility at Camden (NSW, Australia) has been producing Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt) (Diptera: Tephritidae). During this time, the facility has regularly recorded fly quality parameters, creating a unique data set that provides an invaluable opportunity to evaluate the interrelationships among standard quality control (QC) parameters and test for redundant QC variables. Here, we conducted an exploratory data analysis to reveal relationships among the QC parameters. We found that pupal weight, adult lifespan, and longevity under nutritional stress (i.e., survival duration without food or water) had distinct monthly trends, suggesting that these QC parameters are sensitive to seasonal conditions. Furthermore, emergence percentage, flight ability, and adult lifespan were adversely affected by the dyeing/handling/irradiation process associated with sterile insect releases. Using a multivariate approach and controlling for monthly and yearly patterns, we showed that pupal weight and egg hatch are consistently negatively related and that percentage male and emergence rates are consistently negatively related. These results suggest that these correlation pairs measure similar quality information and hence one QC variable from each pair could be dropped. Flight ability was not strongly correlated with any of the QC variables, suggesting that this QC variable remains a useful QC metric. Finally, the longevity under nutritional stress QC appears to be fairly insensitive to QCs and we suggest that it should be replaced by the standard mortality under stress test.